Josie The Outlaw: 'How I support The Troops'...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Interesting, but obviously controversial take.

[ame=]Supporting the Troops - YouTube[/ame]
When someone in some jerkwater 5th world country is getting raped and pillaged by the neighborhood war lord, who do they cry out to?

Fuck that bitch
How about taking a look at it from the perspective of the folks who are getting raped and pillaged until our guys show up?

There are a bunch of different perspectives to look at it from - why choose the "American soldiers are murdering trash" perspective? It is no more valid than the "all foreigners deserve to die" perspective.

It says a whole lot more about her than it does about our soldiers.
"When mercenaries wearing American flags land, heavily armed and bloodthirsty, in the middle of their neighborhoods, banging down their front doors and killing on sight."

Fuck you, bitch.
You get what you deserve - it's not hysteria, it's justice.

You think you ought to be able to fling shit around without any splashing back on you?

We employed Blackwater guards in Iraq. Mercenaries. They were bloodthirsty. Fact. You don't like that we did it? Neither do I. But we did.

And that is what I heard her say. That we (the USA) shouldn't be using mercenaries. And we shouldn't.

Why do or would you support mercenaries doing the job of the US military?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, we as veterans do not have to support it, but I do support her right to her opinion...
I do not agree with hers....
"When mercenaries wearing American flags land, heavily armed and bloodthirsty, in the middle of their neighborhoods, banging down their front doors and killing on sight."

Fuck you, bitch.

That's how they see it. Try seeing it from their perspective.

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