Judge Rules FBI Must Release Declarations From Lead Mueller FBI Agent


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Judge Rules FBI Must Release Declarations from Lead Mueller FBI Agent….

Judge Rules FBI Must Release Declarations from Lead Mueller FBI Agent…. | The Last Refuge
Jun 08, 2019 · Judge Boasberg was deciding what could be publicly released, meaning current redactions removed, based on two connected events: (#1) The content of the Comey Memos; and (#2) the declarations of lead FBI agent for Robert Mueller’s special … In the issue of the redactions within the Comey Memos, the judge doesn’t remove them. Some are ordered to be removed, some are approved to stay in place. The Comey memo aspect, and the redaction decision, is basically a splitting of the baby 50/50. It will be interesting, but meh, maybe not too much detail. – CNN ARTICLE ~~~/ Archey outlines how FBI Director James Comey wrote down who the sources were; what code-names were assigned; how those confidential sources engaged with FISA coverage initiated by the FBI; what foreign governments were assisting with their effort; and what the plans were for the investigation. Again, why memorialize all of this classified information unless the memos were intended as CYA protection for himself?

This may be the final nail in the FISA warrants lying justifications by Comey/Strzok, etc. against Page, Papadopoulos, and others they targeted.
If the DOJ investigation blows up the lying basis (i.e. the Steele Dossier), then the whole operation goes down, with the former FBI, DOJ/NSD and Counter-Intell Div, possibly including the CIA, maybe NSA, DNI and the State Department’s Deep State elements.
Judicial Watch has lead the charge thus far and CNN is attempting to rebuild its tarnished reputation. The problem is, CNN is like an abandon mining ghost town covered in dust, tumbleweeds and disrepair!
This should also lead to the subpoenas for Hillary and her criminal enterprise (how do you say RICO charges?) and the DNC, Perkins-Coie. Fusion GPS, Glen Simpson, the Ohrs, Strzok-Page, Yates, Mueller, Comey, Weissman and Ultimately others will all come crashing down too. We’re gonna need more popcorn and rope.
I remain very skeptical that anybody of any consequence will ever be convicted of wrong doing pertain to the Russian spygate.
The info becoming public will be all the punishment there is going to be. People at those levels of government do not go to jail. They are above the law.

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