Just Think!,Four Months Till The 2020 Presidential Poll. Ready To Make Early Polling Predictions?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
:2up: :dance: :desk: You know once the election is over, cable news outlets just can't wait to start talking about the 2020 election!!! :woohoo:
OK.....Lets Go !!!!
Nominees are: Jebby, Christie, Walker, Paul, Rubio, One of the Trump Sons. Maybe Sarah. and of course,,,,Ted Cruz :(o_O
So just for some fun and laughs,
Make your list, even add other names if u think they will run, and predict the first poll with the percentages. Gee, I wonder what per cent you guys are gonna give Cruz.
Cruz will be running for life now, with his special christian version of Sharia envisioned. One sick puppy with serious emotional issues and delusions of grandeur.

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