Kentucky mayor pushes to remove 2 confederate statues in wake of events Virginia


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The mayor of Lexington, Kentucky, says after the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, he is taking the steps to remove two Confederate-era statues from the lawn of a former courthouse. The Lexington Herald-Leader reports that Mayor Jim Gray said in a statement Saturday he will ask the Lexington-Fayette County Urban County Council at its Tuesday work session

Kentucky Mayor Pushes to Remove 2 Confederate Statues In Wake Of Events In Virginia


It is American history snowflakes, and you idiots are so fkn stupid as you strip away what Freedoms you have in America and to stupid to see that's what you are doing.

USEFUL IDIOTS doing the works .....................................of an engineered plan and you dumb fks are biting it every inch of the way.
The mayor of Lexington, Kentucky, says after the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, he is taking the steps to remove two Confederate-era statues from the lawn of a former courthouse. The Lexington Herald-Leader reports that Mayor Jim Gray said in a statement Saturday he will ask the Lexington-Fayette County Urban County Council at its Tuesday work session

Kentucky Mayor Pushes to Remove 2 Confederate Statues In Wake Of Events In Virginia


It is American history snowflakes, and you idiots are so fkn stupid as you strip away what Freedoms you have in America and to stupid to see that's what you are doing.

USEFUL IDIOTS doing the works .....................................of an engineered plan and you dumb fks are biting it every inch of the way.

And if you keep misbehaving, we'll take away more of your toys.
The mayor of Lexington, Kentucky, says after the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, he is taking the steps to remove two Confederate-era statues from the lawn of a former courthouse. The Lexington Herald-Leader reports that Mayor Jim Gray said in a statement Saturday he will ask the Lexington-Fayette County Urban County Council at its Tuesday work session

Kentucky Mayor Pushes to Remove 2 Confederate Statues In Wake Of Events In Virginia


It is American history snowflakes, and you idiots are so fkn stupid as you strip away what Freedoms you have in America and to stupid to see that's what you are doing.

USEFUL IDIOTS doing the works .....................................of an engineered plan and you dumb fks are biting it every inch of the way.

It is huh.

--- When did Kentucky join the Confederacy again?

The mayor of Lexington, Kentucky, says after the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, he is taking the steps to remove two Confederate-era statues from the lawn of a former courthouse. The Lexington Herald-Leader reports that Mayor Jim Gray said in a statement Saturday he will ask the Lexington-Fayette County Urban County Council at its Tuesday work session
I saw this PC-pandering sonofabitch on tv news. He is a prime example of what is wrong with too many contemporary politicians. Those who are fooled by his performance deserve what he eventually will do to them.
It is American history snowflakes, and you idiots are so fkn stupid as you strip away what Freedoms you have in America and to stupid to see that's what you are doing.

I can't decide which is more entertaining --- the OP s inability to distinguish between "history" and "statues", her apparent belief that the mayor of Lexington Kentucky and its city council actually post here, requiring the use of the second person "you" --- or the ironic

to stupid
The mayor of Lexington, Kentucky, says after the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, he is taking the steps to remove two Confederate-era statues from the lawn of a former courthouse. The Lexington Herald-Leader reports that Mayor Jim Gray said in a statement Saturday he will ask the Lexington-Fayette County Urban County Council at its Tuesday work session
I saw this PC-pandering sonofabitch on tv news. He is a prime example of what is wrong with too many contemporary politicians. Those who are fooled by his performance deserve what he eventually will do to them.

The nail that sticks up gets hammered down. The altRight should have considered that before they started acting like fools.
It is American history snowflakes, and you idiots are so fkn stupid as you strip away what Freedoms you have in America and to stupid to see that's what you are doing.

I can't decide which is more entertaining --- the OP s inability to distinguish between "history" and "statues", her apparent belief that the mayor of Lexington Kentucky and its city council actually post here, requiring the use of the second person "you" --- or the ironic

to stupid

We can all agree that no mater which aspect of the OP you think is more entertaining, the Op is pretty funny.
The mayor of Lexington, Kentucky, says after the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, he is taking the steps to remove two Confederate-era statues from the lawn of a former courthouse. The Lexington Herald-Leader reports that Mayor Jim Gray said in a statement Saturday he will ask the Lexington-Fayette County Urban County Council at its Tuesday work session

Kentucky Mayor Pushes to Remove 2 Confederate Statues In Wake Of Events In Virginia


It is American history snowflakes, and you idiots are so fkn stupid as you strip away what Freedoms you have in America and to stupid to see that's what you are doing.

USEFUL IDIOTS doing the works .....................................of an engineered plan and you dumb fks are biting it every inch of the way.

Do his people agree? Their town, their statue, their choice.
Taking the statues down will do what? It's the equivalent of closing his eyes and screaming lalalalala. It isn't going to change any minds. It will make a significant number of people seriously angry and resentful. Who are they going to be resentful against? Anyone they perceive as supporting the removal of the monuments. It's another way of dividing the people.
The mayor of Lexington, Kentucky, says after the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, he is taking the steps to remove two Confederate-era statues from the lawn of a former courthouse. The Lexington Herald-Leader reports that Mayor Jim Gray said in a statement Saturday he will ask the Lexington-Fayette County Urban County Council at its Tuesday work session
I saw this PC-pandering sonofabitch on tv news. He is a prime example of what is wrong with too many contemporary politicians. Those who are fooled by his performance deserve what he eventually will do to them.
Looks like our good mayor sees an opportunity to get some camera time and move up the Democratic ranks. These PC pukes are ruining the country.
It is American history snowflakes, and you idiots are so fkn stupid as you strip away what Freedoms you have in America and to stupid to see that's what you are doing.

And removing the statues that glorify those who tried to destroy the United States is 'stripping away' the Freedoms of who- exactly?
Taking the statues down will do what? It's the equivalent of closing his eyes and screaming lalalalala. It isn't going to change any minds. It will make a significant number of people seriously angry and resentful. Who are they going to be resentful against? Anyone they perceive as supporting the removal of the monuments. It's another way of dividing the people.

Good. The white supremacists need to know they are not accepted. They are separate.
It is American history snowflakes, and you idiots are so fkn stupid as you strip away what Freedoms you have in America and to stupid to see that's what you are doing.

And removing the statues that glorify those who tried to destroy the United States is 'stripping away' the Freedoms of who- exactly?

the only reason you think that fkd up bs is because you were indoctrinated to think that, brain washed to think that .
Because you are easy to manipulate. The stripping of this nation which is exactly what the Soros globalist elite want.

and if you think we don't need history than you are part of this Country's problem..


Knowing our own history, or the history of our culture, is important because it helps us to know who we are while molding the future. Being familiar with past events gives us the ability not only to learn from past mistakes but also from the successes. History is a general term, which includes many specialized studies such as military history, music history and film history.

The Facts
According to Edmund Burke, “People will not look forward to posterity, who never look backward to their ancestors.”

In order to comprehend why things are as they are in the present, whether technology, political systems or music, we must understand how they began and evolved into what they are today.

The Importance of Knowing History | Synonym


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It is American history snowflakes, and you idiots are so fkn stupid as you strip away what Freedoms you have in America and to stupid to see that's what you are doing.

And removing the statues that glorify those who tried to destroy the United States is 'stripping away' the Freedoms of who- exactly?

Taking the statues down will do what? It's the equivalent of closing his eyes and screaming lalalalala. It isn't going to change any minds. It will make a significant number of people seriously angry and resentful. Who are they going to be resentful against? Anyone they perceive as supporting the removal of the monuments. It's another way of dividing the people.

Good. The white supremacists need to know they are not accepted. They are separate.
Segregation now. Segregation tomorrow. Segregation forever.
It is American history snowflakes, and you idiots are so fkn stupid as you strip away what Freedoms you have in America and to stupid to see that's what you are doing.

And removing the statues that glorify those who tried to destroy the United States is 'stripping away' the Freedoms of who- exactly?

the only reason you think that fkd up bs is because you were indoctrinated to think that, brain washed to think that .
Because you are easy to manipulate. The stripping of this nation which is exactly what the Soros globalist elite want.

and if you think we don't need history than you are part of this Country's problem..


Knowing our own history, or the history of our culture, is important because it helps us to know who we are while molding the future. Being familiar with past events gives us the ability not only to learn from past mistakes but also from the successes. History is a general term, which includes many specialized studies such as military history, music history and film history.

The Facts
According to Edmund Burke, “People will not look forward to posterity, who never look backward to their ancestors.”

In order to comprehend why things are as they are in the present, whether technology, political systems or music, we must understand how they began and evolved into what they are today.

The Importance of Knowing History | Synonym
The Civil war will not be forgotten, but it's stupid to honor people who wanted to overthrow the United States.
How long will it be before the left want the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy arrested, punished, force them not to honor their family members who fought?

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