Well.............considering that there are several MAJOR military bases (Seattle, San Francisco, San Diego and Treasure Island just to name a few), as well as a large chunk of our produce comes from California, if this happened, it would have a severe impact on our military readiness, as well as could potentially kill our economy.
How is this news? People on the West Coast have known all their lives that some day the "Big One" will eventually hit. It's also inevitable that some day Yellowstone will erupt and wipe out 75% of life on the planet, just like Toba did 74,000 years ago.
Well.............considering that there are several MAJOR military bases (Seattle, San Francisco, San Diego and Treasure Island just to name a few), as well as a large chunk of our produce comes from California, if this happened, it would have a severe impact on our military readiness, as well as could potentially kill our economy.

Just to point out a detail- Treasure Island and San Francisco are not military bases anymore.

Seattle and San Diego to be sure.
I did the OP for the benefit of those who might be in the way of a major earthquake and tsunami. Anybody who wants to call it crying wolf can kiss my ass....I think it's appropriate to update a situation that seems to have changed considerably in the last few months that could impact so many million people....don't like it keep fucking walking. :uhh:
Regarding the ring of fire, we had the big bounce in Japan, a rocker in Chile, Haiti, Christchurch New Zealand, big ones in Indonesia, other big ones in China, Mexico and Alaska... and I'm forgetting some.

The one subduction zone that's been locked up has been Cascadia off West Coast, as the OP says.

Think of it this way; if you ring one side of a bell, the vibrations eventually move around to all parts of the metal.

We're due. I say bring it on. Shake it like a Polaroid picture. I like earthquakes. I like to surf them.

Cascadia Plate,
Quakes in western States,
Tornados on the plains,
Eastern Hurricanes,
I'll drop an EMP in the sky of your brain.
Bring it like a mother,
Bring it like a trucker,
Bring it like the son of a wolverine fucker.
Open up them stables,
Cain it to the Abel,
Like Abe Lincoln's troubles,
Throw it like Rob Dibble,
Crossover dribble to the hizzle,
Bring it like Godzilla
And throw down like a killah,
Fukushima filth.
The weather vane be spinnin,
Startin' to get that feeling,
But it really ain't no thaing.
I'll just drop an EMP in the sky of your brain.

Yeah, Tree-hop rap, cash money, hehe, just rapping in the trees. Word to our Mother.
They would rather talk about the fake science of "global warming".

I've lived in California the majority of my life (1 year in Montana). No one has ever accurately predicted an Earthquake. Not the old wives tales about "Earthquake weather" nor the seismologists. They happen when they happen.

People can't predict earthquakes, but animals can. So this geologist, Jim Berkland, started perusing the lost pet column in the classified section of the newspaper. There was a huge spike of lost pets before the so-called World Series Quake in 1989.
The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes by Cal Orey

Problem is, people no longer read newspapers. Incidentally, I was a mile from the epicenter at Cabrillo Junior College in 1989. That was a kick! That was a P wave quake that lasted a long time. I could hear all the glass breaking in the science wing, and all the books falling in the library. Chunks of concrete were falling all around me from a second story walkway. A rock wall fissured in front of me. Women were shrieking. Radical. P wave quakes shake you like a rag doll.

S wave quakes and their aftershocks are fun to surf. P wave ones of 7.0 or greater, it's too difficult to control your body. You just have to crouch down and pray to your maker.

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