Kerry's Career-Long Love Affair With Communism


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004

Seems the only thing Kerry has been consistent on is his prepensity for meeting with communistic leaders.........from Paris to Nicaragua.

By Joseph Farah:
In April 1985, Kerry along with Sen. Tom Harkin ventured to Nicaragua to meet with President Daniel Ortega, a Marxist revolutionary who idolized Fidel Castro and received aid from th eSoviet Union.

Kerry , in office only a few months and with no consultation with the administration (Reagan) or the Satate Department, decided to NEGOTIATE with Ortega.

Following his trip to Nicaragua, Kerry insisted: "They just want peace. They don't want their daughter getting blown away on the way to teach! Sending our own troops. I just don't think Congress or the people will allow it.

Kerry was convinced another Vietnam was taking place in Central America.
But he was wrong.
Reagan stuck to his policy of supporting resistance to the Sandanista Government. And the first time elections were held, the Sandanista's were swept from office.
Kerry aparently forgot that it was his weak-kneed friends in his own party who had started Vietnam and mismanaged the war in a way that it could not be won. It was his weak kneed friends in
South Vietnam, cutting off all aid virtually with out warning and leaving them defenseless agianst communist onslaught from the North-one that resulted in untold death and carnage.

This man is a disgrace to the U.S. military uniform he once wore. He is a disgrace to the U.S. Senate. And if elected, he will be a disgrace to the office of the presidency.
Kerry aparently forgot that it was his weak-kneed friends in his own party who had started Vietnam and mismanaged the war in a way that it could not be won. It was his weak kneed friends in

I think Democrats often forget this. Iraq can never become Vietnam. Why? Because Democrats arent in charge. Republicans are undefeated when it comes to wars.
Re Nicaragua:

Kerry was too bloody right about "congress not allowing this". The actions of Jim Wright and the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives during the eighties was out and out treason. Next time you hear a liberal trying to introduce the specter of "Iran Contra", pin him down on the Boland Amendment (Democrat legislative treachery). Ask him to explain the embarrasing communiques between elected U.S. officials and Daniel Ortega. Insist that he admit the source of funding for Marxist insurgencies in the Western Hemisphere. The left has been laboring diligently against America for a long time.

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