Kavanaugh has the lowest support of a nominee in 30 years

Kavanaugh is clean, mainstream and well qualified, so why is he hated?
The reason why is because the Left Wing Press always smears Republicans.

Trump's Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh has least support ever | Daily Mail Online
My guess? He voted that Presidents should not be "bothered" with testifying before investigative committees looking into their actions. lol
no one is looking into trump. who told you that. Rosenstein already said it. why do you doubt his word?
I sense the snowflakes are regretting that Harry Reid 'nuclear option' move they celebrated not that awfully long ago....

That was a mistake.
I'm not sure. McConnell was simply refusing to confirm anyone to district and circuit courts.

The fact is court watchers were watching (-: cause that's what they do, and the expectation that whoever won in 16 would set the court for a decade or more. 5-4 decisions would end. Scalia's passing was a surprise. McConnell was not giving up the citizens united vote on that seat.

Kavenaugh seems to lack support from the Trump firebreathers and the dems.
If you read the article, you find out that the percentage of respondents who said they support Kavanaugh is higher than the percentage of those who oppose him. I just thought I'd mention that, since you didn't.
Because the American people are sick and tired of Trump's special brand of extremism. And we don't want the Federalist Society or Heritage Foundation choosing our judges.

They aren't.

Any more than NAMBLA chooses those idiots on the left.
Because the American people are sick and tired of Trump's special brand of extremism. And we don't want the Federalist Society or Heritage Foundation choosing our judges.
If the guy interprets the Constitution as written, nobody should fear him. I don't understand the concern.
Because the American people are sick and tired of Trump's special brand of extremism. And we don't want the Federalist Society or Heritage Foundation choosing our judges.

There would be no objection to him had he been nominated by any other president. Period end of story.

Because the American people are sick and tired of Trump's special brand of extremism. And we don't want the Federalist Society or Heritage Foundation choosing our judges.

No, you want lefty activists legislating from the bench so you can have your agenda, without having to win elections or publicly debating the pros and cons of your policies.

You are vile like that.
His list of potential Justices for the SC was written by special interest lobbyists, idiot
And of course you have the link to prove it...

And once again, you completely ignore the unquestionable merit of Kavanaugh as a USSC Justice - you just go right back, like a dog to his vomit, to your hatred of Trump.


In 2016, Trump issued a list of 11 names he would choose from to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia. The lineup had been outsourced to, and approved by, the conservative legal organization the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. In consultation with those groups, Trump later expanded the list, once during the general election and then again last November.

Trump must not waver from his Supreme Court top 25 list
Thank you for the link....but you still have no objection of Kavanaugh, again, besides you f*ing HATE Trump. Kavanaugh is one of THE best judges - no matter who would / could have nominated him - that could have been nominated.
Kavanaugh was selected by hyper-partisans in order to enact their hyper-partisan beliefs. He is on record believing that a President cannot be indicted/made to stand trial. The lobbyists proposed him as a servant of extreme policy, and Trump chose him as a get out of jail free card. He is unfit to serve.
Do you really think the Court will answer a question that has never in its entire history been answered? Not even with Super Kavanaugh, imo.

The ignorant don't realize 8 other judges will have a vote.

Because the American people are sick and tired of Trump's special brand of extremism. And we don't want the Federalist Society or Heritage Foundation choosing our judges.

No, you want lefty activists legislating from the bench so you can have your agenda, without having to win elections or publicly debating the pros and cons of your policies.

You are vile like that.

One of the funniest claims ^ I've seen in all my born days :lol:

And PSSST - You didn't "win" an election. You stole it with the assistance of a murderous autocrat who's initials are VP.

You're welcome
Because the American people are sick and tired of Trump's special brand of extremism. And we don't want the Federalist Society or Heritage Foundation choosing our judges.
So it is not really Kavanaugh that you and your ilk oppose, Your intolerance, lack of support, and willingness to attack and deny Kavanaugh an earned spot on the USSC is solely due to your sore-loser, butt-hurt, Trump-Hating personal bias....

Got it - thanks for clearing that up.

WAAAAAIT just a minute. You denied Judge Garland a GD hearing for a fucking year and STOLE THE SEAT.

Don't get all high and mighty on me Gomer. :rolleyes-41:

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