Killing an Unborn Baby is Murder -- Sometimes

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
We really are a schizophrenic culture. Charged with a double murder. I'm glad, but what does this say about our culture?

Mother and grandmother of unborn murder victims hoped for the death penalty for the TWO murders

It's a HUMAN LIFE, except when mom says it's not
Whether or not you consider it murder, I think you should put abortion into the context of it happening.

For instance, what would be the damage of forcing a rape victim to carry her violator's baby? Some of them may be able to deal with it, some of them may not.

What if the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother (and baby)?

What if you would be bringing a child into the world that the mother cannot properly care for?

What if the baby has serious medical problems?

Sometimes abortion is a choice between quality of life and quantity of life, sometimes the life of the baby, and sometimes it is choosing the life of the mother (quality or quantity) over that of the child.

The world isn't black and white divided into evil and good, but exists of a lot of shades of grey, and allowing women a choice over what happens in their body is a good thing. Yes, there should be support for (not) making that choice, but at least give women that choice to try and make something of their lives regardless of things that happened in their past (whether or not it was their mistake).

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