John McCain, War Hero

If Audie Murphy were running against Trump last year Trump would have said "he only captured one German company of soldiers by himself, he's not a hero. I like people that captured two companies."

It is the mindset of the lowest of lowlifes to disparage anything John McCain did in the war. And he gets this shit from his own party?
You are one sorry ass poster when you need to make fake quotes or events to try however poorly to make a point!

Again humor eludes some, move along Hoppy and find yerself a game of checkers.
juan mckain is pro amnesty , pro immigration , pro third world immigration so is a lousy American in my opinion Dean .
We are a nation of immigrants. Unless you are Native American. Are you?
Didn't think so.
TRUMP was deferred for legitimate medical reasons as if you didn't know Toro .
John McCain’s Vietnam service basically consisted of flying a number of bombing missions over Vietnam and Cambodia. While on these missions, he was vulnerable to enemy fire, and knowingly, voluntarily exposed himself to this danger – the danger of death, serious injury, and/or capture by the enemy. Since it was done in service of his country, this is definitional “heroism.” Very few such pilots – a percent or two – actually experienced being shot down or captured, and this statistical probability of success undoubtedly gave McCain and his fellow pilots comfort during the long months of “combat.”

At the time, he was living in a comfortable, air-conditioned BOQ (small apartment), living on a base that had a library, movie theater, cable TV (one or two channels), a swimming pool, a recreational gym, and an officer’s club, of which McCain was a member by virtue of his rank. He made enough money (most of which was income-tax-free) to enjoy all of this, while sending most of his pay home to his wife.

After being shot down and captured alive, McCain experienced unspeakable treatment, torture, deprivation, and permanent injuries. Notably, when his captors wanted to release him “early” as a phony humanitarian gesture, he refused to be released ahead of others who had been imprisoned longer. One can only imagine how difficult it was to make this gesture. On the other hand, he did “break down” under torture and give the enemy certain useful information, later admitting that he reached his breaking point and could resist no longer. Military authorities concluded that he should not be court martialed under the specific circumstances of his case. No shame involved.

When one speaks of a “Vietnam War Hero,” however, a rather different picture comes to mind. We picture a “Grunt,” who lives in relatively horrible conditions in a tent in the swamps of the Delta. Most of his meals are OK, but often he subsists on C-Rations or MRE’s. He often goes long periods without bathing, shaving, or having a civilized bowel movement. He goes out daily on missions that could leave him dead, dismembered, or seriously injured at literally any time – this in addition to being subject to various tropical diseases, mainly malaria (which is incurable). He lives in insufferable tropical heat and humidity for almost all of his time in country, enduring mosquitoes and other biting insects, leeches, ticks, and so on, experiencing air conditioning only when going back to base-base camp. Often these soldier were wounded, patched up, and returned to the battlefield without complaint (well…with constant complaints, but you get the idea). This was particularly true of Marines, for whom multiple deployments were common, especially given their normal 4-year enlistment. Again, this is more or less the picture one frames of a Vietnam War Hero, and literally hundreds of thousands of American men fit that description, pretty much.

Last year, the Man Who Would Be President, a victim of Blitherer’s Disease if ever there was one, opined when speaking of Senator McCain, that he was only exalted as a “hero” only because he got caught. The actual quote was,

He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

This was the most ill-advised of a mountain of ill-advised statements that Trump made during the campaign. But as with most of what he says, there is a germ of reality in it. Had Lt. McCain not “lost the lottery” in Vietnam, he would have finished out his service, collected a few ribbons, and continued his military career in relative obscurity. Because despite his military genes, he was apparently not much of an exemplary officer (would never have made Admiral, as his father did), and dropped out to go into politics. He was a hero mainly because he got shot down.

Sorry. It’s true.

At the time he was shot down, he was assigned to a squadron on the USS Oriskany where basically everything you posted shown in the red text was not available.

I am willing to bet you never served on an aircraft carrier.

If he had been in the Air Force, that might have been true.
I suppose the liberals could throw up their war hero from Nam.
John Kerry
It's not like they know what one looks like you know?
John McCain’s Vietnam service basically consisted of flying a number of bombing missions over Vietnam and Cambodia. While on these missions, he was vulnerable to enemy fire, and knowingly, voluntarily exposed himself to this danger – the danger of death, serious injury, and/or capture by the enemy. Since it was done in service of his country, this is definitional “heroism.” Very few such pilots – a percent or two – actually experienced being shot down or captured, and this statistical probability of success undoubtedly gave McCain and his fellow pilots comfort during the long months of “combat.”

At the time, he was living in a comfortable, air-conditioned BOQ (small apartment), living on a base that had a library, movie theater, cable TV (one or two channels), a swimming pool, a recreational gym, and an officer’s club, of which McCain was a member by virtue of his rank. He made enough money (most of which was income-tax-free) to enjoy all of this, while sending most of his pay home to his wife.

After being shot down and captured alive, McCain experienced unspeakable treatment, torture, deprivation, and permanent injuries. Notably, when his captors wanted to release him “early” as a phony humanitarian gesture, he refused to be released ahead of others who had been imprisoned longer. One can only imagine how difficult it was to make this gesture. On the other hand, he did “break down” under torture and give the enemy certain useful information, later admitting that he reached his breaking point and could resist no longer. Military authorities concluded that he should not be court martialed under the specific circumstances of his case. No shame involved.

When one speaks of a “Vietnam War Hero,” however, a rather different picture comes to mind. We picture a “Grunt,” who lives in relatively horrible conditions in a tent in the swamps of the Delta. Most of his meals are OK, but often he subsists on C-Rations or MRE’s. He often goes long periods without bathing, shaving, or having a civilized bowel movement. He goes out daily on missions that could leave him dead, dismembered, or seriously injured at literally any time – this in addition to being subject to various tropical diseases, mainly malaria (which is incurable). He lives in insufferable tropical heat and humidity for almost all of his time in country, enduring mosquitoes and other biting insects, leeches, ticks, and so on, experiencing air conditioning only when going back to base-base camp. Often these soldier were wounded, patched up, and returned to the battlefield without complaint (well…with constant complaints, but you get the idea). This was particularly true of Marines, for whom multiple deployments were common, especially given their normal 4-year enlistment. Again, this is more or less the picture one frames of a Vietnam War Hero, and literally hundreds of thousands of American men fit that description, pretty much.

Last year, the Man Who Would Be President, a victim of Blitherer’s Disease if ever there was one, opined when speaking of Senator McCain, that he was only exalted as a “hero” only because he got caught. The actual quote was,

He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

This was the most ill-advised of a mountain of ill-advised statements that Trump made during the campaign. But as with most of what he says, there is a germ of reality in it. Had Lt. McCain not “lost the lottery” in Vietnam, he would have finished out his service, collected a few ribbons, and continued his military career in relative obscurity. Because despite his military genes, he was apparently not much of an exemplary officer (would never have made Admiral, as his father did), and dropped out to go into politics. He was a hero mainly because he got shot down.

Sorry. It’s true.

At the time he was shot down, he was assigned to a squadron on the USS Oriskany where basically everything you posted shown in the red text was not available.

I am willing to bet you never served on an aircraft carrier.

If he had been in the Air Force, that might have been true.
I suppose the liberals could throw up their war hero from Nam.
John Kerry
It's not like they know what one looks like you know?

John Kerry was a war hero

Bill Clinton, Bush 43, Dick Cheney and Trump avoided service
John McCain’s Vietnam service basically consisted of flying a number of bombing missions over Vietnam and Cambodia. While on these missions, he was vulnerable to enemy fire, and knowingly, voluntarily exposed himself to this danger – the danger of death, serious injury, and/or capture by the enemy. Since it was done in service of his country, this is definitional “heroism.” Very few such pilots – a percent or two – actually experienced being shot down or captured, and this statistical probability of success undoubtedly gave McCain and his fellow pilots comfort during the long months of “combat.”

At the time, he was living in a comfortable, air-conditioned BOQ (small apartment), living on a base that had a library, movie theater, cable TV (one or two channels), a swimming pool, a recreational gym, and an officer’s club, of which McCain was a member by virtue of his rank. He made enough money (most of which was income-tax-free) to enjoy all of this, while sending most of his pay home to his wife.

After being shot down and captured alive, McCain experienced unspeakable treatment, torture, deprivation, and permanent injuries. Notably, when his captors wanted to release him “early” as a phony humanitarian gesture, he refused to be released ahead of others who had been imprisoned longer. One can only imagine how difficult it was to make this gesture. On the other hand, he did “break down” under torture and give the enemy certain useful information, later admitting that he reached his breaking point and could resist no longer. Military authorities concluded that he should not be court martialed under the specific circumstances of his case. No shame involved.

When one speaks of a “Vietnam War Hero,” however, a rather different picture comes to mind. We picture a “Grunt,” who lives in relatively horrible conditions in a tent in the swamps of the Delta. Most of his meals are OK, but often he subsists on C-Rations or MRE’s. He often goes long periods without bathing, shaving, or having a civilized bowel movement. He goes out daily on missions that could leave him dead, dismembered, or seriously injured at literally any time – this in addition to being subject to various tropical diseases, mainly malaria (which is incurable). He lives in insufferable tropical heat and humidity for almost all of his time in country, enduring mosquitoes and other biting insects, leeches, ticks, and so on, experiencing air conditioning only when going back to base-base camp. Often these soldier were wounded, patched up, and returned to the battlefield without complaint (well…with constant complaints, but you get the idea). This was particularly true of Marines, for whom multiple deployments were common, especially given their normal 4-year enlistment. Again, this is more or less the picture one frames of a Vietnam War Hero, and literally hundreds of thousands of American men fit that description, pretty much.

Last year, the Man Who Would Be President, a victim of Blitherer’s Disease if ever there was one, opined when speaking of Senator McCain, that he was only exalted as a “hero” only because he got caught. The actual quote was,

He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

This was the most ill-advised of a mountain of ill-advised statements that Trump made during the campaign. But as with most of what he says, there is a germ of reality in it. Had Lt. McCain not “lost the lottery” in Vietnam, he would have finished out his service, collected a few ribbons, and continued his military career in relative obscurity. Because despite his military genes, he was apparently not much of an exemplary officer (would never have made Admiral, as his father did), and dropped out to go into politics. He was a hero mainly because he got shot down.

Sorry. It’s true.

At the time he was shot down, he was assigned to a squadron on the USS Oriskany where basically everything you posted shown in the red text was not available.

I am willing to bet you never served on an aircraft carrier.

If he had been in the Air Force, that might have been true.
I suppose the liberals could throw up their war hero from Nam.
John Kerry
It's not like they know what one looks like you know?

John Kerry was a war hero

Bill Clinton, Bush 43, Dick Cheney and Trump avoided service
John Kerry testified against his own troops saying they raped woman and killed children!
Both of which were proven untrue.
Only in liberal world would a total fucking liar be a hero.
John McCain’s Vietnam service basically consisted of flying a number of bombing missions over Vietnam and Cambodia. While on these missions, he was vulnerable to enemy fire, and knowingly, voluntarily exposed himself to this danger – the danger of death, serious injury, and/or capture by the enemy. Since it was done in service of his country, this is definitional “heroism.” Very few such pilots – a percent or two – actually experienced being shot down or captured, and this statistical probability of success undoubtedly gave McCain and his fellow pilots comfort during the long months of “combat.”

At the time, he was living in a comfortable, air-conditioned BOQ (small apartment), living on a base that had a library, movie theater, cable TV (one or two channels), a swimming pool, a recreational gym, and an officer’s club, of which McCain was a member by virtue of his rank. He made enough money (most of which was income-tax-free) to enjoy all of this, while sending most of his pay home to his wife.

After being shot down and captured alive, McCain experienced unspeakable treatment, torture, deprivation, and permanent injuries. Notably, when his captors wanted to release him “early” as a phony humanitarian gesture, he refused to be released ahead of others who had been imprisoned longer. One can only imagine how difficult it was to make this gesture. On the other hand, he did “break down” under torture and give the enemy certain useful information, later admitting that he reached his breaking point and could resist no longer. Military authorities concluded that he should not be court martialed under the specific circumstances of his case. No shame involved.

When one speaks of a “Vietnam War Hero,” however, a rather different picture comes to mind. We picture a “Grunt,” who lives in relatively horrible conditions in a tent in the swamps of the Delta. Most of his meals are OK, but often he subsists on C-Rations or MRE’s. He often goes long periods without bathing, shaving, or having a civilized bowel movement. He goes out daily on missions that could leave him dead, dismembered, or seriously injured at literally any time – this in addition to being subject to various tropical diseases, mainly malaria (which is incurable). He lives in insufferable tropical heat and humidity for almost all of his time in country, enduring mosquitoes and other biting insects, leeches, ticks, and so on, experiencing air conditioning only when going back to base-base camp. Often these soldier were wounded, patched up, and returned to the battlefield without complaint (well…with constant complaints, but you get the idea). This was particularly true of Marines, for whom multiple deployments were common, especially given their normal 4-year enlistment. Again, this is more or less the picture one frames of a Vietnam War Hero, and literally hundreds of thousands of American men fit that description, pretty much.

Last year, the Man Who Would Be President, a victim of Blitherer’s Disease if ever there was one, opined when speaking of Senator McCain, that he was only exalted as a “hero” only because he got caught. The actual quote was,

He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

This was the most ill-advised of a mountain of ill-advised statements that Trump made during the campaign. But as with most of what he says, there is a germ of reality in it. Had Lt. McCain not “lost the lottery” in Vietnam, he would have finished out his service, collected a few ribbons, and continued his military career in relative obscurity. Because despite his military genes, he was apparently not much of an exemplary officer (would never have made Admiral, as his father did), and dropped out to go into politics. He was a hero mainly because he got shot down.

Sorry. It’s true.

At the time he was shot down, he was assigned to a squadron on the USS Oriskany where basically everything you posted shown in the red text was not available.

I am willing to bet you never served on an aircraft carrier.

If he had been in the Air Force, that might have been true.
I suppose the liberals could throw up their war hero from Nam.
John Kerry
It's not like they know what one looks like you know?

John Kerry was a war hero

Bill Clinton, Bush 43, Dick Cheney and Trump avoided service
John Kerry testified against his own troops saying they raped woman and killed children!
Both of which were proven untrue.
Only in liberal world would a total fucking liar be a hero.

John McCain’s Vietnam service basically consisted of flying a number of bombing missions over Vietnam and Cambodia. While on these missions, he was vulnerable to enemy fire, and knowingly, voluntarily exposed himself to this danger – the danger of death, serious injury, and/or capture by the enemy. Since it was done in service of his country, this is definitional “heroism.” Very few such pilots – a percent or two – actually experienced being shot down or captured, and this statistical probability of success undoubtedly gave McCain and his fellow pilots comfort during the long months of “combat.”

At the time, he was living in a comfortable, air-conditioned BOQ (small apartment), living on a base that had a library, movie theater, cable TV (one or two channels), a swimming pool, a recreational gym, and an officer’s club, of which McCain was a member by virtue of his rank. He made enough money (most of which was income-tax-free) to enjoy all of this, while sending most of his pay home to his wife.

After being shot down and captured alive, McCain experienced unspeakable treatment, torture, deprivation, and permanent injuries. Notably, when his captors wanted to release him “early” as a phony humanitarian gesture, he refused to be released ahead of others who had been imprisoned longer. One can only imagine how difficult it was to make this gesture. On the other hand, he did “break down” under torture and give the enemy certain useful information, later admitting that he reached his breaking point and could resist no longer. Military authorities concluded that he should not be court martialed under the specific circumstances of his case. No shame involved.

When one speaks of a “Vietnam War Hero,” however, a rather different picture comes to mind. We picture a “Grunt,” who lives in relatively horrible conditions in a tent in the swamps of the Delta. Most of his meals are OK, but often he subsists on C-Rations or MRE’s. He often goes long periods without bathing, shaving, or having a civilized bowel movement. He goes out daily on missions that could leave him dead, dismembered, or seriously injured at literally any time – this in addition to being subject to various tropical diseases, mainly malaria (which is incurable). He lives in insufferable tropical heat and humidity for almost all of his time in country, enduring mosquitoes and other biting insects, leeches, ticks, and so on, experiencing air conditioning only when going back to base-base camp. Often these soldier were wounded, patched up, and returned to the battlefield without complaint (well…with constant complaints, but you get the idea). This was particularly true of Marines, for whom multiple deployments were common, especially given their normal 4-year enlistment. Again, this is more or less the picture one frames of a Vietnam War Hero, and literally hundreds of thousands of American men fit that description, pretty much.

Last year, the Man Who Would Be President, a victim of Blitherer’s Disease if ever there was one, opined when speaking of Senator McCain, that he was only exalted as a “hero” only because he got caught. The actual quote was,

He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

This was the most ill-advised of a mountain of ill-advised statements that Trump made during the campaign. But as with most of what he says, there is a germ of reality in it. Had Lt. McCain not “lost the lottery” in Vietnam, he would have finished out his service, collected a few ribbons, and continued his military career in relative obscurity. Because despite his military genes, he was apparently not much of an exemplary officer (would never have made Admiral, as his father did), and dropped out to go into politics. He was a hero mainly because he got shot down.

Sorry. It’s true.

At the time he was shot down, he was assigned to a squadron on the USS Oriskany where basically everything you posted shown in the red text was not available.

I am willing to bet you never served on an aircraft carrier.

If he had been in the Air Force, that might have been true.
I suppose the liberals could throw up their war hero from Nam.
John Kerry
It's not like they know what one looks like you know?

John Kerry was a war hero

Bill Clinton, Bush 43, Dick Cheney and Trump avoided service
John Kerry testified against his own troops saying they raped woman and killed children!
Both of which were proven untrue.
Only in liberal world would a total fucking liar be a hero.

It made the news. Find it your lying ass self!
I'm not bad - mouthing McCain. I'm just putting his heroism (which I don't deny) in perspective, and responding to the accusation that Trump insulted him. The truth is no insult.

then why is it an insult to mr trump when people speak the truth about HIM?

when the people speak the TRUTH about trump, he attacks his fellow citizens and attempts to marginalize them as HATERS or FAKE NEWS.
At the time he was shot down, he was assigned to a squadron on the USS Oriskany where basically everything you posted shown in the red text was not available.

I am willing to bet you never served on an aircraft carrier.

If he had been in the Air Force, that might have been true.
I suppose the liberals could throw up their war hero from Nam.
John Kerry
It's not like they know what one looks like you know?

John Kerry was a war hero

Bill Clinton, Bush 43, Dick Cheney and Trump avoided service
John Kerry testified against his own troops saying they raped woman and killed children!
Both of which were proven untrue.
Only in liberal world would a total fucking liar be a hero.

It made the news. Find it your lying ass self!

As I expected

You are shooting blanks
Lot of you candy ass liberals have idea what a hero is so let me tell you. No party or group picks a hero. People do and now trying to not sound like I'm pity shopping let me tell you what a real hero is.

When I was fighting throat cancer I was looking for a hero. Bob Denver died of it. John gotti died of it and soupy sales and Sammy Davis Jr. But one man I knew from an old old movie called 12 angry men beat it. He lived damn near 20 years after his surgery. He got a soft raspy voice from it like me. His name was klugman. Jack klugman from the odd couple.

A hero gives you something to shoot for when your down. A hero has spent his time in hell and lived. A hero is personal and to many people see award winner and hero as the same. That is simply not true. Now to some McCain is a hero on a personal level but no award makes him a hero to all.

You liberals need to grow up and learn English. And you need to understand a hero is a personal choice. You know right now I bet there is some young negro woman poory educated and living in the ghetto who sees Ben Carson's mom as a hero. She was 14 with a 3rd grade education and raised the world's leading brain surgeon!

Maybe one day you liberals will know what a real hero is but today is not that day and tomorrow does not look much better.
I suppose the liberals could throw up their war hero from Nam.
John Kerry
It's not like they know what one looks like you know?

John Kerry was a war hero

Bill Clinton, Bush 43, Dick Cheney and Trump avoided service
John Kerry testified against his own troops saying they raped woman and killed children!
Both of which were proven untrue.
Only in liberal world would a total fucking liar be a hero.

It made the news. Find it your lying ass self!

As I expected

You are shooting blanks
I can't link on my tablet.

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