Judicial Watch Obtains Records of 14 Referrals of FBI Employees for Leaking Sensitive or Class...


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
So the DOJ referred these people for prosecution, but it gives Jim Comey a pass. If anyone needs to be prosecuted, it's Jim Comey. We need to petition the DOJ and William Barr until this traitor is wriggling on the hook.

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received records of 14 referrals of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) employees to the organization’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) for the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive or classified information. The disclosure comes off the heels of Judicial Watch’s uncovering a FBI report detailing fired FBI Director James Comey kept FBI documents on President Trump at his house. Comey also admitted to leaking these documents.

Although the FBI’s OPR does not have its own website, according to the DOJ’s OPR , leak allegations may come, “from a variety of sources, including U.S. Attorney’s offices and other Department components, courts, Congress, media reports, other federal agencies, state and local government agencies, private citizens, private attorneys, criminal defendants, civil litigants, and self-referrals. OPR also regularly conducts its own searches to identify judicial findings of misconduct against Department attorneys.”

According to the DOJ’s OPR, it “investigates certain misconduct allegations involving federal law enforcement agents when they relate to a Department attorney’s alleged professional misconduct, as well as claims of reprisal against FBI whistleblowers.” “If OPR finds professional misconduct in a particular case, a different office—the Professional Misconduct Review Unit—reviews OPR’s findings and determines the appropriate discipline.” Final recommendations are given to “the appropriate office.”

Judicial Watch obtained the records through a January 2019 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking:

  • All complaints, referrals, or other reports received by the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility related to the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive and/or classified information by any employee of the FBI.
  • Any records documenting the closure or other final disposition of any complaint, referral, or other report described in part one of this request.

One referral obtained by Judicial Watch that appears to refer to former Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe was closed on March 20, 2018 and states as a mitigating factor that the “Employee was facing unprecedented challengers and pressures.”
Can you fucking imagine what the FBI would be pulling if Hillary won and the FBI was her personal jack booted thugged out Nazi SS.
Can you fucking imagine what the FBI would be pulling if Hillary won and the FBI was her personal jack booted thugged out Nazi SS.

Meh. No harm, no foul. It was only a coup and the most brazen assault on the Constitution and peaceful transition of Presidential power in US history

Comey walks and the IG reports will say "somebody did something" so Brennan and everyone else walks.

Remember Huber's 60,000 sealed indictments? The Prison Ships?

It's about 50/50% that Q is a fucking LARP. I'm not sure what's gained by punting the trails and firing squads for treason and sedition into 2020, but what the fuck do I know

We've been in a genuine Civil War for about 3 years now
Can you fucking imagine what the FBI would be pulling if Hillary won and the FBI was her personal jack booted thugged out Nazi SS.

Meh. No harm, no foul. It was only a coup and the most brazen assault on the Constitution and peaceful transition of Presidential power in US history

Comey walks and the IG reports will say "somebody did something" so Brennan and everyone else walks.

Remember Huber's 60,000 sealed indictments? The Prison Ships?

It's about 50/50% that Q is a fucking LARP. I'm not sure what's gained by punting the trails and firing squads for treason and sedition into 2020, but what the fuck do I know

We've been in a genuine Civil War for about 3 years now
If there are no punishments for Treason committed by members of The Obama Administration, you can kiss this country good bye.
Can you fucking imagine what the FBI would be pulling if Hillary won and the FBI was her personal jack booted thugged out Nazi SS.

Meh. No harm, no foul. It was only a coup and the most brazen assault on the Constitution and peaceful transition of Presidential power in US history

Comey walks and the IG reports will say "somebody did something" so Brennan and everyone else walks.

Remember Huber's 60,000 sealed indictments? The Prison Ships?

It's about 50/50% that Q is a fucking LARP. I'm not sure what's gained by punting the trails and firing squads for treason and sedition into 2020, but what the fuck do I know

We've been in a genuine Civil War for about 3 years now
If there are no punishments for Treason committed by members of The Obama Administration, you can kiss this country good bye.
The truth is....the mainstream is the primary threat in this country.
Without the MSM Democrats would never win an election......they'd never be in power.....and they'd never be in the position to abuse their authority.
If it was a coup Hillary would of won. But who won?? tramp, and he and his people and Russia did the coup.
If it was a coup Hillary would of won. But who won?? tramp, and he and his people and Russia did the coup.

Like some are wont to say about obstruction, it doesn't have to succeed to be a coup. It was a failed coup, and it remains to be seen if Trump will be able to bring those responsible to justice or if they will walk.
If it was a coup Hillary would of won. But who won?? tramp, and he and his people and Russia did the coup.

Like some are wont to say about obstruction, it doesn't have to succeed to be a coup. It was a failed coup, and it remains to be seen if Trump will be able to bring those responsible to justice or if they will walk.

Any day now, he kills their reputation with his tongue, but most do not listen to him or take him seriously except for his cult members.
If it was a coup Hillary would of won. But who won?? tramp, and he and his people and Russia did the coup.

Like some are wont to say about obstruction, it doesn't have to succeed to be a coup. It was a failed coup, and it remains to be seen if Trump will be able to bring those responsible to justice or if they will walk.

Any day now, he kills their reputation with his tongue, but most do not listen to him or take him seriously except for his cult members.

The existence of the coup attempt doesn't depends on Trump's utterances. They've been trying to get rid of him since before the inauguration.

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