Key Revelations in the Nunes Memo that Democrats Keep Ignoring


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
1. The FBI used Steele's dossier as the main basis for their FISA application to spy on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page, even though the FBI officials involved with the matter knew that the dossier had not been properly vetted or verified. According to the head of the FBI's counterintelligence division, Assistant Director Bill Priestap, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its "infancy" at the time of the initial Page FISA application. After Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele's reporting as only minimally corroborated. Then-FBI Director James Comey called the dossier "salacious and unverified" when he testified in June 2017 (yet Comey signed one of the FISA warrant extensions).

2. The FBI used news articles sourced by Steele, including a Yahoo News article that had Steele as its source, to corroborate Steele's dossier.

3. The FBI falsely told the court in its FISA application that Steele did not provide information to Yahoo News about Page’s Moscow trip. But British court filings show that Steele admitted he met with Yahoo News in September 2016, two months before the FBI got its initial warrant, to discuss the trip at the direction of Fusion GPS.

4. When the FBI submitted the FISA application, which was based largely on Steele's dossier, the FBI knew that Steele was being paid by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.

5. The FBI did not tell the FISA court that information cited in its FISA application was gathered by someone who was being paid by Trump’s political opponents.

6. The FBI knew that Steele was working for Fusion GPS, a research firm that was hired by a law firm that was receiving large payments from the Clinton campaign and the DNC. The FBI also knew that the DNC and the Clinton campaign had paid Steele $160K directly. The FBI chose not to tell the FISA court about these financial connections.

7. Without the Steele dossier, the FBI would not have tried to get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page.

8. Even when the FBI submitted renewal applications, three of them, they never told the FISA court about the Steele dossier or Steele's financial connections with the DNC and the Clinton campaign.

9. Soon after getting the first FISA warrant, the FBI fired Steele for making unauthorized disclosures and lying to the FBI! Yet, even then, the FBI officials involved with the FISA warrant did not tell the FISA court that they had used Steele's dossier as their main source and that they had dismissed Steele as a source for disreputable conduct.

10. While the FBI was working on getting the first FISA warrant, then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr’s wife was working for Fusion GPS, the firm that hired Steele to dig up dirt on Trump. At the firm, she helped conduct opposition research on Trump and his associates. The FBI did not inform the FISA court about any of this information.

'Nunes memo' revelations prove the FBI makes up its own rules

Outcry over the Nunes memo is damning for Democrats and FBI

5 Most Damning Truths From the FISA Memo
Like I posted yesterday, the Democrats are talking about everything BUT the very clear and very damning content of the Nunes memo. They can't even decide if it's a 'nothing burger' or the decimation of our Intelligence Agencies. Come on guys it can't be both, get your bullshit story straight.
1. The FBI used Steele's dossier as the main basis for their FISA application to spy on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page, even though the FBI officials involved with the matter knew that the dossier had not been properly vetted or verified. According to the head of the FBI's counterintelligence division, Assistant Director Bill Priestap, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its "infancy" at the time of the initial Page FISA application. After Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele's reporting as only minimally corroborated. Then-FBI Director James Comey called the dossier "salacious and unverified" when he testified in June 2017 (yet Comey signed one of the FISA warrant extensions).

2. The FBI used news articles sourced by Steele, including a Yahoo News article that had Steele as its source, to corroborate Steele's dossier.

3. The FBI falsely told the court in its FISA application that Steele did not provide information to Yahoo News about Page’s Moscow trip. But British court filings show that Steele admitted he met with Yahoo News in September 2016, two months before the FBI got its initial warrant, to discuss the trip at the direction of Fusion GPS.

4. When the FBI submitted the FISA application, which was based largely on Steele's dossier, the FBI knew that Steele was being paid by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.

5. The FBI did not tell the FISA court that information cited in its FISA application was gathered by someone who was being paid by Trump’s political opponents.

6. The FBI knew that Steele was working for Fusion GPS, a research firm that was hired by a law firm that was receiving large payments from the Clinton campaign and the DNC. The FBI also knew that the DNC and the Clinton campaign had paid Steele $160K directly. The FBI chose not to tell the FISA court about these financial connections.

7. Without the Steele dossier, the FBI would not have tried to get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page.

8. Even when the FBI submitted renewal applications, three of them, they never told the FISA court about the Steele dossier or Steele's financial connections with the DNC and the Clinton campaign.

9. Soon after getting the first FISA warrant, the FBI fired Steele for making unauthorized disclosures and lying to the FBI! Yet, even then, the FBI officials involved with the FISA warrant did not tell the FISA court that they had used Steele's dossier as their main source and that they had dismissed Steele as a source for disreputable conduct.

10. While the FBI was working on getting the first FISA warrant, then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr’s wife was working for Fusion GPS, the firm that hired Steele to dig up dirt on Trump. At the firm, she helped conduct opposition research on Trump and his associates. The FBI did not inform the FISA court about any of this information.

'Nunes memo' revelations prove the FBI makes up its own rules

Outcry over the Nunes memo is damning for Democrats and FBI

5 Most Damning Truths From the FISA Memo
1. Show me in the memo where it said MAIN basis you can't invent text because it would fit the narrative better. Even more by saying MAIN you admit that there were other reasons to believe Page was a person of interest for the intelligence community. This immediately makes the whole narrative suspect.
2. This is actually contested. "In reality, the article made was not “derived” from Steele. Isikoff, citing “multiple sources,” reported that U.S. intelligence officials had briefed senior members of Congress on Page's activities in Russia.:"Analysis | The memo’s description of a supposedly key news report is wrong
3. Meeting with the press is not the same as giving them the story in question.
4. So? The fact that the story comes from a source with a bias says nothing of it's accuracy. If someone gets accused of rape and it comes out that victim didn't like the rapist beforehand does that make the accusation by definition inadmissible? Btw the Steele dossier has aspects of it that have since been corroborated.
5. Again something that's contested The central argument in the Nunes memo may have just been debunked. But again why does it matter in the slightest to it's accuracy?
6. See point 5
7. Again being contested. especially because Page first showed up on the FBI's radar in 2013 LOOOOONG before Steele.FBI was 'given second Trump-Russia dossier'
8. Here we get to another thing the memo admitted. In order to get a renewal you have to get additional facts to the original warrant. In other words the Steele dossier couldn't be used in the renewals, the FBI had to be able to establish that they had turned up more evidence. Pretty important if you are trying to establish that the FBI went after Page unjustly.
9. See point 5 and 6
10. So if I have a company that has tens of thousands of employees, if the wife of one of those employees is working for a company that has a connection with a dossier accusing someone of espionage, that is so material to the FACTS of that dossier that it null in voids the accusations? Not the employee but the wife of the employee? I don't think so.
Now I'll make some points of my own.
11. The memo admits contacts with Russia first became suspect not because of the Steele dossier but because of Papadopoulos.
12. Nobody is trying to claim that Page didn't have contacts with the Russians.
13. Page was already gone from the Trump campaign when the warrant was issued. Making the accusation that it was a part of a campaign against Trump dubious at best.
14. The memo makes absolutely no mention of the Mueller investigation, again making it hard to say it is compromised in any way.
15. As a conclusion. It's pretty pathetic that Nunes released this memo which doesn't give any new facts. Clearly can't establish any real wrongdoing. It relies on half truths and destroys his committees credibility with the intelligence community.
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1. The FBI used Steele's dossier as the main basis for their FISA application to spy on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page, even though the FBI officials involved with the matter knew that the dossier had not been properly vetted or verified. According to the head of the FBI's counterintelligence division, Assistant Director Bill Priestap, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its "infancy" at the time of the initial Page FISA application. After Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele's reporting as only minimally corroborated. Then-FBI Director James Comey called the dossier "salacious and unverified" when he testified in June 2017 (yet Comey signed one of the FISA warrant extensions).

2. The FBI used news articles sourced by Steele, including a Yahoo News article that had Steele as its source, to corroborate Steele's dossier.

3. The FBI falsely told the court in its FISA application that Steele did not provide information to Yahoo News about Page’s Moscow trip. But British court filings show that Steele admitted he met with Yahoo News in September 2016, two months before the FBI got its initial warrant, to discuss the trip at the direction of Fusion GPS.

4. When the FBI submitted the FISA application, which was based largely on Steele's dossier, the FBI knew that Steele was being paid by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.

5. The FBI did not tell the FISA court that information cited in its FISA application was gathered by someone who was being paid by Trump’s political opponents.

6. The FBI knew that Steele was working for Fusion GPS, a research firm that was hired by a law firm that was receiving large payments from the Clinton campaign and the DNC. The FBI also knew that the DNC and the Clinton campaign had paid Steele $160K directly. The FBI chose not to tell the FISA court about these financial connections.

7. Without the Steele dossier, the FBI would not have tried to get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page.

8. Even when the FBI submitted renewal applications, three of them, they never told the FISA court about the Steele dossier or Steele's financial connections with the DNC and the Clinton campaign.

9. Soon after getting the first FISA warrant, the FBI fired Steele for making unauthorized disclosures and lying to the FBI! Yet, even then, the FBI officials involved with the FISA warrant did not tell the FISA court that they had used Steele's dossier as their main source and that they had dismissed Steele as a source for disreputable conduct.

10. While the FBI was working on getting the first FISA warrant, then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr’s wife was working for Fusion GPS, the firm that hired Steele to dig up dirt on Trump. At the firm, she helped conduct opposition research on Trump and his associates. The FBI did not inform the FISA court about any of this information.

'Nunes memo' revelations prove the FBI makes up its own rules

Outcry over the Nunes memo is damning for Democrats and FBI

5 Most Damning Truths From the FISA Memo
1. Show me in the memo where it said MAIN basis you can't invent text because it would fit the narrative better. Even more by saying MAIN you admit that there were other reasons to believe Page was a person of interest for the intelligence community. This immediately makes the whole narrative suspect.
2. This is actually contested. "In reality, the article made was not “derived” from Steele. Isikoff, citing “multiple sources,” reported that U.S. intelligence officials had briefed senior members of Congress on Page's activities in Russia.:"Analysis | The memo’s description of a supposedly key news report is wrong
3. Meeting with the press is not the same as giving them the story in question.
4. So? The fact that the story comes from a source with a bias says nothing of it's accuracy. If someone gets accused of rape and it comes out that victim didn't like the rapist beforehand does that make the accusation by definition inadmissible? Btw the Steele dossier has aspects of it that have since been corroborated.
5. Again something that's contested The central argument in the Nunes memo may have just been debunked. But again why does it matter in the slightest to it's accuracy?
6. See point 5
7. Again being contested. especially because Page first showed up on the FBI's radar in 2013 LOOOOONG before Steele.FBI was 'given second Trump-Russia dossier'
8. Here we get to another thing the memo admitted. In order to get a renewal you have to get additional facts to the original warrant. In other words the Steele dossier couldn't be used in the renewals, the FBI had to be able to establish that they had turned up more evidence. Pretty important if you are trying to establish that the FBI went after Page unjustly.
9. See point 5 and 6
10. So if I have a company that has tens of thousands of employees, if the wife of one of those employees is working for a company that has a connection with a dossier accusing someone of espionage, that is so material to the FACTS of that dossier that it null in voids the accusations? Not the employee but the wife of the employee? I don't think so.
Now I'll make some points of my own.
11. The memo admits contacts with Russia first became suspect not because of the Steele dossier but because of Papadopoulos.
12. Nobody is trying to claim that Page didn't have contacts with the Russians.
13. Page was already gone from the Trump campaign when the warrant was issued. Making the accusation that it was a part of a campaign against Trump dubious at best.
14. The memo makes absolutely no mention of the Mueller investigation, again making it hard to say it is compromised in any way.
15. As a conclusion. It's pretty pathetic that Nunes released this memo which doesn't give any new facts. Clearly can't establish any real wrongdoing. It relies on half truths and destroys his committees credibility with the intelligence community.

What a pack of lies, half-truths, and distortions. Some points in reply:

Why did you avoid the fact that Comey himself said the Steele dossier was “salacious and unverified"? That according to Assistant Director Bill Priestap, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its “infancy” at the time of the initial Page FISA application? That after Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele’s reporting as only minimally corroborated?

Why did you dance around the fact that Comey, McCabe, Ohr, etc., failed to disclose to the FISA court that the main basis--or even a partial basis--of their application was a dossier prepared by a shady man who was getting paid by the DNC and the Clinton campaign? It is amazing that you will not confront that serious omission.

If the Nunes memo gives "no new information," why did the Dems fight like crazed dogs to keep it sealed? And where is the supposedly damaging disclosure of "sources and methods" that the Dems claimed the Nunes memo contained and that they used as one of their excuses for opposing the memo's release?

What were the supposed other sources for the Yahoo News article? Even if Steele was a minor/secondary source for the article, citing the article as corroboration for Steele's dossier was shabby, disreputable vetting. Since when do news stories constitute corroboration for material used in a FISA warrant application? Since when? Please answer this question.

The Nunes memo states that McCabe testified that without the Steele dossier, there would have been no FISA warrant application. Oh, this is "contested" and "disputed." Well, yeah, Dems are disputing all kinds of clear, obvious facts that they don't have the honesty and patriotism to admit. I trust that the Dems will not object to releasing the transcript of McCable's classified testimony so that we can verify that McCabe said what Nunes says he said. Right? Right?

OF COURSE Page was already being investigated when the FBI asked for the FISA warrant! Duh! This is a Dem talking point that all the liberal networks keep repeating. Do you guys even think before you voice such silly stuff? The FBI normally does not ask for FISA warrants on people out of the blue, on people they know nothing about until the time they prepare the warrant application. So of course Page had already "appeared on their radar"! The point is that when the FBI went to get a FISA warrant on him, they used a lying dossier done by a shady character who was taking big bucks from the Clintons and the DNC to dig up dirt on Trump, and that the FBI did not even inform the FISA court that that dossier formed any part of the basis for the FISA application.

You argue that "the memo admits contacts with Russia first became suspect not because of the Steele dossier but because of Papadopoulos." Uh, you left out something, didn't you? The memo also states that the FISA application contained information on Papadopoulos and that that information triggered the Russian-collusion investigation. Let's the read the relevant part of the memo, shall we? Here you go:

The Page FISA application also mentions information regarding fellow Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, but there is no evidence of any cooperation or conspiracy between Page and Papadopoulos. The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok. (Section 5)​

Did you somehow miss that part of the memo when you skimmed over it? Have you actually read the memo, or are you relying on Democratic summaries of it? If you read the memo, how did you miss the above information?

If the FBI had not used the Steele dossier, there would have been no FISA application and no information on Papadopoulos to trigger the Russian-collusion witch hunt.

What was the supposed additional information that justified the FISA warrant extensions? And why didn't Comey and McCabe & Company bother to inform the FISA court about Steele's firing, his receipt of $160K from the DNC/Clinton campaign, and his role with Fusion GPS?

If the Steele dossier was not the main basis of the FISA application, then what was? Let's see it. The Nunes memo says that McCabe testified that there would have been no FISA application without the Steele dossier. You "dispute" that? Good, then I trust you'll strongly support releasing McCabe's testimony. Right? Right?

I find your excuses for the hiding of Ohr's wife's connection with Fusion GPS almost comical. Let's get some facts straight: "During this same time period, Ohr’s wife was employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of opposition research on Trump. Ohr later provided the FBI with all of his wife’s opposition research, paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign via Fusion GPS. The Ohrs’ relationship with Steele and Fusion GPS was inexplicably concealed from the FISC [the FISA court]." Are you seriously claiming that this was not material information that the court deserved and needed to know?!
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People need prosecuted over this, made an example of and this needs to be done in such a manner and the penalties so severe that it serves as a deterrent for decades, and takes on a life of its own, becoming a cautionary tale for all generations.

The punishment should be swift, horrific and graphic and Public!

1. The FBI used Steele's dossier as the main basis for their FISA application to spy on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page, even though the FBI officials involved with the matter knew that the dossier had not been properly vetted or verified. According to the head of the FBI's counterintelligence division, Assistant Director Bill Priestap, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its "infancy" at the time of the initial Page FISA application. After Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele's reporting as only minimally corroborated. Then-FBI Director James Comey called the dossier "salacious and unverified" when he testified in June 2017 (yet Comey signed one of the FISA warrant extensions).

2. The FBI used news articles sourced by Steele, including a Yahoo News article that had Steele as its source, to corroborate Steele's dossier.

3. The FBI falsely told the court in its FISA application that Steele did not provide information to Yahoo News about Page’s Moscow trip. But British court filings show that Steele admitted he met with Yahoo News in September 2016, two months before the FBI got its initial warrant, to discuss the trip at the direction of Fusion GPS.

4. When the FBI submitted the FISA application, which was based largely on Steele's dossier, the FBI knew that Steele was being paid by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.

5. The FBI did not tell the FISA court that information cited in its FISA application was gathered by someone who was being paid by Trump’s political opponents.

6. The FBI knew that Steele was working for Fusion GPS, a research firm that was hired by a law firm that was receiving large payments from the Clinton campaign and the DNC. The FBI also knew that the DNC and the Clinton campaign had paid Steele $160K directly. The FBI chose not to tell the FISA court about these financial connections.

7. Without the Steele dossier, the FBI would not have tried to get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page.

8. Even when the FBI submitted renewal applications, three of them, they never told the FISA court about the Steele dossier or Steele's financial connections with the DNC and the Clinton campaign.

9. Soon after getting the first FISA warrant, the FBI fired Steele for making unauthorized disclosures and lying to the FBI! Yet, even then, the FBI officials involved with the FISA warrant did not tell the FISA court that they had used Steele's dossier as their main source and that they had dismissed Steele as a source for disreputable conduct.

10. While the FBI was working on getting the first FISA warrant, then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr’s wife was working for Fusion GPS, the firm that hired Steele to dig up dirt on Trump. At the firm, she helped conduct opposition research on Trump and his associates. The FBI did not inform the FISA court about any of this information.

'Nunes memo' revelations prove the FBI makes up its own rules

Outcry over the Nunes memo is damning for Democrats and FBI

5 Most Damning Truths From the FISA Memo
Fucking Excellent!

1. The FBI used Steele's dossier as the main basis for their FISA application to spy on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page, even though the FBI officials involved with the matter knew that the dossier had not been properly vetted or verified. According to the head of the FBI's counterintelligence division, Assistant Director Bill Priestap, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its "infancy" at the time of the initial Page FISA application. After Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele's reporting as only minimally corroborated. Then-FBI Director James Comey called the dossier "salacious and unverified" when he testified in June 2017 (yet Comey signed one of the FISA warrant extensions).

2. The FBI used news articles sourced by Steele, including a Yahoo News article that had Steele as its source, to corroborate Steele's dossier.

3. The FBI falsely told the court in its FISA application that Steele did not provide information to Yahoo News about Page’s Moscow trip. But British court filings show that Steele admitted he met with Yahoo News in September 2016, two months before the FBI got its initial warrant, to discuss the trip at the direction of Fusion GPS.

4. When the FBI submitted the FISA application, which was based largely on Steele's dossier, the FBI knew that Steele was being paid by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.

5. The FBI did not tell the FISA court that information cited in its FISA application was gathered by someone who was being paid by Trump’s political opponents.

6. The FBI knew that Steele was working for Fusion GPS, a research firm that was hired by a law firm that was receiving large payments from the Clinton campaign and the DNC. The FBI also knew that the DNC and the Clinton campaign had paid Steele $160K directly. The FBI chose not to tell the FISA court about these financial connections.

7. Without the Steele dossier, the FBI would not have tried to get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page.

8. Even when the FBI submitted renewal applications, three of them, they never told the FISA court about the Steele dossier or Steele's financial connections with the DNC and the Clinton campaign.

9. Soon after getting the first FISA warrant, the FBI fired Steele for making unauthorized disclosures and lying to the FBI! Yet, even then, the FBI officials involved with the FISA warrant did not tell the FISA court that they had used Steele's dossier as their main source and that they had dismissed Steele as a source for disreputable conduct.

10. While the FBI was working on getting the first FISA warrant, then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr’s wife was working for Fusion GPS, the firm that hired Steele to dig up dirt on Trump. At the firm, she helped conduct opposition research on Trump and his associates. The FBI did not inform the FISA court about any of this information.

'Nunes memo' revelations prove the FBI makes up its own rules

Outcry over the Nunes memo is damning for Democrats and FBI

5 Most Damning Truths From the FISA Memo
1. Show me in the memo where it said MAIN basis you can't invent text because it would fit the narrative better. Even more by saying MAIN you admit that there were other reasons to believe Page was a person of interest for the intelligence community. This immediately makes the whole narrative suspect.
2. This is actually contested. "In reality, the article made was not “derived” from Steele. Isikoff, citing “multiple sources,” reported that U.S. intelligence officials had briefed senior members of Congress on Page's activities in Russia.:"Analysis | The memo’s description of a supposedly key news report is wrong
3. Meeting with the press is not the same as giving them the story in question.
4. So? The fact that the story comes from a source with a bias says nothing of it's accuracy. If someone gets accused of rape and it comes out that victim didn't like the rapist beforehand does that make the accusation by definition inadmissible? Btw the Steele dossier has aspects of it that have since been corroborated.
5. Again something that's contested The central argument in the Nunes memo may have just been debunked. But again why does it matter in the slightest to it's accuracy?
6. See point 5
7. Again being contested. especially because Page first showed up on the FBI's radar in 2013 LOOOOONG before Steele.FBI was 'given second Trump-Russia dossier'
8. Here we get to another thing the memo admitted. In order to get a renewal you have to get additional facts to the original warrant. In other words the Steele dossier couldn't be used in the renewals, the FBI had to be able to establish that they had turned up more evidence. Pretty important if you are trying to establish that the FBI went after Page unjustly.
9. See point 5 and 6
10. So if I have a company that has tens of thousands of employees, if the wife of one of those employees is working for a company that has a connection with a dossier accusing someone of espionage, that is so material to the FACTS of that dossier that it null in voids the accusations? Not the employee but the wife of the employee? I don't think so.
Now I'll make some points of my own.
11. The memo admits contacts with Russia first became suspect not because of the Steele dossier but because of Papadopoulos.
12. Nobody is trying to claim that Page didn't have contacts with the Russians.
13. Page was already gone from the Trump campaign when the warrant was issued. Making the accusation that it was a part of a campaign against Trump dubious at best.
14. The memo makes absolutely no mention of the Mueller investigation, again making it hard to say it is compromised in any way.
15. As a conclusion. It's pretty pathetic that Nunes released this memo which doesn't give any new facts. Clearly can't establish any real wrongdoing. It relies on half truths and destroys his committees credibility with the intelligence community.

What a pack of lies, half-truths, and distortions. Some points in reply:

Why did you avoid the fact that Comey himself said the Steele dossier was “salacious and unverified"? That according to Assistant Director Bill Priestap, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its “infancy” at the time of the initial Page FISA application? That after Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele’s reporting as only minimally corroborated?

Why did you dance around the fact that Comey, McCabe, Ohr, etc., failed to disclose to the FISA court that the main basis--or even a partial basis--of their application was a dossier prepared by a shady man who was getting paid by the DNC and the Clinton campaign? It is amazing that you will not confront that serious omission.

If the Nunes memo gives "no new information," why did the Dems fight like crazed dogs to keep it sealed? And where is the supposedly damaging disclosure of "sources and methods" that the Dems claimed the Nunes memo contained and that they used as one of their excuses for opposing the memo's release?

What were the supposed other sources for the Yahoo News article? Even if Steele was a minor/secondary source for the article, citing the article as corroboration for Steele's dossier was shabby, disreputable vetting. Since when do news stories constitute corroboration for material used in a FISA warrant application? Since when? Please answer this question.

The Nunes memo states that McCabe testified that without the Steele dossier, there would have been no FISA warrant application. Oh, this is "contested" and "disputed." Well, yeah, Dems are disputing all kinds of clear, obvious facts that they don't have the honesty and patriotism to admit. I trust that the Dems will not object to releasing the transcript of McCable's classified testimony so that we can verify that McCabe said what Nunes says he said. Right? Right?

OF COURSE Page was already being investigated when the FBI asked for the FISA warrant! Duh! This is a Dem talking point that all the liberal networks keep repeating. Do you guys even think before you voice such silly stuff? The FBI normally does not ask for FISA warrants on people out of the blue, on people they know nothing about until the time they prepare the warrant application. So of course Page had already "appeared on their radar"! The point is that when the FBI went to get a FISA warrant on him, they used a lying dossier done by a shady character who was taking big bucks from the Clintons and the DNC to dig up dirt on Trump, and that the FBI did not even inform the FISA court that that dossier formed any part of the basis for the FISA application.

The "memo admits contacts with Russia first became suspect not because of the Steele dossier but because of Papadopoulos." Uh, you left out something, didn't you? The memo also states that the FISA application contained information on Papadopoulos and that that information triggered the Russian-collusion investigation. Let's the read the relevant part of the memo, shall we? Here you go:

The Page FISA application also mentions information regarding fellow Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, but there is no evidence of any cooperation or conspiracy between Page and Papadopoulos. The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok. (Section 5)​

Did you somehow miss that part when you skimmed over the memo?

If the FBI had not used the Steele dossier, there would have been no FISA application and no information on Papadopoulos to trigger the Russian-collusion witch hunt.

What was the supposed additional information that justified the FISA warrant extensions? And why didn't Comey and McCabe & Company bother to inform the FISA court about Steele's firing, his receipt of $160K from the DNC/Clinton campaign, and his role with Fusion GPS?

If the Steele dossier was not the main basis of the FISA application, then what was? Let's see it. The Nunes memo says that McCabe testified that there would have been no FISA application without the Steele dossier. You "dispute" that? Good, then I trust you'll strongly support releasing McCabe's testimony. Right? Right?

I find your excuses for the hiding of Ohr's wife's connection with Fusion GPS almost comical. Let's get some facts straight: "During this same time period, Ohr’s wife was employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of opposition research on Trump. Ohr later provided the FBI with all of his wife’s opposition research, paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign via Fusion GPS. The Ohrs’ relationship with Steele and Fusion GPS was inexplicably concealed from the FISC [the FISA court]." Are you seriously claiming that this was not material information that the court deserved and needed to know?!
Like I posted yesterday, the Democrats are talking about everything BUT the very clear and very damning content of the Nunes memo. They can't even decide if it's a 'nothing burger' or the decimation of our Intelligence Agencies. Come on guys it can't be both, get your bullshit story straight.

you mean the insane lies that nunes made up and which the FBI said had material misrepresentations?

5. The FBI did not tell the FISA court that information cited in its FISA application was gathered by someone who was being paid by Trump’s political opponents.

If the FISA court knew the source was shady and being paid by Hillary and the DNC the application would have been laughed out of court, hence they accidently on purpose forgot to tell them.
Here's one MikeGriffith missed.

Trey Gowdy


As I have said repeatedly, I also remain 100 percent confident in Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The contents of this memo do not - in any way - discredit his investigation.

Humm, uh, well, is this the same Trey Gowdy whom Dems accused of being a lying, dishonorable partisan during the Benghazi hearings?! So NOW you want to use Gowdy as a source?!

Anyway, I disagree somewhat with Gowdy. Although the memo does not address the Mueller investigation, the memo does show that the whole phony Russian-collusion investigation was triggered by information on Papadopoulos that was contained in the Page FISA application. This, in turn, naturally casts serious doubt on the need for the Mueller inquiry.

The memo also shows that Comey, McCabe, Ohr, etc., abused their power, lied to the FISA court, and withheld crucial information from the FISA court.
1. The FBI used Steele's dossier as the main basis for their FISA application to spy on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page, even though the FBI officials involved with the matter knew that the dossier had not been properly vetted or verified. According to the head of the FBI's counterintelligence division, Assistant Director Bill Priestap, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its "infancy" at the time of the initial Page FISA application. After Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele's reporting as only minimally corroborated. Then-FBI Director James Comey called the dossier "salacious and unverified" when he testified in June 2017 (yet Comey signed one of the FISA warrant extensions).

2. The FBI used news articles sourced by Steele, including a Yahoo News article that had Steele as its source, to corroborate Steele's dossier.

3. The FBI falsely told the court in its FISA application that Steele did not provide information to Yahoo News about Page’s Moscow trip. But British court filings show that Steele admitted he met with Yahoo News in September 2016, two months before the FBI got its initial warrant, to discuss the trip at the direction of Fusion GPS.

4. When the FBI submitted the FISA application, which was based largely on Steele's dossier, the FBI knew that Steele was being paid by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.

5. The FBI did not tell the FISA court that information cited in its FISA application was gathered by someone who was being paid by Trump’s political opponents.

6. The FBI knew that Steele was working for Fusion GPS, a research firm that was hired by a law firm that was receiving large payments from the Clinton campaign and the DNC. The FBI also knew that the DNC and the Clinton campaign had paid Steele $160K directly. The FBI chose not to tell the FISA court about these financial connections.

7. Without the Steele dossier, the FBI would not have tried to get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page.

8. Even when the FBI submitted renewal applications, three of them, they never told the FISA court about the Steele dossier or Steele's financial connections with the DNC and the Clinton campaign.

9. Soon after getting the first FISA warrant, the FBI fired Steele for making unauthorized disclosures and lying to the FBI! Yet, even then, the FBI officials involved with the FISA warrant did not tell the FISA court that they had used Steele's dossier as their main source and that they had dismissed Steele as a source for disreputable conduct.

10. While the FBI was working on getting the first FISA warrant, then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr’s wife was working for Fusion GPS, the firm that hired Steele to dig up dirt on Trump. At the firm, she helped conduct opposition research on Trump and his associates. The FBI did not inform the FISA court about any of this information.

'Nunes memo' revelations prove the FBI makes up its own rules

Outcry over the Nunes memo is damning for Democrats and FBI

5 Most Damning Truths From the FISA Memo
1. Show me in the memo where it said MAIN basis you can't invent text because it would fit the narrative better. Even more by saying MAIN you admit that there were other reasons to believe Page was a person of interest for the intelligence community. This immediately makes the whole narrative suspect.
2. This is actually contested. "In reality, the article made was not “derived” from Steele. Isikoff, citing “multiple sources,” reported that U.S. intelligence officials had briefed senior members of Congress on Page's activities in Russia.:"Analysis | The memo’s description of a supposedly key news report is wrong
3. Meeting with the press is not the same as giving them the story in question.
4. So? The fact that the story comes from a source with a bias says nothing of it's accuracy. If someone gets accused of rape and it comes out that victim didn't like the rapist beforehand does that make the accusation by definition inadmissible? Btw the Steele dossier has aspects of it that have since been corroborated.
5. Again something that's contested The central argument in the Nunes memo may have just been debunked. But again why does it matter in the slightest to it's accuracy?
6. See point 5
7. Again being contested. especially because Page first showed up on the FBI's radar in 2013 LOOOOONG before Steele.FBI was 'given second Trump-Russia dossier'
8. Here we get to another thing the memo admitted. In order to get a renewal you have to get additional facts to the original warrant. In other words the Steele dossier couldn't be used in the renewals, the FBI had to be able to establish that they had turned up more evidence. Pretty important if you are trying to establish that the FBI went after Page unjustly.
9. See point 5 and 6
10. So if I have a company that has tens of thousands of employees, if the wife of one of those employees is working for a company that has a connection with a dossier accusing someone of espionage, that is so material to the FACTS of that dossier that it null in voids the accusations? Not the employee but the wife of the employee? I don't think so.
Now I'll make some points of my own.
11. The memo admits contacts with Russia first became suspect not because of the Steele dossier but because of Papadopoulos.
12. Nobody is trying to claim that Page didn't have contacts with the Russians.
13. Page was already gone from the Trump campaign when the warrant was issued. Making the accusation that it was a part of a campaign against Trump dubious at best.
14. The memo makes absolutely no mention of the Mueller investigation, again making it hard to say it is compromised in any way.
15. As a conclusion. It's pretty pathetic that Nunes released this memo which doesn't give any new facts. Clearly can't establish any real wrongdoing. It relies on half truths and destroys his committees credibility with the intelligence community.

What a pack of lies, half-truths, and distortions. Some points in reply:

Why did you avoid the fact that Comey himself said the Steele dossier was “salacious and unverified"? That according to Assistant Director Bill Priestap, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its “infancy” at the time of the initial Page FISA application? That after Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele’s reporting as only minimally corroborated?

Why did you dance around the fact that Comey, McCabe, Ohr, etc., failed to disclose to the FISA court that the main basis--or even a partial basis--of their application was a dossier prepared by a shady man who was getting paid by the DNC and the Clinton campaign? It is amazing that you will not confront that serious omission.
I didn't dance around it at all. I contented that the bias of a source says nothing of it's truthfulness especially if you can and in the case of the FISA warrant have, other ways to corroborate suspect behavior.

If the Nunes memo gives "no new information," why did the Dems fight like crazed dogs to keep it sealed? And where is the supposedly damaging disclosure of "sources and methods" that the Dems claimed the Nunes memo contained and that they used as one of their excuses for opposing the memo's release?

What were the supposed other sources for the Yahoo News article? Even if Steele was a minor/secondary source for the article, citing the article as corroboration for Steele's dossier was shabby, disreputable vetting. Since when do news stories constitute corroboration for material used in FISA warrant application? Since when?

The Nunes memo states that McCabe testified that without the Steele dossier, there would have been no FISA warrant application. Oh, this is "contested" and "disputed." Well, yeah, Dems are disputing all kinds of clear, obvious facts that they don't have the honesty and patriotism to admit. I trust that the Dems will not object to releasing the transcript of McCable's classified testimony so that we can verify that McCabe said what Nunes says he said. Right? Right?

OF COURSE Page was already being investigated when the FBI asked for the FISA warrant! Duh! This is a Dem talking point that all the liberal networks keep repeating. Do you guys even think before you voice such silly stuff? The FBI normally does not ask for FISA warrants on people out of the blue, on people they know nothing about until the time they prepare the warrant application. So of course Page had already "appeared on their radar"! The point is that when the FBI went to get a FISA warrant on him, they used a lying dossier done by a shady character who was taking big bucks from the Clintons and the DNC to dig up dirt on Trump, and that the FBI did not even inform the FISA court that that dossier formed any part of the basis for the FISA application.

The "memo admits contacts with Russia first became suspect not because of the Steele dossier but because of Papadopoulos." Uh, you left out something, didn't you? The memo also states that the FISA application contained information on Papadopoulos and that that information triggered the Russian-collusion investigation. Let's the read the relevant part of the memo, shall we? Here you go:

The Page FISA application also mentions information regarding fellow Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, but there is no evidence of any cooperation or conspiracy between Page and Papadopoulos. The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok. (Section 5)​

Did you somehow miss that part when you skimmed over the memo?

If the FBI had not used the Steele dossier, there would have been no FISA application and no information on Papadopoulos to trigger the Russian-collusion witch hunt.

What was the supposed additional information that justified the FISA warrant extensions? And why didn't Comey and McCabe & Company bother to inform the FISA court about Steele's firing, his receipt of $160K from the DNC/Clinton campaign, and his role with Fusion GPS?

If the Steele dossier was not the main basis of the FISA application, then what was? Let's see it. The Nunes memo says that McCabe testified that there would have been no FISA application without the Steele dossier. You "dispute" that? Good, then I trust you'll strongly support releasing McCabe's testimony. Right? Right?

I find your excuses for the hiding of Ohr's wife's connection with Fusion GPS almost comical. Let's get some facts straight: "During this same time period, Ohr’s wife was employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of opposition research on Trump. Ohr later provided the FBI with all of his wife’s opposition research, paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign via Fusion GPS. The Ohrs’ relationship with Steele and Fusion GPS was inexplicably concealed from the FISC [the FISA court]." Are you seriously claiming that this was not material information that the court deserved and needed to know?!
Why did you dance around the fact that Comey, McCabe, Ohr, etc., failed to disclose to the FISA court that the main basis--or any degree of basis

If the Nunes memo gives "no new information,"
Give me any information that was new in the memo. If I can't find that information by another source before Friday you'll have a point

And where is the supposedly damaging disclosure of "sources and methods"
I don't know, neither do i care since it does nothing to further your point of bias

What were the supposed other sources for the Yahoo News article?
The unnamed kind

The FBI normally does not ask for FISA warrants on people out of the blue
If you admit that, doesn't that destroy the argument that the FBI unjustly went after Page? You can't on the one hand blame the Steele dossier for going after Page and then admit that yes he was already a person of interest of the FBI. A warrant is not an indictment, and investigating possible foreign agents is one of the core responsibilities of the FBI. And one of the ways to investigate is monitor communication.

Are you seriously claiming that this was not material information that the court deserved and needed to know?!
Yes I do. You can't tie Ohr to any wrongdoing in the investigation, in fact he was the one reporting on Steele's bias according to the memo, you can't tie Ohr's wife besides her employment, too the Steele dossier, she could be a cleaning lady for all we know. So why oh why does it have any bearing on the FISA warrant.
Btw. I put a lot of time and effort in going your 10 points. Yet you haven't addressed point 13 and 14 of me.
contained information on Papadopoulos and that that information triggered the Russian-collusion
The memo states that the Russia investigation was triggered in late July 2016, yet Pages warrant was issued on October 16. So tell me how do you come to the conclusion it was Steele who triggered the investigation into Papadopolous. Your timeline of events is faulty. If anything that paragraph admits that the FBI had good reason to consider the entire Trump campaign as suspect.
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Dear Democrats,

Since you all don't mind spying, is it okay to start wire-tapping Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand? Fair's fair.
Here's one MikeGriffith missed.

Trey Gowdy


As I have said repeatedly, I also remain 100 percent confident in Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The contents of this memo do not - in any way - discredit his investigation.

Humm, uh, well, is this the same Trey Gowdy whom Dems accused of being a lying, dishonorable partisan during the Benghazi hearings?! So NOW you want to use Gowdy as a source?!

Anyway, I disagree somewhat with Gowdy. Although the memo does not address the Mueller investigation, the memo does show that the whole phony Russian-collusion investigation was triggered by information on Papadopoulos that was contained in the Page FISA application. This, in turn, naturally casts serious doubt on the need for the Mueller inquiry.

The memo also shows that Comey, McCabe, Ohr, etc., abused their power, lied to the FISA court, and withheld crucial information from the FISA court.
Since your evaluations are always questionable, Mike, you will have to ask Trey, because your opinion is not the gold standard. Trey says he is 100% confident in Mueller, so, yes, you can be as well.
1. The FBI used Steele's dossier as the main basis for their FISA application to spy on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page

Dossier was published in 2013?


Because Carter was a well known Russian bootlicker since then and that remained a big reason why FISA judges thought it was a good idea to track him.

The fact that Trump named this maggot as a foreign policy advisor is straight up BIZZARE.
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Here's one MikeGriffith missed.

Trey Gowdy


As I have said repeatedly, I also remain 100 percent confident in Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The contents of this memo do not - in any way - discredit his investigation.

Humm, uh, well, is this the same Trey Gowdy whom Dems accused of being a lying, dishonorable partisan during the Benghazi hearings?! So NOW you want to use Gowdy as a source?!

Anyway, I disagree somewhat with Gowdy. Although the memo does not address the Mueller investigation, the memo does show that the whole phony Russian-collusion investigation was triggered by information on Papadopoulos that was contained in the Page FISA application. This, in turn, naturally casts serious doubt on the need for the Mueller inquiry.

The memo also shows that Comey, McCabe, Ohr, etc., abused their power, lied to the FISA court, and withheld crucial information from the FISA court.

Yes same Gowdy - if even that rightwinger thinks it's a dud, who CAN you convince?
They laughed the first Page FISA Warrant Application right out of the FISA Court so The FBI went back and doctored it up with false evidence.

5. The FBI did not tell the FISA court that information cited in its FISA application was gathered by someone who was being paid by Trump’s political opponents.

If the FISA court knew the source was shady and being paid by Hillary and the DNC the application would have been laughed out of court, hence they accidently on purpose forgot to tell them.
1. The FBI used Steele's dossier as the main basis for their FISA application to spy on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page, even though the FBI officials involved with the matter knew that the dossier had not been properly vetted or verified. According to the head of the FBI's counterintelligence division, Assistant Director Bill Priestap, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its "infancy" at the time of the initial Page FISA application. After Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele's reporting as only minimally corroborated. Then-FBI Director James Comey called the dossier "salacious and unverified" when he testified in June 2017 (yet Comey signed one of the FISA warrant extensions).

2. The FBI used news articles sourced by Steele, including a Yahoo News article that had Steele as its source, to corroborate Steele's dossier.

3. The FBI falsely told the court in its FISA application that Steele did not provide information to Yahoo News about Page’s Moscow trip. But British court filings show that Steele admitted he met with Yahoo News in September 2016, two months before the FBI got its initial warrant, to discuss the trip at the direction of Fusion GPS.

4. When the FBI submitted the FISA application, which was based largely on Steele's dossier, the FBI knew that Steele was being paid by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.

5. The FBI did not tell the FISA court that information cited in its FISA application was gathered by someone who was being paid by Trump’s political opponents.

6. The FBI knew that Steele was working for Fusion GPS, a research firm that was hired by a law firm that was receiving large payments from the Clinton campaign and the DNC. The FBI also knew that the DNC and the Clinton campaign had paid Steele $160K directly. The FBI chose not to tell the FISA court about these financial connections.

7. Without the Steele dossier, the FBI would not have tried to get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page.

8. Even when the FBI submitted renewal applications, three of them, they never told the FISA court about the Steele dossier or Steele's financial connections with the DNC and the Clinton campaign.

9. Soon after getting the first FISA warrant, the FBI fired Steele for making unauthorized disclosures and lying to the FBI! Yet, even then, the FBI officials involved with the FISA warrant did not tell the FISA court that they had used Steele's dossier as their main source and that they had dismissed Steele as a source for disreputable conduct.

10. While the FBI was working on getting the first FISA warrant, then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr’s wife was working for Fusion GPS, the firm that hired Steele to dig up dirt on Trump. At the firm, she helped conduct opposition research on Trump and his associates. The FBI did not inform the FISA court about any of this information.

'Nunes memo' revelations prove the FBI makes up its own rules

Outcry over the Nunes memo is damning for Democrats and FBI

5 Most Damning Truths From the FISA Memo
1. Show me in the memo where it said MAIN basis you can't invent text because it would fit the narrative better. Even more by saying MAIN you admit that there were other reasons to believe Page was a person of interest for the intelligence community. This immediately makes the whole narrative suspect.
2. This is actually contested. "In reality, the article made was not “derived” from Steele. Isikoff, citing “multiple sources,” reported that U.S. intelligence officials had briefed senior members of Congress on Page's activities in Russia.:"Analysis | The memo’s description of a supposedly key news report is wrong
3. Meeting with the press is not the same as giving them the story in question.
4. So? The fact that the story comes from a source with a bias says nothing of it's accuracy. If someone gets accused of rape and it comes out that victim didn't like the rapist beforehand does that make the accusation by definition inadmissible? Btw the Steele dossier has aspects of it that have since been corroborated.
5. Again something that's contested The central argument in the Nunes memo may have just been debunked. But again why does it matter in the slightest to it's accuracy?
6. See point 5
7. Again being contested. especially because Page first showed up on the FBI's radar in 2013 LOOOOONG before Steele.FBI was 'given second Trump-Russia dossier'
8. Here we get to another thing the memo admitted. In order to get a renewal you have to get additional facts to the original warrant. In other words the Steele dossier couldn't be used in the renewals, the FBI had to be able to establish that they had turned up more evidence. Pretty important if you are trying to establish that the FBI went after Page unjustly.
9. See point 5 and 6
10. So if I have a company that has tens of thousands of employees, if the wife of one of those employees is working for a company that has a connection with a dossier accusing someone of espionage, that is so material to the FACTS of that dossier that it null in voids the accusations? Not the employee but the wife of the employee? I don't think so.
Now I'll make some points of my own.
11. The memo admits contacts with Russia first became suspect not because of the Steele dossier but because of Papadopoulos.
12. Nobody is trying to claim that Page didn't have contacts with the Russians.
13. Page was already gone from the Trump campaign when the warrant was issued. Making the accusation that it was a part of a campaign against Trump dubious at best.
14. The memo makes absolutely no mention of the Mueller investigation, again making it hard to say it is compromised in any way.
15. As a conclusion. It's pretty pathetic that Nunes released this memo which doesn't give any new facts. Clearly can't establish any real wrongdoing. It relies on half truths and destroys his committees credibility with the intelligence community.

Again being contested. especially because Page first showed up on the FBI's radar in 2013 LOOOOONG before Steele.

yet the fbi was never able to get a fisa court to issue a warrant to wiretap

until they added the fake dossier to the application

why do you leave that part out
The FBI used Steele's dossier as the main basis for their FISA application to spy on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page,

Ahem, Mr. fuck head......just one quick item.

Page was NO LONGER part of Trump's campaign team

(hoping that right wing morons don't breed more morons into this world.)
1. The FBI used Steele's dossier as the main basis for their FISA application to spy on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page, even though the FBI officials involved with the matter knew that the dossier had not been properly vetted or verified. According to the head of the FBI's counterintelligence division, Assistant Director Bill Priestap, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its "infancy" at the time of the initial Page FISA application. After Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele's reporting as only minimally corroborated. Then-FBI Director James Comey called the dossier "salacious and unverified" when he testified in June 2017 (yet Comey signed one of the FISA warrant extensions).

2. The FBI used news articles sourced by Steele, including a Yahoo News article that had Steele as its source, to corroborate Steele's dossier.

3. The FBI falsely told the court in its FISA application that Steele did not provide information to Yahoo News about Page’s Moscow trip. But British court filings show that Steele admitted he met with Yahoo News in September 2016, two months before the FBI got its initial warrant, to discuss the trip at the direction of Fusion GPS.

4. When the FBI submitted the FISA application, which was based largely on Steele's dossier, the FBI knew that Steele was being paid by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.

5. The FBI did not tell the FISA court that information cited in its FISA application was gathered by someone who was being paid by Trump’s political opponents.

6. The FBI knew that Steele was working for Fusion GPS, a research firm that was hired by a law firm that was receiving large payments from the Clinton campaign and the DNC. The FBI also knew that the DNC and the Clinton campaign had paid Steele $160K directly. The FBI chose not to tell the FISA court about these financial connections.

7. Without the Steele dossier, the FBI would not have tried to get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page.

8. Even when the FBI submitted renewal applications, three of them, they never told the FISA court about the Steele dossier or Steele's financial connections with the DNC and the Clinton campaign.

9. Soon after getting the first FISA warrant, the FBI fired Steele for making unauthorized disclosures and lying to the FBI! Yet, even then, the FBI officials involved with the FISA warrant did not tell the FISA court that they had used Steele's dossier as their main source and that they had dismissed Steele as a source for disreputable conduct.

10. While the FBI was working on getting the first FISA warrant, then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr’s wife was working for Fusion GPS, the firm that hired Steele to dig up dirt on Trump. At the firm, she helped conduct opposition research on Trump and his associates. The FBI did not inform the FISA court about any of this information.

'Nunes memo' revelations prove the FBI makes up its own rules

Outcry over the Nunes memo is damning for Democrats and FBI

5 Most Damning Truths From the FISA Memo
So what? Page had nothing to do with the Trump campaign but the time the FBI sought a warrant to spy on him.

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