Jonathan Gruber Jumped The White House Fence 19 Times


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

If you believe that story then you'll believe that although Jonathan Gruber was signed into the White House 19 times and claims to have met personally with Pres. Obama, and yet Obama could barely remember him and said point blank that he wasn't on his team.

Problem is, Obama paid him almost half a million dollars, so if jumping the White House fence is this lucrative, I'm going to give it a try.

For Johnathan Gruber to be a Washington DC Nobody he sure Went to the White House Often Shenandoah

Obamacare Architect Met with Obamacare Author the Afternoon Before His Typo

The key is not that he visited the White House a dozen times but who he visited:

President Obama – July 20, 2009; March 24, 2009; April 19, 2011; July 22, 2009; July 24, 2009; July 31, 2012
Larry Summers, Director of Obama’s National Economic Council – March 10, 2009
Jeanne Lambrew, Director of White House Office of Health Reform – January 28, 2009; March 7, 2011, January 18, 2012; March 12, 2013; January 15, 2014; June 27, 2014
Peter Orszag, Director of OMB – March 25 & 26, 2009
Jennifer Cannistra, No official position designated other than Executive Assistant – March 24, 2009
Nancy-Ann DeParle, Director of White House Office of Health Reform – April 20, 2011
Jason Furman, Council of Economic Advisers – March 3, 2010
Elizabeth Fowler, Deputy Director of Office of Consumer Information and Oversight at HHS, January 17, 2012; July 29, 2012

Yup, nothing close or cozy with all those visits which, by the way, do not include meetings with the President or his staff at off-site locations. Thus these elites may visually appear to be distant from the administration based on the CYA reporting of the mainstream media, but reality is far different as un-appointed consultants can engage in activities which would embarrass most Presidents, but not this one.​
Obama is just as outraged with Gruber as we are, and of course he never heard Gruber make the controversial comments, and he's going to get to the bottom of this for all Americans !
The IRS will be visiting McGruber

They only use the IRS to go after their enemies....gruber is one of theirs and they are probably a little happy that he is showing the rubes how they got skunked...

Keep in mind, the stupid Americans he is talking about are the was the conservatives and Republicans who said it was all a scam in the first place....
Americans are too stupid, too fat, and too free. They need more liberal ideas!! Ideas so good, they are mandatory!!

Remember folks, you didn't build that!! Businesses don't create jobs!! You can't raise kids by yourself either, it takes a village!! Collectivism is way better than individualism!!!


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