Just As Much A Failure As His Eponymous Plan

Please don't confuse that with the number who new a change was needed. I have (and always have had) great insurance. Even in the early 1990's, I knew we needed some changes because people could not get at insurance.

I never thought we'd make the problem worse.

We haven't, stupid. We just kept stupid people like from being conned by big insurance.

You can thank us later.

Come in, stupid.

Hey, stupid...you there (and awake).

I have been saying this for as long as I've been on this board.

Unlike you, I identify the problem before I state a solution.

Please provide a breakdown of how much of each things you whine about.

I posted a graph that showed that most countries spend less than 10% of the GDP on health care.

These countries have longer life expediencies, lower infant mortality rates, and people being bankrupted by medical issues is not a common thing like it is here.

Now we HAD a solution. Single Payer like everyone else has. The insurance companies and doctors won't like it, but everyone else will.

we gave you Republican fuckheads a "private sector" solution, and then you sit their like stupid battered housewife conservatives wondering why big corporations fuck you over again.

It's like the tale about the scorpion. "It's in my nature."

Yes, I've posted those graphs too.

As to your outcomes....you show you are liar. They've been repeatedly normalized to show that the U.S. is fine compared to others.

Fact remains: 17% is still a lot higher than other countries and way to much. 8,500 per person per year.

BTW: You gave nobody anything. Insurance has been propped up by government for decades and they've use that support to really shove it to us. It's been democrats as well as the GOP that have been party to this crap.

I am not GOP by the way....just like you are not a liberal.
The system worked fine for most of us.

No, it didn't. It was just most of you never got sick enough to really have to worry about it.

Obamacare touches a small percentage of people....most of the rest of us are doing fine.

I really am sorry you got screwed.

My insurance has always been great.....great value....great coverage.....great service.

Then what are you whining about?
Yes, I've posted those graphs too.

As to your outcomes....you show you are liar. They've been repeatedly normalized to show that the U.S. is fine compared to others.

Guy, the fact is, we have the highest infant mortality and the lowest life expectency in the industrialized world. And the fact that one out of four of us had inadequate access to health care is a big part of that.

Yeah, I guess we look good if we take out- Poor people.

Fact remains: 17% is still a lot higher than other countries and way to much. 8,500 per person per year.

I agree. It is. Because of greedy doctors, greedy pharamacuetical companies, greedy insurance companies, and greedy health care companies... Things you don't have in a single payer system.

BTW: You gave nobody anything. Insurance has been propped up by government for decades and they've use that support to really shove it to us. It's been democrats as well as the GOP that have been party to this crap.

I agree. Big insurance has too much influence. We should go to single payer and get rid of them. Instead, we keep propping up a horrible, unethical system and Ed Hanaway deploys his Nine Figure Golden Parachute while Nataline Sarkisyan dies from a failing liver.

The problem is, only one of us thinks that is truly immoral and fucked up.
The system worked fine for most of us.

No, it didn't. It was just most of you never got sick enough to really have to worry about it.

Obamacare touches a small percentage of people....most of the rest of us are doing fine.

I really am sorry you got screwed.

My insurance has always been great.....great value....great coverage.....great service.

Then what are you whining about?

You have no clue as to what any of us deal with.

You left wing arrogance shines through on just about every post.

I'm not whining about anything. You are the sorry person who cries about our current system.

Unlike you.....I do look at things. Despite my great insurance, I know not everyone has access and have been advocating for a dialogue about improving things since the early 1990's. GWB could have shown some great leadership in that area. Instead he took us to war.
I agree. It is. Because of greedy doctors, greedy pharamacuetical companies, greedy insurance companies, and greedy health care companies... Things you don't have in a single payer system.


I don't call the guy who saves my life greedy. I call him sir.

Sorry to see someone who is bitter over life and needs to blame others for his problems.
Yes, I've posted those graphs too.

As to your outcomes....you show you are liar. They've been repeatedly normalized to show that the U.S. is fine compared to others.

Guy, the fact is, we have the highest infant mortality and the lowest life expectency in the industrialized world. And the fact that one out of four of us had inadequate access to health care is a big part of that.

Yeah, I guess we look good if we take out- Poor people.

We look great if we take out poor people and black on black crime (ooops).

I raised the point.......

And have been for years.

Please show me how your solution is a solution.

17% is in the trillions......Good luck with your witch hunt of the rich. It might come down to 17.96%.

BTW: Seven figure salaries......None of these averages hits 300K.

Sweetie, I don't live on this board like you do. I work two jobs just to get by (and because I'm still saddled by debt thanks to a combination of my medical issues from the Mid Oughts and how badly your boy Bush fucked up the economy.)

A doctor making 300K is too much. We don't need to pay a Nine Figure Salary to guys like Ed Hanaway, (president of Cigna) who deny people liver transplants and save the company money.

Their greed is what isn't sustainable. We could easily get the cost down to 8% of GDP.

And by the way.....

None of those averages hit 300 K, so you were way overstated to begin with.

But look at the site: I recall these numbers being close to what I've read in the past...maybe I am wrong.

But most doctors make less than 200K a year (GP average about 160K a year). Let's hear you say the guy who is going to check you out and catch anything that could kill you is making to much, especially when he has a 200 K student loan to pay off.

Data really sucks.....
Burn After Reading: Obamacare Website Scrubs Any Reference On How To Keep Your Doctor

It was the biggest lie of the year: if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. It was one of the main selling points of the president’s health care overhaul, besides that the new law would cut costs. It hasn’t. To make things more intriguing, healthcare.gov has scrubbed references to the promise on their website, including whole sections on how you could keep your doctor under the Obamacare regime. Jeryl Bier of The Weekly Standard had more:
You have no clue as to what any of us deal with.

You left wing arrogance shines through on just about every post.

I'm not whining about anything. You are the sorry person who cries about our current system.

Unlike you.....I do look at things. Despite my great insurance, I know not everyone has access and have been advocating for a dialogue about improving things since the early 1990's. GWB could have shown some great leadership in that area. Instead he took us to war.

Yes, the problem is, all your dialog is 'How can the rich get richer off the suffering of others".

2008 cured me of that sort of nonsense.
It was the biggest lie of the year: if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. It was one of the main selling points of the president’s health care overhaul, besides that the new law would cut costs. It hasn’t. To make things more intriguing, healthcare.gov has scrubbed references to the promise on their website, including whole sections on how you could keep your doctor under the Obamacare regime. Jeryl Bier of The Weekly Standard

Wasn't the same Weekly standard that told us what an awesome thing the Iraq War was.

Okay, fair criticism. Obama never should have promised you that you could keep your doctor because you couldn't keep him on the previous system. Whenever the Fat HR Cow would come out and tell us how our Insurance was going to suck a little bit more this year, we knew we'd be changing doctors.

so here's the tragedy of ObamaCare. Obama trusted the One percenters. He had them on their backs, and he trusted them. Instead of them saying, "yeah, this is a fair deal", they turned around and screwed us all again.
You have no clue as to what any of us deal with.

You left wing arrogance shines through on just about every post.

I'm not whining about anything. You are the sorry person who cries about our current system.

Unlike you.....I do look at things. Despite my great insurance, I know not everyone has access and have been advocating for a dialogue about improving things since the early 1990's. GWB could have shown some great leadership in that area. Instead he took us to war.

Yes, the problem is, all your dialog is 'How can the rich get richer off the suffering of others".

2008 cured me of that sort of nonsense.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

As usual.
It was the biggest lie of the year: if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. It was one of the main selling points of the president’s health care overhaul, besides that the new law would cut costs. It hasn’t. To make things more intriguing, healthcare.gov has scrubbed references to the promise on their website, including whole sections on how you could keep your doctor under the Obamacare regime. Jeryl Bier of The Weekly Standard

Wasn't the same Weekly standard that told us what an awesome thing the Iraq War was.

Okay, fair criticism. Obama never should have promised you that you could keep your doctor because you couldn't keep him on the previous system. Whenever the Fat HR Cow would come out and tell us how our Insurance was going to suck a little bit more this year, we knew we'd be changing doctors.

so here's the tragedy of ObamaCare. Obama trusted the One percenters. He had them on their backs, and he trusted them. Instead of them saying, "yeah, this is a fair deal", they turned around and screwed us all again.

Ruh Roh.....

Reality finally set's in.

I agree....the One percenters are not to be trusted.

And Obama was stupid for not realizing they use government to stay One Percenters.
Ruh Roh.....

Reality finally set's in.

I agree....the One percenters are not to be trusted.

And Obama was stupid for not realizing they use government to stay One Percenters

Or maybe he just didn't want to get shot by a "mysterious loner" who often takes care of these sorts of things.

Okay, reality- our system doesn't do radical change.

We are going to go to single payer, eventually, because the current system is unsustainable. But no one is going to pull that trigger.

The benefit of ObamaCare is that it establishes that everyone should have health coverage. Now how we get there is the next step.
Ruh Roh.....

Reality finally set's in.

I agree....the One percenters are not to be trusted.

And Obama was stupid for not realizing they use government to stay One Percenters

Or maybe he just didn't want to get shot by a "mysterious loner" who often takes care of these sorts of things.

Okay, reality- our system doesn't do radical change.

We are going to go to single payer, eventually, because the current system is unsustainable. But no one is going to pull that trigger.

The benefit of ObamaCare is that it establishes that everyone should have health coverage. Now how we get there is the next step.

Obamacare has not established any such thing.

Not everybody has coverage.
That makes no sense whatsoever.

As usual.

Did I need to use smaller words for you?

We have an awful system where a very few people get rich. Follow the money.

Now, if Single Payer were this radical, far out idea that no one has ever tried before, you might have a point.

But it isn't. The rest of the industrialized world has had it for decades.

What awful system.....our health care or our economic system.

In the U.S., the One Percenters use government to get rich.

You've implemented a national health care precursor and guess what......

The 1%res got richer.

Didn't you read the sign that said "ledge" before you fell in ?
Ruh Roh.....

Reality finally set's in.

I agree....the One percenters are not to be trusted.

And Obama was stupid for not realizing they use government to stay One Percenters

Or maybe he just didn't want to get shot by a "mysterious loner" who often takes care of these sorts of things.

Okay, reality- our system doesn't do radical change.

We are going to go to single payer, eventually, because the current system is unsustainable. But no one is going to pull that trigger.

The benefit of ObamaCare is that it establishes that everyone should have health coverage. Now how we get there is the next step.

We won't be going to single payer. Sorry.

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