Just 41% of Viewers Had ‘Very Positive’ Reaction to Biden’s SOTU Speech, Says CNN – Lowest Since George W. Bush

You got it wrong. As always. And no matter how often you pretend not to understand, and despite your obviously severe mental retardation, you do know that the Dumbocraps lied and broke their agreement after taking their end of the bargain. Filthy dishonest scum. You must be a Democrap voter.

So now ewe are saying that Raygun did NOT sign for amnesty. Who is the dishonest fucking liar? Why ewe are now aren't ewe!!!!!!!!
ROTFLMFAO, nope ewe.
Raygun could NOT wait to grant them amnesty for his corporate masters. Giving them the YUGEST tax cut in US history was just NOT enough!!!!!
Aldo Moro cheers the Dumbocrap Parody habit of dishonesty.
let’s go Brandon. 👍
Certainly ain't gonna cheer the tardherders!!!!
Your concern for Brandon’s dementia seems oddly lacking; and Brandon’s Alzheimers is obvious even in his first term. Even in that first year.

You’ve amply demonstrated your complete lack of even the faintest ability to be interesting, persuasive or intelligent. Off to the phantom zone you go. Poor Waldo.

Buh bah,boo boo.
Your concern for Brandon’s dementia seems oddly lacking; and Brandon’s Alzheimers is obvious even in his first term. Even in that first year.

You’ve amply demonstrated your complete lack of even the faintest ability to be interesting, persuasive or intelligent. Off to the phantom zone you go. Poor Waldo.

Buh bah,boo boo.

Why do ewe defend ALZHEIMER Ronnie so much? Was he a relative? Do ewe love bad politics that set this country on YUGE deficit spending? Remember it was ALZHEIMER Ronnie that said deficit spending is good!!!!!!!

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