Judge rules in favor of LGBT and against Parents

Parents have to be aware of what's going on in schools. When children come home, sit them down and undo everything the school did.
Homeschooling has become much easier.
Most districts are obliged to accommodate. I altered my grandson's curriculum with no pushback. Simply informed them that he WOULD NOT BE ATTENDING THAT PARTICULAR CLASS.

Homeschooling has become much easier.
Most districts are obliged to accommodate. I altered my grandson's curriculum with no pushback. Simply informed them that he WOULD NOT BE ATTENDING THAT PARTICULAR CLASS.

My step great-granddaughter's family opted to leave the state. They put Emma on a plane immediately to relatives and followed a week later.
My step great-granddaughter's family opted to leave the state. They put Emma on a plane immediately to relatives and followed a week later.
Good idea because the moment the control freaks who run the curriculum indoctrination center smell resistance they'll send the state officials out to grab the kid. They did smart.
Good idea because the moment the control freaks who run the curriculum indoctrination center smell resistance they'll send the state officials out to grab the kid. They did smart.
She was already being transitioned and warned not to tell her parents. So she went crying to grandparents.

Did you know that there is no off ramp to transition? A child cannot say, "I felt like a boy yesterday. I feel like a girl today." Or "yesterday I wore a dress, today I'm an army Sniper".

This is where children kill themselves.
She was already being transitioned and warned not to tell her parents. So she went crying to grandparents.

That sounds very disturbingly similar to this case:

Have the parents done anything about taking legal action, or at least bringing public attention to this?

They saved their own child, but if this was being done to that one child, you can be sure that other children are at risk of similar abuse from the same fucked-up perverts.
That sounds very disturbingly similar to this case:

Have the parents done anything about taking legal action, or at least bringing public attention to this?

They saved their own child, but if this was being done to that one child, you can be sure that other children are at risk of similar abuse from the same fucked-up perverts.
The parents along with the children are happily living in small town Texas. Emma is a boy crazy teenage girl.

Coming from California to Texas, Emma was so far behind grade level that she was given a tutor to catch up.

Public attention is given to this every day by thousands of parents. So many parents that the left wants to start putting parents in prison.

Don't support trans tyranny. Too many people are being destroyed.
It IS my business as they are coming after children, scumbag.

Except no one is doing that.

That sounds very disturbingly similar to this case:

Have the parents done anything about taking legal action, or at least bringing public attention to this?

They saved their own child, but if this was being done to that one child, you can be sure that other children are at risk of similar abuse from the same fucked-up perverts.
Well, since it's the NY Post, it probably didn't happen at all.
Extremist parents attempting a bridge too far, even for the current American political dysfunction!
Nothing to do with "extremist" parents as such - but simply a parents RIGHT to decide freely onto religious or religious related issues pertaining to their child.

Therefore if the parents chosen "religion" rejects or even condemns LGBT's - the parents have a right to protect their child from what they and their church deem to be heretical teachings. One can't exclude that the child may write in a class exam - LGBT's ought to be burned at the stake - and then might receive a F from his gay or Lefty&Lib teacher.

I remember very well when our Lefty&Lib-Green (The worst possible combination) teacher propagated during social studies in the 70'ies that terrorists should not be executed - naturally I wrote in a class essay; terrorists need to be shot dead on site, and naturally I got an F. That was then revoked by the headmaster (upon my complain) and changed into a B. What if the headmaster would also have been a Lefty&Lib?

And this is exactly as to what these lefty&Lib fuckers have been doing since the 70's - undermine the education sector, by getting as many as possible of their "fascist" minded comrades into place - to forcefully manipulate children, whilst manipulating and taking advantage of corrupt mainstream parties to again enforce respective laws - legally allowing them to indoctrinate and manipulate.

Solution enacted by the parents council?
Ban ALL LEFTY&LIBS and MAGA's from teaching in schools
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Extremist parents attempting a bridge too far, even for the current American political dysfunction!
Nothing to do with "extremist" parents as such - but simply a parents RIGHT to decide freely onto religious or religious related issues pertaining to their child.

We've reached the point where parents are called “extremist” for not wanting pedophiles to fuck with their children.
Plus not to mention we KNOW what the endgame of these sick sexual deviants and their useful idiot stooges on the Left really want. The normalization, legalization, and forced acceptance of paedophilia.

They're not even trying to hide it.

We've reached the point where parents are called “extremist” for not wanting pedophiles to fuck with their children.
I can't really answer on that, since I got absolutely no idea as to what this LGBT curriculum in that specific school beholds.

Is it simply telling kids to be aware about sickos that are different from the norm, and therefore describing these differences, or is it about telling kids - it's great to be a gay or transie, and please do feel free to join in.

That Lefty&Libs are trying to promote a reduction of the age limit in regards to consent towards sex is understood - but then again this wouldn't necessarily be part of that schools LGBT curriculum.
You sick groomers confuse children by design. Sodomites cannot reproduce so they recruit. Good parents keep their kids away from freaks like this.

First, it's the 21st century. Between artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization and surrogacy, gays can reproduce if they really want to.

Second- No one is recruiting anyone. You are born gay or straight, period. How do you think there were gay people before the 1970's? Did someone recruit Rock Hudson?

We've reached the point where parents are called “extremist” for not wanting pedophiles to fuck with their children.

again, you belong to a cult where the original leaders were all marrying underage girls... and some sects of your cult still do that.

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