Key Revelations in the Nunes Memo that Democrats Keep Ignoring

Youā€™re lying again. You have no evidence any of the unverified portions of the dossier were used in obtaining a warrant.

No, you're lying again. Very few parts of the Steele dossier had been verified when the FISA application was submitted, as we know from the internal review, from the head of the FBI's counter-intel department, and now from the Grassley-Graham criminal referral memo. That FISA application also included the Yahoo News article, which certainly was not "verified" by any stretch.

If only the precious few verified parts of the dossier were used in the FISA application, why did Dems fight like crazed dogs to keep the Nunes memo from being released? If all was on the up and up, why did the FBI officials involved with the FISA application fail to inform the FISA court that the dossier was funded by the DNC and Hillary and that it was authored by a shady ex-spy whom even the FBI soon found to be dishonest and unreliable?

If truth and facts were on your side, you wouldnā€™t have to keep lying like you do.

You are the one who keeps lying. If truth and facts were on the Dems' side, they would not have told all kinds of lies about the Nunes memo to try to keep it sealed (such as the lie that it revealed sources and methods). If the FBI officials behind the FISA application had been acting honorably and ethically, they never would have needed to use the Steele dossier in the first place, much less deceive the FISA court about its author and origin.

And I notice you guys are silent about the fact that the Grassley-Graham criminal referral memo supports key aspects of the Nunes memo:

A criminal referral from top Senate investigators confirms explosive charges in last weekā€™s House Intelligence Committee memo regarding abuse of surveillance authorities at the FBI and Department of Justice. It also reveals a host of problems arising from the bureauā€™s cooperation with foreign investigator Christopher Steele, who was working on behalf of Hillary Clintonā€™s presidential campaign. The eight-page memo from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) includes underlying evidence to support the claims.

ā€œIt appears the FBI relied on admittedly uncorroborated information, funded by and obtained for Secretary Clintonā€™s presidential campaign, in order to conduct surveillance of an associate of the opposing presidential candidate. It did so based on Mr. Steeleā€™s personal credibility and presumably having faith in his process of obtaining the information. But there is substantial evidence suggesting that Mr. Steele materially misled the FBI about a key aspect of his dossier efforts, one which bears on his credibility,ā€ Sens. Graham and Grassley wrote.

The letter describes a verification effort before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) so inadequate it resembles a concerted effort to conceal information from the court. (Criminal Referral Confirms Memo's Explosive Claims Of FISA Abuse)​

This episode shows that American liberals are modern-day Jacobins who are determined to gain power and tear down our constitutional form of government by any and all methods. Rather than join with patriotic Americans who are justifiably alarmed and outraged by what the DNC and the FBI did, you are lying and distorting to excuse and ignore these criminal acts.

By the way, who are the Democrats who are calling for the release of the McCabe transcript? Can you name any names? I asked you this in my previous reply, but you ignored the question. And how about the names of Democrats who are calling for the release of the FISA application? Hey?

As always, you have it backwards. Nearly ALL of the Steele Dossier has been verified, whereas all of the Devon Nunes Memo was thoroughly debunked on the day Nunes issued it...
You are welcome to believe whatever you like, but when it is this at variance with the facts, it simply is not compelling.

17 items of misconduct, each one enough to result in the authorization to spy being denied had they not misled the Court:

Omitted information from another U.S. government agency (CIA) detailing its prior relationship with Page, including that Page had been approved as an operational contact for the other agency from 2008 to 2013, and that Page had provided information to the other agency concerning his prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers, one of which overlapped with facts asserted in the FISA application;
That is, they used his Russian contacts to support their slander than he was a Russian Spy while concealing from the Court that he was a valued source for the CIA that gathered information for them, ABOUT the Russians. Brennan says, and Horowitz backed up that the CIA REPEATEDLY gave this information to the FBI, yet, the FBI not only concealed this from the Court, but they also inserted "NOT A" next to "SOURCE" to reverse the meaning of the CIA warning that Page worked on behalf of the CIA.

Link for the next 16 instances of horrific wrong doing by a thoroughly corrupt FBI illegally spying on an innocent US Citizen because the FBI leadership wanted Hillary to win the election.

IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ā€˜Inaccuracies And Omissionsā€™ In The FBIā€™s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page

I guess you missed the part where the IG said the errors had no effect on whether the warrant should or should not have been issued.

You seem Far more concerned about clerical errors than actual malfeasance by the Russian government.
Youā€™re lying again. You have no evidence any of the unverified portions of the dossier were used in obtaining a warrant.

No, you're lying again. Very few parts of the Steele dossier had been verified when the FISA application was submitted, as we know from the internal review, from the head of the FBI's counter-intel department, and now from the Grassley-Graham criminal referral memo. That FISA application also included the Yahoo News article, which certainly was not "verified" by any stretch.

If only the precious few verified parts of the dossier were used in the FISA application, why did Dems fight like crazed dogs to keep the Nunes memo from being released? If all was on the up and up, why did the FBI officials involved with the FISA application fail to inform the FISA court that the dossier was funded by the DNC and Hillary and that it was authored by a shady ex-spy whom even the FBI soon found to be dishonest and unreliable?

If truth and facts were on your side, you wouldnā€™t have to keep lying like you do.

You are the one who keeps lying. If truth and facts were on the Dems' side, they would not have told all kinds of lies about the Nunes memo to try to keep it sealed (such as the lie that it revealed sources and methods). If the FBI officials behind the FISA application had been acting honorably and ethically, they never would have needed to use the Steele dossier in the first place, much less deceive the FISA court about its author and origin.

And I notice you guys are silent about the fact that the Grassley-Graham criminal referral memo supports key aspects of the Nunes memo:

A criminal referral from top Senate investigators confirms explosive charges in last weekā€™s House Intelligence Committee memo regarding abuse of surveillance authorities at the FBI and Department of Justice. It also reveals a host of problems arising from the bureauā€™s cooperation with foreign investigator Christopher Steele, who was working on behalf of Hillary Clintonā€™s presidential campaign. The eight-page memo from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) includes underlying evidence to support the claims.

ā€œIt appears the FBI relied on admittedly uncorroborated information, funded by and obtained for Secretary Clintonā€™s presidential campaign, in order to conduct surveillance of an associate of the opposing presidential candidate. It did so based on Mr. Steeleā€™s personal credibility and presumably having faith in his process of obtaining the information. But there is substantial evidence suggesting that Mr. Steele materially misled the FBI about a key aspect of his dossier efforts, one which bears on his credibility,ā€ Sens. Graham and Grassley wrote.

The letter describes a verification effort before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) so inadequate it resembles a concerted effort to conceal information from the court. (Criminal Referral Confirms Memo's Explosive Claims Of FISA Abuse)​

This episode shows that American liberals are modern-day Jacobins who are determined to gain power and tear down our constitutional form of government by any and all methods. Rather than join with patriotic Americans who are justifiably alarmed and outraged by what the DNC and the FBI did, you are lying and distorting to excuse and ignore these criminal acts.

By the way, who are the Democrats who are calling for the release of the McCabe transcript? Can you name any names? I asked you this in my previous reply, but you ignored the question. And how about the names of Democrats who are calling for the release of the FISA application? Hey?

As always, you have it backwards. Nearly ALL of the Steele Dossier has been verified, whereas all of the Devon Nunes Memo was thoroughly debunked on the day Nunes issued it...
You are welcome to believe whatever you like, but when it is this at variance with the facts, it simply is not compelling.

17 items of misconduct, each one enough to result in the authorization to spy being denied had they not misled the Court:

Omitted information from another U.S. government agency (CIA) detailing its prior relationship with Page, including that Page had been approved as an operational contact for the other agency from 2008 to 2013, and that Page had provided information to the other agency concerning his prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers, one of which overlapped with facts asserted in the FISA application;
That is, they used his Russian contacts to support their slander than he was a Russian Spy while concealing from the Court that he was a valued source for the CIA that gathered information for them, ABOUT the Russians. Brennan says, and Horowitz backed up that the CIA REPEATEDLY gave this information to the FBI, yet, the FBI not only concealed this from the Court, but they also inserted "NOT A" next to "SOURCE" to reverse the meaning of the CIA warning that Page worked on behalf of the CIA.

Link for the next 16 instances of horrific wrong doing by a thoroughly corrupt FBI illegally spying on an innocent US Citizen because the FBI leadership wanted Hillary to win the election.

IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ā€˜Inaccuracies And Omissionsā€™ In The FBIā€™s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page

I guess you missed the part where the IG said the errors had no effect on whether the warrant should or should not have been issued.

You seem Far more concerned about clerical errors than actual malfeasance by the Russian government.
Jonathon Turley put it this way: The Titanic had a great reason for starting it's voyage, the question is, what did they do when they began to encounter ice-bergs?

The threshold for STARTING an investigation is very low, as in an "articulable suspicion" or some such thing, the problem is what they did AFTER they started the investigation.

As already covered, Horowitz confirmed that they deliberately concealed that Page was an Operational Contact, for the CIA, and in that role, had contact with Russian Intelligence Officers, the very Corrupt FBI deliberately concealed that from the Court, and even used that contact as "evidence" that Page was a spy for the Russians! Brennan has confirmed that he REPEATEDLY and IN WRITING informed the FBI that Page worked for them gathering intelligence from Russian Intelligence FOR the US government, and in fact, the corrupt FBI on one of those documents added "IS NOT" right before the phrase "A Source" in order to reverse the meaning of the sentence in the email, and submitted that as "proof" that Carter Page WAS NOT a source for the CIA.

Had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, they would not have been authorized to spy on the Trump Campaign, which is why The Corrupt FBI LIED to The Court.

That covers The Corrupt FBI's first venal act, let's go to the 2nd of 17 outlined in The Horowitz Report:

Included a source characterization statement asserting that Steeleā€™s prior reporting had been ā€œcorroborated and used in criminal proceedings,ā€ which overstated the significance of Steeleā€™s past reporting and was not approved by Steeleā€™s FBI handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures;
These are powerful spying authorities that WE THE PEOPLE grant to the Executive Branch to use to keep the President of The United States fully informed of overseas threats. Because of past corruption by the FBI and illegal spying, such as against MLK, we implemented The FISA act and The Woods Procedures.

The Steele Dossier did not have NAMED, Corroborated sources, the Corrupt FBI slid this past the Court by really hamming up what a fabulous source Steele was, even though he was NOT the source, he was the purveyor of unnamed, unverified, uncorroborated sources. The FISA Judges did not seem to catch this, hopefully at some point we will get the time stamps so we can see just how much time the Court actually spent studying the submission, we may be shocked to find out that they approved it much more quickly than the time necessary to properly study it.

The FBI lied about how "credible" Steele was and they did not get approval from Steele's handling agent as required by the Woods Procedures. But since they were lying to the Court, obviously the handling agent would not have approved their lie.

And once again, had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, the Court would have never given them approval to spy on a major Presidential Campaign, which is why The Fraudulent FBI lied to the Court.
Last edited:
Youā€™re lying again. You have no evidence any of the unverified portions of the dossier were used in obtaining a warrant.

No, you're lying again. Very few parts of the Steele dossier had been verified when the FISA application was submitted, as we know from the internal review, from the head of the FBI's counter-intel department, and now from the Grassley-Graham criminal referral memo. That FISA application also included the Yahoo News article, which certainly was not "verified" by any stretch.

If only the precious few verified parts of the dossier were used in the FISA application, why did Dems fight like crazed dogs to keep the Nunes memo from being released? If all was on the up and up, why did the FBI officials involved with the FISA application fail to inform the FISA court that the dossier was funded by the DNC and Hillary and that it was authored by a shady ex-spy whom even the FBI soon found to be dishonest and unreliable?

If truth and facts were on your side, you wouldnā€™t have to keep lying like you do.

You are the one who keeps lying. If truth and facts were on the Dems' side, they would not have told all kinds of lies about the Nunes memo to try to keep it sealed (such as the lie that it revealed sources and methods). If the FBI officials behind the FISA application had been acting honorably and ethically, they never would have needed to use the Steele dossier in the first place, much less deceive the FISA court about its author and origin.

And I notice you guys are silent about the fact that the Grassley-Graham criminal referral memo supports key aspects of the Nunes memo:

A criminal referral from top Senate investigators confirms explosive charges in last weekā€™s House Intelligence Committee memo regarding abuse of surveillance authorities at the FBI and Department of Justice. It also reveals a host of problems arising from the bureauā€™s cooperation with foreign investigator Christopher Steele, who was working on behalf of Hillary Clintonā€™s presidential campaign. The eight-page memo from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) includes underlying evidence to support the claims.

ā€œIt appears the FBI relied on admittedly uncorroborated information, funded by and obtained for Secretary Clintonā€™s presidential campaign, in order to conduct surveillance of an associate of the opposing presidential candidate. It did so based on Mr. Steeleā€™s personal credibility and presumably having faith in his process of obtaining the information. But there is substantial evidence suggesting that Mr. Steele materially misled the FBI about a key aspect of his dossier efforts, one which bears on his credibility,ā€ Sens. Graham and Grassley wrote.

The letter describes a verification effort before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) so inadequate it resembles a concerted effort to conceal information from the court. (Criminal Referral Confirms Memo's Explosive Claims Of FISA Abuse)​

This episode shows that American liberals are modern-day Jacobins who are determined to gain power and tear down our constitutional form of government by any and all methods. Rather than join with patriotic Americans who are justifiably alarmed and outraged by what the DNC and the FBI did, you are lying and distorting to excuse and ignore these criminal acts.

By the way, who are the Democrats who are calling for the release of the McCabe transcript? Can you name any names? I asked you this in my previous reply, but you ignored the question. And how about the names of Democrats who are calling for the release of the FISA application? Hey?

As always, you have it backwards. Nearly ALL of the Steele Dossier has been verified, whereas all of the Devon Nunes Memo was thoroughly debunked on the day Nunes issued it...
You are welcome to believe whatever you like, but when it is this at variance with the facts, it simply is not compelling.

17 items of misconduct, each one enough to result in the authorization to spy being denied had they not misled the Court:

Omitted information from another U.S. government agency (CIA) detailing its prior relationship with Page, including that Page had been approved as an operational contact for the other agency from 2008 to 2013, and that Page had provided information to the other agency concerning his prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers, one of which overlapped with facts asserted in the FISA application;
That is, they used his Russian contacts to support their slander than he was a Russian Spy while concealing from the Court that he was a valued source for the CIA that gathered information for them, ABOUT the Russians. Brennan says, and Horowitz backed up that the CIA REPEATEDLY gave this information to the FBI, yet, the FBI not only concealed this from the Court, but they also inserted "NOT A" next to "SOURCE" to reverse the meaning of the CIA warning that Page worked on behalf of the CIA.

Link for the next 16 instances of horrific wrong doing by a thoroughly corrupt FBI illegally spying on an innocent US Citizen because the FBI leadership wanted Hillary to win the election.

IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ā€˜Inaccuracies And Omissionsā€™ In The FBIā€™s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page

I guess you missed the part where the IG said the errors had no effect on whether the warrant should or should not have been issued.

You seem Far more concerned about clerical errors than actual malfeasance by the Russian government.
Jonathon Turley put it this way: The Titanic had a great reason for starting it's voyage, the question is, what did they do when they began to encounter ice-bergs?

The threshold for STARTING an investigation is very low, as in an "articulable suspicion" or some such thing, the problem is what they did AFTER they started the investigation.

As already covered, Horowitz confirmed that they deliberately concealed that Page was an Operational Contact, for the CIA, and in that role, had contact with Russian Intelligence Officers, the very Corrupt FBI deliberately concealed that from the Court, and even used that contact as "evidence" that Page was a spy for the Russians! Brennan has confirmed that he REPEATEDLY and IN WRITING informed the FBI that Page worked for them gathering intelligence from Russian Intelligence FOR the US government, and in fact, the corrupt FBI on one of those documents added "IS NOT" right before the phrase "A Source" in order to reverse the meaning of the sentence in the email, and submitted that as "proof" that Carter Page WAS NOT a source for the CIA.

Had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, they would not have been authorized to spy on the Trump Campaign, which is why The Corrupt FBI LIED to The Court.

That covers The Corrupt FBI's first venal act, let's go to the 2nd of 17 outlined in The Horowitz Report:

Included a source characterization statement asserting that Steeleā€™s prior reporting had been ā€œcorroborated and used in criminal proceedings,ā€ which overstated the significance of Steeleā€™s past reporting and was not approved by Steeleā€™s FBI handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures;
These are powerful spying authorities that WE THE PEOPLE grant to the Executive Branch to use to keep the President of The United States fully informed of overseas threats. Because of past corruption by the FBI and illegal spying, such as against MLK, we implemented The FISA act and The Woods Procedures.

The Steele Dossier did not have NAMED, Corroborated sources, the Corrupt FBI slid this past the Court by really hamming up what a fabulous source Steele was, even though he was NOT the source, he was the purveyor of unnamed, unverified, uncorroborated sources. The FISA Judges did not seem to catch this, hopefully at some point we will get the time stamps so we can see just how much time the Court actually spent studying the submission, we may be shocked to find out that they approved it much more quickly than the time necessary to properly study it.

The FBI lied about how "credible" Steele was and they did not get approval from Steele's handling agent as required by the Woods Procedures. But since they were lying to the Court, obviously the handling agent would not have approved their lie.

And once again, had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, the Court would have never given them approval to spy on a major Presidential Campaign, which is why The Fraudulent FBI lied to the Court.

All of this happened AFTER Carter Page had left the Campaign. Not during. None of this occurred while Page worked for Trump.
No, you're lying again. Very few parts of the Steele dossier had been verified when the FISA application was submitted, as we know from the internal review, from the head of the FBI's counter-intel department, and now from the Grassley-Graham criminal referral memo. That FISA application also included the Yahoo News article, which certainly was not "verified" by any stretch.

If only the precious few verified parts of the dossier were used in the FISA application, why did Dems fight like crazed dogs to keep the Nunes memo from being released? If all was on the up and up, why did the FBI officials involved with the FISA application fail to inform the FISA court that the dossier was funded by the DNC and Hillary and that it was authored by a shady ex-spy whom even the FBI soon found to be dishonest and unreliable?

You are the one who keeps lying. If truth and facts were on the Dems' side, they would not have told all kinds of lies about the Nunes memo to try to keep it sealed (such as the lie that it revealed sources and methods). If the FBI officials behind the FISA application had been acting honorably and ethically, they never would have needed to use the Steele dossier in the first place, much less deceive the FISA court about its author and origin.

And I notice you guys are silent about the fact that the Grassley-Graham criminal referral memo supports key aspects of the Nunes memo:

A criminal referral from top Senate investigators confirms explosive charges in last weekā€™s House Intelligence Committee memo regarding abuse of surveillance authorities at the FBI and Department of Justice. It also reveals a host of problems arising from the bureauā€™s cooperation with foreign investigator Christopher Steele, who was working on behalf of Hillary Clintonā€™s presidential campaign. The eight-page memo from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) includes underlying evidence to support the claims.

ā€œIt appears the FBI relied on admittedly uncorroborated information, funded by and obtained for Secretary Clintonā€™s presidential campaign, in order to conduct surveillance of an associate of the opposing presidential candidate. It did so based on Mr. Steeleā€™s personal credibility and presumably having faith in his process of obtaining the information. But there is substantial evidence suggesting that Mr. Steele materially misled the FBI about a key aspect of his dossier efforts, one which bears on his credibility,ā€ Sens. Graham and Grassley wrote.

The letter describes a verification effort before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) so inadequate it resembles a concerted effort to conceal information from the court. (Criminal Referral Confirms Memo's Explosive Claims Of FISA Abuse)​

This episode shows that American liberals are modern-day Jacobins who are determined to gain power and tear down our constitutional form of government by any and all methods. Rather than join with patriotic Americans who are justifiably alarmed and outraged by what the DNC and the FBI did, you are lying and distorting to excuse and ignore these criminal acts.

By the way, who are the Democrats who are calling for the release of the McCabe transcript? Can you name any names? I asked you this in my previous reply, but you ignored the question. And how about the names of Democrats who are calling for the release of the FISA application? Hey?

As always, you have it backwards. Nearly ALL of the Steele Dossier has been verified, whereas all of the Devon Nunes Memo was thoroughly debunked on the day Nunes issued it...
You are welcome to believe whatever you like, but when it is this at variance with the facts, it simply is not compelling.

17 items of misconduct, each one enough to result in the authorization to spy being denied had they not misled the Court:

Omitted information from another U.S. government agency (CIA) detailing its prior relationship with Page, including that Page had been approved as an operational contact for the other agency from 2008 to 2013, and that Page had provided information to the other agency concerning his prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers, one of which overlapped with facts asserted in the FISA application;
That is, they used his Russian contacts to support their slander than he was a Russian Spy while concealing from the Court that he was a valued source for the CIA that gathered information for them, ABOUT the Russians. Brennan says, and Horowitz backed up that the CIA REPEATEDLY gave this information to the FBI, yet, the FBI not only concealed this from the Court, but they also inserted "NOT A" next to "SOURCE" to reverse the meaning of the CIA warning that Page worked on behalf of the CIA.

Link for the next 16 instances of horrific wrong doing by a thoroughly corrupt FBI illegally spying on an innocent US Citizen because the FBI leadership wanted Hillary to win the election.

IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ā€˜Inaccuracies And Omissionsā€™ In The FBIā€™s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page

I guess you missed the part where the IG said the errors had no effect on whether the warrant should or should not have been issued.

You seem Far more concerned about clerical errors than actual malfeasance by the Russian government.
Jonathon Turley put it this way: The Titanic had a great reason for starting it's voyage, the question is, what did they do when they began to encounter ice-bergs?

The threshold for STARTING an investigation is very low, as in an "articulable suspicion" or some such thing, the problem is what they did AFTER they started the investigation.

As already covered, Horowitz confirmed that they deliberately concealed that Page was an Operational Contact, for the CIA, and in that role, had contact with Russian Intelligence Officers, the very Corrupt FBI deliberately concealed that from the Court, and even used that contact as "evidence" that Page was a spy for the Russians! Brennan has confirmed that he REPEATEDLY and IN WRITING informed the FBI that Page worked for them gathering intelligence from Russian Intelligence FOR the US government, and in fact, the corrupt FBI on one of those documents added "IS NOT" right before the phrase "A Source" in order to reverse the meaning of the sentence in the email, and submitted that as "proof" that Carter Page WAS NOT a source for the CIA.

Had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, they would not have been authorized to spy on the Trump Campaign, which is why The Corrupt FBI LIED to The Court.

That covers The Corrupt FBI's first venal act, let's go to the 2nd of 17 outlined in The Horowitz Report:

Included a source characterization statement asserting that Steeleā€™s prior reporting had been ā€œcorroborated and used in criminal proceedings,ā€ which overstated the significance of Steeleā€™s past reporting and was not approved by Steeleā€™s FBI handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures;
These are powerful spying authorities that WE THE PEOPLE grant to the Executive Branch to use to keep the President of The United States fully informed of overseas threats. Because of past corruption by the FBI and illegal spying, such as against MLK, we implemented The FISA act and The Woods Procedures.

The Steele Dossier did not have NAMED, Corroborated sources, the Corrupt FBI slid this past the Court by really hamming up what a fabulous source Steele was, even though he was NOT the source, he was the purveyor of unnamed, unverified, uncorroborated sources. The FISA Judges did not seem to catch this, hopefully at some point we will get the time stamps so we can see just how much time the Court actually spent studying the submission, we may be shocked to find out that they approved it much more quickly than the time necessary to properly study it.

The FBI lied about how "credible" Steele was and they did not get approval from Steele's handling agent as required by the Woods Procedures. But since they were lying to the Court, obviously the handling agent would not have approved their lie.

And once again, had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, the Court would have never given them approval to spy on a major Presidential Campaign, which is why The Fraudulent FBI lied to the Court.

All of this happened AFTER Carter Page had left the Campaign. Not during. None of this occurred while Page worked for Trump.
The searches of electronic equipment and the stored trove of electronic communications that the Federal Government maintains is searched both after the date the warrant is issued and BEFORE the date it was issued, without date limit. Between that and "the 3 hop rule", the warrant on Carter Page threw a blanket over the WHOLE campaign. You want to know more about the 3-hop rule?
As always, you have it backwards. Nearly ALL of the Steele Dossier has been verified, whereas all of the Devon Nunes Memo was thoroughly debunked on the day Nunes issued it...
You are welcome to believe whatever you like, but when it is this at variance with the facts, it simply is not compelling.

17 items of misconduct, each one enough to result in the authorization to spy being denied had they not misled the Court:

Omitted information from another U.S. government agency (CIA) detailing its prior relationship with Page, including that Page had been approved as an operational contact for the other agency from 2008 to 2013, and that Page had provided information to the other agency concerning his prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers, one of which overlapped with facts asserted in the FISA application;
That is, they used his Russian contacts to support their slander than he was a Russian Spy while concealing from the Court that he was a valued source for the CIA that gathered information for them, ABOUT the Russians. Brennan says, and Horowitz backed up that the CIA REPEATEDLY gave this information to the FBI, yet, the FBI not only concealed this from the Court, but they also inserted "NOT A" next to "SOURCE" to reverse the meaning of the CIA warning that Page worked on behalf of the CIA.

Link for the next 16 instances of horrific wrong doing by a thoroughly corrupt FBI illegally spying on an innocent US Citizen because the FBI leadership wanted Hillary to win the election.

IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ā€˜Inaccuracies And Omissionsā€™ In The FBIā€™s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page

I guess you missed the part where the IG said the errors had no effect on whether the warrant should or should not have been issued.

You seem Far more concerned about clerical errors than actual malfeasance by the Russian government.
Jonathon Turley put it this way: The Titanic had a great reason for starting it's voyage, the question is, what did they do when they began to encounter ice-bergs?

The threshold for STARTING an investigation is very low, as in an "articulable suspicion" or some such thing, the problem is what they did AFTER they started the investigation.

As already covered, Horowitz confirmed that they deliberately concealed that Page was an Operational Contact, for the CIA, and in that role, had contact with Russian Intelligence Officers, the very Corrupt FBI deliberately concealed that from the Court, and even used that contact as "evidence" that Page was a spy for the Russians! Brennan has confirmed that he REPEATEDLY and IN WRITING informed the FBI that Page worked for them gathering intelligence from Russian Intelligence FOR the US government, and in fact, the corrupt FBI on one of those documents added "IS NOT" right before the phrase "A Source" in order to reverse the meaning of the sentence in the email, and submitted that as "proof" that Carter Page WAS NOT a source for the CIA.

Had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, they would not have been authorized to spy on the Trump Campaign, which is why The Corrupt FBI LIED to The Court.

That covers The Corrupt FBI's first venal act, let's go to the 2nd of 17 outlined in The Horowitz Report:

Included a source characterization statement asserting that Steeleā€™s prior reporting had been ā€œcorroborated and used in criminal proceedings,ā€ which overstated the significance of Steeleā€™s past reporting and was not approved by Steeleā€™s FBI handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures;
These are powerful spying authorities that WE THE PEOPLE grant to the Executive Branch to use to keep the President of The United States fully informed of overseas threats. Because of past corruption by the FBI and illegal spying, such as against MLK, we implemented The FISA act and The Woods Procedures.

The Steele Dossier did not have NAMED, Corroborated sources, the Corrupt FBI slid this past the Court by really hamming up what a fabulous source Steele was, even though he was NOT the source, he was the purveyor of unnamed, unverified, uncorroborated sources. The FISA Judges did not seem to catch this, hopefully at some point we will get the time stamps so we can see just how much time the Court actually spent studying the submission, we may be shocked to find out that they approved it much more quickly than the time necessary to properly study it.

The FBI lied about how "credible" Steele was and they did not get approval from Steele's handling agent as required by the Woods Procedures. But since they were lying to the Court, obviously the handling agent would not have approved their lie.

And once again, had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, the Court would have never given them approval to spy on a major Presidential Campaign, which is why The Fraudulent FBI lied to the Court.

All of this happened AFTER Carter Page had left the Campaign. Not during. None of this occurred while Page worked for Trump.
The searches of electronic equipment and the stored trove of electronic communications that the Federal Government maintains is searched both after the date the warrant is issued and BEFORE the date it was issued, without date limit. Between that and "the 3 hop rule", the warrant on Carter Page threw a blanket over the WHOLE campaign. You want to know more about the 3-hop rule?

In other words, now that the IG has completely debunked Trumpā€™s lies that the FBI spied on his campaign, you come up with this 3-hop conspiracy theory in a desperate effort to keep your lies alive.

Just to be really clear here. Trump was investigated because of HIS OWN behaviours, inviting Russians to find Hillaryā€™s emails and then relentlessly using the stolen emails to boost his campaign, and spinning lies of out the WikiLeaks releases.

Trump is now being impeached because having learned NOTHING after being investigated for two years over the Russian interference in 2016, he then invited both the Ukrainians and the Chinese to interfere in the 2020 election to help his campaign.
You are welcome to believe whatever you like, but when it is this at variance with the facts, it simply is not compelling.

17 items of misconduct, each one enough to result in the authorization to spy being denied had they not misled the Court:

Omitted information from another U.S. government agency (CIA) detailing its prior relationship with Page, including that Page had been approved as an operational contact for the other agency from 2008 to 2013, and that Page had provided information to the other agency concerning his prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers, one of which overlapped with facts asserted in the FISA application;
That is, they used his Russian contacts to support their slander than he was a Russian Spy while concealing from the Court that he was a valued source for the CIA that gathered information for them, ABOUT the Russians. Brennan says, and Horowitz backed up that the CIA REPEATEDLY gave this information to the FBI, yet, the FBI not only concealed this from the Court, but they also inserted "NOT A" next to "SOURCE" to reverse the meaning of the CIA warning that Page worked on behalf of the CIA.

Link for the next 16 instances of horrific wrong doing by a thoroughly corrupt FBI illegally spying on an innocent US Citizen because the FBI leadership wanted Hillary to win the election.

IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ā€˜Inaccuracies And Omissionsā€™ In The FBIā€™s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page

I guess you missed the part where the IG said the errors had no effect on whether the warrant should or should not have been issued.

You seem Far more concerned about clerical errors than actual malfeasance by the Russian government.
Jonathon Turley put it this way: The Titanic had a great reason for starting it's voyage, the question is, what did they do when they began to encounter ice-bergs?

The threshold for STARTING an investigation is very low, as in an "articulable suspicion" or some such thing, the problem is what they did AFTER they started the investigation.

As already covered, Horowitz confirmed that they deliberately concealed that Page was an Operational Contact, for the CIA, and in that role, had contact with Russian Intelligence Officers, the very Corrupt FBI deliberately concealed that from the Court, and even used that contact as "evidence" that Page was a spy for the Russians! Brennan has confirmed that he REPEATEDLY and IN WRITING informed the FBI that Page worked for them gathering intelligence from Russian Intelligence FOR the US government, and in fact, the corrupt FBI on one of those documents added "IS NOT" right before the phrase "A Source" in order to reverse the meaning of the sentence in the email, and submitted that as "proof" that Carter Page WAS NOT a source for the CIA.

Had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, they would not have been authorized to spy on the Trump Campaign, which is why The Corrupt FBI LIED to The Court.

That covers The Corrupt FBI's first venal act, let's go to the 2nd of 17 outlined in The Horowitz Report:

Included a source characterization statement asserting that Steeleā€™s prior reporting had been ā€œcorroborated and used in criminal proceedings,ā€ which overstated the significance of Steeleā€™s past reporting and was not approved by Steeleā€™s FBI handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures;
These are powerful spying authorities that WE THE PEOPLE grant to the Executive Branch to use to keep the President of The United States fully informed of overseas threats. Because of past corruption by the FBI and illegal spying, such as against MLK, we implemented The FISA act and The Woods Procedures.

The Steele Dossier did not have NAMED, Corroborated sources, the Corrupt FBI slid this past the Court by really hamming up what a fabulous source Steele was, even though he was NOT the source, he was the purveyor of unnamed, unverified, uncorroborated sources. The FISA Judges did not seem to catch this, hopefully at some point we will get the time stamps so we can see just how much time the Court actually spent studying the submission, we may be shocked to find out that they approved it much more quickly than the time necessary to properly study it.

The FBI lied about how "credible" Steele was and they did not get approval from Steele's handling agent as required by the Woods Procedures. But since they were lying to the Court, obviously the handling agent would not have approved their lie.

And once again, had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, the Court would have never given them approval to spy on a major Presidential Campaign, which is why The Fraudulent FBI lied to the Court.

All of this happened AFTER Carter Page had left the Campaign. Not during. None of this occurred while Page worked for Trump.
The searches of electronic equipment and the stored trove of electronic communications that the Federal Government maintains is searched both after the date the warrant is issued and BEFORE the date it was issued, without date limit. Between that and "the 3 hop rule", the warrant on Carter Page threw a blanket over the WHOLE campaign. You want to know more about the 3-hop rule?

In other words, now that the IG has completely debunked Trumpā€™s lies that the FBI spied on his campaign, you come up with this 3-hop conspiracy theory in a desperate effort to keep your lies alive.

Just to be really clear here. Trump was investigated because of HIS OWN behaviours, inviting Russians to find Hillaryā€™s emails and then relentlessly using the stolen emails to boost his campaign, and spinning lies of out the WikiLeaks releases.

Trump is now being impeached because having learned NOTHING after being investigated for two years over the Russian interference in 2016, he then invited both the Ukrainians and the Chinese to interfere in the 2020 election to help his campaign.

You should try reading for a change. That way you won't have to rely on regurgitating the bullshit the MSM feeds you.
I guess you missed the part where the IG said the errors had no effect on whether the warrant should or should not have been issued.

You seem Far more concerned about clerical errors than actual malfeasance by the Russian government.
Jonathon Turley put it this way: The Titanic had a great reason for starting it's voyage, the question is, what did they do when they began to encounter ice-bergs?

The threshold for STARTING an investigation is very low, as in an "articulable suspicion" or some such thing, the problem is what they did AFTER they started the investigation.

As already covered, Horowitz confirmed that they deliberately concealed that Page was an Operational Contact, for the CIA, and in that role, had contact with Russian Intelligence Officers, the very Corrupt FBI deliberately concealed that from the Court, and even used that contact as "evidence" that Page was a spy for the Russians! Brennan has confirmed that he REPEATEDLY and IN WRITING informed the FBI that Page worked for them gathering intelligence from Russian Intelligence FOR the US government, and in fact, the corrupt FBI on one of those documents added "IS NOT" right before the phrase "A Source" in order to reverse the meaning of the sentence in the email, and submitted that as "proof" that Carter Page WAS NOT a source for the CIA.

Had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, they would not have been authorized to spy on the Trump Campaign, which is why The Corrupt FBI LIED to The Court.

That covers The Corrupt FBI's first venal act, let's go to the 2nd of 17 outlined in The Horowitz Report:

Included a source characterization statement asserting that Steeleā€™s prior reporting had been ā€œcorroborated and used in criminal proceedings,ā€ which overstated the significance of Steeleā€™s past reporting and was not approved by Steeleā€™s FBI handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures;
These are powerful spying authorities that WE THE PEOPLE grant to the Executive Branch to use to keep the President of The United States fully informed of overseas threats. Because of past corruption by the FBI and illegal spying, such as against MLK, we implemented The FISA act and The Woods Procedures.

The Steele Dossier did not have NAMED, Corroborated sources, the Corrupt FBI slid this past the Court by really hamming up what a fabulous source Steele was, even though he was NOT the source, he was the purveyor of unnamed, unverified, uncorroborated sources. The FISA Judges did not seem to catch this, hopefully at some point we will get the time stamps so we can see just how much time the Court actually spent studying the submission, we may be shocked to find out that they approved it much more quickly than the time necessary to properly study it.

The FBI lied about how "credible" Steele was and they did not get approval from Steele's handling agent as required by the Woods Procedures. But since they were lying to the Court, obviously the handling agent would not have approved their lie.

And once again, had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, the Court would have never given them approval to spy on a major Presidential Campaign, which is why The Fraudulent FBI lied to the Court.

All of this happened AFTER Carter Page had left the Campaign. Not during. None of this occurred while Page worked for Trump.
The searches of electronic equipment and the stored trove of electronic communications that the Federal Government maintains is searched both after the date the warrant is issued and BEFORE the date it was issued, without date limit. Between that and "the 3 hop rule", the warrant on Carter Page threw a blanket over the WHOLE campaign. You want to know more about the 3-hop rule?

In other words, now that the IG has completely debunked Trumpā€™s lies that the FBI spied on his campaign, you come up with this 3-hop conspiracy theory in a desperate effort to keep your lies alive.

Just to be really clear here. Trump was investigated because of HIS OWN behaviours, inviting Russians to find Hillaryā€™s emails and then relentlessly using the stolen emails to boost his campaign, and spinning lies of out the WikiLeaks releases.

Trump is now being impeached because having learned NOTHING after being investigated for two years over the Russian interference in 2016, he then invited both the Ukrainians and the Chinese to interfere in the 2020 election to help his campaign.

You should try reading for a change. That way you won't have to rely on regurgitating the bullshit the MSM feeds you.
What a pity you offer ad hominem in lieu of rebuttal.
You are welcome to believe whatever you like, but when it is this at variance with the facts, it simply is not compelling.

17 items of misconduct, each one enough to result in the authorization to spy being denied had they not misled the Court:

Omitted information from another U.S. government agency (CIA) detailing its prior relationship with Page, including that Page had been approved as an operational contact for the other agency from 2008 to 2013, and that Page had provided information to the other agency concerning his prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers, one of which overlapped with facts asserted in the FISA application;
That is, they used his Russian contacts to support their slander than he was a Russian Spy while concealing from the Court that he was a valued source for the CIA that gathered information for them, ABOUT the Russians. Brennan says, and Horowitz backed up that the CIA REPEATEDLY gave this information to the FBI, yet, the FBI not only concealed this from the Court, but they also inserted "NOT A" next to "SOURCE" to reverse the meaning of the CIA warning that Page worked on behalf of the CIA.

Link for the next 16 instances of horrific wrong doing by a thoroughly corrupt FBI illegally spying on an innocent US Citizen because the FBI leadership wanted Hillary to win the election.

IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ā€˜Inaccuracies And Omissionsā€™ In The FBIā€™s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page

I guess you missed the part where the IG said the errors had no effect on whether the warrant should or should not have been issued.

You seem Far more concerned about clerical errors than actual malfeasance by the Russian government.
Jonathon Turley put it this way: The Titanic had a great reason for starting it's voyage, the question is, what did they do when they began to encounter ice-bergs?

The threshold for STARTING an investigation is very low, as in an "articulable suspicion" or some such thing, the problem is what they did AFTER they started the investigation.

As already covered, Horowitz confirmed that they deliberately concealed that Page was an Operational Contact, for the CIA, and in that role, had contact with Russian Intelligence Officers, the very Corrupt FBI deliberately concealed that from the Court, and even used that contact as "evidence" that Page was a spy for the Russians! Brennan has confirmed that he REPEATEDLY and IN WRITING informed the FBI that Page worked for them gathering intelligence from Russian Intelligence FOR the US government, and in fact, the corrupt FBI on one of those documents added "IS NOT" right before the phrase "A Source" in order to reverse the meaning of the sentence in the email, and submitted that as "proof" that Carter Page WAS NOT a source for the CIA.

Had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, they would not have been authorized to spy on the Trump Campaign, which is why The Corrupt FBI LIED to The Court.

That covers The Corrupt FBI's first venal act, let's go to the 2nd of 17 outlined in The Horowitz Report:

Included a source characterization statement asserting that Steeleā€™s prior reporting had been ā€œcorroborated and used in criminal proceedings,ā€ which overstated the significance of Steeleā€™s past reporting and was not approved by Steeleā€™s FBI handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures;
These are powerful spying authorities that WE THE PEOPLE grant to the Executive Branch to use to keep the President of The United States fully informed of overseas threats. Because of past corruption by the FBI and illegal spying, such as against MLK, we implemented The FISA act and The Woods Procedures.

The Steele Dossier did not have NAMED, Corroborated sources, the Corrupt FBI slid this past the Court by really hamming up what a fabulous source Steele was, even though he was NOT the source, he was the purveyor of unnamed, unverified, uncorroborated sources. The FISA Judges did not seem to catch this, hopefully at some point we will get the time stamps so we can see just how much time the Court actually spent studying the submission, we may be shocked to find out that they approved it much more quickly than the time necessary to properly study it.

The FBI lied about how "credible" Steele was and they did not get approval from Steele's handling agent as required by the Woods Procedures. But since they were lying to the Court, obviously the handling agent would not have approved their lie.

And once again, had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, the Court would have never given them approval to spy on a major Presidential Campaign, which is why The Fraudulent FBI lied to the Court.

All of this happened AFTER Carter Page had left the Campaign. Not during. None of this occurred while Page worked for Trump.
The searches of electronic equipment and the stored trove of electronic communications that the Federal Government maintains is searched both after the date the warrant is issued and BEFORE the date it was issued, without date limit. Between that and "the 3 hop rule", the warrant on Carter Page threw a blanket over the WHOLE campaign. You want to know more about the 3-hop rule?

In other words, now that the IG has completely debunked Trumpā€™s lies that the FBI spied on his campaign...
They most certainly have not. There is no question that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign, the only question before us has been if the FBI acted correctly in doing so. Deliberating forging emails in FISA submissions is NOT "acting correctly". come up with this 3-hop conspiracy theory...
The 3-hop rule is not a "conspiracy theory". This is built into the FISA regulations of these very powerful spying authorities that We The People have granted the Executive Branch. When the Federal Government obtains a warrant in order to go through their vast store of collected electronic communications, they are authorized to look at the person they obtained the spy warrant on, but also EVERYONE they have communicated with, everyone they have communicated with, and everyone they have communicated with. That is a vast pool of individuals. That is why these powers are only granted to those believed to be of the utmost character, judgement and behavior. It is stunning that they so casually misused these powers and even now show no contrition.
...Just to be really clear here. Trump was investigated because of HIS OWN behaviours, inviting Russians to find Hillaryā€™s emails and then relentlessly using the stolen emails to boost his campaign, and spinning lies of out the WikiLeaks releases....
No. Crossfire Hurricane was opened, it was claimed by the Corrupt FBI, because Milford made a suggestion, of a suggestion to Papadopolous, that the Russians had DNC emails, not Hillary's emails. Hillary's emails had long since been destroyed with bleachbit and by destroying her handheld devices with hammers even though they were under Congressional subpoena. Milford, of course, has completely and firmly denied that he said any such thing to Papadopolous, which of course, is exculpatory information the Corrupt FBI withheld from the FISA court.
...Trump is now being impeached because having learned NOTHING after being investigated for two years over the Russian interference in 2016...
He is being impeached over a phone call, where they Democrats claim to be able to mind read him and have judged him "foul" because the Russian Collusion thing was completely debunked. It had collapsed before even the Election. But, by using the filthy Dossier purchased by the Crooked Hillary Campaign, they obtained a year's worth of spying authority on the Campaign, Transition, and Administration by repeatedly lying to the FISA court.

The impeachment farce is a farce, that is why the American People do not support it. Even the House Democrats know that Trump will be President next year and that he will be the rather formidable candidate they will face in the 2020 elections.

Democrats will lose impeachment and they will lose badly, and they deserve to. Americans are tired of them not accepting the results of the election and continually seeking to divide America, during a time of unparalleled prosperity that we are experiencing, that no one expected. It truly is a great time to be an American!


Ready for the Democrats to stop with all the nonsense and just let us enjoy our unexpected good fortune this year with a strong economy, strong markets, low unemployment rising wages, and a Santa Claus Rally ringing in the Election year cheer!
I guess you missed the part where the IG said the errors had no effect on whether the warrant should or should not have been issued.

You seem Far more concerned about clerical errors than actual malfeasance by the Russian government.
Jonathon Turley put it this way: The Titanic had a great reason for starting it's voyage, the question is, what did they do when they began to encounter ice-bergs?

The threshold for STARTING an investigation is very low, as in an "articulable suspicion" or some such thing, the problem is what they did AFTER they started the investigation.

As already covered, Horowitz confirmed that they deliberately concealed that Page was an Operational Contact, for the CIA, and in that role, had contact with Russian Intelligence Officers, the very Corrupt FBI deliberately concealed that from the Court, and even used that contact as "evidence" that Page was a spy for the Russians! Brennan has confirmed that he REPEATEDLY and IN WRITING informed the FBI that Page worked for them gathering intelligence from Russian Intelligence FOR the US government, and in fact, the corrupt FBI on one of those documents added "IS NOT" right before the phrase "A Source" in order to reverse the meaning of the sentence in the email, and submitted that as "proof" that Carter Page WAS NOT a source for the CIA.

Had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, they would not have been authorized to spy on the Trump Campaign, which is why The Corrupt FBI LIED to The Court.

That covers The Corrupt FBI's first venal act, let's go to the 2nd of 17 outlined in The Horowitz Report:

Included a source characterization statement asserting that Steeleā€™s prior reporting had been ā€œcorroborated and used in criminal proceedings,ā€ which overstated the significance of Steeleā€™s past reporting and was not approved by Steeleā€™s FBI handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures;
These are powerful spying authorities that WE THE PEOPLE grant to the Executive Branch to use to keep the President of The United States fully informed of overseas threats. Because of past corruption by the FBI and illegal spying, such as against MLK, we implemented The FISA act and The Woods Procedures.

The Steele Dossier did not have NAMED, Corroborated sources, the Corrupt FBI slid this past the Court by really hamming up what a fabulous source Steele was, even though he was NOT the source, he was the purveyor of unnamed, unverified, uncorroborated sources. The FISA Judges did not seem to catch this, hopefully at some point we will get the time stamps so we can see just how much time the Court actually spent studying the submission, we may be shocked to find out that they approved it much more quickly than the time necessary to properly study it.

The FBI lied about how "credible" Steele was and they did not get approval from Steele's handling agent as required by the Woods Procedures. But since they were lying to the Court, obviously the handling agent would not have approved their lie.

And once again, had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, the Court would have never given them approval to spy on a major Presidential Campaign, which is why The Fraudulent FBI lied to the Court.

All of this happened AFTER Carter Page had left the Campaign. Not during. None of this occurred while Page worked for Trump.
The searches of electronic equipment and the stored trove of electronic communications that the Federal Government maintains is searched both after the date the warrant is issued and BEFORE the date it was issued, without date limit. Between that and "the 3 hop rule", the warrant on Carter Page threw a blanket over the WHOLE campaign. You want to know more about the 3-hop rule?

In other words, now that the IG has completely debunked Trumpā€™s lies that the FBI spied on his campaign, you come up with this 3-hop conspiracy theory in a desperate effort to keep your lies alive.

Just to be really clear here. Trump was investigated because of HIS OWN behaviours, inviting Russians to find Hillaryā€™s emails and then relentlessly using the stolen emails to boost his campaign, and spinning lies of out the WikiLeaks releases.

Trump is now being impeached because having learned NOTHING after being investigated for two years over the Russian interference in 2016, he then invited both the Ukrainians and the Chinese to interfere in the 2020 election to help his campaign.

You should try reading for a change. That way you won't have to rely on regurgitating the bullshit the MSM feeds you.

I'm not the one regurtitating bullshit here. I'm waiting for any Republican to come forward and dispute the facts of this case, and so far, no one from the Trump side has come forward to say that what the witnessed testified to did not happen, and so far, no one has come forward and denied Trump subverted foreign policy to serve his own political ends.

In fact, this past weekend, in an interview with FOX News, Rudy Guliani admitted that he got Maria Yovanovich removed because she was in his way and would have "interfered" in the Biden investigation. He said that the "Deep State" kept her from being fired. Since Mike Pompeo is in charge of the State Department, making him the Ambassador's boss and the guy with the authority to fire Yovanovich, Rudy is suggesting that Mike Pompeo is part of the Deep State.

If Trump has done nothing wrong, why is he blocking testimony from his staffers who were involved: Mulvaney, Pompeo, and Bolton? Why has he produced no documents to exonerate himself? Why has be obstructed the investigation at every turn?
Jonathon Turley put it this way: The Titanic had a great reason for starting it's voyage, the question is, what did they do when they began to encounter ice-bergs?

The threshold for STARTING an investigation is very low, as in an "articulable suspicion" or some such thing, the problem is what they did AFTER they started the investigation.

As already covered, Horowitz confirmed that they deliberately concealed that Page was an Operational Contact, for the CIA, and in that role, had contact with Russian Intelligence Officers, the very Corrupt FBI deliberately concealed that from the Court, and even used that contact as "evidence" that Page was a spy for the Russians! Brennan has confirmed that he REPEATEDLY and IN WRITING informed the FBI that Page worked for them gathering intelligence from Russian Intelligence FOR the US government, and in fact, the corrupt FBI on one of those documents added "IS NOT" right before the phrase "A Source" in order to reverse the meaning of the sentence in the email, and submitted that as "proof" that Carter Page WAS NOT a source for the CIA.

Had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, they would not have been authorized to spy on the Trump Campaign, which is why The Corrupt FBI LIED to The Court.

That covers The Corrupt FBI's first venal act, let's go to the 2nd of 17 outlined in The Horowitz Report:

Included a source characterization statement asserting that Steeleā€™s prior reporting had been ā€œcorroborated and used in criminal proceedings,ā€ which overstated the significance of Steeleā€™s past reporting and was not approved by Steeleā€™s FBI handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures;
These are powerful spying authorities that WE THE PEOPLE grant to the Executive Branch to use to keep the President of The United States fully informed of overseas threats. Because of past corruption by the FBI and illegal spying, such as against MLK, we implemented The FISA act and The Woods Procedures.

The Steele Dossier did not have NAMED, Corroborated sources, the Corrupt FBI slid this past the Court by really hamming up what a fabulous source Steele was, even though he was NOT the source, he was the purveyor of unnamed, unverified, uncorroborated sources. The FISA Judges did not seem to catch this, hopefully at some point we will get the time stamps so we can see just how much time the Court actually spent studying the submission, we may be shocked to find out that they approved it much more quickly than the time necessary to properly study it.

The FBI lied about how "credible" Steele was and they did not get approval from Steele's handling agent as required by the Woods Procedures. But since they were lying to the Court, obviously the handling agent would not have approved their lie.

And once again, had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, the Court would have never given them approval to spy on a major Presidential Campaign, which is why The Fraudulent FBI lied to the Court.

All of this happened AFTER Carter Page had left the Campaign. Not during. None of this occurred while Page worked for Trump.
The searches of electronic equipment and the stored trove of electronic communications that the Federal Government maintains is searched both after the date the warrant is issued and BEFORE the date it was issued, without date limit. Between that and "the 3 hop rule", the warrant on Carter Page threw a blanket over the WHOLE campaign. You want to know more about the 3-hop rule?

In other words, now that the IG has completely debunked Trumpā€™s lies that the FBI spied on his campaign, you come up with this 3-hop conspiracy theory in a desperate effort to keep your lies alive.

Just to be really clear here. Trump was investigated because of HIS OWN behaviours, inviting Russians to find Hillaryā€™s emails and then relentlessly using the stolen emails to boost his campaign, and spinning lies of out the WikiLeaks releases.

Trump is now being impeached because having learned NOTHING after being investigated for two years over the Russian interference in 2016, he then invited both the Ukrainians and the Chinese to interfere in the 2020 election to help his campaign.

You should try reading for a change. That way you won't have to rely on regurgitating the bullshit the MSM feeds you.

I'm not the one regurtitating bullshit here. I'm waiting for any Republican to come forward and dispute the facts of this case, and so far, no one from the Trump side has come forward to say that what the witnessed testified to did not happen, and so far, no one has come forward and denied Trump subverted foreign policy to serve his own political ends.

In fact, this past weekend, in an interview with FOX News, Rudy Guliani admitted that he got Maria Yovanovich removed because she was in his way and would have "interfered" in the Biden investigation. He said that the "Deep State" kept her from being fired. Since Mike Pompeo is in charge of the State Department, making him the Ambassador's boss and the guy with the authority to fire Yovanovich, Rudy is suggesting that Mike Pompeo is part of the Deep State.

If Trump has done nothing wrong, why is he blocking testimony from his staffers who were involved: Mulvaney, Pompeo, and Bolton? Why has he produced no documents to exonerate himself? Why has be obstructed the investigation at every turn?
IG Report Proves Adam Schiff Has Been Lying About Spygate Since The Beginning.

Following last weekā€™ release of the inspector generalā€™s report on FISA abuse that proved nearly every sentence wrong in Schiffā€™s last high-profile report (his self-titled ā€œCorrecting the Recordā€”The Russia Investigationā€), Schiffā€™s work product should be deemed worthless.

IG Vindicated Nunes, Damned Schiff

ā€œFBI and DOJ officials did not ā€˜abuseā€™ the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) process, omit material information, or subvert this vital tool to spy on the Trump campaign,ā€​

Schiffā€™s memorandum began. Thereā€™s a lot of lies to unpack in that one sentenceā€”lies Schiff repeats throughout the memorandum. A montage of Schiffā€™s ā€œno abuseā€ claims weaved throughout his memorandum contrast sharply with the IGā€™s findings.

For instance, Schiff assured Americans the ā€œDOJ met the rigor, transparency, and evidentiary basis needed to meet FISAā€™s probable cause requirement.ā€ Then Schiff claims, in bold for emphasis, that the ā€œDOJā€™s October 21, 2016 FISA application and three subsequent renewals carefully outlined for the Court a multi-pronged rationale for surveilling Page.ā€

He also claimed ā€œDOJā€™s warrant request was based on compelling evidence and probable cause to believe Page was knowingly assisting clandestine Russian intelligence activities in the U.S.ā€ ā€œDOJ told the Court the truth,ā€ Schiff promised, and then supported this claim by representing to the public that ā€œcurrent and former senior officials later corroboratedā€ the statements in the FISA applications ā€œin extensive Committee testimony.ā€

These passages all coalesce to the same false general claim: there was nothing remiss in the FISA applications. The facts prove otherwise. Yes, there was abuse. Yes, the FBI and DOJ omitted material information. Yes, the FBI and DOJ subverted this vital tool to spy on the Trump campaign. No, there was no rigor, transparency, or evidentiary basis for the FISA applications, and the applications did not ā€œcarefully outlineā€ the basis for surveilling Page. And, no, the DOJ did not tell the court the truth.

The IG made these points clear over the course of 480 pages, capsulized by these two sentences:

ā€œWe identified multiple instances in which factual assertions relied upon in the first FISA application were inaccurate, incomplete, or unsupported by appropriate documentation.ā€

ā€œWe identified at least 17 significant errors or omissions in the Carter Page FISA applications.ā€​

In addition to the general platitudes of professionalism Schiff spewed, he added several whoppers, such as: ā€œFISA was not used to spy on Trump or his campaign.ā€ To back up this falsehood, Schiff relied on the ignorance of the general public concerning FISA surveillance warrants, stressing: ā€œAs the Trump campaign and Page have acknowledged, Page ended his formal affiliation with the campaign months before DOJ applied for a warrant.ā€

As a matter of law, Schiffā€™s statement obfuscates the reality that the FISA warrant authorized the government to obtain prior communications between Page and Trump campaign officials. The report also confirmed that the FBI obtained emails ā€œbetween Page and members of the Donald J. Trump for President Campaign concerning campaign related matters.ā€

Everything Schiff Said about Steele Was Also False

Another fabricated theme in Schiffā€™s ā€œCorrecting the Recordā€ memorandum concerned the Steele dossier. The DOJ ā€œmade only narrow use of information from Steeleā€™s sources about Pageā€™s specific activities in 2016, chiefly his suspected July 2016 meeting in Moscow with Russian officials,ā€ Schiff claimed.

IG Report Proves Schiff Has Been Lying About Spygate Since Beginning
Jonathon Turley put it this way: The Titanic had a great reason for starting it's voyage, the question is, what did they do when they began to encounter ice-bergs?

The threshold for STARTING an investigation is very low, as in an "articulable suspicion" or some such thing, the problem is what they did AFTER they started the investigation.

As already covered, Horowitz confirmed that they deliberately concealed that Page was an Operational Contact, for the CIA, and in that role, had contact with Russian Intelligence Officers, the very Corrupt FBI deliberately concealed that from the Court, and even used that contact as "evidence" that Page was a spy for the Russians! Brennan has confirmed that he REPEATEDLY and IN WRITING informed the FBI that Page worked for them gathering intelligence from Russian Intelligence FOR the US government, and in fact, the corrupt FBI on one of those documents added "IS NOT" right before the phrase "A Source" in order to reverse the meaning of the sentence in the email, and submitted that as "proof" that Carter Page WAS NOT a source for the CIA.

Had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, they would not have been authorized to spy on the Trump Campaign, which is why The Corrupt FBI LIED to The Court.

That covers The Corrupt FBI's first venal act, let's go to the 2nd of 17 outlined in The Horowitz Report:

Included a source characterization statement asserting that Steeleā€™s prior reporting had been ā€œcorroborated and used in criminal proceedings,ā€ which overstated the significance of Steeleā€™s past reporting and was not approved by Steeleā€™s FBI handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures;
These are powerful spying authorities that WE THE PEOPLE grant to the Executive Branch to use to keep the President of The United States fully informed of overseas threats. Because of past corruption by the FBI and illegal spying, such as against MLK, we implemented The FISA act and The Woods Procedures.

The Steele Dossier did not have NAMED, Corroborated sources, the Corrupt FBI slid this past the Court by really hamming up what a fabulous source Steele was, even though he was NOT the source, he was the purveyor of unnamed, unverified, uncorroborated sources. The FISA Judges did not seem to catch this, hopefully at some point we will get the time stamps so we can see just how much time the Court actually spent studying the submission, we may be shocked to find out that they approved it much more quickly than the time necessary to properly study it.

The FBI lied about how "credible" Steele was and they did not get approval from Steele's handling agent as required by the Woods Procedures. But since they were lying to the Court, obviously the handling agent would not have approved their lie.

And once again, had The Corrupt FBI told the truth, the Court would have never given them approval to spy on a major Presidential Campaign, which is why The Fraudulent FBI lied to the Court.

All of this happened AFTER Carter Page had left the Campaign. Not during. None of this occurred while Page worked for Trump.
The searches of electronic equipment and the stored trove of electronic communications that the Federal Government maintains is searched both after the date the warrant is issued and BEFORE the date it was issued, without date limit. Between that and "the 3 hop rule", the warrant on Carter Page threw a blanket over the WHOLE campaign. You want to know more about the 3-hop rule?

In other words, now that the IG has completely debunked Trumpā€™s lies that the FBI spied on his campaign, you come up with this 3-hop conspiracy theory in a desperate effort to keep your lies alive.

Just to be really clear here. Trump was investigated because of HIS OWN behaviours, inviting Russians to find Hillaryā€™s emails and then relentlessly using the stolen emails to boost his campaign, and spinning lies of out the WikiLeaks releases.

Trump is now being impeached because having learned NOTHING after being investigated for two years over the Russian interference in 2016, he then invited both the Ukrainians and the Chinese to interfere in the 2020 election to help his campaign.

You should try reading for a change. That way you won't have to rely on regurgitating the bullshit the MSM feeds you.

I'm not the one regurtitating bullshit here. I'm waiting for any Republican to come forward and dispute the facts of this case, and so far, no one from the Trump side has come forward to say that what the witnessed testified to did not happen, and so far, no one has come forward and denied Trump subverted foreign policy to serve his own political ends.

In fact, this past weekend, in an interview with FOX News, Rudy Guliani admitted that he got Maria Yovanovich removed because she was in his way and would have "interfered" in the Biden investigation. He said that the "Deep State" kept her from being fired. Since Mike Pompeo is in charge of the State Department, making him the Ambassador's boss and the guy with the authority to fire Yovanovich, Rudy is suggesting that Mike Pompeo is part of the Deep State.

If Trump has done nothing wrong, why is he blocking testimony from his staffers who were involved: Mulvaney, Pompeo, and Bolton? Why has he produced no documents to exonerate himself? Why has be obstructed the investigation at every turn?
Democrats determined to impeach Trump as soon as they won the 2018 election.

The abuse-of-power allegation is confined to the Ukraine episode, a kerfuffle that emerged three months ago and was promptly magnified into a scandal. The claim of obstruction relates to the presidentā€™s refusal to cooperate with the partisan impeachment inquiry, the outcome of which was foreordained even as Democrats refused for weeks to conduct a vote endorsing it ā€” for fear of antagonizing voters, which, of course, would not be a fear if there were an obvious, egregious impeachable offense.

It was the lack of an identifiable crime that settled Democrats on ā€œabuse of power,ā€ ignoring the Framersā€™ caution against an ambiguous standard that would invite politicized impeachments based on trifling misconduct. Here, Democrats say the abuse involves Trumpā€™s converting of presidential power to his ā€œpersonal political benefitā€.

Democrats maintain that Trump pushed for Ukrainian investigations of the Bidens and Ukrainian involvement in the 2016 election solely for his personal political gain. The argument is flawed.

1. There Were (and Are) Legitimate Grounds for Investigations​

Itā€™s not like the president was asking Ukraine to make up corruption evidence out of whole cloth ā€” as Schiff disingenuously claimed in his ā€œparodyā€ performance of the Trumpā€“Zelensky call. There is, for example, more reason to suspect Biden-family self-dealing in Ukraine (among other places) than there was to suspect a Trump cyberespionage conspiracy with Russia ā€” which our government zealously investigated for years, complete with surveillance warrants, confidential informants, and a special counsel probe.

Furthermore, Trumpā€™s request for Kyivā€™s help in investigating Democratic collusion with Ukraine in the 2016 campaign is not, as the impeachment article implies, limited to the debunked theory that Ukraine, rather than Russia, hacked the DNC. There is also significant evidence of Ukrainian government officialsā€™ working with Democrats to harm Trumpā€™s campaign. The fact that this election interference was not as ā€œsystematicā€ as Russiaā€™s does not erase the fact that it was meddling. Furthermore, even the discredited theory that Trump mentioned to Zelensky is best understood as Trumpā€™s effort to dispel suspicions that he colluded with Russia in 2016, not an effort to get a leg up in the 2020 race.

2. Nothing Happened
The claims that Trump pressured Ukraine to interfere in our domestic politics and thus undermined our elections bump up against the stubborn fact that, in the end, nothing of consequence happened. Yes, Trump delayed defense aid and a coveted White House visit for Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. Yet Kyiv got its aid and barely noticed any delay. Trump correctly points out that he did not pressure Zelensky in their July 25 conversation, Zelensky says he never felt any pressure, and Trump gave Zelensky an audience ā€” albeit in New York City at the high-profile U.N. meeting, not yet at the White House.

Nothing Happened . . . and Biden Does Not Have Immunity​

Trump dropped the matter: Ukraine got its aid, Zelensky got a POTUS meeting, and no investigations (or announcement thereof) were required. Plus, the Democratsā€™ claim hinges on such fictions as the assertion that Trump was asking Ukraine to fabricate a case against Biden.

Running for president does not give Joe Biden immunity from inquiry into colorable suspicions of corruption, even if, as a collateral political consequence, the inquiry could help Trump and hurt Biden. If ā€œhigh crimes and misdemeanorsā€ now includes factoring domestic politics into dubious foreign-policy decisions (see, e.g., Obamaā€™s withdrawal of troops from Iraq), maybe, to save time, we should start impeaching presidents before they take office ā€” because every one of them will surely be impeachable.

2. Ukraine-gate Does Not Hold a Candle to Russia-gate​

Even with the media cover they enjoy, the Democratsā€™ audacity in lodging this claim of corrupting elections against Trump is remarkable. Each new Russia-gate revelation elucidates that the Obama administration, in collusion with foreign governments, used the executive branchā€™s investigative powers in the service of the Democratsā€™ 2016 campaign. The Ukraine misadventure is amateur hour compared with the Trump-Russia investigation ā€” to which Democrats reacted not by condemning interference in our elections but by demanding a special counsel to straitjacket Trumpā€™s administration.

3. The Risible ā€˜Continuing Threatā€™ Claim
Finally, Democrats claim President Trump poses a continuing threat to facilitate foreign interference in elections due to what they portray as a pattern begun in 2016. Thatā€™s when candidate Trump purportedly encouraged Russia to hack Hillary Clinton. The inanity of this suggestion has not stopped it from being investigated by the special-counsel staff that Robert Mueller stacked with partisan Democrats, nor from being repeated ad nauseam by Democrats, their media allies, and anti-Trump pundits.

It is a silly allegation, no matter who feigns serious concerns about it. Trump did not encourage Russia to hack former secretary of state Clinton. In a palpably tongue-in-cheek effort to call public attention to his opponentā€™s biggest political vulnerability ā€” viz., her astounding use of a non-government, non-secure email system for her sensitive (often classified) State Department correspondence, and her purging of over 30,000 emails that she falsely claimed were wholly unrelated to government business ā€” Trump quipped that he hoped Russia found the missing Clinton emails because they would titillate the media.

Obviously, Trump was not calling for Russia to hack Clintonā€™s emails. He couldnā€™t have been. As everyone knew, the FBI had Clintonā€™s decommissioned servers, offline and under lock and key. Indeed, the Bureau strongly suspected that Clintonā€™s emails had long ago been hacked by hostile foreign actors, potentially including Russian intelligence services. Trump was not sending a signal to his purported Russian confederates; he was campaigning. He was hammering Clinton over her recklessness and dishonesty, major election issues. Furthermore, the ā€œcollusionā€ narrative held that Putin was the master and Trump the puppet; even in that fantasyland, Trump did not give orders to Russian intelligence; he took them.

Nevertheless, Democrats insist that the president (a) was pushing Russia to meddle; (b) has now pushed Ukraine to meddle; and (c) has more recently pushed China to meddle, also by investigating the Bidens. This last stems from still more presidential bloviating: When criticized for calling Kyiv to investigate Joe Biden, Trump (being Trump) doubled down by encouraging Beijing to do so, too. China does not take orders from Trump, and it plainly has no incentive to probe suspicions of corrupt ties between the Bidens and . . . itself.

C. Endangering National Security​

Just as frivolously, Democrats maintain that Trumpā€™s ā€œabuse of powerā€ includes endangering American national security. Here is the theory: Our noble (if pervasively corrupt) ally Ukraine is in a border war with Russia, a hostile foreign power, so we supply defense aid to Kyiv so they can fight Moscowā€™s mercenaries over there, lest we have to fight the Russian army over here. Yes, Jerry Nadler would have us believe that Ukraine ā€” its armed forces threaded with neo-Nazis and jihadists ā€” is the only thing preventing Putin from laying waste to everything from the Upper West Side down to Greenwich Village.

This, from the same Democrats who yawned when Russia annexed Crimea, and when Obama denied Kyiv the lethal defense aid Trump has provided. This, from the same Democrats who swooned when Obama mocked Mitt Romney for observing that Russia remains our most worrisome geopolitical foe. This, from the same Democrats who cheered when Obama struck a deal, including cash ransom payments, to give Iran, the worldā€™s leading state sponsor of anti-American terrorism, an industrial-strength nuclear program that, in the absence of meaningful monitoring, could be converted to a nuclear-arms program in nothing flat.

It is perfectly reasonable to contend that arming Ukraine against Russian aggression is in American interests ā€” especially after prior U.S. administrations of both parties encouraged Ukraine to disarm on the loopy theory that post-Soviet Russia posed no threat. But the claim that Trumpā€™s dealings with Ukraine have put our national security at risk is fatuous.


The second article of impeachment alleges that President Trump has obstructed Congress. That is, he has unilaterally decided what executive-branch information will be revealed to House investigators, directing relevant witnesses to withhold testimony and agencies to withhold documents.

Consequently, an episode at Mondayā€™s House hearing is worth pondering.

Daniel Goldman, the Intelligence Committeeā€™s top majority counsel and investigator, was being questioned by the Judiciary Committeeā€™s ranking member, Doug Collins (R., Ga.). At issue was the majorityā€™s decision, in composing its report, to issue telephone-records subpoenas and then publicize the resulting phone records of its political piƱatas ā€” Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, journalist John Solomon, and Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes ā€” as if they were engaged in a nefarious conspiracy. The phone-records exposition did not advance the case that Trump pressured Zelensky to meddle in U.S. elections; it was a smear job.

Collins wanted to know, Who decided to do that? Who made the call not only to issue the subpoena but to publicize the relevant names rather than refer to them anonymously, as would typically be done in intelligence reporting (e.g., Lawyer No. 1, Journalist No. 1, Congressman No. 1)?

Goldmanā€™s response? Essentially: None of your business. He refused to answer the questions. That is, the Democratsā€™ chief legal beagle told an elected member of the Peopleā€™s House that he (the lawyer) had unilaterally determined he need not provide information if he had what he regarded as a worthy reason to protect the confidentiality of communications.

The story is worth rehearsing so you understand: The Democratsā€™ position is that the president of the United States does not have the same right to decline House requests for information ā€” based on legally recognized executive privilege and attorney-client privilege ā€” as an unelected bureaucrat who obeisantly answered every question posed by his fellow Democrats.

Itā€™s unreasonable for the House to impeach under circumstances where the executive is willing to litigate privilege issues in court.

When Daniel Goldman told the committee he would not answer any questions that he did not wish to answer, no Democrat objected.

In impeachment, selective outrage is not a good look. One is almost tempted to call it an abuse of power.

Donald Trump Impeachment Articles: Trivial & Overblown | National Review
5. The FBI did not tell the FISA court that information cited in its FISA application was gathered by someone who was being paid by Trumpā€™s political opponents.

If the FISA court knew the source was shady and being paid by Hillary and the DNC the application would have been laughed out of court, hence they accidently on purpose forgot to tell them.

What was shady... The Court knew where the information was coming from. Nunes is a disgraced congressman, he sat in the impeachment hearings and never revealed his conflict of duty..
Keep bringing him up... He is an embarrassment to the GOP, he represents a lot of what is wrong with the GOP right now. Elected to represent his people, he has turned himself in to a lapdog for Trump. He is traveling the world to meet corrupt politicians and henchmen to do Trump's bidding.

He has made frivolous lawsuits his main goto, but the his Cow and Mom are fighting back.
5. The FBI did not tell the FISA court that information cited in its FISA application was gathered by someone who was being paid by Trumpā€™s political opponents.

If the FISA court knew the source was shady and being paid by Hillary and the DNC the application would have been laughed out of court, hence they accidently on purpose forgot to tell them.

What was shady... The Court knew where the information was coming from. Nunes is a disgraced congressman, he sat in the impeachment hearings and never revealed his conflict of duty..
Keep bringing him up... He is an embarrassment to the GOP, he represents a lot of what is wrong with the GOP right now. Elected to represent his people, he has turned himself in to a lapdog for Trump. He is traveling the world to meet corrupt politicians and henchmen to do Trump's bidding.

He has made frivolous lawsuits his main goto, but the his Cow and Mom are fighting back.
The knew the corrupt FBI had forged a document to reverse the meaning of their written notice that Carter Page was a CIA source obtaining information from Russian Intelligence FOR the security of the United States?

And the the FBI deliberately used his interactions with Russian Intelligence to slander him as a spy working on behalf of the Russians.

You are now slandering the FISA Court by claiming, without evidence, that everyone knew that the submission was a pack of lies and it was all winks and nods between the Corrupt FBI and Corrupt Judges?

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