Keep the Faith – President Trump will win this election based on the Constitution

But they have witnesses and affidavits!

The day after filing a petition, the Trump campaign lost an election lawsuit in Georgia on Thursday after two witnesses called by Republicans admitted under oath that they did not know whether the challenged ballots were received on time. Two witnesses for Chatham County’s board of elections affirmed that the ballots were on time.

Stop the steal !

Tony Shaffer is a retired Intelligence Operative and current President of the London Center for Policy Research and a member of President Trump’s 2020 Advisory Board. He believes the President won the election and has a great case in the courts to prove it.

A hypothetical question for all the Democrat trolls following my feed…

What if DHS anticipated DNC counting fraud.

What if they “tagged” each legitimate ballot.

What would happen if DHS does an audit of all counted ballots and find ballots without the tag – what happens then?

This caused an uproar on Twitter and liberals freaked out thinking they might have gotten caught in their attempt to steal this year’s election.

Shaffer has a credible record and one of the first to confirm that President Trump was being spied on back in March 2017.

one thing he leaves out is our politicians and every president from reagan up to obama have all taken a shit on the constitution for decades.
Btw dude,I cannot believe for the life of me that incredibly you STILL reply to those Langley shills candyass and soupnazi.. You recently had your 9/11 thread closed for their trolling and insults,you know their IS an ignore feature you know? It’s something I thank god exists,I could never come to this site without it,I put them on ignore years ago,you would be wise to do the same thing instead of letting them get to you to have the thread closed,they Won because they achieved the result they wanted of getting that thread closed so no more truthful facts are posted on it from that what you wanted?

soupnazi is the most lunatic poster I have ever come across.that shill is so evil I hate to come across him in real life,he trolls at this other site I sometimes go to constantly as well.I seldom post there,not anywhere near as much there as here the way the mods play favorites there and won’t do anything about him and take his side.

the nazi is the most lunatic crazy ass poster I know because he is clearly seeking attention. He replies to me in the first person as though he thinks I still read his lies and about being desperate for attention.:laughing0301: I know when someone lets me know they have ME on ignore,I don’t keep addressing them in the first person as he does,he clearly belongs in the rubber room.:laughing0301:

I fail to understand why you don’t follow my advise on those shills from langley and Langley shill Toto as well.thisbelow.
Btw dude,I cannot believe for the life of me that incredibly you STILL reply to those Langley shills candyass and soupnazi.. You recently had your 9/11 thread closed for their trolling and insults,you know their IS an ignore feature you know? It’s something I thank god exists,I could never come to this site without it,I put them on ignore years ago,you would be wise to do the same thing instead of letting them get to you to have the thread closed,they Won because they achieved the result they wanted of getting that thread closed so no more truthful facts are posted on it from that what you wanted?

soupnazi is the most lunatic poster I have ever come across.that shill is so evil I hate to come across him in real life,he trolls at this other site I sometimes go to constantly as well.I seldom post there,not anywhere near as much there as here the way the mods play favorites there and won’t do anything about him and take his side.

the nazi is the most lunatic crazy ass poster I know because he is clearly seeking attention. He replies to me in the first person as though he thinks I still read his lies and about being desperate for attention.:laughing0301: I know when someone lets me know they have ME on ignore,I don’t keep addressing them in the first person as he does,he clearly belongs in the rubber room.:laughing0301:

I fail to understand why you don’t follow my advise on those shills from langley and Langley shill Toto as well.thisbelow.
You believe in 9/11 conspiracies? :cuckoo:
He is going to win those cases. But now he is doing and acting the way what he suppose to have done.
He is behaving more stern less talk but more actions.
These Dems were luring him out to speak to see what he is up to so that they can set him up. He should never asked question in the discussion room. But just come in and say a few words and then walked out. But the Dems has kept on trying to lure him out by speaking negative things about him so that he can respond. Then they will twist his words making him to stay even more longer out discussing things with them, but keeping him busy at the same time so that he will not have time to focus on the things in the past, like the 9/11 incident.
But the Left knows he is going to win those cases, but they are just trying to keep him from focusing on draining the swamp like they used the Russia collusion hoax to keep him occupied.
Like it says, An Idle mind is the devil's workshop. Which he don't want people to meditate on certain things like how things were created, that it will lead them to God.

worlds champ.gif
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Pretty soon that there's going to be more and more Whistleblowers than voters.
Pres. Trump needs to pardon Eric Snowden and Julian Assange. If not, that it will put fear in others to come out and speak the truth.
Anyone who tells the truth should never be punished. If they are, that it shows who's reigning over us.
Pres. Trump needs to take control by not letting those who are whispering into his ears to sway him to do things that he shouldn't do.



Luke 22:53
Every day I was with you in the temple courts, and you did not lay a hand on me. But this is your hour—when darkness reigns.”

Revelation 11:15

The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever.”

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