Joke Candidate Larry Elder Cries Voter Fraud Before Election Even Happens

Synthaholic said:
You got a better name for this Tool? He proudly calls himself "The Black face of White Supremacy".

so you can read, it's the reading COM. PRE. HENSION that gets ya.

They started the cheating early this am..possibly yesterday. Some foreigner got off the plane and proceeded to polling station to vote!! I'll bet every afghani unvetted terrorist on the first planes out of afghanistan got ballots.
Newsome is such a loser, he gets driven into a RECALL ELECTION and has all of the Democrats big guns campaigning for his worthless ass. And if that's not enough they mass mail ballots to everyone and invent PRINT YOUR OWN BALLOT. It looks like he might actually win. You Democrats really know how to pick em.

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