Josie The Outlaw: 'How I support The Troops'...

You know there have probably been a few babies killed as collateral damage / accidentally / by mentally ill who have snapped in thee military, but for you to come in and act like it is the NORM and not the EXCEPTION makes you much worse in my book. To use the actions of a very few, who the majority of us have not condoned the actions of and act as if it is standard fair makes you out to be the exact shrill bitch I have already spoken of...

Now your poor, poor, soul is the one out here trying to gin up your base with sheer lies ...
Gin up the base, how pathetic just add lies and shake ...................

There's been much much more than a 'few babies killed.' The 'Collateral Damage' meme just makes people like you feel better about it. It in no way justifies killing babies. Period, end of story.

You trying to make the actions of the few the actions of the masses is not justified, PERIOD!!
You are trying to do nothing more than stir shit!!

More Americans need to look into our Drone attacks around the World. We've murdered many innocent Civilians in these attacks. The numbers are shocking. But most Americans can't face that appalling reality. So they choose not to.
Troops fight for each other.
And civilians let politicians put them in situations where they have to.

That gal is whack.
Not as whack as America's endless war against terrorists trained to be terrorists by America.

Since Islamic extremists are waging an endless war against us, we either wage endless war against them, or give up. Apparently you opt for giving up. At least, until our next 9-11, then you will be wanting to see blood spilled again.
Poor poor misguided souls. They obviously have just & honorable intentions. I will never argue with that. But far too often, they are used as brutal Mercenaries. They know not what they do. No 'cause' is worth killing a baby for. Our poor Soldiers have to live with their horrific deeds. It's no surprise Military suicide rates continue to soar.

You know there have probably been a few babies killed as collateral damage / accidentally / by mentally ill who have snapped in thee military, but for you to come in and act like it is the NORM and not the EXCEPTION makes you much worse in my book. To use the actions of a very few, who the majority of us have not condoned the actions of and act as if it is standard fair makes you out to be the exact shrill bitch I have already spoken of...

Now your poor, poor, soul is the one out here trying to gin up your base with sheer lies ...
Gin up the base, how pathetic just add lies and shake ...................

There's been much much more than a 'few babies killed.' The 'Collateral Damage' meme just makes people like you feel better about it. It in no way justifies killing babies. Period, end of story.

Warfare is not pretty. It is not clean, and it is rarely clear as to who is behind door number one. It could be a fighter with an AK-47, a hand grenade, or a rocket launcher, or it could be an innocent. A soldier has a split second to make that decision, and once in a while it is the wrong decision. And, he will live with that mistake the rest of his life.

It is easy for asses, safely at home, to second guess him, but we seem to have quite a number of those asses around.

No, there is never any justification for killing a baby, before, or after it is born. But, it happens all the time in abortions, automobile accidents, drownings, falls, etc.. And, no one is shooting back. Your high horse died on you.
I normally avoid these type threads. When I do read them I think to myself "you mean I shed blood so these commie bastards are free to spew their commie Kumbayah America hating bullshit?" Fuck you commie bastards.
You know there have probably been a few babies killed as collateral damage / accidentally / by mentally ill who have snapped in thee military, but for you to come in and act like it is the NORM and not the EXCEPTION makes you much worse in my book. To use the actions of a very few, who the majority of us have not condoned the actions of and act as if it is standard fair makes you out to be the exact shrill bitch I have already spoken of...

Now your poor, poor, soul is the one out here trying to gin up your base with sheer lies ...
Gin up the base, how pathetic just add lies and shake ...................

There's been much much more than a 'few babies killed.' The 'Collateral Damage' meme just makes people like you feel better about it. It in no way justifies killing babies. Period, end of story.

Warfare is not pretty. It is not clean, and it is rarely clear as to who is behind door number one. It could be a fighter with an AK-47, a hand grenade, or a rocket launcher, or it could be an innocent. A soldier has a split second to make that decision, and once in a while it is the wrong decision. And, he will live with that mistake the rest of his life.

It is easy for asses, safely at home, to second guess him, but we seem to have quite a number of those asses around.

No, there is never any justification for killing a baby, before, or after it is born. But, it happens all the time in abortions, automobile accidents, drownings, falls, etc.. And, no one is shooting back. Your high horse died on you.

Meanwhile, the Military suicide rate continues to soar. And remember, when you murder someone's child, that family becomes your enemy forever. They cannot just forgive & forget such horror. That's what Blow Back is all about. We have a lot to answer for in this country. We're now seen as the World's Bully. We've lost the moral high ground.
There's been much much more than a 'few babies killed.' The 'Collateral Damage' meme just makes people like you feel better about it. It in no way justifies killing babies. Period, end of story.

Warfare is not pretty. It is not clean, and it is rarely clear as to who is behind door number one. It could be a fighter with an AK-47, a hand grenade, or a rocket launcher, or it could be an innocent. A soldier has a split second to make that decision, and once in a while it is the wrong decision. And, he will live with that mistake the rest of his life.

It is easy for asses, safely at home, to second guess him, but we seem to have quite a number of those asses around.

No, there is never any justification for killing a baby, before, or after it is born. But, it happens all the time in abortions, automobile accidents, drownings, falls, etc.. And, no one is shooting back. Your high horse died on you.

Meanwhile, the Military suicide rate continues to soar. And remember, when you murder someone's child, that family becomes your enemy forever. They cannot just forgive & forget such horror. That's what Blow Back is all about. We have a lot to answer for in this country. We're now seen as the World's Bully. We've lost the moral high ground.

Well the atrocities of war take's it's toll on even the most morally of men with nothing but the best intentions. The poor soldier follows orders to the best of their ability, it is their job, it is what they get paid to do.

I am more inclined to attribute the higher incident of suicide rates to other causation than baby killing. Perhaps we should see what the AMA and the service both have to say about it, they tend to be so much more professional and unbiased when looking for causation.

Marked Increase in US Military Suicides
By Matthew MacEgan
Global Research, August 09, 2013
World Socialist Web Site
Region: USA
14 5

soldier suicide

The American Medical Association (AMA) recently released a report identifying the risk factors associated with suicide in current and former United States military personnel. According to this report, the incidence of suicide deaths in the US military began to increase sharply in 2005. The AMA states that increased combat deployments underlie this trend.

The US military combat deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan have been associated with this notable upward trend, leading to considerable speculation as to the cause. Studies have shown a parallel between increased numbers of diagnosed mental disorders and suicide rates.

The AMA report shows that individuals with an increased risk for suicide were men, and those with depression, manic-depressive disorder, or alcohol-related problems. Other characteristics common among those with suicide deaths were fewer cumulative deployment days and combat specialist occupation. Those who did not deploy were more likely to commit suicide than those who were deployed.

This suggests that the increase may largely be a product of an increased prevalence of mental disorders among this population. The AMA suggests that this rise is the result of indirect cumulative occupational stresses over years of war.

Despite universal access to health care services, mandatory suicide prevention training, and other preventative efforts, suicide has still become one of the leading causes of death in the US military in recent years. In 2005, suicide deaths numbered 10.3 to 11.3 per 100,000, but by 2008, that number had increased to 16.3 per 100,000.

While researchers point to the fact that mental disorders, rather than experiences seeing dead bodies or participation in the brutal machinations of war, were the main cause for the increase, they offer no explanation as to why the escalation of such disorders has taken place. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has reported that increases in the diagnosis of mental disorders are the result of increasing deployment, especially post-traumatic stress disorder.

Past studies have shown an increase in the number of active duty service people with mental disorders since the mid-2000s, likely due to the stress of being part of a military that has been at war for so long.

A report coming from the VA earlier this year stated that, on average, a US military veteran commits suicide every 80 minutes. According to the same report, suicides by active soldiers increased by 15 percent in 2012, demonstrating that more soldiers and veterans take their own lives every year than have been killed in action throughout both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars combined.

According to the Associated Press, 154 active-duty troops took their lives during the first 155 days of 2012, the highest rate since the beginning of the Afghan war.

In 2009, at least 334 members of the armed forces took their lives, exceeding the 319 who were killed in Afghanistan that year and more than double the 150 who died in Iraq. More than half of these 334 had served in one of those two war zones.

This number is also reflected in the military of other nations that are actively participating in these wars. A recent report showed that at least 50 active or retired military personnel in the UK committed suicide in 2012, more than the 44 who died in Afghanistan during the same period. Only 40 of the 44 died in military action.

The high suicide rates now erupting are a direct result of the neo-colonial wars being waged by US imperialism. The Center for a New American Security has reported that the “very experience of being in the military and the violence and aggression that go along with it reduces the fear of death inherent in human beings.”

Social conditions that military personnel are faced with also contribute to their increasingly dire outlook on life. As of September 2012, more than 25,000 veterans were reportedly living on the street, at risk of losing their homes, or living in temporary housing. Out of 1.5 million in danger of becoming homeless, only 22,000 were receiving assistance from the VA.
Marked Increase in US Military Suicides | Global Research

Now on with making you look even more stupid than you already do ...

If I wanted to learn to drive a tank, my choice would be Fort Steward, located in Hinesville, GA.

Could you possibly point out where I can take basic baby killing 101 or even better let's just skip right to the meaty course, where do I get that ADVANCED BABY KILLING 200??
Will they also teach me to sodomize and sexually assault the combatants?? I mean why stop with baby killing, if you are going to malign and slander ... fucking do it right!!

Fucking pathetic bitch couldn't get it right if you tried, could you??
Warfare is not pretty. It is not clean, and it is rarely clear as to who is behind door number one. It could be a fighter with an AK-47, a hand grenade, or a rocket launcher, or it could be an innocent. A soldier has a split second to make that decision, and once in a while it is the wrong decision. And, he will live with that mistake the rest of his life.

It is easy for asses, safely at home, to second guess him, but we seem to have quite a number of those asses around.

No, there is never any justification for killing a baby, before, or after it is born. But, it happens all the time in abortions, automobile accidents, drownings, falls, etc.. And, no one is shooting back. Your high horse died on you.

Meanwhile, the Military suicide rate continues to soar. And remember, when you murder someone's child, that family becomes your enemy forever. They cannot just forgive & forget such horror. That's what Blow Back is all about. We have a lot to answer for in this country. We're now seen as the World's Bully. We've lost the moral high ground.

Well the atrocities of war take's it's toll on even the most morally of men with nothing but the best intentions. The poor soldier follows orders to the best of their ability, it is their job, it is what they get paid to do.

I am more inclined to attribute the higher incident of suicide rates to other causation than baby killing. Perhaps we should see what the AMA and the service both have to say about it, they tend to be so much more professional and unbiased when looking for causation.

Marked Increase in US Military Suicides
By Matthew MacEgan
Global Research, August 09, 2013
World Socialist Web Site
Region: USA
14 5

soldier suicide

The American Medical Association (AMA) recently released a report identifying the risk factors associated with suicide in current and former United States military personnel. According to this report, the incidence of suicide deaths in the US military began to increase sharply in 2005. The AMA states that increased combat deployments underlie this trend.

The US military combat deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan have been associated with this notable upward trend, leading to considerable speculation as to the cause. Studies have shown a parallel between increased numbers of diagnosed mental disorders and suicide rates.

The AMA report shows that individuals with an increased risk for suicide were men, and those with depression, manic-depressive disorder, or alcohol-related problems. Other characteristics common among those with suicide deaths were fewer cumulative deployment days and combat specialist occupation. Those who did not deploy were more likely to commit suicide than those who were deployed.

This suggests that the increase may largely be a product of an increased prevalence of mental disorders among this population. The AMA suggests that this rise is the result of indirect cumulative occupational stresses over years of war.

Despite universal access to health care services, mandatory suicide prevention training, and other preventative efforts, suicide has still become one of the leading causes of death in the US military in recent years. In 2005, suicide deaths numbered 10.3 to 11.3 per 100,000, but by 2008, that number had increased to 16.3 per 100,000.

While researchers point to the fact that mental disorders, rather than experiences seeing dead bodies or participation in the brutal machinations of war, were the main cause for the increase, they offer no explanation as to why the escalation of such disorders has taken place. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has reported that increases in the diagnosis of mental disorders are the result of increasing deployment, especially post-traumatic stress disorder.

Past studies have shown an increase in the number of active duty service people with mental disorders since the mid-2000s, likely due to the stress of being part of a military that has been at war for so long.

A report coming from the VA earlier this year stated that, on average, a US military veteran commits suicide every 80 minutes. According to the same report, suicides by active soldiers increased by 15 percent in 2012, demonstrating that more soldiers and veterans take their own lives every year than have been killed in action throughout both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars combined.

According to the Associated Press, 154 active-duty troops took their lives during the first 155 days of 2012, the highest rate since the beginning of the Afghan war.

In 2009, at least 334 members of the armed forces took their lives, exceeding the 319 who were killed in Afghanistan that year and more than double the 150 who died in Iraq. More than half of these 334 had served in one of those two war zones.

This number is also reflected in the military of other nations that are actively participating in these wars. A recent report showed that at least 50 active or retired military personnel in the UK committed suicide in 2012, more than the 44 who died in Afghanistan during the same period. Only 40 of the 44 died in military action.

The high suicide rates now erupting are a direct result of the neo-colonial wars being waged by US imperialism. The Center for a New American Security has reported that the “very experience of being in the military and the violence and aggression that go along with it reduces the fear of death inherent in human beings.”

Social conditions that military personnel are faced with also contribute to their increasingly dire outlook on life. As of September 2012, more than 25,000 veterans were reportedly living on the street, at risk of losing their homes, or living in temporary housing. Out of 1.5 million in danger of becoming homeless, only 22,000 were receiving assistance from the VA.
Marked Increase in US Military Suicides | Global Research

Now on with making you look even more stupid than you already do ...

If I wanted to learn to drive a tank, my choice would be Fort Steward, located in Hinesville, GA.

Could you possibly point out where I can take basic baby killing 101 or even better let's just skip right to the meaty course, where do I get that ADVANCED BABY KILLING 200??
Will they also teach me to sodomize and sexually assault the combatants?? I mean why stop with baby killing, if you are going to malign and slander ... fucking do it right!!

Fucking pathetic bitch couldn't get it right if you tried, could you??

Our Soldiers are used as mere pawns by the Globalist Elites. They're ordered to commit horrifying atrocities in the name of preserving 'Freedom & Democracy.' Meanwhile, these same Globalist Elites continue to take our Freedoms away here at home. The War for Freedom & Liberty is really right here at home.

This is what the Globalist Elites think of our Soldiers...

"Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." -- Henry Kissinger
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