Joseph McCarthy Was Right in Most Cases

If you join a political party that advocates overthrowing the government and that is backed by a hostile foreign power, you could be prosecuted, and/or have your citizenship revoked, and/or deported.

Says the guy who thinks the attack on Pearl Harbor was justified, and belongs to a cult that tried to form it's own country out of the US Territory in 1857.

There is a wide range of acceptable, non-treasonous political views. But if you stray outside that spectrum, then, no, you have no right to work and live here.

I agree, let's deport all the Mormons... They are clearly outside the spectrum of "acceptable" when they think a pedophile was talking to God.

Do you know the difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh?

Original and Extra-Crispy!!!!
Here's a great interview in 2008 with the late M. Stanton Evans, who was arguably the foremost scholar on Joseph McCarthy in our history. Stanton wrote the massive defense of McCarthy titled Blacklisted By History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies (2007).

Good think this anti-American piece of shit is dead, then.

Guy, you need to be really careful here. There might be a point where the Evangelical Majority decides that Mormons are America's "Enemies".
Oh, so the people of China, North Korea, and North Vietnam "picked" communism?! Uh, well, this might be what your PRC handlers have taught you, but most of us here in the free world know that Communist rule was imposed on those populations by deception and coercion, and when those people began to realize that the Communists' promises were false, the Communists had to resort to vicious brutality to maintain control.

Or this "Brutality" often happened in countries that had undergone years of civil war/foreign invasion, and life was already cheapened.

The problem you seem to have is you confuse why the Communists won. It's not because the people of China or N. Vietnam (North Korea is a different case) suddenly loved them some Karl Marx.

It was because the people who they were fighting against were seen as tools of the west or quislings.
The reality, you stupid, is that the people we backed were corrupt and incompetent and often quislings for foreign invaders. THAT'S WHY THEY LOST.

You can repeat this Communist tale a million times, but that won't make it magically come true. The Nationalists were beating the Communists in China until Truman and Marshall imposed ceasefires, undermined their currency by holding up promised loans, and then cut off their arms supply. The Communists took over North Korea because the Soviets invaded Korea at the end of WW II and set up Kim Ilsung in power to begin his monstrous regime. (Let me guess: You don't think Kim Ilsung was all that bad, right?) Soviet forces stayed in North Korea until 1948 to ensure that the Communist regime was firmly established.

-- That's why the Communists

Oh, boy, more Bircher crap.

No, actually, you foul-mouthed pro-Communist piece of garbage, it's stuff that most educated people in the free world have known for decades and that has been documented in thousands of books and in dozens of documentaries that have been aired on American TV for years now. Your PRC handlers really should let you out of your room to watch some American TV and read some American books every now and then.

-- That's why North Vietnam had to use large numbers of troops on its southern border to keep its subjects from fleeing to South Vietnam during the war.

Yeah, funny thing. Once we stopped propping Saigon up, they were gone in 55 days. For Sale, 500,000 ARVN rifles. Never fired, only dropped once.

In other words, we can add the Vietnam War to the list of subjects about which you are ignorant and about which you parrot Communist/liberal propaganda (the Communist and liberal spins on the Vietnam War are virtually identical).

Here's a free lesson in real history for you. While your buddies the Democrats were busy ensuring that we slashed our aid to South Vietnam, the Soviet Union and China massively re-armed North Vietnam, and when North Vietnam broke the peace agreement and began to invade South Vietnam, the Democrats refused to honor our promise to provide air support to keep South Vietnam free. Like you, the Democrats did not care that North Vietnam was getting massive supplies and weapons from Russia and Red China.

Lauren Zanoli in a good article on the History News Network:

Historians have directly attributed the fall of Saigon in 1975 to the cessation of American aid. Without the necessary funds, South Vietnam found it logistically and financially impossible to defeat the North Vietnamese army. Moreover, the withdrawal of aid encouraged North Vietnam to begin an effective military offensive against South Vietnam. Given the monetary and military investment in Vietnam, former Assistant Secretary of State Richard Armitage compared the American withdrawal to “a pregnant lady, abandoned by her lover to face her fate." (2) Historian Lewis Fanning went so far as to say that “it was not the Hanoi communists who won the war, but rather the American Congress that lost it." (3). . . .​

In the fall of 1974, Nixon resigned under the pressure of the Watergate scandal and was succeeded by Gerald Ford. Congress cut funding to South Vietnam for the upcoming fiscal year from a proposed 1.26 billion to 700 million dollars. These two events prompted Hanoi to make an all-out effort to conquer the South. As the North Vietnamese Communist Party Secretary Le Duan observed in December 1974: “The Americans have withdrawn…this is what marks the opportune moment." (4)

The NVA drew up a two-year plan for the “liberation” of South Vietnam. Owing to South Vietnam’s weakened state, this would only take fifty-five days. The drastic reduction of American aid to South Vietnam caused a sharp decline in morale, as well as an increase in governmental corruption and a crackdown on domestic political dissent. The South Vietnamese army was severely under-funded, greatly outnumbered, and lacked the support of the American allies with whom they were accustomed to fighting. (What Happened When Democrats in Congress Cut Off Funding for the Vietnam War? | History News Network)​

Chuck Morse:

By late 1972, North Vietnam and the Viet Cong were virtually defeated, American troops had been mostly withdrawn, and the war was winding down. America had at that point bombed North Vietnam into submission with B-52’s, with the mining Haiphong Harbor and by disabling the Ho Chi Minh Trail along with incursions into Cambodia. Indications were that South Vietnam was stepping up to the task of defending itself, was addressing its problems of corruption and was beginning to prosper.

The Paris Peace Accords were signed January 27, 1973, officially ending hostilities between North and South Vietnam and leaving the cease fire border at the same DMZ that was originally established by the 1954 Geneva Agreement. North Vietnam had failed in its goal of conquering South Vietnam which was, in turn, guaranteed sovereign rights by the agreement. North Vietnam proceeded to withdraw and return American POW’s. The United States signed several separate side agreements with South Vietnam that insured American training, military, and material support and economic assistance. The war was over, the shooting had stopped, South Vietnam was free.​

Two months later, President Richard M. Nixon became embroiled in the Watergate scandal that consumed his presidency over the next year and a half leading to his resignation on August 8, 1974. This was followed two months later by the November 1974 mid-term election which resulted in a resounding victory for the Democrats who consolidated control over both the Senate and the House. Many left-wing Senators and congressmen were elected that year including Patrick Leahy of Vermont and Joe Biden of Delaware. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts emerged as the liberal Democratic ring-leader.​

In a complete betrayal of the letter and the spirit of the Paris Peace Accord, the most liberal congress in a generation proceeded to cut off virtually all military assistance to South Vietnam and Cambodia in March 1975. Historian Louis Fanning stated: It was not the Hanoi communists who won the war, but rather the American Congress that lost it. Within weeks of this infamous and disgraceful betrayal, North Vietnam, with the full military support of the Soviet Union and Communist China, launched a full-scale invasion of the south.​

Standing alone against the brutal onslaught, South Vietnam was forced to surrender, April 29, 1975. The result was the type of wholesale slaughter of the innocent that often accompanies a communist takeover. Simultaneously, Cambodia fell to the Khmer Rouge headed by Marxist doctrinaire leader Pol Pot. The subsequent Cambodian genocide resulted in an estimated million-plus dead. Hundreds of thousands of fleeing Vietnamese men, women, and children got on rickety boats in shark infested waters to escape from Ho Chi Minh’s left-wing progressive paradise. (The Vietnam War Was Lost by Liberal, Post-Nixon Congress)​

Some other free educational sources for you:

The Truth about the Vietnam War

Using your pro-Communist logic, we should have abandoned South Korea because it could not survive without our "propping up." We should have abandoned Greece because the Communists would have taken control without our "propping up."
You can repeat this Communist tale a million times, but that won't make it magically come true. The Nationalists were beating the Communists in China until Truman and Marshall imposed ceasefires, undermined their currency by holding up promised loans, and then cut off their arms supply.

Again, if you are dependent on someone else arming you to get your people to fight... then you are a loser. We had been propping up Peanut for a decade... someone had to say "no More".

The Communists took over North Korea because the Soviets invaded Korea at the end of WW II and set up Kim Ilsung in power to begin his monstrous regime. (Let me guess: You don't think Kim Ilsung was all that bad, right?) Soviet forces stayed in North Korea until 1948 to ensure that the Communist regime was firmly established.

I already stated NK was a different case.

No, actually, you foul-mouthed pro-Communist piece of garbage, it's stuff that most educated people in the free world have known for decades and that has been documented in thousands of books and in dozens of documentaries that have been aired on American TV for years now. Your PRC handlers really should let you out of your room to watch some American TV and read some American books every now and then.

Uh, guy, nobody looks at McCarthyism as a good thing. We all shit our pants because a large part of the world was trying out communism... and betrayed our core principles of freedom of thought and association. Shame on us.

n other words, we can add the Vietnam War to the list of subjects about which you are ignorant and about which you parrot Communist/liberal propaganda (the Communist and liberal spins on the Vietnam War are virtually identical).

Here's a free lesson in real history for you. While your buddies the Democrats were busy ensuring that we slashed our aid to South Vietnam, the Soviet Union and China massively re-armed North Vietnam, and when North Vietnam broke the peace agreement and began to invade South Vietnam, the Democrats refused to honor our promise to provide air support to keep South Vietnam free. Like you, the Democrats did not care that North Vietnam was getting massive supplies and weapons from Russia and Red China.

Hey, asshole... sending thousands of boys to die and get maimed to prop up a corrupt regime was a terrible idea.

We knew we were backing a loser from day one. This is why the Pentagon Papers were so devastating.

We were shovelling money to the Kleptocrats in Saigon up until the day it fell... and that was the problem. Most of that ended up in Theiu and Ky's Swiss Bank accounts.

For Sale- 500,000 ARVN rifles. Never fired, only dropped once.
In a complete betrayal of the letter and the spirit of the Paris Peace Accord, the most liberal congress in a generation proceeded to cut off virtually all military assistance to South Vietnam and Cambodia in March 1975. Historian Louis Fanning stated: It was not the Hanoi communists who won the war, but rather the American Congress that lost it. Within weeks of this infamous and disgraceful betrayal, North Vietnam, with the full military support of the Soviet Union and Communist China, launched a full-scale invasion of the south.

Um, yeah.. not really. We allocated $700 Million to propping up the Kleptocracy in Saigon. The real problem was that when the Paris Accords were signed, we all knew that Saigon was doomed. We didn't care. We wanted out- both parties. Nixon signed an agreement that he knew no one was going to honor, to get us out before the 1972 election.

There's a reason why they called him "Tricky Dick", and it wasn't because he was popular with the ladies.
We wanted out- both parties. Nixon signed an agreement that he knew no one was going to honor, to get us out before the 1972 election.

we got 1/2 our POW's back, McCain being among them .....then watergate hit the news.....

There's a reason why they called him "Tricky Dick", and it wasn't because he was popular with the ladies.

If you join a political party that advocates overthrowing the government and that is backed by a hostile foreign power, you could be prosecuted, and/or have your citizenship revoked, and/or deported.

There is a wide range of acceptable, non-treasonous political views. But if you stray outside that spectrum, then, no, you have no right to work and live here.

I agree, let's deport all the Mormons... They are clearly outside the spectrum of "acceptable" when they think a pedophile was talking to God.

This hateful, strange, and troubling polemic not only shows how rude and ignorant you are, but it shows how far out of the American mainstream you are, how extreme and fringe you are.

FYI, in 2012, a Mormon, Mitt Romney, won the Republican Party's presidential nomination and narrowly lost to the incumbent, Barack Obama. Romney won 24 states and received 60,933,000 votes. There are 10 Mormons serving in Congress as we speak. There are numerous Mormons who have been elected as state senators and representatives around the country. Dozens of Mormons have been, and continue to be, star athletes in the NFL, the NHL, the NBA, and MLB. There are dozens of Mormons serving as federal and state judges.

So apparently the overwhelming majority of Americans don't buy your sick, twisted view of Mormonism and Mormons.
This hateful, strange, and troubling polemic not only shows how rude and ignorant you are, but it shows how far out of the American mainstream you are, how extreme and fringe you are.

FYI, in 2012, a Mormon, Mitt Romney, won the Republican Party's presidential nomination and narrowly lost to the incumbent, Barack Obama. Romney won 24 states and received 60,933,000 votes. There are 10 Mormons serving in Congress as we speak. There are numerous Mormons who have been elected as state senators and representatives around the country. Dozens of Mormons have been, and continue to be, star athletes in the NFL, the NHL, the NBA, and MLB. There are dozens of Mormons serving as federal and state judges.

Um, yeah, let's look at that. The Evangelicals didn't support Romney in 2008 because he was a Mormon.

And then Barack Obama got elected and OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Romney could have been sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu and the Evangelicals, racist fucks that they are, would have supported him.

But your fucked up little cult was still started by a two-bit con man who was fucking little girls. Deal with it.
This hateful, strange, and troubling polemic not only shows how rude and ignorant you are, but it shows how far out of the American mainstream you are, how extreme and fringe you are.

FYI, in 2012, a Mormon, Mitt Romney, won the Republican Party's presidential nomination and narrowly lost to the incumbent, Barack Obama. Romney won 24 states and received 60,933,000 votes. There are 10 Mormons serving in Congress as we speak. There are numerous Mormons who have been elected as state senators and representatives around the country. Dozens of Mormons have been, and continue to be, star athletes in the NFL, the NHL, the NBA, and MLB. There are dozens of Mormons serving as federal and state judges.

Um, yeah, let's look at that. The Evangelicals didn't support Romney in 2008 because he was a Mormon.

And then Barack Obama got elected and OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Romney could have been sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu and the Evangelicals, racist fucks that they are, would have supported him.

But your fucked up little cult was still started by a two-bit con man who was fucking little girls. Deal with it.
That’s a bit crazy Joe. Are you aware the OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE...had been in the White House for four years? So, there goes your hateful bigoted opinion out the window.

Don’t you find it informative that your girl Hillary couldn’t beat a two bit con man?
If you join a political party that advocates overthrowing the government and that is backed by a hostile foreign power, you could be prosecuted, and/or have your citizenship revoked, and/or deported.

Says the guy who thinks the attack on Pearl Harbor was justified. . . .

What does Pearl Harbor have to do with the fact that you have no right to belong to a subversive, enemy-controlled party in America?

Anyway, I think this is the fourth or fifth time you’ve made this statement. I’ve been ignoring it because clearly you’ve been making it to try to divert attention away from your pro-Communist sympathies and your repeated gaffes, and because it is another example of your grade-school-level, superficial polemic.

I’m guessing that you are confusing justified with provoked. When FDR announced the Pearl Harbor attack to the American people, he claimed it was “unprovoked,” when in fact it was a response to a long series of increasingly severe provocations and was done only after Japan’s leaders had exerted great effort to reach a peace agreement with FDR. Indeed, if three other nations had done to us what we, the British, and the Dutch did to the Japanese before Pearl Harbor, we probably would have responded with force much sooner than the Japanese did.

An action can be justified in one way or another, or even in several ways, but can still be wrong and/or unwise. The British mission to collect hidden Patriot weapons caches in Lexington and Concord was justified under existing law, but it was a terrible mistake and arguably immoral. Jefferson Davis’s decision to bombard Fort Sumter in response to the pending arrival of a U.S. Navy supply convoy and the federal refusal to withdraw the garrison from the fort was justified by long-established laws of warfare and foreign relations among nations, but it was a horrible, senseless, and unnecessary blunder that made war inevitable.

If aliens had come down to Earth on December 8, 1941, and had held a trial of the U.S. and Japan to decide who should receive what punishment for the Pearl Harbor attack, Japan could have made a credible case that under long-established international laws of warfare and foreign relations, their attack on Pearl Harbor was a justified defensive response to numerous and severe American, Dutch, and British provocations.

And the aliens, assuming they were fair and moral, probably would have decided that there was blame on both sides. They might well have concluded that if the Japanese had limited their Pearl Harbor attack to an attack on the oil storage tanks, repair bays, weapons warehouses, and dry-dock facilities at Pearl Harbor, which would have caused minimal casualties, their attack would have been an appropriate, proportional response to the provocations, but that bombing the naval vessels and airfields, and killing 2400 American military personnel and wounding 1200 others in the process, was a disproportionate and overheated response.

Most casual students of the Pacific War are not aware that the Japanese hoped that the Pearl Harbor attack would cause American government to decide to avoid further entanglement in the Sino-Japanese War and in Asia as a whole, and that Japan and FDR could then reach some kind of non-aggression agreement. Obviously, this was one of the worst, most horrendous miscalculations in world history.

If the Japanese had limited their attack on Pearl Harbor to an attack on logistics and supplies, as suggested above, and had therefore caused far fewer casualties, this might have generated far less outrage in America. It certainly would have made it harder for FDR to demagogue the attack the way he did.

Of course, if aliens had come down to Earth to pass judgment on the Pearl Harbor attack, they would have revealed that FDR and certain other high officials not only provoked Japan to attack but knew Pearl Harbor would be targeted. The aliens would have revealed that FDR and other high officials believed that provoking Japan to attack Pearl Harbor was the only way to overcome the public’s opposition to entering the war, and that the price of a few thousand American deaths was an acceptable price to get America into the war.

The Pearl Harbor Conspiracy and the Minority Report of the 1946 Joint Congressional Committee

Backdoor to War and Infamy - LewRockwell

Pearl Harbor Was No Surprise - Light from the Right

More Evidence FDR Knew About Pearl In Advance

Pearl Harbor: The Controversy Continues – The Future of Freedom Foundation
That’s a bit crazy Joe. Are you aware the OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE...had been in the White House for four years? So, there goes your hateful bigoted opinion out the window.

Don’t you find it informative that your girl Hillary couldn’t beat a two bit con man?

Okay, couple things. I agree, he had been in the white house for four years... and it drove the Evangelical Nuts JUST CRAZY. So crazy, they supported a guy they called a "cultist" four years earlier. After 8 years, they were so crazy they supported a guy who pays Porn Stars for sex and brags about grabbing women by the pussy. Good thing we have a 22nd Amendment, if Obama got a third Term, the Evangelicals would have supported the Satan/Cheney ticket.

No, I am not surprised Hillary couldn't beat Obama. The key issue in 2008 was the War in Iraq. Hillary voted for it, Obama opposed it when it was still popular. That's the thing about elections, being in the right place at the right time.

I really think Hillary was an unlikable candidate. If the GOP had run anyone OTHER than Trump, I'd have probably held my nose again and voted GOP. Well, maybe not Jeb Bush...
What does Pearl Harbor have to do with the fact that you have no right to belong to a subversive, enemy-controlled party in America?

Anyway, I think this is the fourth or fifth time you’ve made this statement. I’ve been ignoring it because clearly you’ve been making it to try to divert attention away from your pro-Communist sympathies and your repeated gaffes, and because it is another example of your grade-school-level, superficial polemic.

I’m guessing that you are confusing justified with provoked. When FDR announced the Pearl Harbor attack to the American people, he claimed it was “unprovoked,” when in fact it was a response to a long series of increasingly severe provocations and was done only after Japan’s leaders had exerted great effort to reach a peace agreement with FDR. Indeed, if three other nations had done to us what we, the British, and the Dutch did to the Japanese before Pearl Harbor, we probably would have responded with force much sooner than the Japanese did.

GUy, it's a distinction without a difference. Sanctions were a peaceful means to get Japan to cease and desist it's behavior. by your logic, you've just justified Iran launching a terrorist attack on the US. We have been putting crushing sanctions on them for decades. You've just justified 9/11. We provoked the MIddle East by putting sanctions on Iraq for a decade that starved half a million people. All FDR's sanctions did was hamper Japan's ability to make war on China.

Most casual students of the Pacific War are not aware that the Japanese hoped that the Pearl Harbor attack would cause American government to decide to avoid further entanglement in the Sino-Japanese War and in Asia as a whole, and that Japan and FDR could then reach some kind of non-aggression agreement. Obviously, this was one of the worst, most horrendous miscalculations in world history.

Again, if there was a Jap who thought that, they were really kind of stupid. What would they have based that on.

Japan's strategy was based on essentially repeating the playbook from their 1905 War with Russia. Launch a dastardly sneak attack, then engage the enemy into a battle they would win, and hope they came to the peace table. They failed to realize that the 1905 war wasn't the glorious victory they remember (by the end of it, both sides were exhausted) and that the US wasn't Tsarist Russia. We didn't have a bunch of internal problems that exasperated the war effort.

If the Japanese had limited their attack on Pearl Harbor to an attack on logistics and supplies, as suggested above, and had therefore caused far fewer casualties, this might have generated far less outrage in America. It certainly would have made it harder for FDR to demagogue the attack the way he did.

Yeah, not really. The very fact they attacked us at all pissed us off, without a declaration of war when they were supposedly negotiating peace. It's too bad you aren't old enough to have known some WWII vets like my Dad. They STILL hated the Japanese 40 years later.

Of course, if aliens had come down to Earth to pass judgment on the Pearl Harbor attack, they would have revealed that FDR and certain other high officials not only provoked Japan to attack but knew Pearl Harbor would be targeted. The aliens would have revealed that FDR and other high officials believed that provoking Japan to attack Pearl Harbor was the only way to overcome the public’s opposition to entering the war, and that the price of a few thousand American deaths was an acceptable price to get America into the war.

Um. No. Aliens would have looked at Japan's conduct in Asia and said, "Wow, America, you are being really restrained. We wiped out the Xlogs at Omnicron Gemini 2 when they pulled shit like that!"
LOL!!!!! If you had bothered to even read that article--the article that you cited--you would have discovered that Joseph McCarthy had nothing to do with the Hollywood blacklists! Nothing. Zippo. Nada. Zilch. The blacklists resulted from investigations by the House Un-American Activities Committee.

If you had bothered to read the articles I provide in the OP, you would have already known this.

According to you, Drunken Joe was the Piano Player at the whorehouse who had no idea what was going on upstairs. There's a reason why the movement of the hysterical Red Scare of the 1950's is called "McCarthyism" today and not "Nixonism". Because Tricky Dick knew there were sensible limits.

In other words, you can't admit when you're wrong, even when you're caught making a demonstrably erroneous statement. The Hollywood Blacklist began in the 1940s, not the 1950s. In fact, it began a year before McCarthy began serving in the U.S. Senate. And, again, McCarthy never got involved with investigating Hollywood, because this was being done by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC).

So, now, are you ever going to name someone whose life was ruined by false charges made by Senator McCarthy? When I asked you this the first time, your answer was the people on the Hollywood Blacklist. Now that we've established that the blacklist began before McCarthy began serving in the Senate and that he had nothing to do with it, are you going to name one person whose life was ruined by false charges made by McCarthy?
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In other words, you can't admit when you're wrong, even when you're caught making a demonstrably erroneous statement. The Hollywood Blacklist began in the 1940s, not the 1950s. In fact, it began a year before McCarthy began serving in the U.S. Senate. And, again, McCarthy never got involved with investigating Hollywood, because this was being done by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC).

It shouldn't have been investigated at all.. and McCarthy was the one who instigated a lot of this bullshit.

So, now, are you ever going to name someone whose life was ruined by false charges made by Senator McCarthy?


Fred Fisher (lawyer) - Wikipedia

Category:Victims of McCarthyism - Wikipedia

Dorothy Kenyon - Wikipedia

Of course, you'll claim all these people were "Communists" for some reason.
Now that we've established that the blacklist began before McCarthy began serving in the Senate and that he had nothing to do with it, are you going to name one person whose life was ruined by false charges made by McCarthy?

LOL! Uh, did you miss the part, which you even quoted, that McCarthy had nothing to do with the Hollywood Blacklist?

As for JoeB131's listing of Fred Fisher and Dorothy Kenyon as victims of false claims by McCarthy, these two bogus "victim" cases were addressed in the links I provided, which that clown clearly did not read (he's already said he sees in point in reading about the other side of the story on McCarthy). His inclusion of Kenyon is especially comical. But, let's start with Fisher:

(3) The Fred Fisher Episode. On June 9th, the 30th day of the hearings, Welch was engaged in baiting Roy Cohn, challenging him to get 130 Communists or subversives out of defense plants "before the sun goes down." The treatment of Cohn angered McCarthy and he said that if Welch were so concerned about persons aiding the Communist Party, he should check on a man in his Boston law office named Fred Fisher, who had once belonged to the National Lawyers Guild, which Attorney General Brownell had called "the legal mouthpiece of the Communist Party." Welch then delivered the most famous lines from the Army-McCarthy Hearings, accusing McCarthy of "reckless cruelty" and concluding: "Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator. You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?"​

The fact of the matter was that Fred Fisher's connection with the National Lawyers Guild had been widely publicized two months earlier. Page 12 of the April 16th New York Times had carried a picture of Fisher and a story about his removal from Welch's team because of his past association with the NLG. If Mr. Welch was so worried that McCarthy's remarks might inflict a lifelong "scar" on Fisher's reputation, why did he dramatize the incident in such histrionic fashion? The reason, of course, was that McCarthy had fallen into a trap in raising the Fisher issue, and Welch, superb showman that he was, played the scene for all it was worth. Was Fred Fisher hurt by the incident? Not at all. He became a partner in Welch's Boston law firm, Hale & Dorr, and was elected president of the Massachusetts Bar Association in the mid-1970s.​

Dorothy Kenyon:

Evidence presented in the other six cases showed that two (Haldore Hanson and Gustavo Duran) had been identified as members of the Communist Party, that three (Dorothy Kenyon, Frederick Schuman, and Harlow Shapley) had extensive records of joining Communist fronts and supporting Communist causes, and that one (Esther Brunauer) had sufficient questionable associations to be dismissed from the State Department as a security risk in June 1952. For further details, see Chapter VII of McCarthy and His Enemies by William Buckley and Brent Bozell.

Despite the constant harassment, McCarthy's evidence included showing that Kenyon belonged to at least 24 Communist front organizations labeled as such in part by the United States Attorney General, the House Un-American Activities Committee, and other governmental committees. The documents presented by McCarthy included, official organization letterheads that listed Kenyon as a sponsor or as a member, official programs of organization sponsored dinners, and newspaper reports of open letters that Kenyon had signed that connected her with the organizations. Certainly, these were all documents that were easily accessible to the State Department should they have cared to look into Kenyon's political background.

When Kenyon was asked by the Tydings Committee whether she had ever been interviewed by the State Department as to her affiliation to any Communist front organizations, she responded that she had never been asked. According to the security evaluation procedure of the State Department, Kenyon should have been asked about these affiliations but failed to do so. McCarthy had easily demonstrated from this first case that the screening process of the State Department was certainly lax and quite possibly purposefully ignoring easily identifiable security risks. However, the Tydings Committee instead ignored this evidence and set the precedent for the hearings that anyone that came before the committee was going to be given a positive evaluation no matter how strongly the evidence indicated the witness was a security risk. ( Buckley, Jr., William F. and Bozell, L. Brent (1954, 1995 Printing). McCarthy & His Enemies, The Record And Its Meaning. Regnery Publishing Inc.. ISBN 0-89526-472-2. Tydings Committee Hearings (1950). Page 68. U. S. Government Printing Office. Congressional Record, (March 30, 1950). Pages 4380-81. U. S. Government Printing Office. McCarthy, Joseph (1953). Major Speeches and Debates of Senator Joe McCarthy Delivered in the United States Senate, 1950-1951. U. S. Government Printing Office. ISBN 0-87968-308-2. )​
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LOL! Uh, did you miss the part, which you even quoted, that McCarthy had nothing to do with the Hollywood Blacklist?

As for JoeB131's listing of Fred Fisher and Dorothy Kenyon as victims of false claims by McCarthy, these two bogus "victim" cases were addressed in the links I provided, which JoeB Mao and Me clearly did not read. His inclusion of Kenyon is especially comical. But, let's start with Fisher:

You mean a fine American who was slandered by his government because of his affiliations.

Once again, might be a day in the future when Mormonism is declared a cult... then what would you do?

Evidence presented in the other six cases showed that two (Haldore Hanson and Gustavo Duran) had been identified as members of the Communist Party, that three (Dorothy Kenyon, Frederick Schuman, and Harlow Shapley) had extensive records of joining Communist fronts and supporting Communist causes, and that one (Esther Brunauer) had sufficient questionable associations to be dismissed from the State Department as a security risk in June 1952. For further details, see Chapter VII of McCarthy and His Enemies by William Buckley and Brent Bozell.

So what? Hey, you claim to be a great American, did you check out the First Amendment?
LOL! Uh, did you miss the part, which you even quoted, that McCarthy had nothing to do with the Hollywood Blacklist?

As for JoeB131's listing of Fred Fisher and Dorothy Kenyon as victims of false claims by McCarthy, these two bogus "victim" cases were addressed in the links I provided, which JoeB Mao and Me clearly did not read. His inclusion of Kenyon is especially comical. But, let's start with Fisher:

You mean a fine American who was slandered by his government because of his affiliations.

In other words, you simply do not care about facts, much less honesty. I've asked you several times now to cite a single case to support your claim that some persons had their lives ruined by false charges made by McCarthy. Fisher doesn't qualify in either category: his life was not ruined, and McCarthy's claim was not false--in fact, McCarthy had nothing to do with Fisher's getting fired.

Once again, might be a day in the future when Mormonism is declared a cult... then what would you do?

If anti-religious bigots like you ever come to power in sufficient numbers, I'm sure people of faith will face many of the same threats and challenges that religious people in China and North Korea face.

Evidence presented in the other six cases showed that two (Haldore Hanson and Gustavo Duran) had been identified as members of the Communist Party, that three (Dorothy Kenyon, Frederick Schuman, and Harlow Shapley) had extensive records of joining Communist fronts and supporting Communist causes, and that one (Esther Brunauer) had sufficient questionable associations to be dismissed from the State Department as a security risk in June 1952. For further details, see Chapter VII of McCarthy and His Enemies by William Buckley and Brent Bozell.

So what? Hey, you claim to be a great American, did you check out the First Amendment?

The "so what" is that I'm still waiting for you to cite a single case where a person's life was ruined by false charges made by McCarthy. McCarthy's charges against Kenyon were not only true but were supported by other government entities.

And, again, I know you don't know much about America's laws and government, but under the Constitution you do *not*--again, DO NOT--have the "right" to join a subversive party controlled by a foreign hostile nation, much less the right to join such a party and expect to be able to work in the U.S. Government.
In other words, you simply do not care about facts, much less honesty. I've asked you several times now to cite a single case to support your claim that some persons had their lives ruined by false charges made by McCarthy. Fisher doesn't qualify in either category: his life was not ruined, and McCarthy's claim was not false--in fact, McCarthy had nothing to do with Fisher's getting fired.

No, but his reputation was publicly slandered by a drunk and closeted homosexual.

If anti-religious bigots like you ever come to power in sufficient numbers, I'm sure people of faith will face many of the same threats and challenges that religious people in China and North Korea face.

Guy, you should be more worried about Evangelicals like Mike Huckabee who think you are a cult than anti-superstition types.

The one thing history shows, you guys are really good at slaughtering each other.

The "so what" is that I'm still waiting for you to cite a single case where a person's life was ruined by false charges made by McCarthy. McCarthy's charges against Kenyon were not only true but were supported by other government entities.

She had every right to believe whatever she wanted. I mean, I would LOVE to throw a fence around Utah and turn it into a big Cult Deprogramming Camp for Mormons, but the First Amendment says that if you really want to believe that Child Molesting Con Man Joseph Smith was talking to the Imaginary Sky Fairy, you have every RIGHT to believe it, no matter how silly it is.

And, again, I know you don't know much about America's laws and government, but under the Constitution you do *not*--again, DO NOT--have the "right" to join a subversive party controlled by a foreign hostile nation, much less the right to join such a party and expect to be able to work in the U.S. Government.

Where does it specifically say that?

The terrible thing is we let a drunk ruin a lot of people's lives because we were scared. That doesn't reflect well on us.

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