Kay Bailey Hutchison: Obama Has A 'Bias' Against Texas

Obama and libs hate Texas because it's a mostly white state, it executes murderers, it doesn't cater to illegals, oil is its prime business and there are ranchers/cowboys living the way of the West, not relying some DC politician for a handout.

Texas was 45% white in the last census with Hispanics and blacks making up the majority of the population. Texas is a prime candidate to become a blue state. Not many earn their living as cowboys or ranchers
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Texas is overrun by illegals, but the state isn't like Kalifornia where they throw millions down the toilet supporting the illegals that overrun the state.

As for handouts, the ranchers/cowboys toiling in the wild west of TX aren't standing in line for their Obama money like the assholes inb Detroit, NYC, etc.

Obama and libs hate Texas because it's a mostly white state, it executes murderers, it doesn't cater to illegals, oil is its prime business and there are ranchers/cowboys living the way of the West, not relying some DC politician for a handout.

Texas doesn't cater to illegals ? You sure about that ? Not relying on DC money ? You sure about that ?

true story! :clap2:
Hmmm, if Texas has been taken over by minorities then you libs need to explain why Republicans own the state.

The ranching business is big outside the big cities of Texas....you've never been there. Oil and ranching are it outside their big commerce cities.

Obama and libs hate Texas because it's a mostly white state, it executes murderers, it doesn't cater to illegals, oil is its prime business and there are ranchers/cowboys living the way of the West, not relying some DC politician for a handout.

Texas was 45% white in the last census with Hispanics and blacks making up the majority of the population. Texas is a prime candidate to become a blue state. Not many earn their living as cowboys or ranchers
AMERICAN hispanics that are hard-working and law-abiding don't like libs that cater to illegals. They know libs are only after the "brown vote" and really don't give a damn about them....see the black community treatment by libs.

I beleive you meant to say, "One only has to hear the left-wing rhetoric coming out of Texas, Arizona and now Alabama to know the left wants Hispanics to think they're not welcome by the Republicans."

Believe whatever you want

Hispanic voters have historically been conservative. The recent scape goating by extremists in the conservative movement does not sit well with Hispanic voters who think they are being singled out

Hispanic voters are historically conservative and understand the problem with illegals. Where they differ from arch conservatives is:

1. They want to be left alone. They don't want to be hassled because they look Hispanic or have an accent.

2 They support a path to citizenship for illegals currently in the US.

Recent republican initiatives oppose both
Wrong...my hispanic friends from Mexican to Cuban to Puerto Rican roots don't like illegals.

"Conservative" hispanics don't like people that break the law no matter their skin color and even some middle of the road hispanics don't like illegals jumping the line if they were forced to jump through hoops to live here from abroad.

People like you just lower the bar for society trying to tell us it is ok to break the law, you're full of shit.

AMERICAN hispanics that are hard-working and law-abiding don't like libs that cater to illegals. They know libs are only after the "brown vote" and really don't give a damn about them....see the black community treatment by libs.

Believe whatever you want

Hispanic voters have historically been conservative. The recent scape goating by extremists in the conservative movement does not sit well with Hispanic voters who think they are being singled out

Hispanic voters are historically conservative and understand the problem with illegals. Where they differ from arch conservatives is:

1. They want to be left alone. They don't want to be hassled because they look Hispanic or have an accent.

2 They support a path to citizenship for illegals currently in the US.

Recent republican initiatives oppose both
Wrong...my hispanic friends from Mexican to Cuban to Puerto Rican roots don't like illegals.

"Conservative" hispanics don't like people that break the law no matter their skin color and even some middle of the road hispanics don't like illegals jumping the line if they were forced to jump through hoops to live here from abroad.

People like you just lower the bar for society trying to tell us it is ok to break the law, you're full of shit.

AMERICAN hispanics that are hard-working and law-abiding don't like libs that cater to illegals. They know libs are only after the "brown vote" and really don't give a damn about them....see the black community treatment by libs.

Hispanic voters are historically conservative and understand the problem with illegals. Where they differ from arch conservatives is:

1. They want to be left alone. They don't want to be hassled because they look Hispanic or have an accent.

2 They support a path to citizenship for illegals currently in the US.

Recent republican initiatives oppose both

As a person that is both Puerto Rican and Cuban..Rightwinger has it Right.
One only has to hear the rhetoric coming out of Texas, Arizona and now Alabama to know that Hispanics are not welcome by the Republicans
I beleive you meant to say, "One only has to hear the left-wing rhetoric coming out of Texas, Arizona and now Alabama to know the left wants Hispanics to think they're not welcome by the Republicans."

Believe whatever you want
I.e., the truth.
Hispanic voters have historically been conservative. The recent scape goating by extremists in the conservative movement does not sit well with Hispanic voters who think they are being singled out
There has been no scapegoating by the right. What's been going on is the left is saying the right is scapegoating Hispanics.

There's a vast difference.

Doesn't really tell you anything meaningful. Texas is the second largest state. It's not really shocking that it's created more jobs than any other state.

And California is number 1, and NY number 3. Neither of which come anywhere near, proportionally, the number of jobs Texas is creating.

So yeah, I'd say that fits the definition of "thriving" in this economy.

California was the epicenter of the housing bust, so it's not really a surprise it lost jobs.
Wrong...my hispanic friends from Mexican to Cuban to Puerto Rican roots don't like illegals.

"Conservative" hispanics don't like people that break the law no matter their skin color and even some middle of the road hispanics don't like illegals jumping the line if they were forced to jump through hoops to live here from abroad.

People like you just lower the bar for society trying to tell us it is ok to break the law, you're full of shit.

Hispanic voters are historically conservative and understand the problem with illegals. Where they differ from arch conservatives is:

1. They want to be left alone. They don't want to be hassled because they look Hispanic or have an accent.

2 They support a path to citizenship for illegals currently in the US.

Recent republican initiatives oppose both

As a person that is both Puerto Rican and Cuban..Rightwinger has it Right.
As a conservative, no, he doesn't.
Of course, you're a sellout....just like Soros sold out fellow Jews to the Nazis.

Wrong...my hispanic friends from Mexican to Cuban to Puerto Rican roots don't like illegals.

"Conservative" hispanics don't like people that break the law no matter their skin color and even some middle of the road hispanics don't like illegals jumping the line if they were forced to jump through hoops to live here from abroad.

People like you just lower the bar for society trying to tell us it is ok to break the law, you're full of shit.

Hispanic voters are historically conservative and understand the problem with illegals. Where they differ from arch conservatives is:

1. They want to be left alone. They don't want to be hassled because they look Hispanic or have an accent.

2 They support a path to citizenship for illegals currently in the US.

Recent republican initiatives oppose both

As a person that is both Puerto Rican and Cuban..Rightwinger has it Right.
Texas has a booming economy and their unemployment rates have been below the national average for over a decade.

Apparently many people view Texas as a good place to seek employment and to move to. Over 900k people have moved to Texas from other parts of the country and abroad since 2000...which will be leading them to gain more house appointments and electorial votes (while NY,as an example, will be losing some of theirs due to people leaving the state in droves...due to the high cost of living).

Texas does have an unemployment rate below the national average. It's also one of the poorest states in the country. It has one of the highest rates of people lacking health insurance. It has the second lowest percentage of residents who lack a high school diploma.

Also, you need to check your population stats. Texas gained seats because it grew faster than other states. The only state to lose population was Michigan.

Not true!

The 435 seats in the House of Representatives are divided among the states every 10 years based on new Census data. A look at states that could possibly gain or lose if reapportionment occurred today. Number of House seats in parenthesis:


Texas (32): 4 possible seats gained

Florida (25): 2 possible seats gained

Arizona (8): 1 possible seat gained

Georgia (3): 1 possible seat gained

Nevada (3): 1 possible seat gained

South Carolina (6): 1 possible seat gained

Utah (3): 1 possible seat gained

Washington (9): 1 possible seat gained


New York (29): 2 possible seats lost

Ohio (18): 2 possible seats lost

Illinois (19): 1 possible seat lost

Iowa (5): 1 possible seat lost

Louisiana (7): 1 possible seat lost

Massachusetts (10): 1 possible seat lost

Michigan (15): 1 possible seat lost

Missouri (9): 1 possible seat lost

New Jersey (13): 1 possible seat lost

Pennsylvania (19): 1 possible seat

What's not true?

Those states lost seats because they grew slower than the other states, not because they lost population. To give a simple example of how this works:

- Sampleland has four states and a legislature with 100 seats.

In year 1, the states have the following populations

A: 10,000,000
B: 7,000,000
C: 5,000,000
D: 3,000,000

Resulting in the allocation of seats as follows:

A: 40
B: 28
C: 20
D: 12

Let's say in the following decade there was a population boom, resulting in the following population breakdown:

A: 18,000,000
B: 10,000,000
C: 6,000,000
D: 6,000,000

The new seat breakdown would be:

A: 45
B: 25
C: 15
D: 15

Even though B and C both grew, the lost seats due the strength of population growth in A and D.
Libs like to use the "this group" is being targeted by the police whenever some criminal/social issue affect a specific group.

Black males on average commit the majority of crime in this county, so when police in communities take an extra look at black men in age groups 16-35 late night around town...they're racist.

Hispanics make up the majority of illegals in this country, so if the Border Patrol or police stop a car with legal reasons....they're racist.

Middle Eastern and Pakistani men being profiled at airports, train stations, etc....is racist even after 9/11.

Oh, but when the police in England profiled Irish men during the height of IRA bombings in England....that was ok.
Interesting list. Hope you are not assuming that additional population are loyal republican voters. Increases in population in Texas, Florida and Arizona are primarily Hispanic voters. Recent ant-Hispanic legislation passed by Republicans does not endear them to Hispanics

It only pisses the illegal ones off so how they feel does not matter one bit. Fuck them. They are brought up every election and mean nothing every time because illegals cant vote.

Actually, it pisses off Hispanics across the board, which is why the states with larger Hispanic populations are shifting toward the Democrats.
Libs like to use the "this group" is being targeted by the police whenever some criminal/social issue affect a specific group.

Black males on average commit the majority of crime in this county, so when police in communities take an extra look at black men in age groups 16-35 late night around town...they're racist.

Hispanics make up the majority of illegals in this country, so if the Border Patrol or police stop a car with legal reasons....they're racist.

Middle Eastern and Pakistani men being profiled at airports, train stations, etc....is racist even after 9/11.

Oh, but when the police in England profiled Irish men during the height of IRA bombings in England....that was ok.

well, libs targeted aka profiled the Tea Party and returning vets too.. as the people most likely to comitt acts of terror..Just as soon as the congresswoman in Arizona was shot they blamed it on Palin and the Tea Party. that's why they are DUmmies.. innit? :lol::lol::lol:
Poor ,poor Texas...only 92 cents on every dollar they pay

Obama must really hate blue state NJ.......we only receive 62 cents

Speaking of MOOCHERS? Here is another one...YES YOU Leftwingshitflinger...

I fail to see how my federal employment could be considered MOOCHING

Over the past thirty years working for the Dept of Defense I have worked at providing cutting edge technology to soldiers that has saved thousands of lives. I have worked long hours under stressful conditions spending months away from my family

I have been paid a fair salary for what I do, but could have made much more working for defense contractors. I am proud every time I see soldiers using equipment that I spent years developing and testing. I am also proud to have made a difference in ensuring our soldiers have the best equipment in the world
The term Moocher does not apply to your work. Rather it applies to your politics. Your support of unending entitlements, high taxes and job losing policies.
And please spare us the poor abused public worker sob story.
Speaking of MOOCHERS? Here is another one...YES YOU Leftwingshitflinger...

I fail to see how my federal employment could be considered MOOCHING

Over the past thirty years working for the Dept of Defense I have worked at providing cutting edge technology to soldiers that has saved thousands of lives. I have worked long hours under stressful conditions spending months away from my family

I have been paid a fair salary for what I do, but could have made much more working for defense contractors. I am proud every time I see soldiers using equipment that I spent years developing and testing. I am also proud to have made a difference in ensuring our soldiers have the best equipment in the world
The term Moocher does not apply to your work. Rather it applies to your politics. Your support of unending entitlements, high taxes and job losing policies.
And please spare us the poor abused public worker sob story.

Not sure how RW'r got all this done considering he's on message boards 24/7.

Dollar to a donut he sits in some cubicle shuffling papers from pile A to pile B and then back again.

Interesting list. Hope you are not assuming that additional population are loyal republican voters. Increases in population in Texas, Florida and Arizona are primarily Hispanic voters. Recent ant-Hispanic legislation passed by Republicans does not endear them to Hispanics

It only pisses the illegal ones off so how they feel does not matter one bit. Fuck them. They are brought up every election and mean nothing every time because illegals cant vote.

Actually, it pisses off Hispanics across the board, which is why the states with larger Hispanic populations are shifting toward the Democrats.
An assumption based on your opinion.
I find it amusing how you libs seeing your base eroding have to turn to any means necessary( importing illegals, allowing them unfettered access to social programs and the vote) to tilt the scale in your favor.
BTW, your side is screaming in objection to "illegal = Latino".....Yet you then go on to opine that Latinos are auto democrat votes. Then you label anti illegal immigration proposals as "anti-Hispanic"....You cannot have it both ways.
The Left in it's arrogance, assumes all minorities to be safely in the pocket of the democrat party.
Soon after Obama took over the White House there was a DoHS report that white vets returning from war were a possible terrorist threat aka Timothy McVeigh.

These assholes go out of their way to make sure not to offend muslims over 9/11 and numerous terrorist attacks by their kind, but 1 nutjob Vet blowing up a building in the early 90s shows a pattern with Vets 10 years later in their demented minds.

Libs like to use the "this group" is being targeted by the police whenever some criminal/social issue affect a specific group.

Black males on average commit the majority of crime in this county, so when police in communities take an extra look at black men in age groups 16-35 late night around town...they're racist.

Hispanics make up the majority of illegals in this country, so if the Border Patrol or police stop a car with legal reasons....they're racist.

Middle Eastern and Pakistani men being profiled at airports, train stations, etc....is racist even after 9/11.

Oh, but when the police in England profiled Irish men during the height of IRA bombings in England....that was ok.

well, libs targeted aka profiled the Tea Party and returning vets too.. as the people most likely to comitt acts of terror..Just as soon as the congresswoman in Arizona was shot they blamed it on Palin and the Tea Party. that's why they are DUmmies.. innit? :lol::lol::lol:
9/11 happened on George W. Bush watch. And while he was warned that the brother of the man who he started a business with..would be involved. George W. Bush was no stranger to Osama Bin Laden, his father funded the crazy religious zealot..when he was fighting the Russians. After 9/11 George W. Bush made sure Bin Laden's family got out of harms way..by helping them leave the country. George W. Bush..said he was after Osama, but somehow killed the President of Iraq, Saddam Hussien, instead. That guy had nothing to do with 9/11. Osama Bin Laden..planned it. Financed it. Ordered it done. So thanks to the Bushes and their DIRECT involvement with the Bin Ladens, 3,000 Americans died, horrible deaths. Thanks to the Bushes, 2 unpaid for wars bankrupted this nation. Thanks to the Bushes, thousands of troops have been injured and killed..as well as hundreds of thousands of Afghan and Iraqi citizens.

And this whole thing could have been over in 2 weeks..had George W. Bush wiped out the camps in Afghanistan and killed Osama Bin Laden. But nope:

YouTube - ‪Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version)‬‏
CIA disbands Bin laden unit | World news | The Guardian

You people are fucked up.
Actually 9/11 began under Clinton's watch. bin Laden was handed on a gold plated serving dish to Clinton and he refused.
Now you will spout off these lefty conspiracy theories about the alleged 9/11 hoax.
Yes yes yes....bore us to death

Actually..that's a lie. No one offered Bin Laden's head on a platter. Actually quite the opposite. The conservatives were against hunting down Bin Laden. They would not allow Special Forces to enter any of the regions that Bin Laden was hiding in to track him down. Conservatives were much more interested in impeaching the President over a blow job. That's not a made up internet story. That's the history.

But to the bigger point. 9/11 started when George HW Bush funded the muhjaideen. They were as radical back then as they were when they broke off into the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Afghanistan was a "proof of concept" for them, to see if they could fight a big western power. And they showed it could be done...and by using resources from the West.

Nice try at rewriting history, but since when do 'conservatives' tell the Commander in Chief he can't use Special Forces? Never is the answer.

As to your ridiculous bigger point, the concept of the enemy of my enemy is my friend applied when aid was given to the Afghan rebels. You do remember who our enemy was then, and, unlike what your hero Obama says, it was not conservatives.
It only pisses the illegal ones off so how they feel does not matter one bit. Fuck them. They are brought up every election and mean nothing every time because illegals cant vote.

Actually, it pisses off Hispanics across the board, which is why the states with larger Hispanic populations are shifting toward the Democrats.
An assumption based on your opinion.
I find it amusing how you libs seeing your base eroding have to turn to any means necessary( importing illegals, allowing them unfettered access to social programs and the vote) to tilt the scale in your favor.
BTW, your side is screaming in objection to "illegal = Latino".....Yet you then go on to opine that Latinos are auto democrat votes. Then you label anti illegal immigration proposals as "anti-Hispanic"....You cannot have it both ways.
The Left in it's arrogance, assumes all minorities to be safely in the pocket of the democrat party.

It's not an assumption. Look at election results. I haven't ran the numbers for other regions, but at least in the south, there is a clear relationship between population growth and share of the vote Obama in 2008 carried relative to Kerry and Gore.

No one is wanting to have it both ways. Hispanics see actions taken against "illegals" as being against them more broadly. Arizona's not pulling over white guys and asking for their papers.
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