Just like BLM: Whites vow to boycott Star Wars because a black lead character means "Anti White"

I predicted that as such this boycott would get no traction. Because there are so few white anti-black racist left in our society.

Naw, they will tolerate a black if they have to so they can fap to Star Wars
Why are people trippin'? Star Wars is full of white people. But black folks? The original trilogy had, what, Lando? And the new ones had Mace Windu and his purple ass light saber. That's it. Vader was honorable mention. That's what, two and a half back people in all of Star Wars, plus this guy? Chill the f out lol
On a scale of 1 to 10, about a 3.

Now, ask me how I would feel about a white Blade.
So if a story is good you like it, and if a story is bad you don't like it, and that's it...

Man injecting all that race talk into your point sure muddled up the message.

The OP was about the Race angle of this story. I poo-pooed the idea that it would get any traction.

It is you libs who have such problems understanding that my complaints in such matters is based on whether they suck or not.

BUt, you see a white person complain about anything with black nearby (with the rewrites that happen to be racial) and your Race Card reflex responds without any brain involvement and then you are stuck, perhaps forever.
Omg he doesn't even see it

OOPs, did my use of the word "black" set off your reflex again?

If so, what did it focus on this time?
Ok gotcha. So if they rewrite a character and the story is bad, you get mad. But if they also change the character's race then you get REALLY mad! :eek:

I made no such distinction.

Some of the rewrites suck and I complain.

Some of the rewrites suck, (and change the characters race) and I complain.
He does this talking in circles thing to claim he never said something and then comes back to explain why he did the thing he claims he didnt do.

He said he doesnt like when they change the race. When called out on it he said he didnt say that, then goes on to explain why he doesnt like it when they change the race. :rofl:

You still haven't explained why you are such a lying asshole.

Fortunately in the Star Wars universe people also come in blue, red, green, yellow, orange, turquoise, magenta, etc...

Haters gonna hate
I predicted that as such this boycott would get no traction. Because there are so few white anti-black racist left in our society.

Naw, they will tolerate a black if they have to so they can fap to Star Wars

There is nothing to tolerate. This is not a rewrite of an established character.

YOu cannot distinguish between people who are legitimately complaining about companies doing a crappy job of entertaining their fans, and actual racists who don't like to see black actors.

THis demonstrates one of the reasons why false accusations of racism is bad.
Why are people trippin'? Star Wars is full of white people. But black folks? The original trilogy had, what, Lando? And the new ones had Mace Windu and his purple ass light saber. That's it. Vader was honorable mention. That's what, two and a half back people in all of Star Wars, plus this guy? Chill the f out lol

Very few people are tripping. This boycott will fail miserably.

Oh and we had a Mexican in the Senate, and the Clone Troopers all look Latino, so there's that
Twitter trolls urge boycott of Star Wars over black character

Twitter trolls urge boycott of Star Wars over black character


The release of the new Star Wars trailer has been met with excitement online except by a small faction of Twitter users who called for a boycott of the upcoming sequel, claiming it to be “anti-white propaganda”.

The hashtag #BoycottStarWarsVII was started after trolls were angry over the casting of black actor John Boyega, claiming the film was promoting “white genocide”. The same user also referred to director JJ Abrams as a “Jewish activist”.

I read this earlier this is as stupid as the big hoopla around JA JA blinks or what ever his name was...it's just a movie for Christ sake.
Twitter trolls urge boycott of Star Wars over black character

Twitter trolls urge boycott of Star Wars over black character


The release of the new Star Wars trailer has been met with excitement online except by a small faction of Twitter users who called for a boycott of the upcoming sequel, claiming it to be “anti-white propaganda”.

The hashtag #BoycottStarWarsVII was started after trolls were angry over the casting of black actor John Boyega, claiming the film was promoting “white genocide”. The same user also referred to director JJ Abrams as a “Jewish activist”.
Prediction: No one will care
Twitter trolls urge boycott of Star Wars over black character

Twitter trolls urge boycott of Star Wars over black character


The release of the new Star Wars trailer has been met with excitement online except by a small faction of Twitter users who called for a boycott of the upcoming sequel, claiming it to be “anti-white propaganda”.

The hashtag #BoycottStarWarsVII was started after trolls were angry over the casting of black actor John Boyega, claiming the film was promoting “white genocide”. The same user also referred to director JJ Abrams as a “Jewish activist”.
I wonder how many of our resident racists here are participating in that nonsense?

I bought day one tickets this morning. I can't wait!
must be agony :hmpf: for the resident racist 'tards :laugh:
This will go nowhere.

It is not like the black Spiderman or any of the other rebranding of established characters.

Indeed, this boycott will actually depend on actual real racists, and not just people who dare have a disagreement with a liberal or not want to rewrite well established characters.

YOu know, nearly every "racist" you know of.
^ Dumb fucking idiot has no idea these characters have been rewritten a million times already.
gawd but Correll is dense.
If he's an actor who happens to be black but is just playing a role then there should be no issue. But if he's a black actor playing a black role like, "Yo, yung', dat nasty-ass nigga Lukeshawn Skywalker be one trippin' curb-feeler!" then there might be a legit issue.

Where'd you get that lingo NegativeNancy? From the Caucasoid Guide to Slang?
RoshawnMarkwees is a shitlord
Strictly speaking for myself, I would've preferred Ice Cube play the lead role in 'The Martian' instead of white boy Matt Damon. That was rayciss!
If he's an actor who happens to be black but is just playing a role then there should be no issue. But if he's a black actor playing a black role like, "Yo, yung', dat nasty-ass nigga Lukeshawn Skywalker be one trippin' curb-feeler!" then there might be a legit issue.

Where'd you get that lingo NegativeNancy? From the Caucasoid Guide to Slang?
No, bitch nigga. It's my locale. My 'hood.
"Muh fuckin' bitch say dis baby look just like me. Bitch didn't even call me and shit. Fuck dat, nigga!" (Sunday conversation outside my grocery store)

Right NegativeNancy, and Curb Feeler is something you hear also...from your VHS copy of "I'm gonna get you Sucka"
Charlie Brown Kwanzaa, nigga!
My favorite is the story of the two young men watching the Bladensburg HS football game one Saturday afternoon. As they watched the skirts of the cheerleaders flail during pirhouettes, exposing their undergarments, one young man said to the other, "I'm asking that cheerleader to attend next weekend's sock hop with me." To which the other young man replied, "Too late. I already took her out to the malt shop last week."
Except the conversation was had in my local dialect and sounded like this...
"Yo nigga, I be way up dat junk geekin' away like a muh fuckah!"
"Dag, yung', I been done hit dat junk, nigga!"
We're supposed to believe you know anything about blacks after just saying the words "Sock Hop" and "Malt Shop" my nigga? :rofl:
Twitter trolls urge boycott of Star Wars over black character

Twitter trolls urge boycott of Star Wars over black character


The release of the new Star Wars trailer has been met with excitement online except by a small faction of Twitter users who called for a boycott of the upcoming sequel, claiming it to be “anti-white propaganda”.

The hashtag #BoycottStarWarsVII was started after trolls were angry over the casting of black actor John Boyega, claiming the film was promoting “white genocide”. The same user also referred to director JJ Abrams as a “Jewish activist”.


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