Beloit Police Ask Residents To Volunteer To Have Their Homes Searched For Guns


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Holy smokes. wtf
a lot of comments with this at the site

Chief Of Police Says He Hopes Initiative Can Help Residents Begin Thinking Differently About Guns

Friday, December 5, 2014, 8:45pm
By Gilman Halsted

Police in Beloit are launching a new effort to reduce gun violence in which they're asking city residents to volunteer to have police search their homes for guns.

Police Chief Norm Jacobs said he doesn't expect the phone to be ringing off the hook with requests for police to search their homes. He nevertheless hopes the program will encourage people to think about gun violence as an infectious disease like Ebola, and a home inspection like a vaccine to help build up the city's immune system.

"Gun violence is as serious as the Ebola virus is being represented in the media, and we should fight it using the tools that we've learned from our health providers,” he said.

Jacobs said he hopes some searches will result in the discovery of guns they didn't know were in their own homes. He said that there’s also a chance they’ll find guns linked to crimes.

“That's really what we're looking for,” he said. “Maybe we'll find a toy gun that's been altered by a youngster in the house — and we know the tragedies that can occur there on occasion.”

There have been seven gun homicides in Beloit this year. Four of the victims were teenagers or young men in their 20s — like Melisha Holloway's 20-year-old son Raymond, who was killed in April. Holloway said too many young men have given up on school.

all of it here:
Beloit Police Ask Residents To Volunteer To Have Their Homes Searched For Guns Wisconsin Public Radio
Hey, rights arent a big deal and they are asking you nicely, so thats something
Hey, rights arent a big deal and they are asking you nicely, so thats something

It starts out as voluntary and becomes mandatory. Here's the scenario. The law abiding and unsuspecting citizens will volunteer to have their homes searched. The criminals of course won't. Violent crime statistics won't be affected (no surprise). Then they will use that failure as an excuse to make it mandatory, saying "We tried to stop the violence through cooperation but that didn't work so we have to make it mandatory. It's the only way it'll work".
...Police Chief Norm Jacobs said he doesn't expect the phone to be ringing off the hook with requests for police to search their homes. He nevertheless hopes the program will encourage people to think about gun violence as an infectious disease like Ebola, and a home inspection like a vaccine to help build up the city's immune system...
Typical Orwellian Lib-Speak... a Gun-Grabber with a badge... and calling gun ownership a disease... I wonder how many Sheeple and lemmings will call-in.

why not just do what the cops say? I mean, jeez
What if it was a conservative chief of police asking you to let them search for drugs and porn?

I dont know...Do what the police says seems to be a popular saying nowadays.

Did it stop? Is it time to go back to acting like we have rights again?
There's a difference between obeying orders when you're doing something illegal and when you're not.
why not just do what the cops say? I mean, jeez
What if it was a conservative chief of police asking you to let them search for drugs and porn?

I dont know...Do what the police says seems to be a popular saying nowadays.

Did it stop? Is it time to go back to acting like we have rights again?
There's a difference between obeying orders when you're doing something illegal and when you're not.

Actually no...its common that you do what the police tell you to regardless if you are under arrest, doing something illegal or just minding your business
why not just do what the cops say? I mean, jeez
What if it was a conservative chief of police asking you to let them search for drugs and porn?

I dont know...Do what the police says seems to be a popular saying nowadays.

Did it stop? Is it time to go back to acting like we have rights again?
There's a difference between obeying orders when you're doing something illegal and when you're not.

Actually no...its common that you do what the police tell you to regardless if you are under arrest, doing something illegal or just minding your business
Sure, if you're out in public but that's a lot different than asking people to call in and invite the cops over to search your house. You can't see the difference?
why not just do what the cops say? I mean, jeez
What if it was a conservative chief of police asking you to let them search for drugs and porn?
Usually there isn't anything worth stealing in a liberals home. No TV, no guns, nothing but self-help books and jugs of water. They carry their pc with them.
why not just do what the cops say? I mean, jeez
What if it was a conservative chief of police asking you to let them search for drugs and porn?

I dont know...Do what the police says seems to be a popular saying nowadays.

Did it stop? Is it time to go back to acting like we have rights again?
There's a difference between obeying orders when you're doing something illegal and when you're not.

Actually no...its common that you do what the police tell you to regardless if you are under arrest, doing something illegal or just minding your business
Sure, if you're out in public but that's a lot different than asking people to call in and invite the cops over to search your house. You can't see the difference?

No you cant explain the difference...thats the difference
What if it was a conservative chief of police asking you to let them search for drugs and porn?

I dont know...Do what the police says seems to be a popular saying nowadays.

Did it stop? Is it time to go back to acting like we have rights again?
There's a difference between obeying orders when you're doing something illegal and when you're not.

Actually no...its common that you do what the police tell you to regardless if you are under arrest, doing something illegal or just minding your business
Sure, if you're out in public but that's a lot different than asking people to call in and invite the cops over to search your house. You can't see the difference?

No you cant explain the difference...thats the difference
While in public one does not have an expectation of privacy. While at home one DOES have an expectation of privacy. I do not allow cops in my home unless they provide a legal document ordering me to.
“Police Chief Norm Jacobs said he doesn't expect the phone to be ringing off the hook with requests for police to search their homes.”

That pretty much sums it up: a failed attempt to contrive a non-issue into a 'controversy,' another rightwing thread that fails as a slippery slope fallacy.
“Police Chief Norm Jacobs said he doesn't expect the phone to be ringing off the hook with requests for police to search their homes.”

That pretty much sums it up: a failed attempt to contrive a non-issue into a 'controversy,' another rightwing thread that fails as a slippery slope fallacy.
It's stupid Who in the hell is going to call the police and check to see if there are guns in your house? What idiot doesn't know what's in their own home?
why not just do what the cops say? I mean, jeez
What if it was a conservative chief of police asking you to let them search for drugs and porn?

I dont know...Do what the police says seems to be a popular saying nowadays.

Did it stop? Is it time to go back to acting like we have rights again?
There's a difference between obeying orders when you're doing something illegal and when you're not.

sounds like white privilege to me

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