Kamala Harris’s Dishonesty on Abe Lincoln

The truth about President Lincoln and the Supreme Court.

Remember, the democrat party started the Civil War to keep black humans as their slaves.....

While it is true that Lincoln postponed a nomination in 1864 right before the election, “Honest Abe” didn’t save his nomination of Salmon Chase, former Ohio governor, and Senator, because “it’s the right thing to do.”

“As ever, Lincoln was the shrewd politician and in October of 1864 he saw no profit in alienating any of the factions of his political support by making a selection before the election,” writes President Lincoln’s Cottage (PLC), a historical group and museum dedicated to preserving Lincoln’s legacy.

Not only was the Senate out of session in October when Taney died until December 5 making it difficult for Lincoln to move forward with the confirmation proceedings necessary for a new justice, but Lincoln also strategically delayed the nomination to ensure he had Chase and other potential picks’ political support through the November election.

“Lincoln was not above using the enticement of the office to encourage campaigning on his behalf,” PLC wrote.

“Lincoln, from the time of his first election, adopted the strategy of attempting to harness and co-opt Chase’s political and personal power to use in his own causes,” PLC added.

Even though Lincoln reportedly did not like Chase, he struck a political deal with his former presidential race rival offering him the potential nomination in exchange for his support campaigning. This election was also in the middle of the Civil War and Lincoln did not want to miss his chance to follow through on his war-time efforts.

Lincoln, was correct in his assessment of Chase’s appeal to potential Lincoln voters and won re-election in November of 1864.

“After Taney’s death in October 1864, Chase took the ‘cue’ and stumped for Lincoln throughout the Midwest in marked contrast to his earlier maneuverings in 1864 to replace Lincoln as President. (Of course, Chase’s unusual behavior did not go unnoticed and rumors of a bargain surfaced.)” PLC explained.

It was after this win that Lincoln formally nominated Chase as Taney’s replacement one day into Congressional proceedings for that term on Dec. 6, 1984. The Senate confirmed him on that same day.

Lincoln fought people like you. You are not Lincoln’s republican. Lincoln was not trumpscum

Nope.....Lincoln was fighting against folks like you.
The republican party today is far from the ideals of Lincoln, only a cult member would post such nonsense. You do remember LBJ and voting rights and the South right? Nah, probably not. I'm glad to see some evangelicals are learning and exiting the Trump cult.

'A new group of evangelical leaders forms in support of Biden'

'How Trump’s Policies Hurt Children - Tear Gas, Metal Cages, Lead Poisoning; Welcome to Mr. Trump’s Neighborhood'

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder 'On Tyranny'

The truth about President Lincoln and the Supreme Court.

Remember, the democrat party started the Civil War to keep black humans as their slaves.....

While it is true that Lincoln postponed a nomination in 1864 right before the election, “Honest Abe” didn’t save his nomination of Salmon Chase, former Ohio governor, and Senator, because “it’s the right thing to do.”

“As ever, Lincoln was the shrewd politician and in October of 1864 he saw no profit in alienating any of the factions of his political support by making a selection before the election,” writes President Lincoln’s Cottage (PLC), a historical group and museum dedicated to preserving Lincoln’s legacy.

Not only was the Senate out of session in October when Taney died until December 5 making it difficult for Lincoln to move forward with the confirmation proceedings necessary for a new justice, but Lincoln also strategically delayed the nomination to ensure he had Chase and other potential picks’ political support through the November election.

“Lincoln was not above using the enticement of the office to encourage campaigning on his behalf,” PLC wrote.

“Lincoln, from the time of his first election, adopted the strategy of attempting to harness and co-opt Chase’s political and personal power to use in his own causes,” PLC added.

Even though Lincoln reportedly did not like Chase, he struck a political deal with his former presidential race rival offering him the potential nomination in exchange for his support campaigning. This election was also in the middle of the Civil War and Lincoln did not want to miss his chance to follow through on his war-time efforts.

Lincoln, was correct in his assessment of Chase’s appeal to potential Lincoln voters and won re-election in November of 1864.

“After Taney’s death in October 1864, Chase took the ‘cue’ and stumped for Lincoln throughout the Midwest in marked contrast to his earlier maneuverings in 1864 to replace Lincoln as President. (Of course, Chase’s unusual behavior did not go unnoticed and rumors of a bargain surfaced.)” PLC explained.

It was after this win that Lincoln formally nominated Chase as Taney’s replacement one day into Congressional proceedings for that term on Dec. 6, 1984. The Senate confirmed him on that same day.

Lincoln fought people like you. You are not Lincoln’s republican. Lincoln was not trumpscum

We can always count on Jilly for her kind uplifting unifying posts.
Since Repubs are desperate to find any reason to feed their delusion they bring up Lincoln and think today is the same as it was on hundred and fifty years ago..It's not..Today more blacks are elected to position as a Democrat than as a Republican. Now, if the Repubs are so tolerant and accepting of them folks why is there not more that represent the party?
Someone might want to tell Kamala Harris that she needs to get her American history straight. During her debate with Mike Pence, she claimed that Abraham Lincoln said it would be wrong to fill the Supreme Court vacancy that opened up 27 days before the 1864 election.

First of all, Lincoln said no such thing.

Second, back then, Congress was in recess from July 4 until December 5, i.e., until after the election--so there would have been no point in nominating anyone to fill the vacancy before the election.

Third, Lincoln submitted his nominee on December 6, the day after Congress returned. He did not wait for the new Congress to take office (which, back then, did not happen until March).
Someone might want to tell Kamala Harris that she needs to get her American history straight. During her debate with Mike Pence, she claimed that Abraham Lincoln said it would be wrong to fill the Supreme Court vacancy that opened up 27 days before the 1864 election.

First of all, Lincoln said no such thing.

Second, back then, Congress was in recess from July 4 until December 5, i.e., until after the election--so there would have been no point in nominating anyone to fill the vacancy before the election.

Third, Lincoln submitted his nominee on December 6, the day after Congress returned. He did not wait for the new Congress to take office (which, back then, did not happen until March).
Democrats and facts.... are not to be used in the same sentence...
Someone might want to tell Kamala Harris that she needs to get her American history straight. During her debate with Mike Pence, she claimed that Abraham Lincoln said it would be wrong to fill the Supreme Court vacancy that opened up 27 days before the 1864 election.

First of all, Lincoln said no such thing.

Second, back then, Congress was in recess from July 4 until December 5, i.e., until after the election--so there would have been no point in nominating anyone to fill the vacancy before the election.

Third, Lincoln submitted his nominee on December 6, the day after Congress returned. He did not wait for the new Congress to take office (which, back then, did not happen until March).

Very interesting. I want very much to give your post a thumbs up, however you site no authoritative source for the information you supplied. Any chance of getting a link so I can confirm the validity of what you say? Thanks
Someone might want to tell Kamala Harris that she needs to get her American history straight. During her debate with Mike Pence, she claimed that Abraham Lincoln said it would be wrong to fill the Supreme Court vacancy that opened up 27 days before the 1864 election.

First of all, Lincoln said no such thing.

Second, back then, Congress was in recess from July 4 until December 5, i.e., until after the election--so there would have been no point in nominating anyone to fill the vacancy before the election.

Third, Lincoln submitted his nominee on December 6, the day after Congress returned. He did not wait for the new Congress to take office (which, back then, did not happen until March).

Very interesting. I want very much to give your post a thumbs up, however you site no authoritative source for the information you supplied. Any chance of getting a link so I can confirm the validity of what you say? Thanks

" Although Lincoln could have named a nominee prior to the 1864 election, he could not have filled the open Supreme Court seat prior to that event. When Taney died, Congress had been in recess since July 4, and would not reconvene until Dec. 5, so Lincoln had no opportunity to designate a successor and have that person confirmed by the Senate prior to the Nov. 8 presidential election. "
Point was, he didn't try to Ram one through before an election, Axis Mikey.

At that time in our history the congress was in session into march before the newly elected one was seated. Lincoln put his nomination through the moment that congress came into session...

The left is historically challenged...

At that time in our history the congress was in session into march before the newly elected one was seated. Lincoln put his nomination through the moment that congress came into session...

The left is historically challenged...

He could have recalled Congress, which would be the equivlent of what Trump is doing.

Remember, you guys stated that we shouldn't do this thing during election years... except now you are.
Harris depends on the historical illiterates that make up her base to not check her story out.
Kamala Harris...... making up shit as she goes along.

I heard what she said. And she was technically correct. Lincoln did say let the People decide. His wish was to wait until AFTER the election. It doesn't matter if Congress was at recess or not. He said it and it went that way just like it's done ever since until now.
President Lincoln sent the nomination to the Senate at the earliest possible time. That was in December because the Senate was out of session until December.

Can you prove me wrong? Or do you just make up history to suit your own narrative. Now it's up to you to prove to me that they were out of session until December. Tag, her it.

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