Judge rules NC can't make sure only citizens are voting

No. I don’t agree that the right to vote should be infringed.

What is more precious, a vote or a gun?

How does a thumbprint infringe on your right to vote?
How does a background check infringe on your right to new arms?

It creates a database of who owns guns, just like 1938 Germany.

Any more silly questions? :1peleas:
What makes your inconvenience about your arsenal more dire than the right to vote?

I believe more folks are concerned with voting than hunting.

And what do some of us have to do to exercise our right to firearms? When I got my CCW permit, I had to:

Take a 10 hour class and pay for it.
Go to the gun range and take shooting test for 2 hours.
Get a picture taken that was VISA acceptable.
Go downtown to the Sheriffs department and fill out an application, and get my picture taken again.
I had to be electronically fingerprinted.

To vote, get an ID, and that's too much to ask to exercise your right????
I had to register as a voter. Voting SHOULD be easier than taking a gun into a public place.
How does a thumbprint infringe on your right to vote?
How does a background check infringe on your right to new arms?

It creates a database of who owns guns, just like 1938 Germany.

Any more silly questions? :1peleas:
What makes your inconvenience about your arsenal more dire than the right to vote?

I believe more folks are concerned with voting than hunting.

And what do some of us have to do to exercise our right to firearms? When I got my CCW permit, I had to:

Take a 10 hour class and pay for it.
Go to the gun range and take shooting test for 2 hours.
Get a picture taken that was VISA acceptable.
Go downtown to the Sheriffs department and fill out an application, and get my picture taken again.
I had to be electronically fingerprinted.

To vote, get an ID, and that's too much to ask to exercise your right????
I had to register as a voter. Voting SHOULD be easier than taking a gun into a public place.

You should move to Venezuela.
How does a thumbprint infringe on your right to vote?
How does a background check infringe on your right to new arms?

It creates a database of who owns guns, just like 1938 Germany.

Any more silly questions? :1peleas:
What makes your inconvenience about your arsenal more dire than the right to vote?

I believe more folks are concerned with voting than hunting.

And what do some of us have to do to exercise our right to firearms? When I got my CCW permit, I had to:

Take a 10 hour class and pay for it.
Go to the gun range and take shooting test for 2 hours.
Get a picture taken that was VISA acceptable.
Go downtown to the Sheriffs department and fill out an application, and get my picture taken again.
I had to be electronically fingerprinted.

To vote, get an ID, and that's too much to ask to exercise your right????
I had to register as a voter. Voting SHOULD be easier than taking a gun into a public place.
It is.
How does a thumbprint infringe on your right to vote?
How does a background check infringe on your right to new arms?

It creates a database of who owns guns, just like 1938 Germany.

Any more silly questions? :1peleas:
What makes your inconvenience about your arsenal more dire than the right to vote?

I believe more folks are concerned with voting than hunting.

And what do some of us have to do to exercise our right to firearms? When I got my CCW permit, I had to:

Take a 10 hour class and pay for it.
Go to the gun range and take shooting test for 2 hours.
Get a picture taken that was VISA acceptable.
Go downtown to the Sheriffs department and fill out an application, and get my picture taken again.
I had to be electronically fingerprinted.

To vote, get an ID, and that's too much to ask to exercise your right????
I had to register as a voter. Voting SHOULD be easier than taking a gun into a public place.

Why is that? Should one right be more difficult to exercise than another? I thought all rights were equal?

The point is that rights do not come at convenience. Sometimes you need to put a little effort to use these rights. By doing so, it's not disenfranchisement. It's simply a systematic way to use those rights so they benefit all.
How does a thumbprint infringe on your right to vote?
How does a background check infringe on your right to new arms?

It creates a database of who owns guns, just like 1938 Germany.

Any more silly questions? :1peleas:
What makes your inconvenience about your arsenal more dire than the right to vote?

I believe more folks are concerned with voting than hunting.

Guns in America are for more than hunting. They are also for self-defense and to keep a would-be tyrannical government in check.

Are you American? How do you not know this?
If you intend to shoot people rather than game or paper, you should register your arsenal

But if you vote for leadership of this country, how tax money is collected and spent, you should not get an ID?
How does a background check infringe on your right to new arms?

It creates a database of who owns guns, just like 1938 Germany.

Any more silly questions? :1peleas:
What makes your inconvenience about your arsenal more dire than the right to vote?

I believe more folks are concerned with voting than hunting.

And what do some of us have to do to exercise our right to firearms? When I got my CCW permit, I had to:

Take a 10 hour class and pay for it.
Go to the gun range and take shooting test for 2 hours.
Get a picture taken that was VISA acceptable.
Go downtown to the Sheriffs department and fill out an application, and get my picture taken again.
I had to be electronically fingerprinted.

To vote, get an ID, and that's too much to ask to exercise your right????
I had to register as a voter. Voting SHOULD be easier than taking a gun into a public place.

You should move to Venezuela.
You should take a civics class
How does a background check infringe on your right to new arms?

It creates a database of who owns guns, just like 1938 Germany.

Any more silly questions? :1peleas:
What makes your inconvenience about your arsenal more dire than the right to vote?

I believe more folks are concerned with voting than hunting.

And what do some of us have to do to exercise our right to firearms? When I got my CCW permit, I had to:

Take a 10 hour class and pay for it.
Go to the gun range and take shooting test for 2 hours.
Get a picture taken that was VISA acceptable.
Go downtown to the Sheriffs department and fill out an application, and get my picture taken again.
I had to be electronically fingerprinted.

To vote, get an ID, and that's too much to ask to exercise your right????
I had to register as a voter. Voting SHOULD be easier than taking a gun into a public place.

Why is that? Should one right be more difficult to exercise than another? I thought all rights were equal?

The point is that rights do not come at convenience. Sometimes you need to put a little effort to use these rights. By doing so, it's not disenfranchisement. It's simply a systematic way to use those rights so they benefit all.
Should the blind be given a CCW permit? The insane? The physically infirmed?
How does a background check infringe on your right to new arms?

It creates a database of who owns guns, just like 1938 Germany.

Any more silly questions? :1peleas:
What makes your inconvenience about your arsenal more dire than the right to vote?

I believe more folks are concerned with voting than hunting.

Guns in America are for more than hunting. They are also for self-defense and to keep a would-be tyrannical government in check.

Are you American? How do you not know this?
If you intend to shoot people rather than game or paper, you should register your arsenal

But if you vote for leadership of this country, how tax money is collected and spent, you should not get an ID?
You show less regard for your fellow Americans than you do for the deluded hero gunslinger
When a voter shows up without approved ID...

The idea of the ID IS TO SHOW they are legal voters.

Like a drivers license ? Which non citizens and felons who can’t vote can get.

That’s why people register . To check that . Not the old foggy giving you a ballot .

And that's why ID's are needed: to check that they are indeed the person who is registered to vote.
IDs can be faked

A signature is more reliable and has worked for hundreds of years

Right, you have an 84 year old lady looking at your signature like some kind of expert. If that's more reliable, why do we have communities in the US that have more registered voters than actual citizens?
How good are 84 year old ladies with fake IDs?

As to registered voters, this claim has been answered again and again

Voter registrations are not regularly purged. They contain voters who have moved away or died.
How does a background check infringe on your right to new arms?

It creates a database of who owns guns, just like 1938 Germany.

Any more silly questions? :1peleas:
What makes your inconvenience about your arsenal more dire than the right to vote?

I believe more folks are concerned with voting than hunting.

And what do some of us have to do to exercise our right to firearms? When I got my CCW permit, I had to:

Take a 10 hour class and pay for it.
Go to the gun range and take shooting test for 2 hours.
Get a picture taken that was VISA acceptable.
Go downtown to the Sheriffs department and fill out an application, and get my picture taken again.
I had to be electronically fingerprinted.

To vote, get an ID, and that's too much to ask to exercise your right????
I had to register as a voter. Voting SHOULD be easier than taking a gun into a public place.

Why is that? Should one right be more difficult to exercise than another? I thought all rights were equal?

The point is that rights do not come at convenience. Sometimes you need to put a little effort to use these rights. By doing so, it's not disenfranchisement. It's simply a systematic way to use those rights so they benefit all.

It is disenfranchisement, especially since the world only went ID mad after 9/11. Lots of people from my era didn't have their births properly registered. It wasn't that big a deal with we were growing up. I didn't have or need ID to get on a plane, get a driver's license, or a SIN card, up until 9/11. Thereafter, the world changed. Suddenly I couldn't even fly across Canada without photo ID.

It should be far easier to vote, than to buy a gun, since you're not endangering any lives by voting. Every citizen has the right to vote, and the USA is the only democratic country in the world, that is using voter ID to supress the votes of those of its citizens who don't vote Republican.

To suggest otherwise, is to deliberately disregard every legitimate case of voter fraud, gerrymandering and the results of the House elections since Bill Clinton was President. Republicans are using voter suppression to maintain white power over the country, while Republican economic policies increasingly enrich their wealthy white base, at the expense of every other socio-economic group in the country.
Judge strikes down NC voter ID law OK’d by voters

What a piece of shit. I hope they appeal this all the way to the SC.

The whole point of the NC voter ID law wasn't to verify identification, it was to supress the votes of poor Americans.
That's a lie, and you know it.
You assume that poor Americans can't afford proper I.D.
You also assume that poor Americans are too stupid to be able to get proper I.D.
that makes them racists and bigots.
How can a democratic republic stand once a radical minority of Conservatives decides that their opposition should be denied voting rights?

In America, we favor fairness.
No one is denying voting rights to legal voters, shit for brains.
When a voter shows up without approved ID...

There are lots of ways to ID yourself .

What you ID freaks forget to mention is that before people used X Y or Z to ID themselves . These laws say “oh no, you can only use Z”. Even though the old way worked just fine since forever . The whole purpose is to suppress votes .
how so. educate me on how it is suppression.

Because that’s the intent . They know it will effect older people who will most likely be Dem voters.

Here’s a textbook example . Grampa Joe is 80 years old . Hasn’t driven in years so his ID is an expired drivers license. He would be denied the vote even though he’s voted at that poll for 50 years because he doesn’t have a valid ID .
the fact that you don't even know the intent is laughable. you truly are stupid to admit you have no idea. All grandpa needs is an address and photo with his name. If the id is expired is not a disqualifier. so you are in error and as stated stupid because you don't know what the intent really is. it's a shame your kind of stupid is allowed to vote. you should go get an education.
It creates a database of who owns guns, just like 1938 Germany.

Any more silly questions? :1peleas:
What makes your inconvenience about your arsenal more dire than the right to vote?

I believe more folks are concerned with voting than hunting.

And what do some of us have to do to exercise our right to firearms? When I got my CCW permit, I had to:

Take a 10 hour class and pay for it.
Go to the gun range and take shooting test for 2 hours.
Get a picture taken that was VISA acceptable.
Go downtown to the Sheriffs department and fill out an application, and get my picture taken again.
I had to be electronically fingerprinted.

To vote, get an ID, and that's too much to ask to exercise your right????
I had to register as a voter. Voting SHOULD be easier than taking a gun into a public place.

Why is that? Should one right be more difficult to exercise than another? I thought all rights were equal?

The point is that rights do not come at convenience. Sometimes you need to put a little effort to use these rights. By doing so, it's not disenfranchisement. It's simply a systematic way to use those rights so they benefit all.

It is disenfranchisement, especially since the world only went ID mad after 9/11. Lots of people from my era didn't have their births properly registered. It wasn't that big a deal with we were growing up. I didn't have or need ID to get on a plane, get a driver's license, or a SIN card, up until 9/11. Thereafter, the world changed. Suddenly I couldn't even fly across Canada without photo ID.

It should be far easier to vote, than to buy a gun, since you're not endangering any lives by voting. Every citizen has the right to vote, and the USA is the only democratic country in the world, that is using voter ID to supress the votes of those of its citizens who don't vote Republican.

To suggest otherwise, is to deliberately disregard every legitimate case of voter fraud, gerrymandering and the results of the House elections since Bill Clinton was President. Republicans are using voter suppression to maintain white power over the country, while Republican economic policies increasingly enrich their wealthy white base, at the expense of every other socio-economic group in the country.
Disinfrancisement = Let any foreigner vote in our elections
What makes your inconvenience about your arsenal more dire than the right to vote?

I believe more folks are concerned with voting than hunting.

And what do some of us have to do to exercise our right to firearms? When I got my CCW permit, I had to:

Take a 10 hour class and pay for it.
Go to the gun range and take shooting test for 2 hours.
Get a picture taken that was VISA acceptable.
Go downtown to the Sheriffs department and fill out an application, and get my picture taken again.
I had to be electronically fingerprinted.

To vote, get an ID, and that's too much to ask to exercise your right????
I had to register as a voter. Voting SHOULD be easier than taking a gun into a public place.

Why is that? Should one right be more difficult to exercise than another? I thought all rights were equal?

The point is that rights do not come at convenience. Sometimes you need to put a little effort to use these rights. By doing so, it's not disenfranchisement. It's simply a systematic way to use those rights so they benefit all.

It is disenfranchisement, especially since the world only went ID mad after 9/11. Lots of people from my era didn't have their births properly registered. It wasn't that big a deal with we were growing up. I didn't have or need ID to get on a plane, get a driver's license, or a SIN card, up until 9/11. Thereafter, the world changed. Suddenly I couldn't even fly across Canada without photo ID.

It should be far easier to vote, than to buy a gun, since you're not endangering any lives by voting. Every citizen has the right to vote, and the USA is the only democratic country in the world, that is using voter ID to supress the votes of those of its citizens who don't vote Republican.

To suggest otherwise, is to deliberately disregard every legitimate case of voter fraud, gerrymandering and the results of the House elections since Bill Clinton was President. Republicans are using voter suppression to maintain white power over the country, while Republican economic policies increasingly enrich their wealthy white base, at the expense of every other socio-economic group in the country.
Disinfrancisement = Let any foreigner vote in our elections

Bullshit: When you demand "exact match" of names from government records - that's disenfranchisement.

When you demand changes to street addresses from Native Americans who have always been allowed to vote - that's disenfranchisement.

When you move the polling stations outside of the inner city neighbourhoods, to an area with no access to public transit - that's disenfranchisement.

When you prevent bus companies from transporting the elderly to polling stations, that's disenfranchisement.

When you strike names from voter records without any attempt at verification as to the status of that voter, that's disenfranchisement.

When all of the above, disproportionately take place in communities which vote for Democrats, and not in all neighbourhooods, equally, that's election fraud.
And what do some of us have to do to exercise our right to firearms? When I got my CCW permit, I had to:

Take a 10 hour class and pay for it.
Go to the gun range and take shooting test for 2 hours.
Get a picture taken that was VISA acceptable.
Go downtown to the Sheriffs department and fill out an application, and get my picture taken again.
I had to be electronically fingerprinted.

To vote, get an ID, and that's too much to ask to exercise your right????
I had to register as a voter. Voting SHOULD be easier than taking a gun into a public place.

Why is that? Should one right be more difficult to exercise than another? I thought all rights were equal?

The point is that rights do not come at convenience. Sometimes you need to put a little effort to use these rights. By doing so, it's not disenfranchisement. It's simply a systematic way to use those rights so they benefit all.

It is disenfranchisement, especially since the world only went ID mad after 9/11. Lots of people from my era didn't have their births properly registered. It wasn't that big a deal with we were growing up. I didn't have or need ID to get on a plane, get a driver's license, or a SIN card, up until 9/11. Thereafter, the world changed. Suddenly I couldn't even fly across Canada without photo ID.

It should be far easier to vote, than to buy a gun, since you're not endangering any lives by voting. Every citizen has the right to vote, and the USA is the only democratic country in the world, that is using voter ID to supress the votes of those of its citizens who don't vote Republican.

To suggest otherwise, is to deliberately disregard every legitimate case of voter fraud, gerrymandering and the results of the House elections since Bill Clinton was President. Republicans are using voter suppression to maintain white power over the country, while Republican economic policies increasingly enrich their wealthy white base, at the expense of every other socio-economic group in the country.
Disinfrancisement = Let any foreigner vote in our elections

Bullshit: When you demand "exact match" of names from government records - that's disenfranchisement.

When you demand changes to street addresses from Native Americans who have always been allowed to vote - that's disenfranchisement.

When you move the polling stations outside of the inner city neighbourhoods, to an area with no access to public transit - that's disenfranchisement.

When you prevent bus companies from transporting the elderly to polling stations, that's disenfranchisement.

When you strike names from voter records without any attempt at verification as to the status of that voter, that's disenfranchisement.

When all of the above, disproportionately take place in communities which vote for Democrats, and not in all neighbourhooods, equally, that's election fraud.

When you move the polling stations outside of the inner city neighbourhoods, to an area with no access to public transit - that's disenfranchisement.

Placement of polls is a local, not a state or federal decision.
What makes your inconvenience about your arsenal more dire than the right to vote?

I believe more folks are concerned with voting than hunting.

And what do some of us have to do to exercise our right to firearms? When I got my CCW permit, I had to:

Take a 10 hour class and pay for it.
Go to the gun range and take shooting test for 2 hours.
Get a picture taken that was VISA acceptable.
Go downtown to the Sheriffs department and fill out an application, and get my picture taken again.
I had to be electronically fingerprinted.

To vote, get an ID, and that's too much to ask to exercise your right????
I had to register as a voter. Voting SHOULD be easier than taking a gun into a public place.

Why is that? Should one right be more difficult to exercise than another? I thought all rights were equal?

The point is that rights do not come at convenience. Sometimes you need to put a little effort to use these rights. By doing so, it's not disenfranchisement. It's simply a systematic way to use those rights so they benefit all.

It is disenfranchisement, especially since the world only went ID mad after 9/11. Lots of people from my era didn't have their births properly registered. It wasn't that big a deal with we were growing up. I didn't have or need ID to get on a plane, get a driver's license, or a SIN card, up until 9/11. Thereafter, the world changed. Suddenly I couldn't even fly across Canada without photo ID.

It should be far easier to vote, than to buy a gun, since you're not endangering any lives by voting. Every citizen has the right to vote, and the USA is the only democratic country in the world, that is using voter ID to supress the votes of those of its citizens who don't vote Republican.

To suggest otherwise, is to deliberately disregard every legitimate case of voter fraud, gerrymandering and the results of the House elections since Bill Clinton was President. Republicans are using voter suppression to maintain white power over the country, while Republican economic policies increasingly enrich their wealthy white base, at the expense of every other socio-economic group in the country.
Disinfrancisement = Let any foreigner vote in our elections
condescending racists believe poor people are not intelligent enough to find their way around a city or get an id.

or that old folks have no family and they can't help them around town. I honestly can't believe the condescension in these racist bigots.
Last edited:
It creates a database of who owns guns, just like 1938 Germany.

Any more silly questions? :1peleas:
What makes your inconvenience about your arsenal more dire than the right to vote?

I believe more folks are concerned with voting than hunting.

And what do some of us have to do to exercise our right to firearms? When I got my CCW permit, I had to:

Take a 10 hour class and pay for it.
Go to the gun range and take shooting test for 2 hours.
Get a picture taken that was VISA acceptable.
Go downtown to the Sheriffs department and fill out an application, and get my picture taken again.
I had to be electronically fingerprinted.

To vote, get an ID, and that's too much to ask to exercise your right????
I had to register as a voter. Voting SHOULD be easier than taking a gun into a public place.

Why is that? Should one right be more difficult to exercise than another? I thought all rights were equal?

The point is that rights do not come at convenience. Sometimes you need to put a little effort to use these rights. By doing so, it's not disenfranchisement. It's simply a systematic way to use those rights so they benefit all.

It is disenfranchisement, especially since the world only went ID mad after 9/11. Lots of people from my era didn't have their births properly registered. It wasn't that big a deal with we were growing up. I didn't have or need ID to get on a plane, get a driver's license, or a SIN card, up until 9/11. Thereafter, the world changed. Suddenly I couldn't even fly across Canada without photo ID.

It should be far easier to vote, than to buy a gun, since you're not endangering any lives by voting. Every citizen has the right to vote, and the USA is the only democratic country in the world, that is using voter ID to supress the votes of those of its citizens who don't vote Republican.

To suggest otherwise, is to deliberately disregard every legitimate case of voter fraud, gerrymandering and the results of the House elections since Bill Clinton was President. Republicans are using voter suppression to maintain white power over the country, while Republican economic policies increasingly enrich their wealthy white base, at the expense of every other socio-economic group in the country.
I hate to say it but you are an outright liar dragon lady. You can’t pretend the rest of the world does not have voter I’d. Only people like you claim it is a conspiracy to suppress the vote. The fact that voting totals keep rising just shows people like you are trying to leave all doors open to illegals voting. Your misrepresentation of the facts is shameful and disgusting.

Voter ID: Other Countries Require It | [site:name] | National Review
And what do some of us have to do to exercise our right to firearms? When I got my CCW permit, I had to:

Take a 10 hour class and pay for it.
Go to the gun range and take shooting test for 2 hours.
Get a picture taken that was VISA acceptable.
Go downtown to the Sheriffs department and fill out an application, and get my picture taken again.
I had to be electronically fingerprinted.

To vote, get an ID, and that's too much to ask to exercise your right????
I had to register as a voter. Voting SHOULD be easier than taking a gun into a public place.

Why is that? Should one right be more difficult to exercise than another? I thought all rights were equal?

The point is that rights do not come at convenience. Sometimes you need to put a little effort to use these rights. By doing so, it's not disenfranchisement. It's simply a systematic way to use those rights so they benefit all.

It is disenfranchisement, especially since the world only went ID mad after 9/11. Lots of people from my era didn't have their births properly registered. It wasn't that big a deal with we were growing up. I didn't have or need ID to get on a plane, get a driver's license, or a SIN card, up until 9/11. Thereafter, the world changed. Suddenly I couldn't even fly across Canada without photo ID.

It should be far easier to vote, than to buy a gun, since you're not endangering any lives by voting. Every citizen has the right to vote, and the USA is the only democratic country in the world, that is using voter ID to supress the votes of those of its citizens who don't vote Republican.

To suggest otherwise, is to deliberately disregard every legitimate case of voter fraud, gerrymandering and the results of the House elections since Bill Clinton was President. Republicans are using voter suppression to maintain white power over the country, while Republican economic policies increasingly enrich their wealthy white base, at the expense of every other socio-economic group in the country.
Disinfrancisement = Let any foreigner vote in our elections
condescending racists believe poor people are not intelligent enough to find their way around a city or get an id.

or that old folks have no family and they can't help them around town. I honestly can't believe the condescension in these racist bigots.

Leftists can't think for themselves. That's why their politicians and MSM hosts think for them. The tell them what to think, but not why they should be thinking it. That's why they constantly lose debates in most subjects.
What makes your inconvenience about your arsenal more dire than the right to vote?

I believe more folks are concerned with voting than hunting.

And what do some of us have to do to exercise our right to firearms? When I got my CCW permit, I had to:

Take a 10 hour class and pay for it.
Go to the gun range and take shooting test for 2 hours.
Get a picture taken that was VISA acceptable.
Go downtown to the Sheriffs department and fill out an application, and get my picture taken again.
I had to be electronically fingerprinted.

To vote, get an ID, and that's too much to ask to exercise your right????
I had to register as a voter. Voting SHOULD be easier than taking a gun into a public place.

Why is that? Should one right be more difficult to exercise than another? I thought all rights were equal?

The point is that rights do not come at convenience. Sometimes you need to put a little effort to use these rights. By doing so, it's not disenfranchisement. It's simply a systematic way to use those rights so they benefit all.

It is disenfranchisement, especially since the world only went ID mad after 9/11. Lots of people from my era didn't have their births properly registered. It wasn't that big a deal with we were growing up. I didn't have or need ID to get on a plane, get a driver's license, or a SIN card, up until 9/11. Thereafter, the world changed. Suddenly I couldn't even fly across Canada without photo ID.

It should be far easier to vote, than to buy a gun, since you're not endangering any lives by voting. Every citizen has the right to vote, and the USA is the only democratic country in the world, that is using voter ID to supress the votes of those of its citizens who don't vote Republican.

To suggest otherwise, is to deliberately disregard every legitimate case of voter fraud, gerrymandering and the results of the House elections since Bill Clinton was President. Republicans are using voter suppression to maintain white power over the country, while Republican economic policies increasingly enrich their wealthy white base, at the expense of every other socio-economic group in the country.
I hate to say it but you are an outright liar dragon lady. You can’t pretend the rest of the world does not have voter I’d. Only people like you claim it is a conspiracy to suppress the vote. The fact that voting totals keep rising just shows people like you are trying to leave all doors open to illegals voting. Your misrepresentation of the facts is shameful and disgusting.

Voter ID: Other Countries Require It | [site:name] | National Review
Once Trump replaces all the Obama judges, that shit will stop.

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