Kamala Harris's approval rating falls to 28%, a historic low for any modern vice president

marvin martian
LMAO I'd bet any that voted for that walking, talking disaster regret that vote big time. I've talked to a few who voted for Bidung and they regretted that vote from day one of his failed Presidency.
Well that "degenerate" did a fine job while he was degenerating.

UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across the country and a great economy.

Not bad for your "degenerate."
With all due respect, Gator...you don't seem very up on this subject! One of the very first Executive Orders that Joe Biden signed last January was to suspend all new oil and natural gas leases until an "environmental impact" could be done on them

And yet his Admin is approving leases faster than Trump did.
Well that "degenerate" did a fine job while he was degenerating.

UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across the country and a great economy.

Not bad for your "degenerate."
UE was 1% lower than what he inherited from Obama...before it shot up into the sky as Trump completely fucked up as a leader during historic Covid emergency.

He was a twice impeached pathological liar and amoral asshole who rightfully got kicked out of WH in just 4 short years with some kicking, screaming and an insurection.

His place in history is cemented among 5 worst presidencies this country has ever had.
Biden must be impeached and Harris must be President and then she must be impeached.
Oh Obama left a fair hand but Trump improved on it greatly by getting rid of all of Barry's business killing EO's. He had the economy rolling and jobs all across the country.

Despite what you say Trump did a great job for America and Americans before the very convenient Chines virus hit. Thats something that Bidung is having to deal with now with no better results than Trumps.
UE was 1% lower than what he inherited from Obama...before it shot up into the sky as Trump completely fucked up as a leader during historic Covid emergency.

He was a twice impeached pathological liar and amoral asshole who rightfully got kicked out of WH in just 4 short years with some kicking, screaming and an insurection.

His place in history is cemented among 5 worst presidencies this country has ever had.
The job Trump did AS President was so superior to what we're getting now from Biden it's not even comparable, Anton! The number of things that Joe has managed to totally fuck up since he took office is mind boggling! It shouldn't surprise anyone...Barack Obama was perfectly candid about his Vice President's ability to FUBAR things!
And yet his Admin is approving leases faster than Trump did.
Did you not read the article I posted Gator? The Biden Administration is only "approving" leases now because they've been forced by the courts to do so! Claiming that they're on pace to approve more leases than Trump is laughable! This is like when you guys of the left tried to claim Barry was responsible for the oil and natural gas boom that happened during HIS administration when production went down on land that Obama had control over and only went up on the land that he didn't!
Did you not read the article I posted Gator? The Biden Administration is only "approving" leases now because they've been forced by the courts to do so! Claiming that they're on pace to approve more leases than Trump is laughable! This is like when you guys of the left tried to claim Barry was responsible for the oil and natural gas boom that happened during HIS administration when production went down on land that Obama had control over and only went up on the land that he didn't!

I am not in the business of giving credit or blame, merely stating what is happening.
The job Trump did AS President was so superior to what we're getting now from Biden it's not even comparable,

you are correct, for the first 3 years the job Trump did as POTUS was better than Biden is doing now. Trump was blessed with 3 years that were basically crisis free. It is not hard to do a good job when everything is going great.
you are correct, for the first 3 years the job Trump did as POTUS was better than Biden is doing now. Trump was blessed with 3 years that were basically crisis free. It is not hard to do a good job when everything is going great.
No new wars popped up while trump was in office

But there were plenty of existing challenges that trump had yo deal with while the FBI aka Deep State was trying to overthrow him

A problem that biden does not have

And old joe is doing a lousy job with those existing challenges on my opinion
The value is currently reflecting record profits… not record PE ratios. Not indicative of an overvalued market.
Yep. My company is recording record profits. So much so that they are making up for incentives and merit increases that were set aside in early 2021.
No new wars popped up while trump was in office

But there were plenty of existing challenges that trump had yo deal with while the FBI aka Deep State was trying to overthrow him

A problem that biden does not have

And old joe is doing a lousy job with those existing challenges on my opinion
I do not consider fairy tales to be a challenge.

but you are correct, Biden is doing a shitty job of dealing with the real life challenges we are facing

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