Kamala Harris's approval rating falls to 28%, a historic low for any modern vice president

I'm curious, Candy...do you think there might just be a couple of OTHER Democrats that could actually handle the job of President and Vice President better than Joe and Kamala? Surely there has to be someone out there that doesn't make us all fear for our country every time we see them on TV? I disliked Bill Clinton but he never scared me. He was a pragmatic man. Biden and Harris don't have that makeup which is what makes them scary.

I can't do anything about your insecurities.
Those aren't "talking points", Boo...those are people's lives and finances! I filled up my gas tank this past week and it cost me twelve dollars more than it did last year.

Contrary to certain talking points, President Biden didn't cause the price of gas to skyrocket over last years prices.

Carville is right. Messaging matters as much as the message itself. The Neo-GOP out flanks them every time.
Actually you can, Candy! Insist that the Democrats nominate someone good this time. What you saddled us with THIS last time is giving the entire nation heartburn!

Biden's record:

Brought Afghanistan to a close.
Record Stock Market highs.
Vaccines distributed, available, effective, abundant.
Vaccines for children approved..rollout happening at this time.
Stimulus done.
Jobs being added every month
Infrastructure done.
BBB will be done.
Normalcy being returned....

Again, your insecurity is that Biden is finding success where your blob found only failure.
Those aren't "talking points", Boo...those are people's lives and finances! I filled up my gas tank this past week and it cost me twelve dollars more than it did last year. I've had to change my buying habits at the grocery store because some of my regular purchases have doubled in price. I'm frustrated that I can't find some things that I wish to buy because I'm being told nobody has them.

In the words of James Carville "It's the economy, Stupid!" Progressives don't understand Economics and are pushing an agenda which will make ALL of the above worse! A lot CAN happen in a year if the far left wing of the Democratic Party keeps getting their way but I'm afraid it will be for the worse...not for the better!
Am sorry for your situation, am grateful to not have to worry about filling my gas tank. The shortages are no fun but better than when people went crazy & bought up all the T paper & other needed supply's And yes I also have to pass up the best steaks & some other pricey items. But am forever grateful. Remember many people all over the world are going hungry today.
They're part of the MSM landscape. It doesn't matter which channel you watch, the news is the same, only the opinion differs. I have enough of those myself.
The news is the same but these stations report News Entertainment not "news"

The whole Let's Go Brandon phenomena is case in point.
I do. Why?

The longer they are in office the more people become aware how insane the Democratic Party has become.

You get what you paid for. People voted for that idiot and now we all can suffer together.

I know but only one thing....

NOBODY voted for that Turnip Biden, they stole the election from Americans and from Trump.

Never forget that.
I didn't vote for either since they don't have one thing in their platforms that I, yes I, believe in.
Kamelface is a pig.

Her future in politics may be limited to standing outside the Congressional Office Building in a tight skirt, calling to passing Congressmen, "Say, handsome, want a good time?"....
I pretend nothing

Biden is on the hot seat because of where he sits RIGHT NOW

He is. He has had one of the worst years of any POTUS in my lifetime, much of it self-inflicted. But COVID is slowing moving behind us, Afghanistan is over and will not be an issue, if the supply chain issues get fixed and oil production increases by this time next year none of what we are talking about now will be an issue.
Support Biden over Trumpybear and his MAGA-Fascists who believe in MOB rule?

Yes I am.
Stop projecting---Trump was a not fascist and did nothing to be called such. You goofy dems on the other hand---forcing people to get the faux vaccine, stealing tax money, voting yourselve above the laws that you try to force on others----corrupting the FBI to go after political and other opponents, supporting the thugs in antifa and blm who terrorize others....fascist be thy name and everyone knows it blind.
I know but only one thing....

NOBODY voted for that Turnip Biden, they stole the election from Americans and from Trump.

Never forget that.
The Earth is flat.

Bigfoot is real.

The moon landings were a hoax.

JFK was killed by the Mafia, the CIA, LBJ, and Castro.

9/11 was an inside job.

The Trump Vaccine has tracking microchips in it.

Only a handful of people have died from Covid.

Never forget that.
He is. He has had one of the worst years of any POTUS in my lifetime, much of it self-inflicted. But COVID is slowing moving behind us, Afghanistan is over and will not be an issue, if the supply chain issues get fixed and oil production increases by this time next year none of what we are talking about now will be an issue.
Biden will not be any smarter or less senile next year than he is now

And I suspect the economy is not going go magically right itself

Watch china

It has severe internal problems that will damage the whole world
I'm asking on various threads and, surprisingly, no one has yet admitted it. :disbelief:

Stand up and be counted, Democrats!

I'm pretty sure this guy voted for Joe Biden. :thup:


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