Gold Member
Oh good, a legal expert. Could you help me with the term (not to go off topic here) "felon", "convicted felon" and "unconvicted felon"? Thanks in advance.
Does one become a felon by committing a felony, or only when one is convicted of a felony?
Felon = derived from felony, a class of crime normally associated with eligibility for a minimum confinement of 1 year or more in a government penal institution.
Convicted Felon = Someone convicted of a felony.
"Unconvicted Felon" = Never heard of it. From a legal perspective you are either a "Convicted Felon" or not. From a legal perspective there is no such thing. From a general populatoin perspective you can have someone that they conclude committed a felony crime but went unconvicted of that crime.
For example, Trump committed espionage under 18 USC 793(e) [a felony], the case was dismissed on a technicality and not he merits of the crime. Some may refer to Trump as a Convicted Felon under a New York State conviction and an "Unconvicted Felon" for espionage.