John Kelly is boasting that he "stopped" Trump from doing things...

You seem to think Korea would launch a conventional war with troops on the ground somewhere. That's just nuts. They have a few nuclear weapons, and they might launch them at anytime.
Disagree.....NK has the largest tank force in the world....we were always more aware of a winter attack happening when the ground at the border was frozen.
Bring 'em home put 'em on the borders.

Once agon you dredge up this juvenile argument. When are you going to grow up and realize that border enforcement is not a function of the modern US military?
Every other nation in the history of humanity has guarded its borders with its military. Why not ours?
Oh really? Ok, you made an assertion.....prove it now. Canada use their military at their border? the UK? Australia? New Zealand? Japan?
Bring 'em home put 'em on the borders.

Once agon you dredge up this juvenile argument. When are you going to grow up and realize that border enforcement is not a function of the modern US military?
Every other nation in the history of humanity has guarded its borders with its military. Why not ours?

Because our laws.
Which one.

This federal law limits what US troops deployed at the border can do
PHOENIX — The more than 5,200 active-duty troops being sent by President Donald Trump to the U.S.-Mexico border will be limited in what they can do under a federal law that restricts the military from engaging in law enforcement on American soil.

That means the troops will not be allowed to detain immigrants, seize drugs from smugglers or have any direct involvement in stopping a migrant caravan that is still about 1,000 miles from the nearest border crossing.
--------------------------- LAWS should be changed so as to be able to go after invaders in the act of invading . Seems to me that all of these laws were made as a conscious decision to hinder the USA in defending itself .
Because our laws.
Which one.

This federal law limits what US troops deployed at the border can do
PHOENIX — The more than 5,200 active-duty troops being sent by President Donald Trump to the U.S.-Mexico border will be limited in what they can do under a federal law that restricts the military from engaging in law enforcement on American soil.

That means the troops will not be allowed to detain immigrants, seize drugs from smugglers or have any direct involvement in stopping a migrant caravan that is still about 1,000 miles from the nearest border crossing.
They can stop invaders. Otherwise what good are they.
...they are NOT law enforcement, and can not do the duties of law enforcement.

Congress outlawed the practice of posse comitatus by enacting the Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) (as 20 Stat. 152) as a rider to the Army Appropriation Act for 1880. The act stated: "Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both."

Congressional debates indicate that the PCA was intended to stop army troops from answering the call of a marshal to perform direct law enforcement duties and aid in execution of the law. Further legislative history indicates that the more immediate objective was to put an end to the use of federal troops to police elections in ex-Confederate states where civil power had been reestablished.

Significantly, President Hayes vetoed the act because it "makes a vital change in the election laws of the country, which is in no way connected to the use of the Army." Congress overrode the veto. Accordingly, the willful use of the army or air force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws is a felony, unless the use is expressly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress.
It isn't law enforcements to prevent an invasion through our border. It's an act of war. It's what our armed forces are supposed to do. Protect and defend from all enemies domestic and abroad.
Last time we put military on the border, an American citizen was killed.
Once agon you dredge up this juvenile argument. When are you going to grow up and realize that border enforcement is not a function of the modern US military?
Every other nation in the history of humanity has guarded its borders with its military. Why not ours?

Because our laws.
Which one.

This federal law limits what US troops deployed at the border can do
PHOENIX — The more than 5,200 active-duty troops being sent by President Donald Trump to the U.S.-Mexico border will be limited in what they can do under a federal law that restricts the military from engaging in law enforcement on American soil.

That means the troops will not be allowed to detain immigrants, seize drugs from smugglers or have any direct involvement in stopping a migrant caravan that is still about 1,000 miles from the nearest border crossing.
--------------------------- LAWS should be changed so as to be able to go after invaders in the act of invading . Seems to me that all of these laws were made as a conscious decision to hinder the USA in defending itself .
Next up: "The Constitution isn't a suicide pact."
Kelly is not being PROFESSIONAL. White House officials have to be PROFESSIONAL.

and by the way...

Politicians need to be MORAL. or they are not THE MORAL LEADERS.

Trump is a politician whose MORAL. and his supporters are the moral leaders who are standing on the moral compass of God!
:71: Someone saying this Adminstration should be professional. :71:
Bring 'em home put 'em on the borders.

Once agon you dredge up this juvenile argument. When are you going to grow up and realize that border enforcement is not a function of the modern US military?
Every other nation in the history of humanity has guarded its borders with its military. Why not ours?
Oh really? Ok, you made an assertion.....prove it now. Canada use their military at their border? the UK? Australia? New Zealand? Japan?
--------------------------------- doesn't matter what those back water nations that you mention surrounded by oceans do do . But many eastern 'euro' countries use the military and barriers to keep invading muslim out Bode .
Trump wanted to withdraw troops from South Korea and NATO and John Kelly supposedly stopped him.

Well, good thing this guy's leaving because I agree with Trump.

Our involvement in South Korea and NATO should have ended years ago when Communism fell in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Why are we protecting Europe from a Russian invasion that will never come?

Keep in mind that Russia has a GNP roughly the size of Denmark and can not afford a war in Europe.

Also keep in mind that South Korea is a modern industrial nation that is more than a match for a weakened Communist North Korea that can't even keep the lights on at night.

Trump should appoint people who support his agenda and do what he wants to do.

John F. Kelly says his tenure as Trump's chief of staff is best measured by what the president did not do

Oh, so you know more than the generals.
Hmmm....where have I heard that before?
I bet you were all in when Mattis, Kelly, McMaster and Tillerson came on board.
I know you don't read probably anything besides this board, but the information Bob Woodward presented in "Fear" in regard to Mattis and Kelly has been proven to be SPOT ON.
Try literacy, it will change your life.
The generals, as you call them, are always going to push for more war because that's what generals do, it's in their self interest to have as much war as possible, in as many places as possible. If Presidents always listened to generals, we would be in war forever, and that's what's been happening for the last 17 years.

I understand why we invaded Afghanistan, we were pissed about 9/11, but in hindsight, we should have realized that no one ever wins in Afghanistan. It's called "the graveyard of Empires" for a reason. The following countries invaded Afghanistan and were defeated: ancient Greece, United Kingdom, USSR, and now USA.

I supported the invasion of Iraq because Saddam Hussein was a dangerous presence, unpredictable, having started two wars by invadining neighboring countries, and having used poison gas on the Kurds. He had to be dealt with, but it was appalling that the generals did not understand that a total destruction of Saddam's government and military would lead to rioting and civil war between the Shia and the Sunni.

Syria, I get we had to destroy ISIS because they are a genocidal group, but if Trump is right and ISIS is defeated, then the time is right to leavre Syria and let other countries deal with that endless civil war. Syria is not within our sphere of influence, never has been, and it is not worth even one American life to change that.
It's clear you know nothing about the military....never served, did you?
Bring 'em home put 'em on the borders.

Once agon you dredge up this juvenile argument. When are you going to grow up and realize that border enforcement is not a function of the modern US military?
Every other nation in the history of humanity has guarded its borders with its military. Why not ours?
Oh really? Ok, you made an assertion.....prove it now. Canada use their military at their border? the UK? Australia? New Zealand? Japan?
--------------------------------- doesn't matter what those back water nations that you mention surrounded by oceans do do . But many eastern 'euro' countries use the military and barriers to keep invading muslim out Bode .
Are you Blackrook? His sock? I'm asking him...he stated "every other nation" he needs to prove are not his white will not get laid.

Tho, I DID notice you have an admiration for Warsaw Pact nations.
and as a matter of fact 'australia' has an island or 2 where they banish some foreign invaders Bode .
Trump wanted to withdraw troops from South Korea and NATO and John Kelly supposedly stopped him.

Well, good thing this guy's leaving because I agree with Trump.

Our involvement in South Korea and NATO should have ended years ago when Communism fell in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Why are we protecting Europe from a Russian invasion that will never come?

Keep in mind that Russia has a GNP roughly the size of Denmark and can not afford a war in Europe.

Also keep in mind that South Korea is a modern industrial nation that is more than a match for a weakened Communist North Korea that can't even keep the lights on at night.

Trump should appoint people who support his agenda and do what he wants to do.

John F. Kelly says his tenure as Trump's chief of staff is best measured by what the president did not do

Oh, so you know more than the generals.
Hmmm....where have I heard that before?
I bet you were all in when Mattis, Kelly, McMaster and Tillerson came on board.
I know you don't read probably anything besides this board, but the information Bob Woodward presented in "Fear" in regard to Mattis and Kelly has been proven to be SPOT ON.
Try literacy, it will change your life.
The generals, as you call them, are always going to push for more war because that's what generals do, it's in their self interest to have as much war as possible, in as many places as possible. If Presidents always listened to generals, we would be in war forever, and that's what's been happening for the last 17 years.

I understand why we invaded Afghanistan, we were pissed about 9/11, but in hindsight, we should have realized that no one ever wins in Afghanistan. It's called "the graveyard of Empires" for a reason. The following countries invaded Afghanistan and were defeated: ancient Greece, United Kingdom, USSR, and now USA.

I supported the invasion of Iraq because Saddam Hussein was a dangerous presence, unpredictable, having started two wars by invadining neighboring countries, and having used poison gas on the Kurds. He had to be dealt with, but it was appalling that the generals did not understand that a total destruction of Saddam's government and military would lead to rioting and civil war between the Shia and the Sunni.

Syria, I get we had to destroy ISIS because they are a genocidal group, but if Trump is right and ISIS is defeated, then the time is right to leavre Syria and let other countries deal with that endless civil war. Syria is not within our sphere of influence, never has been, and it is not worth even one American life to change that.
It's clear you know nothing about the military....never served, did you?
I did serve, so you can go fuck yourself.
Trump wanted to withdraw troops from South Korea and NATO and John Kelly supposedly stopped him.

Well, good thing this guy's leaving because I agree with Trump.

Our involvement in South Korea and NATO should have ended years ago when Communism fell in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Why are we protecting Europe from a Russian invasion that will never come?

Keep in mind that Russia has a GNP roughly the size of Denmark and can not afford a war in Europe.

Also keep in mind that South Korea is a modern industrial nation that is more than a match for a weakened Communist North Korea that can't even keep the lights on at night.

Trump should appoint people who support his agenda and do what he wants to do.

John F. Kelly says his tenure as Trump's chief of staff is best measured by what the president did not do

Oh, so you know more than the generals.
Hmmm....where have I heard that before?
I bet you were all in when Mattis, Kelly, McMaster and Tillerson came on board.
I know you don't read probably anything besides this board, but the information Bob Woodward presented in "Fear" in regard to Mattis and Kelly has been proven to be SPOT ON.
Try literacy, it will change your life.
The generals, as you call them, are always going to push for more war because that's what generals do, it's in their self interest to have as much war as possible, in as many places as possible. If Presidents always listened to generals, we would be in war forever, and that's what's been happening for the last 17 years.

I understand why we invaded Afghanistan, we were pissed about 9/11, but in hindsight, we should have realized that no one ever wins in Afghanistan. It's called "the graveyard of Empires" for a reason. The following countries invaded Afghanistan and were defeated: ancient Greece, United Kingdom, USSR, and now USA.

I supported the invasion of Iraq because Saddam Hussein was a dangerous presence, unpredictable, having started two wars by invadining neighboring countries, and having used poison gas on the Kurds. He had to be dealt with, but it was appalling that the generals did not understand that a total destruction of Saddam's government and military would lead to rioting and civil war between the Shia and the Sunni.

Syria, I get we had to destroy ISIS because they are a genocidal group, but if Trump is right and ISIS is defeated, then the time is right to leavre Syria and let other countries deal with that endless civil war. Syria is not within our sphere of influence, never has been, and it is not worth even one American life to change that.
It's clear you know nothing about the military....never served, did you?
I did serve, so you can go fuck yourself.
No you didn' are fooling no one with your comments about generals wanting war.
Trump wanted to withdraw troops from South Korea and NATO and John Kelly supposedly stopped him.

Well, good thing this guy's leaving because I agree with Trump.

Our involvement in South Korea and NATO should have ended years ago when Communism fell in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Why are we protecting Europe from a Russian invasion that will never come?

Keep in mind that Russia has a GNP roughly the size of Denmark and can not afford a war in Europe.

Also keep in mind that South Korea is a modern industrial nation that is more than a match for a weakened Communist North Korea that can't even keep the lights on at night.

Trump should appoint people who support his agenda and do what he wants to do.

John F. Kelly says his tenure as Trump's chief of staff is best measured by what the president did not do

Oh, so you know more than the generals.
Hmmm....where have I heard that before?
I bet you were all in when Mattis, Kelly, McMaster and Tillerson came on board.
I know you don't read probably anything besides this board, but the information Bob Woodward presented in "Fear" in regard to Mattis and Kelly has been proven to be SPOT ON.
Try literacy, it will change your life.
The generals, as you call them, are always going to push for more war because that's what generals do, it's in their self interest to have as much war as possible, in as many places as possible. If Presidents always listened to generals, we would be in war forever, and that's what's been happening for the last 17 years.

I understand why we invaded Afghanistan, we were pissed about 9/11, but in hindsight, we should have realized that no one ever wins in Afghanistan. It's called "the graveyard of Empires" for a reason. The following countries invaded Afghanistan and were defeated: ancient Greece, United Kingdom, USSR, and now USA.

I supported the invasion of Iraq because Saddam Hussein was a dangerous presence, unpredictable, having started two wars by invadining neighboring countries, and having used poison gas on the Kurds. He had to be dealt with, but it was appalling that the generals did not understand that a total destruction of Saddam's government and military would lead to rioting and civil war between the Shia and the Sunni.

Syria, I get we had to destroy ISIS because they are a genocidal group, but if Trump is right and ISIS is defeated, then the time is right to leavre Syria and let other countries deal with that endless civil war. Syria is not within our sphere of influence, never has been, and it is not worth even one American life to change that.
It's clear you know nothing about the military....never served, did you?
I did serve, so you can go fuck yourself.
No you didn' are fooling no one with your comments about generals wanting war.
I did but there's no way to prove it to you obviously. But since you choose to call me a liar, I am putting you on ignore.
Oh, so you know more than the generals.
Hmmm....where have I heard that before?
I bet you were all in when Mattis, Kelly, McMaster and Tillerson came on board.
I know you don't read probably anything besides this board, but the information Bob Woodward presented in "Fear" in regard to Mattis and Kelly has been proven to be SPOT ON.
Try literacy, it will change your life.
The generals, as you call them, are always going to push for more war because that's what generals do, it's in their self interest to have as much war as possible, in as many places as possible. If Presidents always listened to generals, we would be in war forever, and that's what's been happening for the last 17 years.

I understand why we invaded Afghanistan, we were pissed about 9/11, but in hindsight, we should have realized that no one ever wins in Afghanistan. It's called "the graveyard of Empires" for a reason. The following countries invaded Afghanistan and were defeated: ancient Greece, United Kingdom, USSR, and now USA.

I supported the invasion of Iraq because Saddam Hussein was a dangerous presence, unpredictable, having started two wars by invadining neighboring countries, and having used poison gas on the Kurds. He had to be dealt with, but it was appalling that the generals did not understand that a total destruction of Saddam's government and military would lead to rioting and civil war between the Shia and the Sunni.

Syria, I get we had to destroy ISIS because they are a genocidal group, but if Trump is right and ISIS is defeated, then the time is right to leavre Syria and let other countries deal with that endless civil war. Syria is not within our sphere of influence, never has been, and it is not worth even one American life to change that.
It's clear you know nothing about the military....never served, did you?
I did serve, so you can go fuck yourself.
No you didn' are fooling no one with your comments about generals wanting war.
I did but there's no way to prove it to you obviously. But since you choose to call me a liar, I am putting you on ignore.
Anyone who goes with that idiotic stereotype that generals want war never served a day in their life.....unless you count your video games and war movies......Stolen Valor, eh?
Bring 'em home put 'em on the borders.

Once agon you dredge up this juvenile argument. When are you going to grow up and realize that border enforcement is not a function of the modern US military?
Every other nation in the history of humanity has guarded its borders with its military. Why not ours?

How about because we have a border patrol tasked to do that specific function? Our military is neither trained to defend our border, nor wants to take over that mission.
--------------------------------- Train them and then who cares what they want to do as I think that the all volunteer military forces are under the command of a civilian CiC and they do as they are ordered Admiral .
Bring 'em home put 'em on the borders.

Once agon you dredge up this juvenile argument. When are you going to grow up and realize that border enforcement is not a function of the modern US military?

Let us get this right, so we can’t build a wall, we can’t use the military, y’all want to do away with ICE, y’all want sanctuary cities to protect criminal illegals. Is that about right. Hell if the illegal criminals don’t have to worry about ever facing the consequences of their crimes, then why do we even need police protection, just let American criminals run around with no consequences too.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump wanted to withdraw troops from South Korea and NATO and John Kelly supposedly stopped him.

Well, good thing this guy's leaving because I agree with Trump.

Our involvement in South Korea and NATO should have ended years ago when Communism fell in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Why are we protecting Europe from a Russian invasion that will never come?

Keep in mind that Russia has a GNP roughly the size of Denmark and can not afford a war in Europe.

Also keep in mind that South Korea is a modern industrial nation that is more than a match for a weakened Communist North Korea that can't even keep the lights on at night.

Trump should appoint people who support his agenda and do what he wants to do.

John F. Kelly says his tenure as Trump's chief of staff is best measured by what the president did not do

Oh, so you know more than the generals.
Hmmm....where have I heard that before?
I bet you were all in when Mattis, Kelly, McMaster and Tillerson came on board.
I know you don't read probably anything besides this board, but the information Bob Woodward presented in "Fear" in regard to Mattis and Kelly has been proven to be SPOT ON.
Try literacy, it will change your life.
feck these 'generals' or taxpayer paid servants TRUMP is the man that commands the 'generals' '2020' .
Well that answers the question who the leaking seditious member of the team was....A General should know better...what a shame!!!
Bring 'em home put 'em on the borders.
Makes more sense than building a wall.

I wonder why all these politicians telling you walls don’t work , all have walls around their house, if they don’t work why do they have them.
You seam to be a loyal liberal could you explain why they have walls, aren’t they immoral, racist, and a waste of time and money.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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