Kamala Harris says "pathway to citizenship" will solve the open border problem.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

Border czar and Vice President Kamala Harris said on Monday a pathway to citizenship is needed to end the crisis of migration at the southern border - as Congress tries to hash out a policy solution.

'There's no question that our immigration system is broken,' Harris said in an interview on CNN.

'So much so that as the first bill that we offered after our inauguration, was to fix the immigration system, which included what we must do to create a pathway for citizenship and to put the resources that are needed into the border. But sadly, people on the other side of the aisle have been playing politics with this issue.'

Yea, granting citizenship to millions of illegal aliens would give the Democrats about 12+ new congressional districts.
It would flip Texas and Arizona to the Democrats.
It would give the Democrats permanent control of the House and the Presidency.
The Democrats are a totally corrupt dangerous totalitarian cult.
They will turn America into a neo-marxist police state.
It would be the end of the republic.
It's like saying that if we make burglary legal it will stop burglaries.
Is Kamala Harris really that dumb?
Yea, she is that dumb.
But the real goal of the corrupt Democrat Party's open border policy is about giving them permanent power.
The Crazy Democrat Cult will torch all of our civil liberties.
We will no longer be a free country.
Democrats: Let 'em all in, give them amnesty then fast track to citizenship. Duh! We already know what your plans are.

Solves no problem as far as illegals crossing into America, but keeps Democrats in power and in fact will make America, much like CA and NY, a one-party state.
It's like saying that if we make burglary legal it will stop burglaries.
Is Kamala Harris really that dumb?
Yea, she is that dumb.
But the real goal of the corrupt Democrat Party's open border policy is about giving thes m permanent power.
The Crazy Democrat Cult will torch all of our civil liberties.
We will no longer be a free country.
Has this not been proved. Remove the laws against carjacking and Washintion DC is the safest city in the country with zero carjacking. California has eliminated shoplifting by the simple expedient of removing shoplifting prohibitions.
They have successfully blackmailed Coney-Barrett, its time for war, the Harris bitch is emblematic of their grotesque evil, they have blackmailed the scotus and murdered Scalia, its time to pay them back in spades! :mad:

Border czar and Vice President Kamala Harris said on Monday a pathway to citizenship is needed to end the crisis of migration at the southern border - as Congress tries to hash out a policy solution.

'There's no question that our immigration system is broken,' Harris said in an interview on CNN.

'So much so that as the first bill that we offered after our inauguration, was to fix the immigration system, which included what we must do to create a pathway for citizenship and to put the resources that are needed into the border. But sadly, people on the other side of the aisle have been playing politics with this issue.'

Yea, granting citizenship to millions of illegal aliens would give the Democrats about 12+ new congressional districts.
It would flip Texas and Arizona to the Democrats.
It would give the Democrats permanent control of the House and the Presidency.
The Democrats are a totally corrupt dangerous totalitarian cult.
They will turn America into a neo-marxist police state.
It would be the end of the republic.
Well since that approach had proven to be a failure when Reagan and Tip O'Neil tried it back in the eighties, she's running true to form. Liberals have always refused to learn from past mistakes and insist that doubling down on failure will guarantee success this time. They're like gamblers who just know their luck will change if they put their last dollar on the table.
In the beginning, Joe made Kamala the border czar because he knew he was fucking up and he tried to scape goat her, Barack's girl. Her response was to go to Central America to get to the root of the problem. At least, that was the story. The truth was, the border was a cluster fuck that NO Democrat in their right mind wanted to be associated with. So they got their butt boys in the media to ignore the border in hopes that the problem would go away. But like the wars that have popped up around the world, nobody has respect for the US, knowing their weak leadership won't do shit. So when Joe Biden or the Democrats that are his puppeteers say they have a plan or they have a solution to the border crisis they created, they're dreaming. They're clueless, like children trying to put a man on the moon. MAGA

Kamala Harris says "pathway to citizenship" will solve the open border problem.​

Well, she is right. You see, we need a path for immigrants. Oh wait, we already had one. That is how I am here. My great-grandparents came here, applied for citizenship, were checked out, explained where they were going, and how they were going to support themselves, then became productive citizens adding to the country with their greatest wish to become AMERICANS in body and spirit.

And Trump had a pathway to citizenship. Remain in Mexico, apply, get a hearing, and if you are vetted, then, welcome aboard!

That way, immigration becomes a CONTROLLED PROCESS that states can deal with.

But Kammy's "solution" is to just wave them in by the millions unvetted, then dump them on states.

Yes, that will solve the open border problem.

Because we will no longer have a border nor be a sovereign country.

America will become Mexifornia.

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