Kendrick Lamar Raised & Socialized By Violent, Drug Peddling Gang Members


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
Kendrick Lamar Raised & Socialized By Violent, Drug Peddling Gang Members

Hello. During a January 20, 2011 LAWeekly interview, depressed, suic!d@l thinking, Grammy award winning recording artist Kendrick Lamar states he was six-years-old witnessing "LIVING WILD" family members toting shotguns & peddling dope in front of the residence where he and his siblings were raised, nurtured and socialized.

1) What is your honest opinion of Kendrick's family?

2) Do you believe Kendrick Lamar's family was contributing to the destruction of an American community?

3) Do you believe, THROUGH NO FAULT OF HIS OWN, young Kendrick Lamar was raised, nurtured and conditioned to HATE law enforcement officials?

4) Do you believe Kendrick's family members were acting in the best interests of their peaceful neighbors and community, when peddling illegal life harming substances to their depressed, self-harming neighbors?

5) Do you believe Kendrick Lamar's family and families like Kendricks contribute to community violence and fear, as well as MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES plaguing many American people and communities?

5) Do you believe Kendrick Lamar's family, and families like Kendrick's promote a POSITIVE HEALTHY IMAGE of African American citizens?

6) Do you believe laws should be created allowing now-adult victims of Child Neglect, Abuse and Maltreatment to bring legal action against family members and relatives who subject children to criminal child abuse?

Kendrick Lamar Talks About His Depression and Suic!d@l Thoughts - part 2 MTV:

I look forward to reading thoughtful, intelligent replies, as well as SOLUTIONS for ending madness responsible for Kendrick creating his "Good Kid, M.A.A.D City" music collection.

Peace ♥️


"America's Biggest Problem" by Sidni Standard

Greetings. In this broadcast open minded, freedom embracing, America loving Sidni Standard shares her belief that people experiencing MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES is our Nation's biggest problem.

I agree, and would like to share medical research that health professionals state is the source or infancy for mental health issues experienced by *many* American and foreign born citizens...

Early Brain Child Development (EBCD) Scientist Dr. Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD educates a billionaire Childhood Trauma survivor about an easily preventable medical condition affecting children, teens & ADULTS emotional well-being, as well as physical HEALTH:

Bruce D. Perry: Social And Emotional Development In Early Childhood:

'SOULutions' oriented Child Abuse Awareness, Prevention, Education Advocate California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, MPH, FAAP, explains the effects of Childhood Trauma, Child Neglect & Maltreatment:

Dr. Harris offers REAL solutions for PREVENTING Violence & HATE:

Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Park Dietz, MD, PhD, chats with homicidal suicidal minded hitman Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski, explaining why he matured into a paranoid, hateful teen & adult citizen lacking empathy & respect for EVERYONE, including his children:

Mafia Iceman Killer Abused Traumatized American Child

"Conducting A Quick Screen For Trauma - Parent Interview"

Conducting a Quick Screen for Trauma - Parent Interview

"Conducting A Quick Screen For Trauma - Child Interview"

Conducting a Quick Screen for Trauma - Child Interview

Fatherless Child Sharing His PAIN:


I look forward to reading people's opinions about SCIENTIFIC research conducted by mental health professionals.

My oldest son put a lot of rap on my Ipod along with lots of other music. I listened to all of it during long training runs and most of the rap I didn't like. But the lyrics of Tupac, Kendric and J. Cole stood out and I like them. They clearly describe the Hell of the inner city, growing up in dysfunctional families, how violent Blacks are towards each other, and yes the problems with Police. But they are I believe very talented writers and very good at what they do.
My oldest son put a lot of rap on my Ipod along with lots of other music. I listened to all of it during long training runs and most of the rap I didn't like. But the lyrics of Tupac, Kendric and J. Cole stood out and I like them. They clearly describe the Hell of the inner city, growing up in dysfunctional families, how violent Blacks are towards each other, and yes the problems with Police. But they are I believe very talented writers and very good at what they do.

Hello, MM. For the most part I avoid listening to rap music.

No sh!t, many of the beats remind me of music I heard blasting throughout the Bed-Stuy community most every day and night for 12 years.

Rap music brings back memories of community violence, fear and hate that eventually took its toll on me, causing me to transfer to a safer, more friendly work environment.

Even just reading some rap lyrics causes me PTSD.

So I avoid that genre of music, preferring to listen to Motown, blues, soul and funkadelic I grew up loving when I was that makes me smile, feel safe and happy.

Peace ♥

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