Johnny Carson blasted joe biden


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Back in the day when the media was more honest; lying, plagarizing fools like sloe joe were quickly outed and dealt with accordingly.

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Back in the day when the media was more honest; lying, plagarizing fools like sloe joe were quickly outed and dealt with accordingly.

Its over. The tribulation is on us now. And it is expanding. The Western World has been conquered.
Back in the day when the media was more honest; lying, plagarizing fools like sloe joe were quickly outed and dealt with accordingly.

Johnny Carson??? A comedian who died in 2005 said something nasty about Biden?????

You're really fucking desperate on this one. What next? Bela Lugosi hated Biden??? Scary!
Funny how Biden lies continuously over and over and over again and yet lies are now just fine and dandy for the left.

I am not entirely sure Biden has mad a truthful statement of meaning yet.

The worst part is that the fact Quid Pro is a pathological liar seems almost trivial considering his treason. That he's compromised by China, Russia, and Iran and works on behalf of the enemies of America is even more troubling than his non-stop lying.
ITT: trumptwats whining about lack of honesty and lies. LOL


Wait so now's there's a cut off limit on how far back we can go....:auiqs.jpg:

Oh no! Go back as far as you please. Make yourselves look utterly ridiculous by digging something up from his kindergarten class.

I’m sure you haven’t changed your opinion once in your lifetime. Or done anything you wouldn’t want to have to admit you did today.

If people don’t evolve, grow, or change, then there will be no possibility for rehabilitation, education or simply a change of heart.

But keep proving how brittle and angry you are by raging against things that happened 20 years ago. It makes you look so small and petty.

One would think that you would want your politicians to adapt to the circumstances, changing information or the evolution of the country. But not Republicans. No politician can ever change their mind. If they do they’re a “flip-flopper” and not to be trusted.

I personally don’t trust anyone who doesn’t change their mind from time to time. It shows an inability to grow or change.
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Johnny Carson??? A comedian who died in 2005 said something nasty about Biden?????

You're really fucking desperate on this one. What next? Bela Lugosi hated Biden??? Scary!
Being that Joe said he was 120 years old, I think dead comedians are completely appropriate to say nasty things about Faux Xiden.
Oh no! Go back as far as you please. Make yourselves look utterly ridiculous by digging something up from his kindergarten class.

I’m sure you haven’t changed your opinion once in your lifetime. Or done anything you wouldn’t want to have to admit you did today.

If people don’t evolve, grow, or change, then there will be no possibility for rehabilitation, education or simply a change of heart.

But keep proving how brittle and angry you are by raging against things that happened 20 years ago. It makes you look so small and petty.

One would think that you would want your politicians to adapt to the circumstances, changing information or the evolution of the country. But not Republicans. No politician can ever change their mind. If they do there a flip-flopped and not to be trusted.

I personally don’t trust anyone who doesn’t change their mind from time to time. It shows an inability to grow or change.
You are truly pathetic.

Biden is a lying fuck.

Biden was a lying fuck 50 years ago.

Biden is a crook.

Biden was a crook 50 years ago.

Biden is corrupt and for sale to anyone with the cash, he is compromised by China, Russia, and Iran.

Biden was corrupt and for sale to anyone with the cash 50 years ago.
Back in the day when the media was more honest; lying, plagarizing fools like sloe joe were quickly outed and dealt with accordingly.

No one comes close to Carson.

Johnny lived back in the day when he made jokes about both parties and you laughed either way. If any youngsters are listening, this was an era where people had free speech and did not get canceled.

But the guy who took his place, Kimmel, is not even funny and just says mean spirited political crap about Republicans like all non vacc'ed people should not get medical treatment.

Johnny lived back in the day when he made jokes about both parties and you laughed either way. If any youngsters are listening, this was an era where people had free speech and did not get canceled.

But the guy who took his place, Kimmel, is not even funny and just says mean spirited political crap about Republicans like all non vacc'ed people should not get medical treatment.

It is the newest form of 'comedy.' It's not about being funny or making a good joke anymore, it is about getting applause from people that agree with you. Different animal altogether.
It is the newest form of 'comedy.' It's not about being funny or making a good joke anymore, it is about getting applause from people that agree with you. Different animal altogether.
Leftists have no sense of humor, nor do idiots.

Should we just assume all idiots are Leftists?

Makes sense to me.

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