CDZ John Legend, gives thumbs up to close down ICE


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Let us remember yesterday’s nationwide protest to close down ICE was funded by Socialist friendly, open border groups who are working to destroy and then subjugate America from within. Some of the backers of the Saturday protest were Move/ American Civil Liberties Union, The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, and the National Domestic Workers Alliance, the director of which, Ai-jen Poo, has, for over a year, been calling for Obama to become “Organizer-in-Chief”. It appears the "Organizer-in-Chief" has been working secretly in the background and using the tactics which helped to get him elected.

These “organizers” are very clever at creating an emotional outrage by exploiting children, using them as a weapon, just like the Viet Cong used children to deliver bombs to our troops which then blew both of them up.

And let us not forget these “organizers” have a Fifth Column media and Yellow Journalists in their corner. And they also have Hollywood’s Limousine Socialists like John Legend, trying to convince yesterday's protestors how sympathetic he is towards the millions of illegal entrant children and their plight.

If John Legend and his wife were really as concerned about the “children’s” plight as they say, then why hasn’t he and his squeeze taken a few hundred of these children into their $14 million plus mansion in Beverly Hills? Instead, he attacks ICE for making our inner cities safe, who fearlessly confront some of the most dangerous illegal entrant criminals, many who are MS-13 gang members.

Does John Legend not care about the safety and well-being of American citizens living in our nation’s inner cities?


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance the economic needs of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded America’s borders.
Thanks for letting us know that you don't care about children and have bought into Tangerine Tornado's whopper that progressives want open borders and more crime.

But fact is, native born citizens are morel likely to commit crimes than immigrants. And MS-13 pouring over by the thousands or that he's deporting them by the thousands is an even more laughable lie.

I’ve Been Reporting on MS-13 for a Year. Here Are the 5 Things Trump Gets Most Wrong. — ProPublica

Why didn't you throw in a Womp Womp with your post since you don't care about kids? :icon_rolleyes:

If John Legend and his wife were really as concerned about the “children’s” plight as they say, then why hasn’t he and his squeeze taken a few hundred of these children into their $14 million plus mansion in Beverly Hills? Instead, he attacks ICE for making our inner cities safe, who fearlessly confront some of the most dangerous illegal entrant criminals, many who are MS-13 gang members.

Does John Legend not care about the safety and well-being of American citizens living in our nation’s inner cities?
Probably because John Legend isnt concerned with what you think he should do to show that he cares about the children. Its the responsibility of the POTUS not John Legend to make sure these kids are properly and humanely treated.
Probably because John Legend isnt concerned with what you think he should do to show that he cares about the children. Its the responsibility of the POTUS not John Legend to make sure these kids are properly and humanely treated.

It was reported yesterday that Trump's "task force" reunited precisely 6 kids with their parents ALL OF LAST WEEK.
At that rate, he'll have all 2,100 reunited by the year 2024 - So much "winning" :rolleyes:

6 children in 6 days, thousands left: Inside the family reunifications - CNNPolitics
. . . fact is, native born citizens are morel likely to commit crimes than immigrants.

We are not talking about "immigrants". We are talking about illegal entrants as distinguished from immigrants. Try to understand the difference.

In any event see The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave

"Police commanders may not want to discuss, much less respond to, the illegal-alien crisis, but its magnitude for law enforcement is startling. Some examples:

• In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide (which total 1,200 to 1,500) target illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens."


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance the economic needs of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded America’s borders.

I am for smaller govt., shut down the ATF and the DEA and save billions on your next auto insurance quote.
. . . fact is, native born citizens are morel likely to commit crimes than immigrants.

We are not talking about "immigrants". We are talking about illegal entrants as distinguished from immigrants. Try to understand the difference.

In any event see The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave

"Police commanders may not want to discuss, much less respond to, the illegal-alien crisis, but its magnitude for law enforcement is startling. Some examples:

• In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide (which total 1,200 to 1,500) target illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens."


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance the economic needs of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded America’s borders.

Drumps policies automatically make people criminals or illegal.
. . . fact is, native born citizens are morel likely to commit crimes than immigrants.

We are not talking about "immigrants". We are talking about illegal entrants as distinguished from immigrants. Try to understand the difference.

In any event see The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave

"Police commanders may not want to discuss, much less respond to, the illegal-alien crisis, but its magnitude for law enforcement is startling. Some examples:

• In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide (which total 1,200 to 1,500) target illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens."


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance the economic needs of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded America’s borders.

How can there even be accurate statistics about crimes of illegal immigrants when many local jurisdictions don't ever consider the immigration status of the offenders?
If John Legend and his wife were really as concerned about the “children’s” plight as they say, then why hasn’t he and his squeeze taken a few hundred of these children into their $14 million plus mansion in Beverly Hills? Instead, he attacks ICE for making our inner cities safe, who fearlessly confront some of the most dangerous illegal entrant criminals, many who are MS-13 gang members.

Does John Legend not care about the safety and well-being of American citizens living in our nation’s inner cities?
Probably because John Legend isnt concerned with what you think he should do to show that he cares about the children. Its the responsibility of the POTUS not John Legend to make sure these kids are properly and humanely treated.

That's exactly how limousine socialists think … get the government to confiscate the paychecks of hard working citizens living in our nation's inner cities and use the proceeds to pay for the economic needs of those invading our borders.

John Legend's rope-a-dope teary eyed performance yesterday didn't go over big with citizens living in our nation's inner cities who suffer the devastating social and economic consequences of illegal immigration.


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.

If John Legend and his wife were really as concerned about the “children’s” plight as they say, then why hasn’t he and his squeeze taken a few hundred of these children into their $14 million plus mansion in Beverly Hills? Instead, he attacks ICE for making our inner cities safe, who fearlessly confront some of the most dangerous illegal entrant criminals, many who are MS-13 gang members.

Does John Legend not care about the safety and well-being of American citizens living in our nation’s inner cities?
Probably because John Legend isnt concerned with what you think he should do to show that he cares about the children. Its the responsibility of the POTUS not John Legend to make sure these kids are properly and humanely treated.

That's exactly how limousine socialists think … get the government to confiscate the paychecks of hard working citizens living in our nation's inner cities and use the proceeds to pay for the economic needs of those invading our borders.

John Legend's rope-a-dope teary eyed performance yesterday didn't go over big with citizens living in our nation's inner cities who suffer the devastating social and economic consequences of illegal immigration.


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.

Yeah I know youre poor and struggling but you have to pay taxes to preserve the opportunities you have here in the US. Stop whining and deflecting. Its not Legends responsiblity to do the job of the POTUS.
I don't recognize the authority of John Legend to determine or influence our public policy.
Let us remember yesterday’s nationwide protest to close down ICE was funded by Socialist friendly, open border groups who are working to destroy and then subjugate America from within. Some of the backers of the Saturday protest were Move/ American Civil Liberties Union, The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, and the National Domestic Workers Alliance, the director of which, Ai-jen Poo, has, for over a year, been calling for Obama to become “Organizer-in-Chief”. It appears the "Organizer-in-Chief" has been working secretly in the background and using the tactics which helped to get him elected.

These “organizers” are very clever at creating an emotional outrage by exploiting children, using them as a weapon, just like the Viet Cong used children to deliver bombs to our troops which then blew both of them up.

And let us not forget these “organizers” have a Fifth Column media and Yellow Journalists in their corner. And they also have Hollywood’s Limousine Socialists like John Legend, trying to convince yesterday's protestors how sympathetic he is towards the millions of illegal entrant children and their plight.

If John Legend and his wife were really as concerned about the “children’s” plight as they say, then why hasn’t he and his squeeze taken a few hundred of these children into their $14 million plus mansion in Beverly Hills? Instead, he attacks ICE for making our inner cities safe, who fearlessly confront some of the most dangerous illegal entrant criminals, many who are MS-13 gang members.

Does John Legend not care about the safety and well-being of American citizens living in our nation’s inner cities?


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance the economic needs of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded America’s borders.

And Americans should care about what "John Legend" says, why?
Let us remember yesterday’s nationwide protest to close down ICE was funded by Socialist friendly, open border groups who are working to destroy and then subjugate America from within. Some of the backers of the Saturday protest were Move/ American Civil Liberties Union, The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, and the National Domestic Workers Alliance, the director of which, Ai-jen Poo, has, for over a year, been calling for Obama to become “Organizer-in-Chief”. It appears the "Organizer-in-Chief" has been working secretly in the background and using the tactics which helped to get him elected.

These “organizers” are very clever at creating an emotional outrage by exploiting children, using them as a weapon, just like the Viet Cong used children to deliver bombs to our troops which then blew both of them up.

And let us not forget these “organizers” have a Fifth Column media and Yellow Journalists in their corner. And they also have Hollywood’s Limousine Socialists like John Legend, trying to convince yesterday's protestors how sympathetic he is towards the millions of illegal entrant children and their plight.

If John Legend and his wife were really as concerned about the “children’s” plight as they say, then why hasn’t he and his squeeze taken a few hundred of these children into their $14 million plus mansion in Beverly Hills? Instead, he attacks ICE for making our inner cities safe, who fearlessly confront some of the most dangerous illegal entrant criminals, many who are MS-13 gang members.

Does John Legend not care about the safety and well-being of American citizens living in our nation’s inner cities?


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance the economic needs of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded America’s borders.

And Americans should care about what "John Legend" says, why?
Because he sings way better than Drumpf.
Let us remember yesterday’s nationwide protest to close down ICE was funded by Socialist friendly, open border groups who are working to destroy and then subjugate America from within. Some of the backers of the Saturday protest were Move/ American Civil Liberties Union, The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, and the National Domestic Workers Alliance, the director of which, Ai-jen Poo, has, for over a year, been calling for Obama to become “Organizer-in-Chief”. It appears the "Organizer-in-Chief" has been working secretly in the background and using the tactics which helped to get him elected.

These “organizers” are very clever at creating an emotional outrage by exploiting children, using them as a weapon, just like the Viet Cong used children to deliver bombs to our troops which then blew both of them up.

And let us not forget these “organizers” have a Fifth Column media and Yellow Journalists in their corner. And they also have Hollywood’s Limousine Socialists like John Legend, trying to convince yesterday's protestors how sympathetic he is towards the millions of illegal entrant children and their plight.

If John Legend and his wife were really as concerned about the “children’s” plight as they say, then why hasn’t he and his squeeze taken a few hundred of these children into their $14 million plus mansion in Beverly Hills? Instead, he attacks ICE for making our inner cities safe, who fearlessly confront some of the most dangerous illegal entrant criminals, many who are MS-13 gang members.

Does John Legend not care about the safety and well-being of American citizens living in our nation’s inner cities?


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance the economic needs of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded America’s borders.

And Americans should care about what "John Legend" says, why?
Because he sings way better than Drumpf.

So do I and most of my family, and-?
Let us remember yesterday’s nationwide protest to close down ICE was funded by Socialist friendly, open border groups who are working to destroy and then subjugate America from within. Some of the backers of the Saturday protest were Move/ American Civil Liberties Union, The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, and the National Domestic Workers Alliance, the director of which, Ai-jen Poo, has, for over a year, been calling for Obama to become “Organizer-in-Chief”. It appears the "Organizer-in-Chief" has been working secretly in the background and using the tactics which helped to get him elected.

These “organizers” are very clever at creating an emotional outrage by exploiting children, using them as a weapon, just like the Viet Cong used children to deliver bombs to our troops which then blew both of them up.

And let us not forget these “organizers” have a Fifth Column media and Yellow Journalists in their corner. And they also have Hollywood’s Limousine Socialists like John Legend, trying to convince yesterday's protestors how sympathetic he is towards the millions of illegal entrant children and their plight.

If John Legend and his wife were really as concerned about the “children’s” plight as they say, then why hasn’t he and his squeeze taken a few hundred of these children into their $14 million plus mansion in Beverly Hills? Instead, he attacks ICE for making our inner cities safe, who fearlessly confront some of the most dangerous illegal entrant criminals, many who are MS-13 gang members.

Does John Legend not care about the safety and well-being of American citizens living in our nation’s inner cities?


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance the economic needs of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded America’s borders.

And Americans should care about what "John Legend" says, why?
Because he sings way better than Drumpf.

So do I and most of my family, and-?
You dont sing as well as John Legend though.
Let us remember yesterday’s nationwide protest to close down ICE was funded by Socialist friendly, open border groups who are working to destroy and then subjugate America from within. Some of the backers of the Saturday protest were Move/ American Civil Liberties Union, The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, and the National Domestic Workers Alliance, the director of which, Ai-jen Poo, has, for over a year, been calling for Obama to become “Organizer-in-Chief”. It appears the "Organizer-in-Chief" has been working secretly in the background and using the tactics which helped to get him elected.

These “organizers” are very clever at creating an emotional outrage by exploiting children, using them as a weapon, just like the Viet Cong used children to deliver bombs to our troops which then blew both of them up.

And let us not forget these “organizers” have a Fifth Column media and Yellow Journalists in their corner. And they also have Hollywood’s Limousine Socialists like John Legend, trying to convince yesterday's protestors how sympathetic he is towards the millions of illegal entrant children and their plight.

If John Legend and his wife were really as concerned about the “children’s” plight as they say, then why hasn’t he and his squeeze taken a few hundred of these children into their $14 million plus mansion in Beverly Hills? Instead, he attacks ICE for making our inner cities safe, who fearlessly confront some of the most dangerous illegal entrant criminals, many who are MS-13 gang members.

Does John Legend not care about the safety and well-being of American citizens living in our nation’s inner cities?


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance the economic needs of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded America’s borders.

And Americans should care about what "John Legend" says, why?
Because he sings way better than Drumpf.

So do I and most of my family, and-?
You dont sing as well as John Legend though.

Actually I can, and have a broader range. I can go lower and higher than that dude. I'll never be famous, and that's ok. I do something else for money. Some dude that recognizes I am a notch better than him makes a living as a singer.
. . . fact is, native born citizens are morel likely to commit crimes than immigrants.

We are not talking about "immigrants". We are talking about illegal entrants as distinguished from immigrants. Try to understand the difference.

Oh I fully understand the difference. Learn something

Are undocumented immigrants less likely to commit crime?
Illegal Immigration Does Not Increase Violent Crime, 4 Studies Show


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