John Kerry hit with ethics complaint.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Not only is he a huge hypocrite on the climate, he is a blatant liar as well.

Get a load of this whopper:

"15 million people are dying every single year around this planet as a consequence of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, in the air which travels around and drops in the form of pollution and is warming the ocean at record rates, changing the chemistry of the ocean itself," Kerry remarked on May 10 at the Department of Agriculture's AIM for Climate Summit.

And people wonder why thinking folks mock the MMGW hoax.
Not only is he a huge hypocrite on the climate, he is a blatant liar as well.

Get a load of this whopper:

"15 million people are dying every single year around this planet as a consequence of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, in the air which travels around and drops in the form of pollution and is warming the ocean at record rates, changing the chemistry of the ocean itself," Kerry remarked on May 10 at the Department of Agriculture's AIM for Climate Summit.

And people wonder why thinking folks mock the MMGW hoax.
If I only had a nickel for every time the left claimed expiration dates on the Earth, only for us to still be here. Talk about a cult.
No kidding. We should all be dead by now.
Latest science news: Some scientists are positing that Earth actually came into existence while being inside a black hole and that we are still inside that black hole along with a bunch of other stars, galaxies, and planets. So, now it looks like our only way to survive would be to spend enough money in order to get Earth out of the black hole without destroying us all.
Not only is he a huge hypocrite on the climate, he is a blatant liar as well.

Get a load of this whopper:

"15 million people are dying every single year around this planet as a consequence of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, in the air which travels around and drops in the form of pollution and is warming the ocean at record rates, changing the chemistry of the ocean itself," Kerry remarked on May 10 at the Department of Agriculture's AIM for Climate Summit.

And people wonder why thinking folks mock the MMGW hoax.
I was surprised that the Trump administration did not push for the outright elimination of the politically $aturated EPA. Two bureaucracies that could be defunded & then outright eliminated without any repercussions what so ever are the EPA & the BATF. The savings to the taxpayer would be colossal as the links below so well illustrate.

I was surprised that the Trump administration did not push for the outright elimination of the politically $aturated EPA. Two bureaucracies that could be defunded & then outright eliminated without any repercussions what so ever are the EPA & the BATF. The savings to the taxpayer would be colossal as the links below so well illustrate.

I could see trhe ATF, that should have gone away with prohibition, but there does need to be some environmental regulation

or greedy companies will pollute America to death.
Not only is he a huge hypocrite on the climate, he is a blatant liar as well.

Get a load of this whopper:

"15 million people are dying every single year around this planet as a consequence of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, in the air which travels around and drops in the form of pollution and is warming the ocean at record rates, changing the chemistry of the ocean itself," Kerry remarked on May 10 at the Department of Agriculture's AIM for Climate Summit.

And people wonder why thinking folks mock the MMGW hoax.

This is what the Department of Agriculture is doing in America? :omg:

Well, he is an "agenda contributor" for the enemy of the free world, the world economic forum. So that shouldn't be surprising he would lie, mislead and try to scare people into doing what he wants in the name of climate change.

I could see trhe ATF, that should have gone away with prohibition, but there does need to be some environmental regulation

or greedy companies will pollute America to death.
I agree with U Duke but I would favor the Coast Guard take over regarding off shore water issues, a federal interstate river commission to protect our river water quality & the states manage their own air/land & lake water quality. The current EPA is a perfect example of "absolute power corrupts absolutely", like a 12 BILLION dollar annual budget is an open door to corruption!!!
Latest science news: Some scientists are positing that Earth actually came into existence while being inside a black hole and that we are still inside that black hole along with a bunch of other stars, galaxies, and planets. So, now it looks like our only way to survive would be to spend enough money in order to get Earth out of the black hole without destroying us all.
What exists outside of the blackhole our earth, solar system & galaxy are in?
No, we only have four days left and we won't have to worry about it after that because five years ago it was predicted that 2/24/23 was the point of no return on CC.....Hey, one less thing so maybe Herman Munster can stay grounded and not clutter-up the atmosphere with his contrails.
No way, it's four days, 16 hrs., 2 minutes & 39 seconds!
What exists outside of the blackhole our earth, solar system & galaxy are in?
According to this new theory, there is a universe filled with stars. galaxies, planets, black holes, and some other things, just as we know it. Sometime in the past, a black hole swallowed a whole bunch of shit. Getting sucked into the black hole would not be a survivable event. But, it is theorized that once inside, all of this stuff is still galaxies, planets, etc and the theory goes that Earth was born while already inside the black hole and then us too. All seems normal to us, we just don't realize that we are actually inside a black hole. I made up the part that we would have to get out of it for posting purposes and laughs, to mock the left. We're probably safe inside until our sun blows up, taking us with it.
According to this new theory, there is a universe filled with stars. galaxies, planets, black holes, and some other things, just as we know it. Sometime in the past, a black hole swallowed a whole bunch of shit. Getting sucked into the black hole would not be a survivable event. But, it is theorized that once inside, all of this stuff is still galaxies, planets, etc and the theory goes that Earth was born while already inside the black hole and then us too. All seems normal to us, we just don't realize that we are actually inside a black hole. I made up the part that we would have to get out of it for posting purposes and laughs, to mock the left. We're probably safe inside until our sun blows up, taking us with it.
Naw, the enviro whackos will take us out 1st!
No way, it's four days, 16 hrs., 2 minutes & 39 seconds!
Shit, I was mistaken......We only have till tomorrow and it will be too late!



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