Kentucky’s New GOP Lt. Gov. Is Black Tea-Party Activist


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
A double win for Kentucky :cool:

Matt Bevin’s 53 percent to 44 percent victory tonight marks only the second time in 48 years that Republicans have won the Kentucky governor’s race. But Republicans also made history in another way. Bevin’s lieutenant governor running-mate, Jenean Hampton, is now the first African American elected to statewide office ever in the state’s history. Both Bevin and Hampton are Tea Party activists who have never held elective office. Hampton’s path certainly represents triumph over adversity. Born in Detroit, the 57-year-old Hampton and her three sisters were raised by a single mom who lacked a high school education and couldn’t afford a television or a car. But Hampton was determined to better herself.

Read more at: Kentucky's New GOP Lt. Gov. Is Black Tea-Party Activist | National Review Online

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