John Durham Expands His Investigative Team as He Ramps Up Spygate Probe


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who fraudulently changed a document to deceive the FISA court, is predicted / suspected to be the 1st Conspirator indicted / charged.

Durham and his team are now reported to be focusing on the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) co-written by former FBI Counter-Intel expert Strzok and former CIA Director Brennan.

The DOJ IG report released in December confirmed former CIA Director John Brennan did indeed rely on the phony dossier for the ICA report on so-called Russian interference in the 2016 election. John Brennan committed perjury when he claimed in a May 2017 testimony under oath that Hillary’s phony dossier didn’t factor into the Intelligence Community’s Assessment report on Russian interference of the 2016 presidential election.

Former NSA Director James Clapper is also being looked at for his part in creating the ICA and final Intel Community Report (ICR) - also intentionally based on the Russian Intel Service (RIS) propaganda the FBI assessed was in the 'Dossier' - used to brief members of Congress to manipulate Congress into opening an official investigation of Donald Trump and appoint former FBI Director and mentor to FBI Director Comey as the Special Counsel for the investigation.

It's not the 1st time Clapper and Brennan have been caught committing perjury and illegally spying, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is certainly no stranger to FBI FISA Court Abuses.

John Durham will have finished his investigation a month before the election and it will be all over the news. It will be all BS.

How can you say it will all be BS.

It ius already a proven FACT that Clinesmith altered official government documents in order to help defraud / commit FISA Court Abuses. Your claim has already been debunked by factual evidence.
John Durham will have finished his investigation a month before the election and it will be all over the news. It will be all BS.
You know, it really does nullify your objections when you openly state that you don't care what the report reveals, that you're just not going to believe it. Congratulations, you're in the "fake news" zone, where you have to ignore reality to maintain your world view.
John Durham will have finished his investigation a month before the election and it will be all over the news. It will be all BS.

How can you say it will all be BS.

It ius already a proven FACT that Clinesmith altered official government documents in order to help defraud / commit FISA Court Abuses. Your claim has already been debunked by factual evidence.
There is a certain level of partisanship where reality simply no longer matters and inconvenient facts are simply ignored. That way, you don't have to expend energy actually analyzing things and developing arguments, you simply wave your magic wand and make the bad thoughts go away.
John Durham will have finished his investigation a month before the election and it will be all over the news. It will be all BS.

How can you say it will all be BS.

It ius already a proven FACT that Clinesmith altered official government documents in order to help defraud / commit FISA Court Abuses. Your claim has already been debunked by factual evidence.

Why no charges.... Are ye a fucking incompetent? Three years and we haven't seen a sworn testimony....

Why do ye do nothing except complain?
Barr and Durham were supposed to be finished by June, now its between June and September.
That means that any indictments and court cases will be tried well after the election, if then. WTF??
Barr and Durham were supposed to be finished by June, now its between June and September.
That means that any indictments and court cases will be tried well after the election, if then. WTF??

I will point out that if this was the gOP they would be screaming that this has to back behind the Election because it would influence peoples decisions...

Saying that No Problem... Lets see sworn statements...

The problem you got is that the Trump Guys thought they could lie to the FBI and get away with it... Small problem people went to jail for lying under oath...

I will point out that the state has 5 years to prosecute perjury... So even if Barr refuses to convict and Trump gets re-elected you are still up to the mercy of the gods for who is in charge in 5 years time...

Now let's get the sworn statements.... Who is next to goto jail for Trump?
John Durham will have finished his investigation a month before the election and it will be all over the news. It will be all BS.
Funny how you call something BS months before it is presented.

It is a fact documents were altered.

It is a fact the FBI lied to the FISA courts.

It is a fact Brennan and Clapper committed perjury.

You can deny these facts, but that won't change reality.
I will point out that if this was the gOP they would be screaming that this has to back behind the Election because it would influence peoples decisions...

...except as Barr just recently pointed out 'Crossfire Hurricane' and the investigation of Trump and his team were NEVER initiated on a legitimate basis, ZERO proof / evidence of a legitimate crime ever being committed. They were based on false narratives and Russian Intelligence Service propaganda, which the FBI KNEW!
Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who fraudulently changed a document to deceive the FISA court, is predicted / suspected to be the 1st Conspirator indicted / charged.

Durham and his team are now reported to be focusing on the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) co-written by former FBI Counter-Intel expert Strzok and former CIA Director Brennan.

The DOJ IG report released in December confirmed former CIA Director John Brennan did indeed rely on the phony dossier for the ICA report on so-called Russian interference in the 2016 election. John Brennan committed perjury when he claimed in a May 2017 testimony under oath that Hillary’s phony dossier didn’t factor into the Intelligence Community’s Assessment report on Russian interference of the 2016 presidential election.

Former NSA Director James Clapper is also being looked at for his part in creating the ICA and final Intel Community Report (ICR) - also intentionally based on the Russian Intel Service (RIS) propaganda the FBI assessed was in the 'Dossier' - used to brief members of Congress to manipulate Congress into opening an official investigation of Donald Trump and appoint former FBI Director and mentor to FBI Director Comey as the Special Counsel for the investigation.

It's not the 1st time Clapper and Brennan have been caught committing perjury and illegally spying, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is certainly no stranger to FBI FISA Court Abuses.


Do you think any jury would convict this man? You have to prove intent dipshit. You have to prove this guy did, did it on purpose, and did it for an illegal and corrupt intent. He was doing his fucking job, and the American people won't convict people for doing their jobs, just because the President is an asshole looking for revenge.

Barr tried for a year to get a Grand Jury to charge Andrew McCabe and no Grand Jury would indict him. Just because Trumpy Bear wants someone to pay for what he thinks was done to him, doesn't mean it's going to happen.
Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who fraudulently changed a document to deceive the FISA court, is predicted / suspected to be the 1st Conspirator indicted / charged.
Do you think any jury would convict this man?

ABSOLUTELY. Altering an official government document, hiding exculpatory evidence and putting false information on a FISA Court Warrant application, as Rosenstein briefed Congress under oath, is a CRIME, lil' snowflake....even when Democrats do it.
Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who fraudulently changed a document to deceive the FISA court, is predicted / suspected to be the 1st Conspirator indicted / charged.

Durham and his team are now reported to be focusing on the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) co-written by former FBI Counter-Intel expert Strzok and former CIA Director Brennan.

The DOJ IG report released in December confirmed former CIA Director John Brennan did indeed rely on the phony dossier for the ICA report on so-called Russian interference in the 2016 election. John Brennan committed perjury when he claimed in a May 2017 testimony under oath that Hillary’s phony dossier didn’t factor into the Intelligence Community’s Assessment report on Russian interference of the 2016 presidential election.

Former NSA Director James Clapper is also being looked at for his part in creating the ICA and final Intel Community Report (ICR) - also intentionally based on the Russian Intel Service (RIS) propaganda the FBI assessed was in the 'Dossier' - used to brief members of Congress to manipulate Congress into opening an official investigation of Donald Trump and appoint former FBI Director and mentor to FBI Director Comey as the Special Counsel for the investigation.

It's not the 1st time Clapper and Brennan have been caught committing perjury and illegally spying, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is certainly no stranger to FBI FISA Court Abuses.


Do you think any jury would convict this man? You have to prove intent dipshit. You have to prove this guy did, did it on purpose, and did it for an illegal and corrupt intent. He was doing his fucking job, and the American people won't convict people for doing their jobs, just because the President is an asshole looking for revenge.

Barr tried for a year to get a Grand Jury to charge Andrew McCabe and no Grand Jury would indict him. Just because Trumpy Bear wants someone to pay for what he thinks was done to him, doesn't mean it's going to happen.
How does one accidentally alter a document?
Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who fraudulently changed a document to deceive the FISA court, is predicted / suspected to be the 1st Conspirator indicted / charged.

Durham and his team are now reported to be focusing on the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) co-written by former FBI Counter-Intel expert Strzok and former CIA Director Brennan.

The DOJ IG report released in December confirmed former CIA Director John Brennan did indeed rely on the phony dossier for the ICA report on so-called Russian interference in the 2016 election. John Brennan committed perjury when he claimed in a May 2017 testimony under oath that Hillary’s phony dossier didn’t factor into the Intelligence Community’s Assessment report on Russian interference of the 2016 presidential election.

Former NSA Director James Clapper is also being looked at for his part in creating the ICA and final Intel Community Report (ICR) - also intentionally based on the Russian Intel Service (RIS) propaganda the FBI assessed was in the 'Dossier' - used to brief members of Congress to manipulate Congress into opening an official investigation of Donald Trump and appoint former FBI Director and mentor to FBI Director Comey as the Special Counsel for the investigation.

It's not the 1st time Clapper and Brennan have been caught committing perjury and illegally spying, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is certainly no stranger to FBI FISA Court Abuses.


Do you think any jury would convict this man? You have to prove intent dipshit. You have to prove this guy did, did it on purpose, and did it for an illegal and corrupt intent. He was doing his fucking job, and the American people won't convict people for doing their jobs, just because the President is an asshole looking for revenge.

Barr tried for a year to get a Grand Jury to charge Andrew McCabe and no Grand Jury would indict him. Just because Trumpy Bear wants someone to pay for what he thinks was done to him, doesn't mean it's going to happen.
Despite what the Democrats say, a jury is supposed to decide GUILT, NOT "INTENT"...

Otherwise, a defendant could claim "Your Honor, I didn't INTEND to go 115mph through a school zone!!! I just wasn't paying attention!!!"
Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who fraudulently changed a document to deceive the FISA court, is predicted / suspected to be the 1st Conspirator indicted / charged.
Do you think any jury would convict this man?

ABSOLUTELY. Altering an official government document, hiding exculpatory evidence and putting false information on a FISA Court Warrant application, as Rosenstein briefed Congress under oath, is a CRIME, lil' snowflake....even when Democrats do it.
Clinesmith, a low level lawyer no one ever heard of before, is going to be the biggest fish this expedition is going to catch.
Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who fraudulently changed a document to deceive the FISA court, is predicted / suspected to be the 1st Conspirator indicted / charged.

Durham and his team are now reported to be focusing on the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) co-written by former FBI Counter-Intel expert Strzok and former CIA Director Brennan.

The DOJ IG report released in December confirmed former CIA Director John Brennan did indeed rely on the phony dossier for the ICA report on so-called Russian interference in the 2016 election. John Brennan committed perjury when he claimed in a May 2017 testimony under oath that Hillary’s phony dossier didn’t factor into the Intelligence Community’s Assessment report on Russian interference of the 2016 presidential election.

Former NSA Director James Clapper is also being looked at for his part in creating the ICA and final Intel Community Report (ICR) - also intentionally based on the Russian Intel Service (RIS) propaganda the FBI assessed was in the 'Dossier' - used to brief members of Congress to manipulate Congress into opening an official investigation of Donald Trump and appoint former FBI Director and mentor to FBI Director Comey as the Special Counsel for the investigation.

It's not the 1st time Clapper and Brennan have been caught committing perjury and illegally spying, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is certainly no stranger to FBI FISA Court Abuses.


Do you think any jury would convict this man? You have to prove intent dipshit. You have to prove this guy did, did it on purpose, and did it for an illegal and corrupt intent. He was doing his fucking job, and the American people won't convict people for doing their jobs, just because the President is an asshole looking for revenge.

Barr tried for a year to get a Grand Jury to charge Andrew McCabe and no Grand Jury would indict him. Just because Trumpy Bear wants someone to pay for what he thinks was done to him, doesn't mean it's going to happen.
Despite what the Democrats say, a jury is supposed to decide GUILT, NOT "INTENT"...

Otherwise, a defendant could claim "Your Honor, I didn't INTEND to go 115mph through a school zone!!! I just wasn't paying attention!!!"

Guilt is often dependent on intent.

take perjury. Saying something untrue while under oath isn’t a crime. Saying something untrue while under oath intentionally is perjury.
Barr and Durham were supposed to be finished by June, now its between June and September.
That means that any indictments and court cases will be tried well after the election, if then. WTF??
Hmmm, maybe if the democrats had taken the same approach to impeaching Trump, they would have seemed more like they really were more interested in justice than petty partisanship.
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Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who fraudulently changed a document to deceive the FISA court, is predicted / suspected to be the 1st Conspirator indicted / charged.

Durham and his team are now reported to be focusing on the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) co-written by former FBI Counter-Intel expert Strzok and former CIA Director Brennan.

The DOJ IG report released in December confirmed former CIA Director John Brennan did indeed rely on the phony dossier for the ICA report on so-called Russian interference in the 2016 election. John Brennan committed perjury when he claimed in a May 2017 testimony under oath that Hillary’s phony dossier didn’t factor into the Intelligence Community’s Assessment report on Russian interference of the 2016 presidential election.

Former NSA Director James Clapper is also being looked at for his part in creating the ICA and final Intel Community Report (ICR) - also intentionally based on the Russian Intel Service (RIS) propaganda the FBI assessed was in the 'Dossier' - used to brief members of Congress to manipulate Congress into opening an official investigation of Donald Trump and appoint former FBI Director and mentor to FBI Director Comey as the Special Counsel for the investigation.

It's not the 1st time Clapper and Brennan have been caught committing perjury and illegally spying, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is certainly no stranger to FBI FISA Court Abuses.


Do you think any jury would convict this man? You have to prove intent dipshit. You have to prove this guy did, did it on purpose, and did it for an illegal and corrupt intent. He was doing his fucking job, and the American people won't convict people for doing their jobs, just because the President is an asshole looking for revenge.

Barr tried for a year to get a Grand Jury to charge Andrew McCabe and no Grand Jury would indict him. Just because Trumpy Bear wants someone to pay for what he thinks was done to him, doesn't mean it's going to happen.

Stupidest post I have read in a long time. EVERYBODY, even Fredo on CNN, even Don Lemon---knows what Kevin Clinesmith did, and they all know if it was anything---it was INTENTIONAL. Read that part of the the Horowitz Report that deals with Clinesmith.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who fraudulently changed a document to deceive the FISA court, is predicted / suspected to be the 1st Conspirator indicted / charged.

Durham and his team are now reported to be focusing on the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) co-written by former FBI Counter-Intel expert Strzok and former CIA Director Brennan.

The DOJ IG report released in December confirmed former CIA Director John Brennan did indeed rely on the phony dossier for the ICA report on so-called Russian interference in the 2016 election. John Brennan committed perjury when he claimed in a May 2017 testimony under oath that Hillary’s phony dossier didn’t factor into the Intelligence Community’s Assessment report on Russian interference of the 2016 presidential election.

Former NSA Director James Clapper is also being looked at for his part in creating the ICA and final Intel Community Report (ICR) - also intentionally based on the Russian Intel Service (RIS) propaganda the FBI assessed was in the 'Dossier' - used to brief members of Congress to manipulate Congress into opening an official investigation of Donald Trump and appoint former FBI Director and mentor to FBI Director Comey as the Special Counsel for the investigation.

It's not the 1st time Clapper and Brennan have been caught committing perjury and illegally spying, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is certainly no stranger to FBI FISA Court Abuses.


Do you think any jury would convict this man? You have to prove intent dipshit. You have to prove this guy did, did it on purpose, and did it for an illegal and corrupt intent. He was doing his fucking job, and the American people won't convict people for doing their jobs, just because the President is an asshole looking for revenge.

Barr tried for a year to get a Grand Jury to charge Andrew McCabe and no Grand Jury would indict him. Just because Trumpy Bear wants someone to pay for what he thinks was done to him, doesn't mean it's going to happen.
How does one accidentally alter a document?

Here's a clue for you. If what did was an indictable offence, why wasn't he charged when the IG's Report of this first came out? Why hasn't he been charged before now?

You fools have been screaming "hoax" for the past three years, and you're right. There is a hoax investigation and this is it. YOU CANNOT ARREST AND JAIL PEOPLE FOR DOING THEIR JOBS AS ASSIGNED.

You fools keep going after the Democrats, and demanding that criminal Republicans go free. Trumpland is an upside down world.

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