Kamala Harris- foretold in the Holy Bible?

View attachment 448445

"And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication"- Revelation 17:4

I'm not a Trained Theologian, and I've never been to seminary.

However, this is something that the Religious Left needs to respond to.
Try the history of John's time. May want to look up the antics of the Roman Empresses, Messalina. Most will probably say, We're better with Vice-President Harris.

Actually, um, no. Her husband, Emperor Claudius, had mistresses. (In fact, they used one of his mistresses to tell him that his wife and her lover were attempting a coup). Kind of hard to say it's okay for a guy to screw around and not a woman. Claudius actually kind of looks good because compare to Caligula and Nero, he was relatively benign. He only had people killed who had it coming.

But the right wing, Trump can have sex with porn stars, but Harris gets condemned for having a relationship 30 years ago with Willie Brown.
Try the history of John's time. May want to look up the antics of the Roman Empresses, Messalina. Most will probably say, We're better with Vice-President Harris.

Actually, um, no. Her husband, Emperor Claudius, had mistresses. (In fact, they used one of his mistresses to tell him that his wife and her lover were attempting a coup). Kind of hard to say it's okay for a guy to screw around and not a woman. Claudius actually kind of looks good because compare to Caligula and Nero, he was relatively benign. He only had people killed who had it coming.

But the right wing, Trump can have sex with porn stars, but Harris gets condemned for having a relationship 30 years ago with Willie Brown.

President Trump answered the queries on this, and denied having relations with the alleged "porn star" "Stormy".

Until libs can produce the President's DNA, it is a Lie, one of the many thousands told by Sleepy Joe.

BTW, this lie doesn't even make sense. Mr. Trump is a devout germophobe, and Daniels isn't even his type. The Donald goes for the "Supermodel" type, and whether you think she's attractive or not, Daniels ain't that type
Anyone who takes the book of Revelations as actual prophecy is a moron. Anyone with half a brain who reads it can tell that the author specifically intended to refer to the Roman empire. Every sign was intended to show that Rome and his emperor were millions of Satan and that the emperor was the Antichrist
President Trump answered the queries on this, and denied having relations with the alleged "porn star" "Stormy".

Until libs can produce the President's DNA, it is a Lie, one of the many thousands told by Sleepy Joe.

His own lawyer says he did, and she was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep quiet about it.

BTW, this lie doesn't even make sense. Mr. Trump is a devout germophobe, and Daniels isn't even his type. The Donald goes for the "Supermodel" type, and whether you think she's attractive or not, Daniels ain't that type

What do you mean she isn't his type?

Here's Stormy (This is the SFW picture.)

Here's Malaria...er, Melania.

Here's Marla Maples


Here's Ivana..

Looks like Trump has a type...
Nope. What verision of the bible are you quoting from?

With all of the different versions of the bible one can pick and choose what to believe, or not.
I don't think so!

Exodus 20:3

Modern Translations
New International Version
"You shall have no other gods before me.

New Living Translation
“You must not have any other god but me.

English Standard Version
“You shall have no other gods before me.

Berean Study Bible
You shall have no other gods before Me.

New American Standard Bible
“You shall have no other gods before Me.

NASB 1995
"You shall have no other gods before Me.

NASB 1977
“You shall have no other gods before Me.

Amplified Bible
“You shall have no other gods before Me.

Christian Standard Bible
Do not have other gods besides me.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
Do not have other gods besides Me.

Contemporary English Version
Do not worship any god except me.

Good News Translation
"Worship no god but me.

GOD'S WORD® Translation
"Never have any other god.

International Standard Version
You are to have no other gods besides me.

NET Bible
"You shall have no other gods before me.
Classic Translations
King James Bible
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

New King James Version
“You shall have no other gods before Me.

King James 2000 Bible
You shall have no other gods before me.

New Heart English Bible
Do not have other gods before me.

World English Bible
"You shall have no other gods before me.

American King James Version
You shall have no other gods before me.

American Standard Version
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

A Faithful Version
You shall have no other gods before Me.

Darby Bible Translation
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

English Revised Version
Thou shalt have none other gods before me.

Webster's Bible Translation
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Early Modern
Geneva Bible of 1587
Thou shalt haue none other Gods before me.

Bishops' Bible of 1568
Thou shalt haue none other Gods in my sight.

Coverdale Bible of 1535
Thou shalt haue none other Goddes in my sight.

Tyndale Bible of 1526
Thou shalt haue none other goddes in my syght.
Literal Translations
Literal Standard Version
You have no other Gods before Me.

Young's Literal Translation
'Thou hast no other Gods before Me.

Smith's Literal Translation
There shall be no other God to thee to my face.

Catholic Translations
Douay-Rheims Bible
Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.

Catholic Public Domain Version
You shall not have strange gods before me.

Translations from Aramaic
Peshitta Holy Bible Translated
You shall not have other gods outside of me.

Lamsa Bible
You shall have no other gods except me.

OT Translations
JPS Tanakh 1917
Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.

Brenton Septuagint Translation
Thou shalt have no other gods beside me.
Anyone who takes the book of Revelations as actual prophecy is a moron. Anyone with half a brain who reads it can tell that the author specifically intended to refer to the Roman empire. Every sign was intended to show that Rome and his emperor were millions of Satan and that the emperor was the Antichrist
Anyone who does NOT is deluding themselves, as all that is revealed has not been fulfilled. There have existed many antichrists. Hitler being a prime example. Each attempts to supplant CHRIST and is manipulated by Satan. However, these earlier versions are precursors to the ultimate ANTICHRIST who is yet to fulfill every prophecy concerning himself in the entire Bible. He may exist presently or is yet to be born. My guess is that he will be of Jewish linage, in his early 30's, and will come into full power as a result of the RAPTURE of CHRIST's CHURCH (the BODY of ALL TRUE believers). There will be such panic and chaos among those left behind that he will be able to step in and claim to be the messiah himself and most will believe him (at least at first). He will assume WORLDWIDE domination. After about 3 years, this will likely begin to change as he begins to reveal his full intent. The TRIBULATION (also known as THE TIME OF JACOB's TROUBLES) will last 7 years. At the end of that period CHRIST and HIS CHURCH will return to destroy this ANTICHRIST and cohorts. Satan will be locked away for 1000 years. And the CHRIST/MESSIAH and HIS CHURCH will govern the inhabitants of earth forming the MILLENNIAL KINGDOM. The lion will lay down with the lamp and small children will not be hurt by vipers.

At the end of the 1000 years Satan will be released and will again delude the populous to revolt and this final battle will be at ARMAGEDDON. Satan will be tossed into the LAKE OF FIRE for all eternity along with all who sided with Satan. This will be the FINAL JUDGMENT. And a new or renewed heaven and earth will be formed. And this is where everyone who loved the true MESSIAH will live forever. I believe there will be interstellar travel, and everyone there will be find complete joy and peace with JESUS the MESSIAH.
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Anyone does NOT is deluded. There have existed many antichrists. Hitler being a prime example. Each attempts to supplant CHRIST and is manipulated by Satan. However, these earlier versions are precursors to the ultimate ANTICHRIST who is yet to fulfill every prophecy concerning himself in the entire Bible. He may exist presently or is yet to be born. My guess is that he will be of Jewish linage, in his early 30's, and will come into full power as a result of the RAPTURE of CHRIST's CHURCH. There will be such a panic and chaos among those left behind that he will be able to step in and claim to be the messiah himself and most will believe him (at least at first). After 3 years, this will likely begin to change as he begins to reveal his full intent.

Anyone does NOT is deluded. There have existed many antichrists. Hitler being a prime example. Each attempts to supplant CHRIST and is manipulated by Satan. However, these earlier versions are precursors to the ultimate ANTICHRIST who is yet to fulfill every prophecy concerning himself in the entire Bible. He may exist presently or is yet to be born. My guess is that he will be of Jewish linage, in his early 30's, and will come into full power as a result of the RAPTURE of CHRIST's CHURCH. There will be such a panic and chaos among those left behind that he will be able to step in and claim to be the messiah himself and most will believe him (at least at first). After 3 years, this will likely begin to change as he begins to reveal his full intent.

Luke 19:37-40
37 And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen;

38 Saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.

39 And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples.

40 And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

Actually, I once sang the Hallelujah Chorus as a tenor. It was invigorating to say the very least.
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Try the history of John's time. May want to look up the antics of the Roman Empresses, Messalina. Most will probably say, We're better with Vice-President Harris.

Actually, um, no. Her husband, Emperor Claudius, had mistresses. (In fact, they used one of his mistresses to tell him that his wife and her lover were attempting a coup). Kind of hard to say it's okay for a guy to screw around and not a woman. Claudius actually kind of looks good because compare to Caligula and Nero, he was relatively benign. He only had people killed who had it coming.

But the right wing, Trump can have sex with porn stars, but Harris gets condemned for having a relationship 30 years ago with Willie Brown.

President Trump answered the queries on this, and denied having relations with the alleged "porn star" "Stormy".

Until libs can produce the President's DNA, it is a Lie, one of the many thousands told by Sleepy Joe.

BTW, this lie doesn't even make sense. Mr. Trump is a devout germophobe, and Daniels isn't even his type. The Donald goes for the "Supermodel" type, and whether you think she's attractive or not, Daniels ain't that type

So he just paid Stormy $130K?

His first two wives weren't super models.
Anyone who takes the book of Revelations as actual prophecy is a moron. Anyone with half a brain who reads it can tell that the author specifically intended to refer to the Roman empire. Every sign was intended to show that Rome and his emperor were millions of Satan and that the emperor was the Antichrist
Anyone who does NOT is deluding themselves, as all that is revealed has not been fulfilled. There have existed many antichrists. Hitler being a prime example. Each attempts to supplant CHRIST and is manipulated by Satan. However, these earlier versions are precursors to the ultimate ANTICHRIST who is yet to fulfill every prophecy concerning himself in the entire Bible. He may exist presently or is yet to be born. My guess is that he will be of Jewish linage, in his early 30's, and will come into full power as a result of the RAPTURE of CHRIST's CHURCH (the BODY of ALL TRUE believers). There will be such panic and chaos among those left behind that he will be able to step in and claim to be the messiah himself and most will believe him (at least at first). He will assume WORLDWIDE domination. After about 3 years, this will likely begin to change as he begins to reveal his full intent. The TRIBULATION (also known as THE TIME OF JACOB's TROUBLES) will last 7 years. At the end of that period CHRIST and HIS CHURCH will return to destroy this ANTICHRIST and cohorts. Satan will be locked away for 1000 years. And the CHRIST/MESSIAH and HIS CHURCH will govern the inhabitants of earth forming the MILLENNIAL KINGDOM. The lion will lay down with the lamp and small children will not be hurt by vipers.

At the end of the 1000 years Satan will be released and will again delude the populous to revolt and this final battle will be at ARMAGEDDON. Satan will be tossed into the LAKE OF FIRE for all eternity along with all who sided with Satan. This will be the FINAL JUDGMENT. And a new or renewed heaven and earth will be formed. And this is where everyone who loved the true MESSIAH will live forever. I believe there will be interstellar travel, and everyone there will be find complete joy and peace with JESUS the MESSIAH.

The Anti Christ was Nero or Domitian.. Your theology comes from the dream of a teen-age girl and the Darbyites... There is NO rapture..

The tribulation was over with the fall of Masada. New Jewish Christians fled to Pella and avoided the horror of those days.
Try the history of John's time. May want to look up the antics of the Roman Empresses, Messalina. Most will probably say, We're better with Vice-President Harris.

Actually, um, no. Her husband, Emperor Claudius, had mistresses. (In fact, they used one of his mistresses to tell him that his wife and her lover were attempting a coup). Kind of hard to say it's okay for a guy to screw around and not a woman. Claudius actually kind of looks good because compare to Caligula and Nero, he was relatively benign. He only had people killed who had it coming.

But the right wing, Trump can have sex with porn stars, but Harris gets condemned for having a relationship 30 years ago with Willie Brown.

President Trump answered the queries on this, and denied having relations with the alleged "porn star" "Stormy".

Until libs can produce the President's DNA, it is a Lie, one of the many thousands told by Sleepy Joe.

BTW, this lie doesn't even make sense. Mr. Trump is a devout germophobe, and Daniels isn't even his type. The Donald goes for the "Supermodel" type, and whether you think she's attractive or not, Daniels ain't that type

So he just paid Stormy $130K?

His first two wives weren't super models.

$130,000 was a mere pittance to billionaire Trump and the payment prevented the campaign from being distracted in the critical final days. Trump's first two wives might not have been supermodels, but their build is the supermodel type, tall and lithe.
Anyone who takes the book of Revelations as actual prophecy is a moron. Anyone with half a brain who reads it can tell that the author specifically intended to refer to the Roman empire. Every sign was intended to show that Rome and his emperor were millions of Satan and that the emperor was the Antichrist
Anyone who does NOT is deluding themselves, as all that is revealed has not been fulfilled. There have existed many antichrists. Hitler being a prime example. Each attempts to supplant CHRIST and is manipulated by Satan. However, these earlier versions are precursors to the ultimate ANTICHRIST who is yet to fulfill every prophecy concerning himself in the entire Bible. He may exist presently or is yet to be born. My guess is that he will be of Jewish linage, in his early 30's, and will come into full power as a result of the RAPTURE of CHRIST's CHURCH (the BODY of ALL TRUE believers). There will be such panic and chaos among those left behind that he will be able to step in and claim to be the messiah himself and most will believe him (at least at first). He will assume WORLDWIDE domination. After about 3 years, this will likely begin to change as he begins to reveal his full intent. The TRIBULATION (also known as THE TIME OF JACOB's TROUBLES) will last 7 years. At the end of that period CHRIST and HIS CHURCH will return to destroy this ANTICHRIST and cohorts. Satan will be locked away for 1000 years. And the CHRIST/MESSIAH and HIS CHURCH will govern the inhabitants of earth forming the MILLENNIAL KINGDOM. The lion will lay down with the lamp and small children will not be hurt by vipers.

At the end of the 1000 years Satan will be released and will again delude the populous to revolt and this final battle will be at ARMAGEDDON. Satan will be tossed into the LAKE OF FIRE for all eternity along with all who sided with Satan. This will be the FINAL JUDGMENT. And a new or renewed heaven and earth will be formed. And this is where everyone who loved the true MESSIAH will live forever. I believe there will be interstellar travel, and everyone there will be find complete joy and peace with JESUS the MESSIAH.

The Anti Christ was Nero or Domitian.. Your theology comes from the dream of a teen-age girl and the Darbyites... There is NO rapture..

The tribulation was over with the fall of Masada. New Jewish Christians fled to Pella and avoided the horror of those days.

Apparently you are unfamiliar with the works of great theologians like Hal Lindsey and others whose research indicates something quite different.
Anyone who takes the book of Revelations as actual prophecy is a moron. Anyone with half a brain who reads it can tell that the author specifically intended to refer to the Roman empire. Every sign was intended to show that Rome and his emperor were millions of Satan and that the emperor was the Antichrist

The futurists always try to project those past events on modern countries like Russia or Turkey. This is pretty common among Evangelicals and fundies, and Baptists in particular. Cyrus Scofield was one of the founders of the Dallas Theological Seminary.
Try the history of John's time. May want to look up the antics of the Roman Empresses, Messalina. Most will probably say, We're better with Vice-President Harris.

Actually, um, no. Her husband, Emperor Claudius, had mistresses. (In fact, they used one of his mistresses to tell him that his wife and her lover were attempting a coup). Kind of hard to say it's okay for a guy to screw around and not a woman. Claudius actually kind of looks good because compare to Caligula and Nero, he was relatively benign. He only had people killed who had it coming.

But the right wing, Trump can have sex with porn stars, but Harris gets condemned for having a relationship 30 years ago with Willie Brown.

President Trump answered the queries on this, and denied having relations with the alleged "porn star" "Stormy".

Until libs can produce the President's DNA, it is a Lie, one of the many thousands told by Sleepy Joe.

BTW, this lie doesn't even make sense. Mr. Trump is a devout germophobe, and Daniels isn't even his type. The Donald goes for the "Supermodel" type, and whether you think she's attractive or not, Daniels ain't that type

So he just paid Stormy $130K?

His first two wives weren't super models.

$130,000 was a mere pittance to billionaire Trump and the payment prevented the campaign from being distracted in the critical final days. Trump's first two wives might not have been supermodels, but their build is the supermodel type, tall and lithe.

Nope. Neither was tall.
View attachment 448445

"And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication"- Revelation 17:4

I'm not a Trained Theologian, and I've never been to seminary.

However, this is something that the Religious Left needs to respond to.

Yeah well. Didn’t Revelation also say that you would not be able to buy or sell without wearing the mark? That was likely a misspelling and should have said mask instead of mark.

It is the same thing with the verse you referenced. It was supposed to say jurple not purple. So nah. That’s not Kamala Harris.
View attachment 448445

"And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication"- Revelation 17:4

I'm not a Trained Theologian, and I've never been to seminary.

However, this is something that the Religious Left needs to respond to.

Yeah well. Didn’t Revelation also say that you would not be able to buy or sell without wearing the mark? That was likely a misspelling and should have said mask instead of mark.

It is the same thing with the verse you referenced. It was supposed to say jurple not purple. So nah. That’s not Kamala Harris.

The Mark of the Beast was Roman coin that had the image of the Emperor engraved on it. You couldn't buy or sell in Israel without using it and it was very offensive to the Jewish people.

The whore of Babylon is Israel. Many times in the OT she was accused of whoring after false gods.. (Babylon)

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