Just One Of 300,000

That is a bullshit blanket indictment of hundreds of thousands of people.

If you can guess what my daughter's ( and her friends ) sign said.....I'll give you $1000. Since you think it was a slogan suggested by organizers, you shouldn't have any trouble. I'll give you unlimited guesses.

Hint.......it was a very original thought.

Unless it said, "Drill, Baby, Drill" she'll be considered a liberal sheep by quite a few on here.
Au contraire mon ami. Nothi g better than mixing it up with someone that has has original thoughts. Thoose folks are not generally found in mass protests carrying a slogan that was suggested to them by the parade organizers.

Actually, at mass protests, as we've seen in the threads covering this environmental march, there are several gradations of views, from the extreme to the moderate.

Every clown is drawn to a spotlight. The march was a big spotlight. This is how messy democracy works.

Not quite.. That's how LEFTIST issues are sold. By the appearance of consensus and street theater.. Cons and Libertarians SUCK at street theater and mass demonstrations.. We KNOW from press interviews that folks asked about the agenda responded with everything from Palestinians to Race Relations. THERE's about as original as it gets.

Saw a LOT of flowers and repeated slogans and a whole MASS of ignorance on the actual issues. Roughly the SAME tone that is going on INSIDE the Climate Orgy meeting..
Au contraire mon ami. Nothi g better than mixing it up with someone that has has original thoughts. Thoose folks are not generally found in mass protests carrying a slogan that was suggested to them by the parade organizers.

That is a bullshit blanket indictment of hundreds of thousands of people.

If you can guess what my daughter's ( and her friends ) sign said.....I'll give you $1000. Since you think it was a slogan suggested by organizers, you shouldn't have any trouble. I'll give you unlimited guesses.

Hint.......it was a very original thought.

How can I turn down "unlimited guesses".. These would be my first, but I reserve the right to edit and extend my remarks and guesses.

1) My Dad told me to be here..
2) No Blood for Oil.
3) The Earth has a fever.
4) Cleanliness is Godlyness.
5) Hi Mom.
6) No Time to Debate Morons.
7) Cooler is Cool
8) Santa can't survive the heat.
9) Happy Polar Bears are priceless.
10) Death to Deniers.

Am I getting close with any? :lol:

No. It is because I think you made it up. I think you felt it would be a cute thing to say and that it has no basis in reality. Not really a big deal.....you were just making a point. But it was bullshit nonetheless.

I know several young adults who are not liberal. I communicate with young adults on a regular basis. My bullshit detector is finely tuned.
Um well....that would be bs :lol:

Sad. You felt the need to make up something. Reality isn't snarky enough for you. I get it.

Sadder still is that there are some on the board who believe that critical, independent thinkers have to think exactly like them.

Your choice of avatar reveals much about your "thinking" processes.

No. It is because I think you made it up. I think you felt it would be a cute thing to say and that it has no basis in reality. Not really a big deal.....you were just making a point. But it was bullshit nonetheless.

I know several young adults who are not liberal. I communicate with young adults on a regular basis. My bullshit detector is finely tuned.
Um well....that would be bs :lol:

Sad. You felt the need to make up something. Reality isn't snarky enough for you. I get it.

Sadder still is that there are some on the board who believe that critical, independent thinkers have to think exactly like them.
Well then you'd be wrong. It isn't what is being said at all and like a good liberal minded groupie you must not think. Has nothing to do if you think as I do, it is the mere fact that you don't think at all. You follow the gospel of leftist print is what is beng stated. Understood?
Share with us some of this "free and critical thinking" of your son's which doesn't constitute liberal groupthink. I'm interested. What's the most out of the ordinary position that he holds which he arrived at by analyzing the world and concluding that most of those people around him are wrong?

I'm sure you're interested. You're interested in mocking someone's thoughts and beliefs.

Do you imagine that I or my son have something to prove to you? Suffice it to say, you are wrong. I'm not playing the game of dissecting his thought processes to a stranger online. If you want to discuss something with me, about my opinions, that's a different story.

Got it?

Which proud mama put her son's "free and critical thinking" into the discussion?

And now this proud mama is ending the discussion about her kid. I might also have talked about his intelligence, but I'm not putting a report card up here for your perusal.

Do you understand? Are you cognizant of these facts? Are you going to handle this refusal with a modicum of class or are you going to keep prodding like a creepy online asshole?
Then shut up!!!
Dear Lord how the modern American Conservative LOVES to live in filth! Deny science, denigrate protesters, doubt even the numbers of protesters, cling to the old ways of fossil fuel and whatever their masters in the executive suite tells them.

The modern American Conservative has to hate the environment. To acknowledge anything is wrong with it refutes their warped, stilted message of 'Make money. Damn the air, water and soil. That's someone else's problem.'
Dear Lord how the modern American Conservative LOVES to live in filth! Deny science, denigrate protesters, doubt even the numbers of protesters, cling to the old ways of fossil fuel and whatever their masters in the executive suite tells them.

The modern American Conservative has to hate the environment. To acknowledge anything is wrong with it refutes their warped, stilted message of 'Make money. Damn the air, water and soil. That's someone else's problem.'
shhhhhh...Listen. Hear that?
Dear Lord how the modern American Conservative LOVES to live in filth! Deny science, denigrate protesters, doubt even the numbers of protesters, cling to the old ways of fossil fuel and whatever their masters in the executive suite tells them.

The modern American Conservative has to hate the environment. To acknowledge anything is wrong with it refutes their warped, stilted message of 'Make money. Damn the air, water and soil. That's someone else's problem.'
Dear Lord how the modern American Conservative LOVES to live in filth! Deny science, denigrate protesters, doubt even the numbers of protesters, cling to the old ways of fossil fuel and whatever their masters in the executive suite tells them.

The modern American Conservative has to hate the environment. To acknowledge anything is wrong with it refutes their warped, stilted message of 'Make money. Damn the air, water and soil. That's someone else's problem.'
:lol: Similar to OWS marches
People s Climate March Leaves Trail Of Trash Gothamist
Deniers have moved full-time into their conspiracy dimension, and it's not possible to have rational discussions with crazy people.

You can't reason someone out of a position they weren't reasoned into, and deniers became deniers for purely emotional reasons. Some find comfort in their herd identity, some get gratification in thinking they're actually smarter than all those egghead scientists, and some just get off on being little bitches. You can't change them. If you point out they're being dumb, that pushes them deeper into the cult as a defense, and that makes them act even dumber, and so their persecution complex puts them into a sanity death spiral.

You can only let them fade away, like the way the Bill Clinton conspiracy theory crowd faded. In ten years, deniers won't be totally gone, but they'll be a sad echo of what they are now.
Deniers have moved full-time into their conspiracy dimension, and it's not possible to have rational discussions with crazy people.

You can't reason someone out of a position they weren't reasoned into, and deniers became deniers for purely emotional reasons. Some find comfort in their herd identity, some get gratification in thinking they're actually smarter than all those egghead scientists, and some just get off on being little bitches. You can't change them. If you point out they're being dumb, that pushes them deeper into the cult as a defense, and that makes them act even dumber, and so their persecution complex puts them into a sanity death spiral.

You can only let them fade away, like the way the Bill Clinton conspiracy theory crowd faded. In ten years, deniers won't be totally gone, but they'll be a sad echo of what they are now.
You keep telling yourself that. LoSiNg

No. It is because I think you made it up. I think you felt it would be a cute thing to say and that it has no basis in reality. Not really a big deal.....you were just making a point. But it was bullshit nonetheless.

I know several young adults who are not liberal. I communicate with young adults on a regular basis. My bullshit detector is finely tuned.
Um well....that would be bs :lol:

Sad. You felt the need to make up something. Reality isn't snarky enough for you. I get it.

Sadder still is that there are some on the board who believe that critical, independent thinkers have to think exactly like them.

Your choice of avatar reveals much about your "thinking" processes.

My dog that died last year?
Well then you'd be wrong. It isn't what is being said at all and like a good liberal minded groupie you must not think. Has nothing to do if you think as I do, it is the mere fact that you don't think at all. You follow the gospel of leftist print is what is beng stated. Understood?

That's one of the stupidest things I've read. How do you know how I've arrived to my conclusions? How do you know all of my views? You don't.

But you've guessed that I'm not thinking, and that I follow the leftist "gospel."

That's pretty pathetic on your part.
Unofficial estimates put the number of marchers attending today's Peoples Climate March at 300k. An impressive number.

My unbelievably perfect 18 y/o daughter was there among them. Thankfully, we've got no shortage of forward thinking........wise young people ready to do what's right for this planet and those who inhabit it.

One step at a time.

As I prefer an unpolluted environment and realize that if we ever get to the point where we have gone too far in befouling our global nest we may not realize it until AFTER the fact.

Therefore, I'm all in favor of doing what we can RIGHT NOW to clean up the environment as well as we can as long as it doesn't lead us into some hairbrained liberal nightmare scheme nor cost our business and industry and economic sectors a prohibitive amount of money or upset.

I don't know if the science is bogus or not. All I know is that if the Libs are right we are heading for big trouble unless we become more environmentally responsible.

If the science is wrong, I still think it is only prudent to live as greenly as is practical.

The overflow civilization outpost on Mars hasn't even been designed yet.

We have to survive HERE on Earth a long time before we have any realistic alternatives.

So let's stop the energy/environment/ecology infighting and get to work together.
Unofficial estimates put the number of marchers attending today's Peoples Climate March at 300k. An impressive number.

My unbelievably perfect 18 y/o daughter was there among them. Thankfully, we've got no shortage of forward thinking........wise young people ready to do what's right for this planet and those who inhabit it.

One step at a time.

Is your daughter your avatar with the purple hair?

What does her sign say?

"Shits Oil Do Better???"


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