Kent State Redux


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The greatest President in a hundred years, famously said:
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

Here's an example:

May 4th, 1970
Four students shot at Kent State
On this day in 1970, an anti-Vietnam War demonstration at Kent State University turned deadly when the Ohio National Guard shot four unarmed students and wounded nine others, further turning public opinion against the war.


"....even peaceful protests leave students not engaged in protesting dead on a campus green, as we all witnessed at Kent St."

It that what you 'learned' about the incident, it is no wonder you feel the way you do.
But, as Alexander Pope wrote, 'A little learning is a dangerous thing....'

Let's puncture that Leftist 'peaceful protests' balloon.
  1. Instructive of the movement is the new evidence released by the FBI as to the causes of the Kent State shootings of 1970.
  2. “Previously undisclosed FBI documents suggest that the Kent State antiwar protests were more meticulously planned than originally thought and that one or more gunshots may have been fired at embattled Ohio National Guardsmen before their killings of four students and woundings of at least nine others on that searing day in May 1970….Yet the declassified FBI files show the FBI already had developed credible evidence suggesting that there was indeed a sniper and that one or more shots may have been fired at the guardsmen first….And a memorandum sent to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover on May 19, 1970, referred to bullet holes found in a tree and a statue — evidence, the report stated, that “indicated that at least two shots had been fired at the National Guard.” New light shed on Kent State killings
a. "KENT, Ohio -- A noisy, violent altercation and four pistol shots took place about 70 seconds before Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on antiwar protesters at Kent State University, according to a new analysis of a 40-year-old audiotape of the event.
The discovery adds new perspective to -- and raises new questions about -- one of the signature events of the 20th century, after four decades of spirited discussion and research."
Kent State tape indicates altercation and pistol fire preceded National Guard shootings (audio) |

Kent State tape indicates altercation and pistol fire preceded National Guard shootings (audio)

Which party was put in a bad light with the original story?
The really messed up thing about Kent State is this. If those pistol shots had hit and killed four National Guardsman, and the guard had pulled back, no one in this day would know anything about it.
The greatest President in a hundred years, famously said:
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

Here's an example:

May 4th, 1970
Four students shot at Kent State
On this day in 1970, an anti-Vietnam War demonstration at Kent State University turned deadly when the Ohio National Guard shot four unarmed students and wounded nine others, further turning public opinion against the war.

View attachment 331745

"....even peaceful protests leave students not engaged in protesting dead on a campus green, as we all witnessed at Kent St."

It that what you 'learned' about the incident, it is no wonder you feel the way you do.
But, as Alexander Pope wrote, 'A little learning is a dangerous thing....'

Let's puncture that Leftist 'peaceful protests' balloon.
  1. Instructive of the movement is the new evidence released by the FBI as to the causes of the Kent State shootings of 1970.
  2. “Previously undisclosed FBI documents suggest that the Kent State antiwar protests were more meticulously planned than originally thought and that one or more gunshots may have been fired at embattled Ohio National Guardsmen before their killings of four students and woundings of at least nine others on that searing day in May 1970….Yet the declassified FBI files show the FBI already had developed credible evidence suggesting that there was indeed a sniper and that one or more shots may have been fired at the guardsmen first….And a memorandum sent to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover on May 19, 1970, referred to bullet holes found in a tree and a statue — evidence, the report stated, that “indicated that at least two shots had been fired at the National Guard.” New light shed on Kent State killings
a. "KENT, Ohio -- A noisy, violent altercation and four pistol shots took place about 70 seconds before Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on antiwar protesters at Kent State University, according to a new analysis of a 40-year-old audiotape of the event.
The discovery adds new perspective to -- and raises new questions about -- one of the signature events of the 20th century, after four decades of spirited discussion and research."
Kent State tape indicates altercation and pistol fire preceded National Guard shootings (audio) |
Kent State tape indicates altercation and pistol fire preceded National Guard shootings (audio)

Which party was put in a bad light with the original story?
This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories

No Guardsman declared that he thought he was being shot at. There were claims that students were throwing bricks, yet no bricks were found on the ground near the guardsmen

What really happened is the demonstrators rapidly moved forward pinning the guardsmen up against a fence. They panicked, charged the hill and fired in response.

Why they had live ammunition and why they fired into the students can’t be explained
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There were no bricks? This is what is known as a "pregnant denial." They were throwing ROCKS.

The "students" believed that they could do whatever they wanted...threaten, harass, insult, and even throw rocks at the guardsmen - who happened to be their neighbors - and NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN TO THEM. Maybe, at worst, a few of them would be arrested and they would spend a few hours at the police station and have an adventurous tale they could tell their grandkids.

It is analogous to the situations one used to encounter where a girl mercilessly harassed a much larger boy/man, knowing that the culture prohibited a man from fighting back...then the man knocks her out.

They deserved, collectively, to have the shit slapped out of them, but regrettably they got a little more than that.

There were some innocent parties at Kent State, but the demonstrators were not innocent.
All I have to say is...

CSNY- Ohio
So you have nothing to say. You've simply proven what Reagan said.
What else is there to say except "poorly trained troops under incompetent officers". It's the kind of scene you expect from China, not the U.S.

No, you moron......the real story is the Democrat/Bolsheviks getting away with being agent provocateurs.....shooting at troops, and the Democrat apparatchiks with press passes hiding the truth.

And real imbeciles hearing the shots in the link I provided, and continuing to parrot the propaganda.
No one was shooting at the NG troops. But, just like in 1984, agents of the fascist Right trying to rewrite history.

The tape verifies the shooting at the troop by Leftists, well known to use violence as discourse.

Yet, the respond as usual: "Is not, isssssssss nooooottttttt!!!"

Will you ever cease bending the neck and the knee to evil?
There were no bricks? This is what is known as a "pregnant denial." They were throwing ROCKS.

The "students" believed that they could do whatever they wanted...threaten, harass, insult, and even throw rocks at the guardsmen - who happened to be their neighbors - and NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN TO THEM. Maybe, at worst, a few of them would be arrested and they would spend a few hours at the police station and have an adventurous tale they could tell their grandkids.

It is analogous to the situations one used to encounter where a girl mercilessly harassed a much larger boy/man, knowing that the culture prohibited a man from fighting back...then the man knocks her out.

They deserved, collectively, to have the shit slapped out of them, but regrettably they got a little more than that.

There were some innocent parties at Kent State, but the demonstrators were not innocent.

It played out exactly as the Left desired.

Notice the Leftists in this thread choosing their side over reality.
Meatheads have been around forever. The ultimate socialists...........under the illusion of fighting such a horrible thing. Here's one who was looking for WMD's !
No one was shooting at the NG troops. But, just like in 1984, agents of the fascist Right trying to rewrite history.

Again, in interviewing guardsmen and their leaders, nobody claimed they were being fired upon

Only conspiracy nuts and those revising history embrace that theory. Right in PCs wheelhouse
There were no bricks? This is what is known as a "pregnant denial." They were throwing ROCKS.

The "students" believed that they could do whatever they wanted...threaten, harass, insult, and even throw rocks at the guardsmen - who happened to be their neighbors - and NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN TO THEM. Maybe, at worst, a few of them would be arrested and they would spend a few hours at the police station and have an adventurous tale they could tell their grandkids.

It is analogous to the situations one used to encounter where a girl mercilessly harassed a much larger boy/man, knowing that the culture prohibited a man from fighting back...then the man knocks her out.

They deserved, collectively, to have the shit slapped out of them, but regrettably they got a little more than that.

There were some innocent parties at Kent State, but the demonstrators were not innocent.
They were not throwing rocks when they were fired upon. They were retreating
Why they had live ammunition

Don’t carry live ammo unless you plan to use it.

If the only tool in your toolbox is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail
It was the National Guard....what would they have sent them out there with?
WTF do you think the National Guard are trained to do?
You're a fucking retard.
Stop typing.
Kill students?

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