Just what wa the FBI looking into, Clinton Foundation?

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
The FBI is following Mrs. Clinton’s email trail, which already shows that her top aides at the State Dept. were in regular contact with the foundation and that furious lobbying for access and influence flowed toward the secretary of state from the likes of Sidney Blumenthal (a Clinton Foundation employee) and private businessman Joe Wilson. Others angling for deals and poised to profit from a State Dept. connection, as author Peter Schweizer has shown in his book, “Clinton Cash,” included Russian intelligence alumni connected to a Kazakh uranium deal and a Canadian mining baron who contributed millions to the Clinton Foundation.

The FBI should follow the email trail into the Clinton Foundation money. The Clintons are powerful and indictments appear unlikely—it’s still a much better bet that they will wind up in the White House, not the Big House—but stranger things have happened in American politics. Remember Watergate. Or Teapot Dome. This trail goes further than this I suspect, I don't know if it leads to Trump or one of his people....Time will tell on this matter.
Since they couldn't find anything, then what does it matter?

The Trump Foundation is under criminal investigation.
The FBI is following Mrs. Clinton’s email trail, which already shows that her top aides at the State Dept. were in regular contact with the foundation and that furious lobbying for access and influence flowed toward the secretary of state from the likes of Sidney Blumenthal (a Clinton Foundation employee) and private businessman Joe Wilson. Others angling for deals and poised to profit from a State Dept. connection, as author Peter Schweizer has shown in his book, “Clinton Cash,” included Russian intelligence alumni connected to a Kazakh uranium deal and a Canadian mining baron who contributed millions to the Clinton Foundation.

The FBI should follow the email trail into the Clinton Foundation money. The Clintons are powerful and indictments appear unlikely—it’s still a much better bet that they will wind up in the White House, not the Big House—but stranger things have happened in American politics. Remember Watergate. Or Teapot Dome. This trail goes further than this I suspect, I don't know if it leads to Trump or one of his people....Time will tell on this matter.
The FBI is following Mrs. Clinton’s email trail, which already shows that her top aides at the State Dept. were in regular contact with the foundation and that furious lobbying for access and influence flowed toward the secretary of state from the likes of Sidney Blumenthal (a Clinton Foundation employee) and private businessman Joe Wilson. Others angling for deals and poised to profit from a State Dept. connection, as author Peter Schweizer has shown in his book, “Clinton Cash,” included Russian intelligence alumni connected to a Kazakh uranium deal and a Canadian mining baron who contributed millions to the Clinton Foundation.

Ho hum....That is all "old news," thus not new/news at all. AFAIK, the FBI have not since last year disclosed anything about the nature of its investigation into any aspects of the Clinton Foundation.

Were you just feeling the need to seem inflammatory? Are there no windmills where you are?

The FBI should follow the email trail into the Clinton Foundation money.

I bet that idea never entered the minds of the forensic accountants the FBI employs. Maybe Trump should nominate you as FBI Director.
If some of the donations prove to be for favors they cease to be donations and become earned income and the IRS can tax that.
Point 2. If it's ruled earned income the donator loses the deduction and must pay tax on that money. There is over 200 million that is or has been run through that foundation. More then enough reason for the IRS to look at its books.

And laws and protocols that protect your ass don't include the IRS!
CNN Cuts Feed After Senator Objects to Clinton Foundation Atty Joining ‘Independent’ Counsel

by JOEL B. POLLAK 13 Jun 2017

CNN cut away from a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday morning, seconds after Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) raised concerns that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had hired a former Clinton Foundation attorney to assist with the probe into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.


Earlier this week, reports emerged that Mueller had hired attorneys for his investigative team who had donated to Hillary Clinton in the past, and one in particular who had represented the Clinton Foundation in its effort to block Freedom of Information Act requests for e-mails on Clinton’s private server.

Graham: Is giving political donations a reason to disqualify somebody for serving in the Special Counsel’s office?

Rosenstein: No, Senator, it is not a disqualification. It is not.

Graham: As a matter of fact, many states, the judges and prosecutors are actually elected. Donations are a part of that system, is that correct?

Rosenstein: Yes, that’s true.

Graham: Would it be a disqualification for somebody in the Special Counsel’s office who had represented Mrs. Clinton in the past to serve?

Rosenstein: You know, Senator, it would depend on facts and circumstances. As a general matter, I think the answer is no.

Graham: Isn’t that much closer to a conflict of interest?


CNN Cuts Feed After Senator Objects to Clinton Foundation Atty Joining 'Independent' Counsel - Breitbart

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