John Kerry: War Hero


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2012
Buzzard Gulch, NC
Was watching a program where they were showing Kerry testifying before a Senate committee in the '70's where he called American troops war criminals and baby killers. The truth about Kerry was he was a gutless coward. The policy at the time he was in Viet Nam was that if you were awarded 3 Purple Hearts you got sent home. Kerry served a total of 120 days in country on a gunboat. He was awarded 3 Purple Hearts but did not spend 1 day in a field hospital. How is that possible? He was sent home, joined a group of veterans against the war, led protests and threw his medals over the fence at the Whitehouse. That made him enough of a hero to the commies in the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts to get him elected to the senate. Now the SOB is the Secretary of State. Great job America!
Was watching a program where they were showing Kerry testifying before a Senate committee in the '70's where he called American troops war criminals and baby killers. The truth about Kerry was he was a gutless coward. The policy at the time he was in Viet Nam was that if you were awarded 3 Purple Hearts you got sent home. Kerry served a total of 120 days in country on a gunboat. He was awarded 3 Purple Hearts but did not spend 1 day in a field hospital. How is that possible? He was sent home, joined a group of veterans against the war, led protests and threw his medals over the fence at the Whitehouse. That made him enough of a hero to the commies in the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts to get him elected to the senate. Now the SOB is the Secretary of State. Great job America!

Yup, he's a disgrace, the president is a disgrace, Obama's whole regime is a disgrace.
Whenever someone tries to criticize John Kerry, this is all they can ever come up with. Last I checked, it is not a crime to be be critical of a military operation, especially something like Vietnam. I have not seen the footage of Kerry, and if he actually said that every soldier is a war criminal, then he shouldn't have made such a blanket statement. However, there were certainly various crimes committed by our soldiers in Vietnam. In terms of throwing his medals over the fence, if a man wins a medal and doesn't want it, feels he doesn't deserve it, or whatever, I think it's his choice to do with it as he pleases. Kerry was not the only returning soldier to protest the war; there were thousands.

I don't particularly like the man, but the smear campaign against him and his role in the Vietnam War is, I think, a joke, not to mention irrelevant. Criticize him on his policy and his actions today, not something from forty years ago.
Q. What do you call a lousy, anti-American, lying scumbag?

A. Mr. Secretary of State
He also said that if the US left SE Asia his Communist friends would not be too vengeful, I think he said there would be 10,000 murdered -- tops

He also said that if the US left SE Asia his Communist friends would not be too vengeful, I think he said there would be 10,000 murdered -- tops


Opps what?

There were 3 million or so people killed DURING the Vietnam war by American military actions.

Was that an "opps"?
Whenever someone tries to criticize John Kerry, this is all they can ever come up with. Last I checked, it is not a crime to be be critical of a military operation, especially something like Vietnam. I have not seen the footage of Kerry, and if he actually said that every soldier is a war criminal, then he shouldn't have made such a blanket statement. However, there were certainly various crimes committed by our soldiers in Vietnam. In terms of throwing his medals over the fence, if a man wins a medal and doesn't want it, feels he doesn't deserve it, or whatever, I think it's his choice to do with it as he pleases. Kerry was not the only returning soldier to protest the war; there were thousands.

I don't particularly like the man, but the smear campaign against him and his role in the Vietnam War is, I think, a joke, not to mention irrelevant. Criticize him on his policy and his actions today, not something from forty years ago.

This is all they can come up with? Isn't it enough? It's obvious you've never served or you would comprehend just what this scumbag did. First, he slimed his way out of Viet Nam by faking wounds to get 3 Purple Hearts in just 120 days while serving on a gunboat. Not one of these "wounds" caused hospitalization. Secondly, there were a couple of million men who served in Viet Nam, so "thousands" protesting is a tiny number. There are crimes committed in all wars by all sides but I guarantee you that Americans commit the fewest of any. He deserves more than a smear campaign for labeling our soldiers war criminals and to say that it is a joke and irrelevant says that even if you did serve, you are a blame America firster.
I see the repubs/rwer's are pulling this same old tired subject out of their ass for yet another thread.
Whenever someone tries to criticize John Kerry, this is all they can ever come up with. Last I checked, it is not a crime to be be critical of a military operation, especially something like Vietnam. I have not seen the footage of Kerry, and if he actually said that every soldier is a war criminal, then he shouldn't have made such a blanket statement. However, there were certainly various crimes committed by our soldiers in Vietnam. In terms of throwing his medals over the fence, if a man wins a medal and doesn't want it, feels he doesn't deserve it, or whatever, I think it's his choice to do with it as he pleases. Kerry was not the only returning soldier to protest the war; there were thousands.

I don't particularly like the man, but the smear campaign against him and his role in the Vietnam War is, I think, a joke, not to mention irrelevant. Criticize him on his policy and his actions today, not something from forty years ago.

This is all they can come up with? Isn't it enough? It's obvious you've never served or you would comprehend just what this scumbag did. First, he slimed his way out of Viet Nam by faking wounds to get 3 Purple Hearts in just 120 days while serving on a gunboat. Not one of these "wounds" caused hospitalization. Secondly, there were a couple of million men who served in Viet Nam, so "thousands" protesting is a tiny number. There are crimes committed in all wars by all sides but I guarantee you that Americans commit the fewest of any. He deserves more than a smear campaign for labeling our soldiers war criminals and to say that it is a joke and irrelevant says that even if you did serve, you are a blame America firster.

Your third sentence is already bullshit.

Kerry still carries the shrapnel of one of his war's inoperable.

An absolving America of war crimes in a country it never should have well..beyond reprehensible.
It's just very sad to see a veteran or group of veterans challenge the awards for heroism bestowed on a service member by the military. It is especially sad when the veterans that served in combat at the time of the action with the individual come out and confirm to the public the acts of heroism as happened in this case. The accusers weren't there or in the position to witness the actions. The fact that the accusers got exspense paid appearence tours and celebrity status makes it more disturbing. What the vet says or does after his return has no bearing on his heroism in combat. Nor should it.
Kerry is a scumbag who built up a fake narrative as a "War Hero" so he could come home and disgrace all the people who served and fought honorably

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