John Kerry: War Hero

What a pussy!

John Kerry military service controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Meehan went on to state that Kerry had been "deep in enemy waters" between Vietnam and Cambodia and that his boat came under fire at the Cambodian border. Meehan also said that Kerry did covertly cross over into Cambodia to drop off special operations forces on a later occasion, but that there was no paperwork for such missions and he could not supply dates.[70]

Based on examination of Kerry's journals and logbook, historian Douglas Brinkley placed the covert missions soon after Christmas. In an interview with the London Daily Telegraph, Brinkley stated that Kerry had gone into Cambodian waters three or four times in January and February 1969 on clandestine missions, dropping off U.S. Seals, Green Berets, and CIA operatives. Brinkley added, "He was a ferry master, a drop-off guy, but it was dangerous as hell. Kerry carries a hat he was given by one CIA operative. In a part of his journals which I didn't use he writes about discussions with CIA guys he was dropping off
Kerry is a scumbag who built up a fake narrative as a "War Hero" so he could come home and disgrace all the people who served and fought honorably

Fake it right. It was alleged they were self inflicted wounds as well. Looks like I stirred up a whole shitload of nonserving commies coming to defend one of their own. Oh well.

John Kerry, if he's telling the truth, he's a War Criminal
What a pussy!

John Kerry military service controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Meehan went on to state that Kerry had been "deep in enemy waters" between Vietnam and Cambodia and that his boat came under fire at the Cambodian border. Meehan also said that Kerry did covertly cross over into Cambodia to drop off special operations forces on a later occasion, but that there was no paperwork for such missions and he could not supply dates.[70]

Based on examination of Kerry's journals and logbook, historian Douglas Brinkley placed the covert missions soon after Christmas. In an interview with the London Daily Telegraph, Brinkley stated that Kerry had gone into Cambodian waters three or four times in January and February 1969 on clandestine missions, dropping off U.S. Seals, Green Berets, and CIA operatives. Brinkley added, "He was a ferry master, a drop-off guy, but it was dangerous as hell. Kerry carries a hat he was given by one CIA operative. In a part of his journals which I didn't use he writes about discussions with CIA guys he was dropping off

He also said that if the US left SE Asia his Communist friends would not be too vengeful, I think he said there would be 10,000 murdered -- tops


Opps what?

There were 3 million or so people killed DURING the Vietnam war by American military actions.

Was that an "opps"?

And 4.5 million were killed by their own Communist Government.
Is that an opps?
He also said that if the US left SE Asia his Communist friends would not be too vengeful, I think he said there would be 10,000 murdered -- tops


Opps what?

There were 3 million or so people killed DURING the Vietnam war by American military actions.

Was that an "opps"?

And 4.5 million were killed by their own Communist Government.
Is that an opps?

By Pol Pot.

Who was backed by Nixon.

Your numbers are off too..unless you think Nixon beats Hitler in people killin'
Whenever someone tries to criticize John Kerry, this is all they can ever come up with. Last I checked, it is not a crime to be be critical of a military operation, especially something like Vietnam. I have not seen the footage of Kerry, and if he actually said that every soldier is a war criminal, then he shouldn't have made such a blanket statement. However, there were certainly various crimes committed by our soldiers in Vietnam. In terms of throwing his medals over the fence, if a man wins a medal and doesn't want it, feels he doesn't deserve it, or whatever, I think it's his choice to do with it as he pleases. Kerry was not the only returning soldier to protest the war; there were thousands.

I don't particularly like the man, but the smear campaign against him and his role in the Vietnam War is, I think, a joke, not to mention irrelevant. Criticize him on his policy and his actions today, not something from forty years ago.

This is all they can come up with? Isn't it enough? It's obvious you've never served or you would comprehend just what this scumbag did. First, he slimed his way out of Viet Nam by faking wounds to get 3 Purple Hearts in just 120 days while serving on a gunboat. Not one of these "wounds" caused hospitalization. Secondly, there were a couple of million men who served in Viet Nam, so "thousands" protesting is a tiny number. There are crimes committed in all wars by all sides but I guarantee you that Americans commit the fewest of any. He deserves more than a smear campaign for labeling our soldiers war criminals and to say that it is a joke and irrelevant says that even if you did serve, you are a blame America firster.

Your third sentence is already bullshit.

Kerry still carries the shrapnel of one of his war's inoperable.

An absolving America of war crimes in a country it never should have well..beyond reprehensible.

Actually it is your post that is bullshit. His "shrapnel wound" was about as serious as a minor shaving nick and the object was removed without any need for surgery. It may also have been self-inflicted in any case.
#1) I am a Vietnam Vet 1970-71

#2) I detest liberals like Kerry.

#3) He was awarded the Silver Star and for that I salute him. .. :salute:

Attacks on John Kerry Discredited

As a retired Navy Captain, a Vietnam combat veteran, and a Swift Boat skipper who served in the Mekong Delta at the same time as John Kerry, I have been appalled by recently published articles which often open with a recycled whopper: a tangled conspiracy theory about Navy records related to Kerry's Silver Star medal for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action on February 28, 1969.

The cold and undisputed truth is that Vice Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, Commander Naval Forces Vietnam, personally selected the Silver Star award for Kerry and personally pinned the Silver Star on Kerry's chest at a ceremony at our Coastal Division 11 base in An Thoi, South Vietnam just days after the action. A decoration, like every other award for heroism, that was recommended by his Division Officer and endorsed by then Captain Roy L. Hoffmann. According to Zumwalt, he actually wanted to give Kerry an even higher award, the Navy Cross, but decided upon a Silver Star because he wished to make the award as expeditiously as possible. These points were publicly reiterated by Admiral Zumwalt in 1996, in defense of Kerry's military record.
Opps what?

There were 3 million or so people killed DURING the Vietnam war by American military actions.

Was that an "opps"?

And 4.5 million were killed by their own Communist Government.
Is that an opps?

By Pol Pot.

Who was backed by Nixon.

Your numbers are off too..unless you think Nixon beats Hitler in people killin'

No - by Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot and it includes the number of people under that Communist Regime not just the Vietnam War.
What part of Communist Government did you not get?

Hitler killed 11 to 14 million, that total includes the people in Concentration camps and killed in War.
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This is all they can come up with? Isn't it enough? It's obvious you've never served or you would comprehend just what this scumbag did. First, he slimed his way out of Viet Nam by faking wounds to get 3 Purple Hearts in just 120 days while serving on a gunboat. Not one of these "wounds" caused hospitalization. Secondly, there were a couple of million men who served in Viet Nam, so "thousands" protesting is a tiny number. There are crimes committed in all wars by all sides but I guarantee you that Americans commit the fewest of any. He deserves more than a smear campaign for labeling our soldiers war criminals and to say that it is a joke and irrelevant says that even if you did serve, you are a blame America firster.

Your third sentence is already bullshit.

Kerry still carries the shrapnel of one of his war's inoperable.

An absolving America of war crimes in a country it never should have well..beyond reprehensible.

Actually it is your post that is bullshit. His "shrapnel wound" was about as serious as a minor shaving nick and the object was removed without any need for surgery. It may also have been self-inflicted in any case.

We're you there? Self inflicted?

Who says?
I think the main lesson here is that there are far, far more important things to debate and discuss in this forum, in my opinion, than John Kerry's "crimes". He went to war, didn't want to be there, may or may not have hurt himself or exaggerated his injuries in order to get out of the war, and, forty (emphasis on FORTY) years later, he is our Secretary of State. I see very little relevance between his actions during and post Vietnam War to his role as a Senator, former presidential candidate, or as Secretary of State. He had a conviction that the war is wrong, and that the people who participated were wrong. That's his opinion.
I think the main lesson here is that there are far, far more important things to debate and discuss in this forum, in my opinion, than John Kerry's "crimes". He went to war, didn't want to be there, may or may not have hurt himself or exaggerated his injuries in order to get out of the war, and, forty (emphasis on FORTY) years later, he is our Secretary of State. I see very little relevance between his actions during and post Vietnam War to his role as a Senator, former presidential candidate, or as Secretary of State. He had a conviction that the war is wrong, and that the people who participated were wrong. That's his opinion.

There is no glory in war and the scar and pain it leaves runs deep, never washed away. Kerry has and is entitled to his beliefs, however, there comes a time when one must make a stand and for those that fall, they are the only true hero's.
I think the main lesson here is that there are far, far more important things to debate and discuss in this forum, in my opinion, than John Kerry's "crimes". He went to war, didn't want to be there, may or may not have hurt himself or exaggerated his injuries in order to get out of the war, and, forty (emphasis on FORTY) years later, he is our Secretary of State. I see very little relevance between his actions during and post Vietnam War to his role as a Senator, former presidential candidate, or as Secretary of State. He had a conviction that the war is wrong, and that the people who participated were wrong. That's his opinion.

There is no glory in war and the scar and pain it leaves runs deep, never washed away. Kerry has and is entitled to his beliefs, however, there comes a time when one must make a stand and for those that fall, they are the only true hero's.

I don't think John Kerry is a hero, I just don't think he's a criminal for criticizing the war. He shouldn't be commended or disparaged. In fact, I see no reason to talk about someone like him at all. He's sort of an empty suit in my opinion.
Was watching a program where they were showing Kerry testifying before a Senate committee in the '70's where he called American troops war criminals and baby killers. The truth about Kerry was he was a gutless coward. The policy at the time he was in Viet Nam was that if you were awarded 3 Purple Hearts you got sent home. Kerry served a total of 120 days in country on a gunboat. He was awarded 3 Purple Hearts but did not spend 1 day in a field hospital. How is that possible? He was sent home, joined a group of veterans against the war, led protests and threw his medals over the fence at the Whitehouse. That made him enough of a hero to the commies in the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts to get him elected to the senate. Now the SOB is the Secretary of State. Great job America!

I used to say that if he had beaten Bush on 2000, we'd still be at the negotiating table with OBL.
FrankenKerry is one shaky character....never thought I'd miss the Hillderbeast
Opps what?

There were 3 million or so people killed DURING the Vietnam war by American military actions.

Was that an "opps"?

And 4.5 million were killed by their own Communist Government.
Is that an opps?

By Pol Pot.

Who was backed by Nixon.

Your numbers are off too..unless you think Nixon beats Hitler in people killin'

Nixon backed people he was bombing "illegally"?

I think the main lesson here is that there are far, far more important things to debate and discuss in this forum, in my opinion, than John Kerry's "crimes". He went to war, didn't want to be there, may or may not have hurt himself or exaggerated his injuries in order to get out of the war, and, forty (emphasis on FORTY) years later, he is our Secretary of State. I see very little relevance between his actions during and post Vietnam War to his role as a Senator, former presidential candidate, or as Secretary of State. He had a conviction that the war is wrong, and that the people who participated were wrong. That's his opinion.

I don't recall anyone accusing him of crimes or being treasonous. It's obvious you never served. 99.9% of those who went to Viet Nam served honorably. They came home and were spit on by the same ilk who are supporting him here. He came home with the intention of launching his political career by accusing the 99.9% of being war criminals. If you think there are more important things to debate then by all means go debate them. But those of us who remember what he did and consider it relevant. But not to worry. We got our revenge. It was the veterans vote that kept him from being president.
I think the main lesson here is that there are far, far more important things to debate and discuss in this forum, in my opinion, than John Kerry's "crimes". He went to war, didn't want to be there, may or may not have hurt himself or exaggerated his injuries in order to get out of the war, and, forty (emphasis on FORTY) years later, he is our Secretary of State. I see very little relevance between his actions during and post Vietnam War to his role as a Senator, former presidential candidate, or as Secretary of State. He had a conviction that the war is wrong, and that the people who participated were wrong. That's his opinion.

Bullshit. Kerry volunteered and pulled every string he could find in order to be part of the tiny percentage of Navy personnel (other than corpsmen) to be assigned combat duties in Vietnam. Then, having gotten what he must have wanted so badly, he promptly pulled every string in order to be allowed to abandon his crew and the duty he had volunteered for. I suspect he found out they were shooting real bullets.
I could care less about any convictions he might have had about the war. His willingness to defame his supposed "comrades in arms" with malicious lies and baseless slander for perceived political gain make him a well documented scumbag to anyone willing to actually look at his record.

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