Charter Member
Toiletries dont commit acts of terrorism. Muslims do.
So why cant I take my toothpaste on the plane? How is it that Gatorade is forbidden? Why cant I have a bottle of water?
Because we arent really fighting a war with terror, we are losing a struggle with political correctness. It is not so much the evil of outsiders, it is the cowardice of Americans.
The cowardice that wont let us call a spade a spade, the makes us all live in an alternate reality, that puts survival secondary to servility. We are fighting World War III with one arm tied behind our back.
Last week was a good example.
A group of two or three dozen fascist Muslims in England and Pakistan plotted to blow up 10 or 12 passenger-laden airliners in transatlantic flight. The purpose was to celebrate and reprise the attacks of September 11. The means was the detonation of explosive liquids disguised as common liquids like Gatorade or shampoo.
The plot was discovered, followed and hopefully foiled by British intelligence with an assist from Americans and Pakistanis. Immediately, new restrictions were put on airline passengers. Because the plotters planned to use liquids, passengers were forbidden to bring liquids onto airplanes.
Not medicines, not crèmes, not drinks, not nothing. Untold hundreds of thousands of airline passengers immediately and indefinitely lost the right to carry liquids or pastes on themselves or in their carry-on luggage.
Which is stupid.
Because Gatorades not the problem.
Muslims are the problem.
Can we be honest enough to just admit that for a minute? The plotters uncovered in England were all Muslims. They all had Muslim names. They all but one or two were of Pakistani descent. They were motivated by religious bigotry. They wanted to kill because they were Muslim and they wanted to kill the people they wanted to kill because they werent Muslim.
Yet political correctness forbids us from mentioning that, much less acting upon it.
In fact, on the ABC network news over the weekend, the plotters were called British Extremists as if somehow the fact they were in Great Britain was defining of their extremism. The fact is they were Muslim extremists, but the American media is so in bed with the diversity-training crowd that that fact cant be mentioned.
Also on American newscasts over the weekend, the story was told of three men buying thousands of disposable and untraceable cell phones, an activity with possible terrorist linkages. Not surprisingly, very few accounts noted that the men were Muslims with Muslim names.
Political correctness has sanitized this fight to such an extent that we are not allowed to even identify the enemy.
Which is not toothpaste.
It is Islam.
An Islam practiced by tens of millions of people around the world and which repeatedly and consistently puts armies and cells of terrorists in action around the world. No doubt there are peace-loving Muslims, its just that they have an amazing capacity for keeping a low profile or demanding that people respect their religion.
Our desire not to offend Muslims and their culture stands great potential to cost American lives. Countless American lives.
Heres what I mean.
Lets lay aside political correctness for a moment and use scientific analysis. Lets use reason and logic for just a minute.
For example: How many terrorist acts have been committed involving liquids carried onto airplanes by passengers?
Answer: Zero.
Second question: How many terrorist acts involving airliners have been committed by Muslims?
Answer: All of them.
Third question: Why are we focused on liquids instead of Muslims?
Answer: Beats me.
Why is it that the protection of our airline industry is focused on products, not people? Why is it that we go to such extreme lengths to screen materials, but purposely avoid screening the people who carry them?
Wouldnt we be safer if we focused our security efforts largely on Muslim passengers? Especially young, male Muslim passengers? Isnt the fact that every single act of airliner terrorism involved a young, male Muslim relevant?
Does it make sense to take away a mothers bottle of Childrens Tylenol and a grandmothers bottle of Coke while at the same time purposely not profiling likely terrorists?
Cant we be honest enough to admit that profiling potential terrorists by religion, national origin, gender and age is a good idea? Arent we bright enough to understand that asking a few extra questions of a young Muslim airline passenger is not the same as pulling over a black man just because hes driving in a white neighborhood?
A group of people was arrested last week for plotting a terrorist attack. They were young Muslim men. Just like the group before that and the group before that and the group before that.
And the group before that.
So, naturally, you cant take Chapstick on an airplane.
Toiletries dont commit acts of terrorism.
Muslims do.
Maybe if the government spent less time looking at your carry-on bag and more time looking at young male Muslim passengers wed all be a lot safer and a lot less inconvenienced.
This isnt about Gatorade, this is about jihad. Its time to stop focusing on products and start focusing on people.
People who happen to be Muslim.
- by Bob Lonsberry © 2006