Jordon Peterson resigns


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Renowned psychologist and author Dr. Jordan Peterson has resigned from the University of Toronto and issued a scathing rebuke of academia in an essay for the National Post.

Peterson, a former tenured professor at the university, said that he could no longer stomach the school's feverish, frenzied, and over-the-top push for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

What are the details?

Peterson wrote, "I had envisioned teaching and researching at the U of T, full time, until they had to haul my skeleton out of my office. I loved my job. And my students, undergraduates and graduates alike, were positively predisposed toward me. But that career path was not meant to be.”

Peterson explained that he could no longer idly stand by and watch what he called "qualified and supremely trained heterosexual white male graduate students" be overlooked for research positions due to a push for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

“These have been imposed universally in academia, despite the fact that university hiring committees had already done everything reasonable for all the years of my career, and then some, to ensure that no qualified ‘minority’ candidates were ever overlooked,” he continued. “My students are also partly unacceptable precisely because they are my students. I am academic persona non grata, because of my unacceptable philosophical positions. And this isn’t just some inconvenience."

"These facts," he added, "rendered my job morally untenable. How can I accept prospective researchers and train them in good conscience knowing their employment prospects to be minimal?”

Peterson said that cancel culture and overt political correctness are also at the nefarious center of secondary education culture's corruption and that otherwise brilliant instructors are made to kowtow to diversity initiatives or lose their livelihoods.

“They all lie (excepting the minority of true believers) and they teach their students to do the same," he alleged. "And they do it constantly, with various rationalizations and justifications, further corrupting what is already a stunningly corrupt enterprise. Some of my colleagues even allow themselves to undergo so-called anti-bias training, conducted by supremely unqualified Human Resources personnel, lecturing inanely and blithely and in an accusatory manner about theoretically all-pervasive racist/sexist/heterosexist attitudes. Such training is now often a precondition to occupy a faculty position on a hiring committee.”

He went on to predict that the dangerous culture swallowing whole universities is coming to towns — and businesses — near you.

“All of you going along with the [diversity, inclusion, and equity] activists, whatever your reasons: This is on you,” he said. “Cowering cravenly in pretence and silence. Teaching your students to dissimulate and lie. To get along. As the walls crumble. For shame. CEOs: Signalling a virtue you don’t possess and shouldn’t want to please a minority who literally live their lives by displeasure. You’re evil capitalists, after all, and should be proud of it. At the moment, I can’t tell if you’re more reprehensibly timid even than the professors. Why the hell don’t you banish the human resource [diversity, inclusion, and equity] upstarts back to the more-appropriately-named Personnel departments, stop them from interfering with the psyches of you and your employees, and be done with it?”

Peterson concluded by imploring those in creative industries not be warped by the "demands" of social justice "propagandists."

“Musicians, artists, writers: Stop bending your sacred and meritorious art to the demands of the propagandists before you fatally betray the spirit of your own intuition. Stop censoring your thought. Stop saying you will hire for your orchestral and theatrical productions for any reason other than talent and excellence. That’s all you have. That’s all any of us have. ... He who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind. And the wind is rising.”


How an independent thinker like Jordon survived as long as he did in academia is truly remarkable.

Renowned psychologist and author Dr. Jordan Peterson has resigned from the University of Toronto and issued a scathing rebuke of academia in an essay for the National Post.

Peterson, a former tenured professor at the university, said that he could no longer stomach the school's feverish, frenzied, and over-the-top push for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

What are the details?

Peterson wrote, "I had envisioned teaching and researching at the U of T, full time, until they had to haul my skeleton out of my office. I loved my job. And my students, undergraduates and graduates alike, were positively predisposed toward me. But that career path was not meant to be.”

Peterson explained that he could no longer idly stand by and watch what he called "qualified and supremely trained heterosexual white male graduate students" be overlooked for research positions due to a push for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

“These have been imposed universally in academia, despite the fact that university hiring committees had already done everything reasonable for all the years of my career, and then some, to ensure that no qualified ‘minority’ candidates were ever overlooked,” he continued. “My students are also partly unacceptable precisely because they are my students. I am academic persona non grata, because of my unacceptable philosophical positions. And this isn’t just some inconvenience."

"These facts," he added, "rendered my job morally untenable. How can I accept prospective researchers and train them in good conscience knowing their employment prospects to be minimal?”

Peterson said that cancel culture and overt political correctness are also at the nefarious center of secondary education culture's corruption and that otherwise brilliant instructors are made to kowtow to diversity initiatives or lose their livelihoods.

“They all lie (excepting the minority of true believers) and they teach their students to do the same," he alleged. "And they do it constantly, with various rationalizations and justifications, further corrupting what is already a stunningly corrupt enterprise. Some of my colleagues even allow themselves to undergo so-called anti-bias training, conducted by supremely unqualified Human Resources personnel, lecturing inanely and blithely and in an accusatory manner about theoretically all-pervasive racist/sexist/heterosexist attitudes. Such training is now often a precondition to occupy a faculty position on a hiring committee.”

He went on to predict that the dangerous culture swallowing whole universities is coming to towns — and businesses — near you.

“All of you going along with the [diversity, inclusion, and equity] activists, whatever your reasons: This is on you,” he said. “Cowering cravenly in pretence and silence. Teaching your students to dissimulate and lie. To get along. As the walls crumble. For shame. CEOs: Signalling a virtue you don’t possess and shouldn’t want to please a minority who literally live their lives by displeasure. You’re evil capitalists, after all, and should be proud of it. At the moment, I can’t tell if you’re more reprehensibly timid even than the professors. Why the hell don’t you banish the human resource [diversity, inclusion, and equity] upstarts back to the more-appropriately-named Personnel departments, stop them from interfering with the psyches of you and your employees, and be done with it?”

Peterson concluded by imploring those in creative industries not be warped by the "demands" of social justice "propagandists."

“Musicians, artists, writers: Stop bending your sacred and meritorious art to the demands of the propagandists before you fatally betray the spirit of your own intuition. Stop censoring your thought. Stop saying you will hire for your orchestral and theatrical productions for any reason other than talent and excellence. That’s all you have. That’s all any of us have. ... He who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind. And the wind is rising.”


How an independent thinker like Jordon survived as long as he did in academia is truly remarkable.

He won't be out of work for long, if he even needs to keep working.

He's probably made plenty from appearances and writing, so he may have "fuck you" money by now.
It's over....

I was actually hoping it would have happened decades ago when I was still agile and could see without lenses. Now I have to hope a dog or some other creature alerts me to a threat I didn't notice so that I can grab a rifle.

But hey... what the fuck. No one lives forever.
He won't be out of work for long, if he even needs to keep working.

He's probably made plenty from appearances and writing, so he may have "fuck you" money by now.
He's made millions of dollars off of YouTube alone at this point. He doesn't need to be a professor.
Scammers never stick around legitimate institutions for too long.
Actually, universities are a laughing stock of wokism

Three US researchers have pulled off a sophisticated hoax by publishing fake research with ridiculous conclusions in sociology journals to expose what they see as ideological bias and a lack of rigorous vetting at these publications.

Seven of the 20 fake articles written by the trio were accepted by journals after being approved by peer-review committees tasked with checking the authors' research.

A faux study claiming that "Dog parks are Petri dishes for canine 'rape culture'" by one "Helen Wilson" was published in May in the journal Gender, Place and Culture.

The article suggests that training men like dogs could reduce cases of sexual abuse.

Faux research articles are not new: one of the most notable examples is physicist Alan Sokal, who in a 1996 article for a cultural studies journal wrote about cultural and philosophical issues concerning aspects of physics and math.

This time the fake research aims at mocking weak vetting of articles on hot-button social issues such as gender, race and sexuality.

The authors, writing under pseudonyms, intended to prove that academics in these fields are ready to embrace any thesis, no matter how outrageous, so long as it contributes to denouncing domination by white men.

"Making absurd and horrible ideas sufficiently politically fashionable can get them validated at the highest level of academic grievance studies," said one of the authors, James Lindsay, in a video revealing the project.

Lindsay—that is his real name—obtained a doctorate in mathematics in 2010 from the University of Tennessee and has been fully dedicated to this project for a year and a half.

One of the published journal articles analyzes why a man masturbating while thinking of a woman without her consent commits a sexual assault.

Another is a feminist rewrite of a chapter of "Mein Kampf."

Some articles—such as a study of the impact of the use of an anal dildo by heterosexual men on their transphobia —even claimed to rely on data such as interviews, which could have been verified by the journal gatekeepers.

For that "study" the authors claimed to have interviewed 13 men. In the dog article, the authors claimed to have examined the genitals of nearly 10,000 canines.

"If our project shows anything, it shows that what's coming out of these disciplines cannot currently be trusted," Lindsay told AFP.

Their goal however is not to destroy or defund the disciplines. "We think they should be reformed," he said.

Violating ethical standards?

The hoaxes garnered joking ridicule on Twitter, but researchers were more concerned with the methods and ethics of the fake authors, and the potential for generalizations about the fields targeted.

"We've learned that when you send in a convincing paper full of fake data, you can get it published. But we've known that for decades," said Ivan Oransky, from the site Retraction Watch.

Problems with quality and fraud are not limited to the humanities, nor to less prestigious journals. Even the biggest journals have to regularly retract papers, sometimes even by celebrated researchers.

But in this case, according to professor of gender studies at the University of Sussex Alison Phipps, writing in Times Higher Education, it's clear that the researchers were not engaging in "good-faith critique," as they claimed, but rather "actually aim to undermine fields they have political – not scholarly – objections to."

The other hoaxers—real names—are Peter Boghossian, a philosophy professor at the University of Portland, and Helen Pluckrose, a top editor at, a site that has published a detailed account of the deception—details of which also appeared in the Wall Street Journal.

The articles on the dogs was pulled when the publisher finally realized that author "Helen Wilson" did not exist.

Ann Garry, the interim editor of Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, told AFP that she was "deeply disappointed" to learn about the hoaxes her journal published.

"The idea that individuals would submit fraudulent academic material violates many ethical and academic norms," she said.

Roberto Refinetti, editor-in-chief of the journal Sexuality and Culture, told AFP that the article on dildos "was reviewed by three university-affiliated experts in the field, none of whom suspect a hoax."

Refinetti was equally defensive. The fabrication by the authors "speaks against their integrity, not against the integrity of the journal that published the findings," he said.

There are thousands of academic journals in the world, and while some organizations have set standards designed to allow journals to identify fraud, adoption is uneven.

For the medical or biological sciences this consists of delivering the raw data to peer-reviewers to check the results.

But in the humanities, submitting transcripts of interviews raises confidentiality issues, said David Mellor with the Center for Open Science.

Nevertheless "we encourage as much transparency as is ethically possible," he said.

Nicholas Mazza, editor of the Journal of Poetry Therapy—who accepted what the hoax authors described as anti-male "rambling nonsense"—said he will take basic vetting measure after being hoodwinked.

Until now Mazza was more focused on plagiarism—but from now on "I will certainly check author/institution authenticity before sending manuscripts out for review," he told AFP.
Bravo Mr Peterson. I wish we had more like you. Perhaps he will startup a blog or some such website similar to what Bari Weiss is doing at Her stuff has a pro-Jewish at least sometimes, but it's worth the read IMHO.
Bravo Mr Peterson. I wish we had more like you. Perhaps he will startup a blog or some such website similar to what Bari Weiss is doing at Her stuff has a pro-Jewish at least sometimes, but it's worth the read IMHO.
It takes courage to face a mountain of woke oppression, something most people don't possess.
I sincerely hope he keeps a public and vocal position. This world needs him really.

It's fucking hard to get me to change my mind about things, but he managed to do it a couple times because everything he says is beyond serving himself, pushing an agenda or trying make himself look good.

I don't admire many people I don't not personally know, but I admire him.

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