Kathleen Parker Implies That People From The South Are Stupid On Meet The Press

What gets me is when someone from NYC or Boston or Philly says a Southerner sounds stupid. Listen to those idiots have a conversation and try to figure out what the fuck they are saying. fogetta bout it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_dx7CkA0ck]Shit Brooklyn People Say - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUFL2GT1-2g]Sh%t Southern Women Say, Episode 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc3MmThj_PU]The Real Housewives of South Boston - St. Paddy's Day - YouTube[/ame]
What gets me is when someone from NYC or Boston or Philly says a Southerner sounds stupid. Listen to those idiots have a conversation and try to figure out what the fuck they are saying. fogetta bout it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_dx7CkA0ck]Shit Brooklyn People Say - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUFL2GT1-2g]Sh%t Southern Women Say, Episode 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc3MmThj_PU]The Real Housewives of South Boston - St. Paddy's Day - YouTube[/ame]

Hmmm... some o' them in #2 are coached actors... but the "stole mah buggy at the Piggly Wiggly" is spot on.

They use that expression here too. In English it's "shopping cart".
What gets me is when someone from NYC or Boston or Philly says a Southerner sounds stupid. Listen to those idiots have a conversation and try to figure out what the fuck they are saying. fogetta bout it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_dx7CkA0ck]Shit Brooklyn People Say - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUFL2GT1-2g]Sh%t Southern Women Say, Episode 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc3MmThj_PU]The Real Housewives of South Boston - St. Paddy's Day - YouTube[/ame]

:lol: The southern women one is pretty damn accurate. In a good way!

Or maybe someone is being overly sensitive. I doubt she meant it like that seriously.


Or it’s just another example of the OP being a tedious rightwing partisan hack, seeking only to contrive a controversy where none exists, and exhibiting his ignorance of a hasty generalization fallacy.

Sometimes it's difficult not to give in to the stereotype that people from the south are stupid. Most of them know the point totals of every driver on the NASCAR circuit. They like barbeque and beer, tater-guns and Jack-ass videos.

They're just people that sound different. Does the way you talk indicate how intelligent you are? Sometimes, but to assume automatically that someone with a southern accent is stupid is an insult, and I think Kathleen Parker needs to apologize for the slur.

Kathleen Parker is a Hillary backer. This is when she said flat out that Romney was a Dork.

Columnist Kathleen Parker Says Face it: Romney is a "dork" - YouTube

You can disparage conservatives or people you think are conservatives, but if she were to say the same thing about gays or blacks she would be getting her pink slip.
You are a LIAR of the worse kind!

Kathleen said no such thing.

She said that Romney just couldn't connect with The American People.

And she was right, as the election results CLEARLY illustrated.

You speak about resonating with "the common man."

Well how do you think that "47 percent" comment played with the common man?

Why don't you cut your BS?

Postby bamapilot » Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:35 pm
I guess she would prefer a Bronx accent instead? Or maybe some Valley Girl talk?

After NBC's "Meet The Press" host David Gregory ran an anti-ObamaCare ad targeting Sen. Mark Pryor from Arkansas featuring a couple with a southern accents questioning the confusing nature of the Affordable Care Act, Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker objected to Americans for Prosperity using people with southern accents in political ads running in Arkansas:

"I think you could find someone who doesn't have a southern accent who is confused by this act," Parker said. "We always seem to find the character who seems a little countrified, who can't just fathom this. You know there there are plenty of smart sophisticated people equally hazy about what is really going on."


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Kathleen Parker writes for the National Review, she's conservative, and from Florida.

She's a panelist on NBC, supports Hillary Clinton, and writes for the Washington Post.

Kathleen Parker - The Washington Post
Hey Jackass,


Do you understand that?

What are you suggesting, that because she has that resume she's a liberal?

Are you that retarded?

Wait...don't bother answering that.


She plays a conservative, but she's not one.

You probably think Bill O'Reilly is a conservative too.

Sean Hannity is a conservative, but O'Reilly is a Northeastern Liberal.
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She's a panelist on NBC, supports Hillary Clinton, and writes for the Washington Post.

Kathleen Parker - The Washington Post
Hey Jackass,


Do you understand that?

What are you suggesting, that because she has that resume she's a liberal?

Are you that retarded?

Wait...don't bother answering that.


She plays a conservative, but she's not one.

You probably think Bill O'Reilly is a conservative too.

Sean Hannity is a conservative, but O'Reilly is a Northeastern Liberal.
With every new post you make on this site you prove how much of a blasted far RW hack you are.

Of course you do. Everyone does. You're just too damn dimwitted to see it. The fact that the distinction between a political audience and a three-year-old girl analogy sailed over your head makes that obvious.
And you call me a dimwit? It isn't the same thing so the analogy is irrelevant to the point. Massaging it with ridiculous comparisons won't make your case.
Hey Jackass,


Do you understand that?

What are you suggesting, that because she has that resume she's a liberal?

Are you that retarded?

Wait...don't bother answering that.


She plays a conservative, but she's not one.

You probably think Bill O'Reilly is a conservative too.

Sean Hannity is a conservative, but O'Reilly is a Northeastern Liberal.
With every new post you make on this site you prove how much of a blasted far RW hack you are.


Actually I'm a moderate, but compared to you I'm Sean Hannity....
The only place you're an ACTUAL moderate [MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION], is in your twisted far RW brain.

MarcATL, A muslim has no credibility among free thinking enlightened people, so STFU!!
She plays a conservative, but she's not one.

You probably think Bill O'Reilly is a conservative too.

Sean Hannity is a conservative, but O'Reilly is a Northeastern Liberal.
With every new post you make on this site you prove how much of a blasted far RW hack you are.


Actually I'm a moderate, but compared to you I'm Sean Hannity....
If you are a moderate then your MessiahRushie is a liar, you gutless Liberal Elitist know-it-all.

June 25, 2010
RUSH: Now, that's fine and dandy, but moderates are liberals without the guts to say so. Moderates are a bunch of liberals who think they're smarter than everybody else, more tolerant than everybody else and less judgmental than everybody else, and more open-minded than everybody else.
With every new post you make on this site you prove how much of a blasted far RW hack you are.


Actually I'm a moderate, but compared to you I'm Sean Hannity....
If you are a moderate then your MessiahRushie is a liar, you gutless Liberal Elitist know-it-all.

June 25, 2010
RUSH: Now, that's fine and dandy, but moderates are liberals without the guts to say so. Moderates are a bunch of liberals who think they're smarter than everybody else, more tolerant than everybody else and less judgmental than everybody else, and more open-minded than everybody else.

Fuck Rush Limbaugh.

I heard him say that, and he means people with no ideology or base value system. He was speaking more of independent voters. Since he's one of the GOP's greatest critics he's talking about himself.

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