Kevin McCarthy Claims "Q-on" Ignorance After Denouncing It Last Year

We must start labeling these assholes with gems like ...

Kevin McQarthy
Lauren Qoebert
Marjorie Qaylor Green

May they wear the Q with pride! :)
No matter how they're labeled, rambunctious says he would vote for anybody that Trump tells him to.
We must start labeling these assholes with gems like ...

Kevin McQarthy
Lauren Qoebert
Marjorie Qaylor Green

May they wear the Q with pride! :)
No matter how they're labeled, rambunctious says he would vote for anybody that Trump tells him to.
Yes I would....and you would vote for anyone Obama are kind of weird...
Are you Jewish?
Why? Does that matter to you?
Liar....I was there when Trump said it....
First I've ever seen still haven't told me what it is....
If you were there you saw LOTS of Q shirts and flags and all sorts of shit and that makes you a liar.

Yep! :rolleyes-41:
3 long did it take you to find them...Buuuuaaaaahahahaha...hey just what is Q? one seems to know....

Would you like a hundred or so more?
Stop being a clown - (not that such a thing would be possible) :laugh2:
Sure bring them on....if you could find a hundred you would have posted a hundred....

You have the Google image feature loon. I'm not your nannie.

qanon at trump rallies
I don't know who Qanon is....but by "we" I mean Trump's candidates he directs us to vote for...
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: weak...very must be a smart one....Buuuaaaahahahaha
You just admitted you are nothing but Trumps sheep. Voting for who he tells you to vote for, instead of voting based on your own thinking, or your own interests.

Are you proud when somebody asks you why you voted for somebody, you tell them, because Trump told you to?
Let's remember he also admitted to being there at the Capital/Capitol on Jan 6th too.
keep it up dems we will own the house and senate in two years....
Meaning what exactly?

Spell it out.
Joe's numbers are dropping but not as fast as the dems house and senate members...people are trying to pick themselves off the floor dealing with covid and unemployment and looking for food lines and pelosi is impeaching again and the senate is holding a show trial...

Normal people are disgusted by this on the right and the left....
Moderate democrats in the senate are screaming at the leadership to stop this because they will have to go home and face their voters in red states....

And the senate will never convict...they just don't have the numbers...all they are doing is making Trump stronger....
Are you Jewish?
Why? Does that matter to you?
Liar....I was there when Trump said it....
First I've ever seen still haven't told me what it is....
If you were there you saw LOTS of Q shirts and flags and all sorts of shit and that makes you a liar.

Yep! :rolleyes-41:
3 long did it take you to find them...Buuuuaaaaahahahaha...hey just what is Q? one seems to know....

Would you like a hundred or so more?
Stop being a clown - (not that such a thing would be possible) :laugh2:
Sure bring them on....if you could find a hundred you would have posted a hundred....

You have the Google image feature loon. I'm not your nannie.

qanon at trump rallies
I don't do Google kid....
If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!

Kevin is such a fucking weasel. His defense of MTG and lying claim of "Q-on" ignorance is reason enough that he should NEVER hold the job of minority leader - Let alone Speaker. :mad:

This has nothing to do with Rep. Greene at all, it has to do with the people of the 14th Congressional District and whether they should be allowed to have congressional representation. Or if they should be disenfranchised as Biden's Minions are suggesting because they are Deplorable Chumps clinging to their Holy Bibles and firearms?

The solution, which is obvious to Rep. McCarthy if not to you, is that yes they do have a right to effective representation.
They are being represented. Q lover MTG hasn't been kicked out.
What's Qanon?....and why does it scare you so much?...
Continuing to act stupid will only make us believe that it wasn't an act
I pegged you for stupid years ago....
Says the person who claims to not know what QAnon was...

But was deep throating every conspiracy QAnon pushed...on this very message board....

Yea, you are stupid...
I don't know what it is and I've asked every libtard on the board and not one of them knows....but it sure scares you tards....
Yet, you push the same conspiracies they push...which makes you a useful idiot at best.....

Yo goofy ass thought Trump (DESPITE LOSING THE ELECTION) would still remain president for a second term......just like QAnon claimed...

Yo goofy ass thought that Trump will suddenly declare martial law and announce the arrests of Biden, Hillary and Obama...just like QAnon claimed....

Yea, you are a complete moron......fuck what you yapping about
What conspiracies do I push?....
Watch out for those Jewish Space Lasers.......
Why do you have a red X on your sig?....
Are you curious, Q-curious?
Are you Jewish?
Why? Does that matter to you?
Liar....I was there when Trump said it....
First I've ever seen still haven't told me what it is....
If you were there you saw LOTS of Q shirts and flags and all sorts of shit and that makes you a liar.

Yep! :rolleyes-41:
3 long did it take you to find them...Buuuuaaaaahahahaha...hey just what is Q? one seems to know....

Would you like a hundred or so more?
Stop being a clown - (not that such a thing would be possible) :laugh2:
Sure bring them on....if you could find a hundred you would have posted a hundred....

You have the Google image feature loon. I'm not your nannie.

qanon at trump rallies
Chicken shit can't find anymore...buuuuaahahahahaha
If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!

Kevin is such a fucking weasel. His defense of MTG and lying claim of "Q-on" ignorance is reason enough that he should NEVER hold the job of minority leader - Let alone Speaker. :mad:

This has nothing to do with Rep. Greene at all, it has to do with the people of the 14th Congressional District and whether they should be allowed to have congressional representation. Or if they should be disenfranchised as Biden's Minions are suggesting because they are Deplorable Chumps clinging to their Holy Bibles and firearms?

The solution, which is obvious to Rep. McCarthy if not to you, is that yes they do have a right to effective representation.
They are being represented. Q lover MTG hasn't been kicked out.
What's Qanon?....and why does it scare you so much?...
Continuing to act stupid will only make us believe that it wasn't an act
I pegged you for stupid years ago....
Says the person who claims to not know what QAnon was...

But was deep throating every conspiracy QAnon pushed...on this very message board....

Yea, you are stupid...
I don't know what it is and I've asked every libtard on the board and not one of them knows....but it sure scares you tards....
Yet, you push the same conspiracies they push...which makes you a useful idiot at best.....

Yo goofy ass thought Trump (DESPITE LOSING THE ELECTION) would still remain president for a second term......just like QAnon claimed...

Yo goofy ass thought that Trump will suddenly declare martial law and announce the arrests of Biden, Hillary and Obama...just like QAnon claimed....

Yea, you are a complete moron......fuck what you yapping about
What conspiracies do I push?....
Watch out for those Jewish Space Lasers.......
Why do you have a red X on your sig?....
Are you curious, Q-curious?
No I'm curious about your red X....
Rep Green pulled in 11 million dollars in one week....Booooyah!!!!
How much did you send her, Q-curious?
Nothing yet...but thanks for bringing it up and reminding me...I got a couple of hundred I can send her....and when I get my stimulus check I will send that thank Pelosi for the extra 1400 bucks....
Of course you will.....but you might want to plan for some bail money, since you were one of the rioters at the Capitol on Jan 6th....that knock on your door may come sooner rather than later.

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