Kind of serious, but it shouldn't be


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
I'm a little late, but lately I've been watching a lot of Bill Burr's comedy. You tube has just about every joke he's ever said.
He's friggin awesome. It makes me miss the days of when you could say crap about blacks, whites, gays, and just about anything else. If it was funny, you could make a joke about. And even if it was about you or your kind, it was still funny.

I watch a recent interview of him and Steven Colbert. And he said something about one of those "groups" of people and my god, even steven got all hush mouthed. Like "Oh crap, he's gonna get me sued."

Is it the millenials that are screwing up comedy? Or Gen Z? I was on some Gen X FB page the day, which is supposed to be filled with my generation. I made some joke about some dude who pretends to be a woman, you know what of those trans-things. Anyways, the white Karens came out of the wood work like a bunch of crazy psychopaths. OMG, screaming a bunch of crap, like we're all supposed to think the same way.
Why do we all have to think the same way? Why can't we make fun of others and ourselves?
And even more importantly, why do those of us, who don't want to "conform" to all this BS, why do we put up with it?

This may be the wrong place for this. if so, please move it. But it's about comedy.
This may be the wrong place for this. if so, please move it. But it's about comedy.
I'm 60 and I'm too old to worry with these insane assholes. They are incapable of understanding comedy because they've bought into the idea that they should NEVER be offended in any way and if someone dares to do so they MUST be destroyed. They are idiots and they will someday reap the harvest they are sowing.
I'm 60 and I'm too old to worry with these insane assholes. They are incapable of understanding comedy because they've bought into the idea that they should NEVER be offended in any way and if someone dares to do so they MUST be destroyed. They are idiots and they will someday reap the harvest they are sowing.

Ok Boomer. HA HA HA HA HA

Serious, you know what this means don't you? All the fabulous comedy that we could be having right now, with these punky little white punks, dudes pretending to be women and all the other things going on, we missing out on a ton of laughs.
This could be the years of comedy gold. Just think about all the great stuff they could be making jokes about now. But it's gotta be like this.
I've never listened to his pod cast. I'm not a pod cast kind of guy. But this is pretty real.

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