Jussie Smollett Sentenced to 150 Days in Cook County Jail, Screams "I am not suicidal! I am innocent!"

Jussie Smollett is a piece of s***. (and a f****** racist nutcase)
That's really the key that makes him so disgusting, among his other traits. He claims a race crime, when in reality, he is deeply racist himself.

He hires Black actors for his crime, and reports that they are White Trump supporters. He is a pig.

They only made him pay a $120k fine. Chicago has a pending case to sue him for $130k in police OT payments, and with this conviction, the civil case should be much easier.
But just think how popular Jussie is going to be for the next 5 months! :abgg2q.jpg:
What is gonna happen is most likely he will be placed into protective custody, he's just to out there, but if he is placed into population he's gonna be shaken down by the gangs, who will protect him at cost! This is only a 5-month deal, its not like he's being shipped off to Marion, he's gonna be placed into PC and he'll be out in 3-months, unless something were to occur resulting in him landing himself new charges, like shanking someone, dear God would that be epic, one can only hope... :auiqs.jpg:
What is gonna happen is most likely he will be placed into protective custody, he's just to out there, but if he is placed into population he's gonna be shaken down by the gangs, who will protect him at cost! This is only a 5-month deal, its not like he's being shipped off to Marion, he's gonna be placed into PC and he'll be out in 3-months, unless something were to occur resulting in him landing himself new charges, like shanking someone, dear God would that be epic, one can only hope... :auiqs.jpg:
That little twirp couldn't hold a shank tight enough to hurt someone. They'd take the thing away from it and laugh in its face.
Joe Biden
United States government official

What happened today to @JussieSmollett must never be tolerated in this country. We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie.

Just fucking priceless from Joe Biden. smh :omg:
I think a mitigating factor is the fact that whole thing was such a farce. Nobody actually believed that it happened as he presented it. Chicago is MAGA country? Gimmeafukkinbreak.

I wonder if "150 days" is actually one hundred fifty days. Or will he get out in a couple months "on good behavior"?

If the dictionary includes an entry for "Self-indulgent c*ck-sucker," his picture would suffice.
Wow. Judge threw the book at him, noting how he planned everything and lied on the stand for hours. Jussie wrote the script, hired actors, and directed and starred in a fictional work. He damaged real hate crime victims as a result.

"Justice for Jussie" used to be an Al Franken catch phrase. He got justice today.

Sounds about right for this fraud.

I seem to recall (I may be wrong) that he was on Good Morning America the day after the alleged attack. Strange they didn't have him on this morning from what I could tell. I had my breakfast at a Mexican Restaurant where they have the sound off but picture on.

They were so interested in the story but apparently not this part of the story. A-holes.

Chapelle had the best response to the whole episode:


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