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Sometimes on some issues John Solomon of RAV/JTNNN is really good.
On the issue of "climate change" aka specifically the climate theory that increasing atmospheric CO2 is "warming" Earth, John is a flat out head-in-sand anti-journalist parrot of anti-American fraud.
Being a JOURNALIST requires some skepticism and some motivation to ask basic questions.... .... such as....
1. Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?
2. Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?
3. If the oceans are "warming" why is the record decade for canes still the 1940s?
4. If the oceans are "rising" why can't we see one single photo of land sinking?
5. How did Co2 thaw North America and freeze Greenland at the same time?
But instead of doing that, John and the rest of "conservative MAGA" RAV all censor those questions. Apparently "there are no conspiracies" as Bannon's wall hanging says... so thou are "Chosen" by Gawd to never question CO2 FRAUD....
Or maybe there are. There are other theories as to the cause of Earth climate change. There is also no data, rather just fudged fraud, that shows increasing atmospheric CO2 causes warming, the fudge job done in 2005 is here...
truth is here...
On the issue of "climate change" aka specifically the climate theory that increasing atmospheric CO2 is "warming" Earth, John is a flat out head-in-sand anti-journalist parrot of anti-American fraud.
Being a JOURNALIST requires some skepticism and some motivation to ask basic questions.... .... such as....

Any honest media person with the courage to actually ask climate questions?
Apparently not. Not on Faux Not on RAV or OANN What questions will the media never ask? 1. Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other? 2. Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska...

1. Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?
2. Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?
3. If the oceans are "warming" why is the record decade for canes still the 1940s?
4. If the oceans are "rising" why can't we see one single photo of land sinking?
5. How did Co2 thaw North America and freeze Greenland at the same time?
But instead of doing that, John and the rest of "conservative MAGA" RAV all censor those questions. Apparently "there are no conspiracies" as Bannon's wall hanging says... so thou are "Chosen" by Gawd to never question CO2 FRAUD....
Or maybe there are. There are other theories as to the cause of Earth climate change. There is also no data, rather just fudged fraud, that shows increasing atmospheric CO2 causes warming, the fudge job done in 2005 is here...

Key claim against global warming evaporates
Satellite and weather balloon data used to argue that climate models were wrong and that global warming isn't really happening turns out to be based on faulty analyses, according to three new studies.

truth is here...

Since Co2 does nothing, what does cause Earth climate change?
The first part is understanding what is climate and what is weather. Climate is the parameters of Earth that allow certain ranges of weather. We don't get Cat 10 canes now, but we would if Earth had no ice. What are the parameters of climate that can change? Ocean levels Atmospheric...

Apparently we really need a "debate" over the term ICE AGE because y'all are all wrong...
What is an ICE AGE? Most apparently still believe it is a terrifying horror movie event where Earth all at once freezes up. The data has never supported such a scenario. Since 2010, there has been a massive effort to re-write Earth climate history into a series of rapid "glaciations" and ice...

Pluto and Surface Air Pressure
https://science.nasa.gov/dwarf-planets/pluto/facts/ Pluto has a thin, tenuous atmosphere that expands when it comes closer to the Sun and collapses as it moves farther away – similar to a comet. The main constituent is molecular nitrogen, though molecules of methane and carbon monoxide have...