Johnson Fails To Claim Leadership On First Ballot.

For the 100th time.... Trump is not a convicted felon. A person found guilty of a crime is not 'convicted' until sentence is passed by a Judge.

Which the criminal scum in New Yawk Shitty plan to do this coming week.

THAT will be interesting. I wonder if they'll send some local Donut Eaters to arrest a President-Elect of the United States.

It would be interesting to watch how the Secret Service would view that. Interesting. And if the Fat Fucks from New Yawk do manage to arrest Trump, I wonder how the United States Army would feel about how their soon-to-be Commander In Chief being arrested on Bullshit charges?

But, your tiny, abysmal excuse for a brain can't function that far in advance. You'll have to wait for the DISGUSTING FILTH to digest it and tell you what to think. Then you can come in here and repeat, verbatim, what the DISGUSTING FILTH is saying. As usual. In unison with all your other 'bot farm friends

You world is falling apart. Go hide under a rock until your scumbag party can steal another presidential election.

I'm thinking, 80, 90 years.
You favorite subhuman is not going to be arrested so you can save the :206: for someone who gives a shit about your tears, bedwetter.

Try not to soil yourself come Jan 10, when Merchan lays that CONVICTED criminal lowlife to waste as he reads him the riot act for his crimes & the fact that the jurors identies had to be kept secret thanks to that deranged fuck Trump's threats.

..Merchan will supply the talking point for the inauguration coverage as reporters repeat the mantra of the historic status of Trump being sworn in as a convicted felon. Yet,...

...we will also finally be able to see an appeal of his case. While there are low expectations for the New York court system, the sentencing will allow the full array of alleged errors by Merchan to be placed before appellate judges.

The Left learned nothing from voters kicking their ass out of all positions of power.
Trump destroyed you. You are nothing but a steaming pile of butthurt.

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
You are nothing but a steaming pile of shit who supports another steaming pile of shit who will take office on J20 as a CONVICTED felon.

Try not to soil yourself on J10 as Merchan lays your assbuddy to waste. As I'm chowing down on popcorn, you'll be eating a shit sandwich. :auiqs.jpg:
Not even Felon47's endorsement seems to help. The Chaos Caucus cannot be controlled.
You favorite subhuman is not going to be arrested so you can save the :206: for someone who gives a shit about your tears, bedwetter.

Try not to soil yourself come Jan 10, when Merchan lays that CONVICTED criminal lowlife to waste as he reads him the riot act for his crimes & the fact that the jurors identies had to be kept secret thanks to that deranged fuck Trump's threats.


A serious nation would deport Merchan back to Colombia for bastardizing the judicial system
You are nothing but a steaming pile of shit who supports another steaming pile of shit who will take office on J20 as a CONVICTED felon.

Try not to soil yourself on J10 as Merchan lays your assbuddy to waste. As I'm chowing down on popcorn, you'll be eating a shit sandwich. :auiqs.jpg:

On Jan 21 Trump should arrest Merchan and hold him in a federal prison until his term is over- Lincoln did a similar thing to a judge
You favorite subhuman is not going to be arrested so you can save the :206: for someone who gives a shit about your tears, bedwetter.

Try not to soil yourself come Jan 10, when Merchan lays that CONVICTED criminal lowlife to waste as he reads him the riot act for his crimes & the fact that the jurors identies had to be kept secret thanks to that deranged fuck Trump's threats.


The Democrats and the media called Trump a convicted felon all throughout his campaign and it helped him more than hurt him. People saw what the Democrats were trying to pull. It doesn't matter how that judge rules, in the end it will just be another opportunity to showcase how corrupt the whole trial was, including the judge.
Smirking Jerkoff Johnson is more like it.

The poor bastard owes his job to that convicted felon, Trump. Which is how those two assholes like it.
You like assholes? Seriously man, this is a family friendly website
Look, Democrats didn't just suddenly stop being assholes after they lose the election. Hell their traitor in the White House just gave the highest civilian honor to Soros a guy responsible for untold deaths, rapes and crimes against American citizens when his bought and paid for DA's just stopped prosecuting criminals.
You are nothing but a steaming pile of shit who supports another steaming pile of shit who will take office on J20 as a CONVICTED felon.

Try not to soil yourself on J10 as Merchan lays your assbuddy to waste. As I'm chowing down on popcorn, you'll be eating a shit sandwich. :auiqs.jpg:

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Did you expect him to lose? He had to stop the vote and have a meeting in order to get it done
It goes to show that republicans aren't a cult. Members of cult always vote the same way no matter what. If the leader says vote for X, one votes for X as the leader demanded. It does show the actual cult is the demofk who all lined up and did what they were ordered to do.

Demofks are one party one mind. NO thinking allowed.
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